The Real Reason Hillary Clinton Loss The Election

As an independent, I voted for Trump because I don't trust Hillary. However there are plenty of reasons why she loss and I'm gonna point it out…

Most men don't like the idea of a woman president. So of course we were going to vote for Trump.
This has been proven.
No doubt about it.
I rather have a hot porn star like Mary Carey as president.
Bill Clinton is the greatest president of all time.
I prefer Bernie Sanders over her for president. The least she could have done is have Bernie as her VP.

Anyways we just saved America from disaster.

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It's not that long retard.

Elizabeth Warren would be a great president

Teddy Roosevelt would like to have a word with you

Cuck me once, shame on me, cuck me twice, shame on you

Not at all.


I understand you were 4 when this happened.

She's no Mary Carey.

I don't give a shit about a president I wasn't alive for.

Says the faggot who would choose Elizabeth Warren over Mary Carey. You truly are a dumbass.

False. Bill Clinton saved the economy, unlike Bush.

Retarded cuck.

Ah, it's gonna be one of these threads. See ya later kiddo, enjoy your chicken tendies.

People who hate on Bill Clinton, hate the fact he got a blow job in office. He still did good for this country. Scandals? All you mean the sex scandals? The very thing Trump is getting accused of right now? Move on hypocrite.


child detected

Being accused of something doesn't mean you did it. Clinton has proven sex-scandals.

It's no coincident that all these accusations against Trump only came out AFTER he started running for office.

shill nigger jew leftist liberal feminist cuck SJW butthurt mudslime mexican faggot alert!!!

As if anyone actually doesn't want Clinton because she's a woman. If a woman had the same policies as Trump- she would have won.

Americans aren't the brighest people anymore. It's what makes them dangerous because the cofidence is the same. It's even higher. People with more confidence than abilities. It reminds you of Holla Forums. You can't reason with them.

Don't measure intelligence by education rates.

Measure it by mean IQ- and categorize by race.

It's not stupid to have religious virtue.

idiot detected

Doesn't matter, you're still a hypocrite. Making excuses doesn't change the fact that there are women accusing him of rape. I'm pretty sure they don't want to be sued by Trump for slander. As for Clinton, he was never proven guilty of rape. But he did admit to getting a blow job from Monica Lewinski, still not rape.

Micro-penis racist sexist homophobic cucked-to-hell white boy confirmed.


mostly true

She would have loss by even more electoral votes if she was a man.

And as always Barth is right. -Barth2032

Not really user. Too many anti-SJW's outweigh the SJW's in votes. Trump was the ultimate anti-SJW president that we needed. Women have no place in being president. We voted against Hillary during 2008. We almost succeeded in voting against Hillary in 2016's presidential primaries. And we made damn sure she would lose to Trump.


You're right. Too many idiots voted for Bush over McCain during the primaries in 2000. Too many idiots voted for Hillary over Bernie during the primaries. There's too many idiots voting from both sides of the political spectrum.


I doubt that. There are plenty of anti-SJW's who would have voted for a man from the Democratic party.

It's true, there's no disputing it. Bill Clinton is the greatest since JFK.

Most men don't like the idea of a woman president.

wrong. Most men don't care

Bill Clinton was an awesome president.

False. Most men don't want a woman president and that's been proven twice. Once during the primaries in 2008 where Obama defeated Hillary. Then in 2016, Bernie won state, after state, after state during the primaries but was ultimately defeated by Hillary, which caused many male Bernie supporters to vote for Trump out of revenge against Hillary.

Indeed he was.

The sad thing is, you probably actually believe this.

False. There are many white men who voted against her because she's a woman. The only men who actually voted for Hillary are black men.

begging the question

First, that's nowhere near true. See the exit polls. Second, if it was true it would prove nothing about the reasons for not voting Hillary. Third, you are either moving the goalposts to "no white men" or changing your argument entirely to "all white male voters are sexist"


He has severe ADHD or a newfag trying to fit in

You can make all the excuses you want, but the fact is the majority of men voted against Hillary because she's a woman. Obama and Trump proved that.



Nothing in the entire election proves what you claim. Worse, you're referring to data that not only does not but can not prove it.

