What a shame

What a shame.

Other urls found in this thread:



This is what happens when you have known intelligence agents on your payroll, and you support SJW causes. Oh, and they have been known to purposefully leave vulnerabilities unfixed, so you really can't trust them. I know there are some anons on here that want to fellate the whole project but they are simply not being objective. I read an article the other day where a guy in Kansas got busted selling guns on Tor. Seems like it was his fault, anything but Tor being an insecure platform, you know what I mean? After a while I just get tired of hearing that defense, "well that guy used it wrong!" ... or maybe the design is flawed. Next, "well if you are so smart..." stfu dumbfucks, I have already made suggestions and they get ignored. Anyway, do what you want, I just felt like saying that here we go again, another Apology for Tor thread.

cointel operations are back

please stop namefagging




you dont need a source to shitpost

What a sham.


I just wanted to read the rest of the article don't be a nigger

inferior Tor scum \:^)


Surely even Holla Forums isn't retarded enough to think something made by the US government and given to the public didn't have backdoors to begin with?

Never, ever understood why this protocol/software gets a pass concerning where it came from.

Maybe because it's open source?


Also, the US military need Tor to provide actual anonymity for their operations. Why would they put a backdoor in the software that they themselves use for security?

I always wondered, is the i2p guy's head supposed to be a meth pipe?

what could possibly go wrong?

If the backdoors are obscure enough, then it's defacto only available for them. And if they are the only ones who know about it, then they pretty much don't have to worry at all about other people finding it.

not really disagreeing with you, just a little devil's advocate here

Because these communities have shown time and again that open sores = actually know anything, right?

Because obviously the US military don't have any other method and provided this to the world because they're such upstanding blokes right?

For state department and CIA it provides plausible deniability, state department especially likes it because dissidents. Assets and agents get to hide in everyone elses communications.
You are a fucking retard who has no idea what you're talking about.

t. retard who has no idea what he is talking about.

maybe they have their own version of tor?

Patches are possible,
The exploit could be something that automatically downloads blobs after running it like the (open sores) chromium startup botnet downloading sound recording blob.
It could be device specific say for example since US military still use a custom exclusive enhanced version windows XP when normies or linuxfags download the infected tor browser and run it - it will identify the architecture and OS then decide whether to download the blob or not. Of course the XP fags won't get the backdoor. - something like that.
Either way I don't recommend TOR right now and never would. Firefox itself is fishy then same goes for TOR, I'd seen a lot of terrible firefox anonymity-issues sloppyly fixed on TOR's git and it just means TOR being based on firecuckSJW is incompetent enough.