The sad thing is, it's probably true.

stop begging the question retard

False. If it wasn't true, then Hillary would have defeated Obama in 2008 and she would have defeated Bernie with ease in the primaries, and she definitely would have defeated Trump if her gender wasn't an issue. Men were a huge factor in her loss. At least I can accept the truth that sexism played a part. I was one of the people who voted for Trump.

That's because it is true.

meanwhile he said he believed in trans peoples rights and got 33% of the latino vote and 10% of the black vote. He also looks to appoint men women in the cabinet. Keep watching the clinton news network (cnn) faggot.

(third time) begging the question


moving the goalpost


You can deny it all you want, but you know as well as I do that no Trump supporting white man like myself wants Hillary for president because of her gender. Admit the truth user and it will set you free.

Let's set aside 2016 entirely for a moment. Do you have any actual data to support the above belief? Any at all? A survey of voters listing gender as their reason for voting for Obama in the 2008 primaries? Strong evidence that voters who were not told the gender of the candidates voted differently? A (recent) historical male voter bias against female politicians running on the same platform in the same environment with the same qualifications? Anything?

Sorry, but you've confused "truthy" with "truthful". "Truthy" is something that you feel makes sense. Like the idea that bitter medicine is more likely to cure you, or that night air can kill you. It's not factual without scientific evidence.


It isn't a "fake tweet". I actually took that screen shot the day he said it. I think he was trying to lose the election on purpose, but people weren't budging.

There's no survey. But I remember seeing people talk about Hillary in a very negative way. Calling her a cunt and a bitch that shouldn't run for president. Or that her place is in the kitchen, not the oval office. I've seen these kinds of comments in message boards, facebook and youtube. That's what I'm basing this on.

False. Truthy isn't even a word. I'm basing this on the fact of what I've seen people say about Hillary Clinton. It's no coincidence that sexism played a big part in her losing.

a majority of white women voted for trump. did they think themselves inapt for office because of their gender? no they didn't.
because a higher proportion of women than of men vote in america, in absolute terms, more votes for trump were cast by women than by men.
Your view that gender was a deciding factor is challenged by these facts. explain yourself, cutie.

Let me get this straight. You EXPOCT US X-DDD to believe you screen capped the explicitly racist/sexist/homophobic tweet of a major party candidate for president of the united stated of america less than a week from the election… and not only did no major news network pick up on this… but you also saw it before it had 10 likes?

seems legit

False. Back in 2008 I've seen the same kind of sexism anti-SJW's had for Hillary, do the same to Sarah Palin when McCain ran for president. She was the most hated VP running mate in the history of politics. Just like Hillary is the most hated presidential candidate. It comes to gender, no matter what political side you're on. I voted for McCain in 2008, I had nothing against Sarah Palin, I find her to be very sexy.

Considering the fact that Trump already makes himself look bad, I don't think the media was too focused on twitter when they had Trump's very own words. Unless of course he deleted his tweet before it gained attention, though I don't focus on whether or not he deleted his tweet because I honestly didn't care at the time.

Oh, you have anecdotes. Well if that isn't solid proof I don't know what is.

So let me get this straight… You base this on anecdotal evidence that you can't prove and you have no proof that most men voted against hillary because female.
people call people names in elections. So what? People didn't label and call Trump retarded, racist, homophobic, etc? Nice double standard faggot, kys.

Trump has only raped one woman.

It would only be a double standard if he were claiming the name-calling against Trump was not related to the reason people voted against him.

thanks for the anecdote. it made me giggle. do you actually have an argument to defend, bro? i mean, the stats are there to support every word of this post and what you saw 'back in 2008' isn't really pertinent.
how do you resolve the conflict between more women than men voting for trump and your assertion that her gender excluded clinton? you can't. now turn round, bend over and grit your teeth. it's the only way out of where you are.

So wrong it's funny.
Top five Presidents are always:
Prove me wrong.

It's because he spoke to the lower 50% of the population (middle class or lower whites) and the upper 90% (rich folk). He also appealed to white folks in general, which make up 70% of our population, and called out some shit that needed calling out (media, for instance, which allowed his cult of "personality" to blossom).

Trump is also a liar, corrupt, fat and ugly, not Bill Clinton, and didn't pick a good VP (he picked assassination insurance is what he did).

If he gets term limits for congress/senators (or whatever it is) through I will suck his dick myself. That's literally the only part of his plan that I'm hype for.

Only notable for being the first, really. From what I hear he wasn't spectacular, but wasn't terrible either. And also set the standard for two terms.

What solid proof?

False. The proof is everywhere, including on this message board were a lot of people have named called Hillary lots of sexist things. At least I can admit I was one of those people who called her a lying cunt who belongs in the kitchen. I never denied that Trump was called racist, homophobic, retarded, etc. But it's not relevant because he didn't lose over the stuff he said. People turned a blind eye to what he said and voted for him because they felt he wasn't corrupt. But no "double standard" here, retard. kys

False. Just look at how people voted against McCain because of Sarah Palin. Even Republican voters themselves turned against their own party in favor of voting for Obama. Just ask Collin Powell. Sarah Palin was hated on, made fun of, called every sexist thing you can think of by both anti-SJW's and SJW's. You're not winning any arguments here. It's clear that men don't want women in office.

1) We weren't alive for 4 of those presidents, so they don't count.
2) I wasn't alive for JFK, so he doesn't count either.
3) Bill Clinton made this country great again. Al Gore would have done the same and continued where Bill left off, but unfortunately the electoral votes were in Bush's favor, despite Al Gore having the popular vote.

Very well said.

* He raped more than one woman.

Abe Lincoln (kia)
Jim Garfield (kia)
Bill McKinley (kia)
JFK (kia)
Dick Nixon
Geedubya Bush


George W Bush is the worst president of all time.

well provide some stats to back this up. i'm not interested in shitflinging, to borrow your phrase. what evidence have you to show that palin's problem was her gender? it's also worth noting that many republicans refused to back trump (who by all accounts is a man).

*so far

you don't say.
the top 4 were all assassinated

one of those monocellular nano-machines currently under development will soon be able transport your sense of humour, your sense of nuance - in fact, your entire value to humanity, multiplied by 10, far into the ether and beyond. what a relief it will be. i must stock up on popcorn.

Damn straight. Trump might be a little off-color, but Pence is flat-out fucking insane. If Trump gets impeached/assassinated, then it really will be the Religious Reich.

If he gets term limits for congress, he can fuck my ass for seven days straight and fill my colon with semen.

Trump is the Negotiator. He'd probably settle for less.
Why not click on the CockPump banner ad on the catalogue page and become a goldstar member of Racequeen's cucklist? Jim will tongue your anus for a like on youtube.

Term limits or no deal.

Have you ever saw somebody grasp for something so hard you thought they were literally retarded?

idem the supreme court
fuck those coprolites. an age limit or a fixed term, then straight into formaldehyde. young up! Shkreli for heathcare reform and Hitler for the Jewish problem. live your dreams or die a kike.

frankly, no.

The world does not revolve around you. Bill Clinton was also a very average president and is mostly notable for getting his dick sucked in the white house.

well, that's not too bad as a legacy. i wish someone would suck my dick in the oval office and rest assured someone will suck the_donald's dick in that very same room.

Watch the video.

Funny thing is, Sarah Palin was a lot like Trump 8 years ago. I don't understand how the Republican party could vote against their own party in favor of Obama that year. The only thing that makes sense is that they don't want Sarah anywhere near the presidency because she's a woman.

True. We have yet to see how bad Trump will be.

Just because they were assassinated, doesn't make them great. If Obama or Bush were assassinated, would you consider them great? Of course not.

I never said it did. But we weren't alive for those presidents, so they don't count because you either have to be as old as this country or immortal to consider them great. So my guess is that you're a retarded…er…retired delusional senior citizen who were alive or thinks he was alive for all four assassinated presidents you mentioned.

Also there's nothing wrong with Bill Clinton getting his dick sucked. If he were such an average president, he wouldn't have won twice.

Trump and Sarah Palin were so similar, I don't know how McCain could have loss in 2008. McCain was so moderate and Palin was so truthful. Libtards hated that. Sexism definitely played a role.

is wringing dry every possibility of pleasure on offer in this tawdry world. now lighten up. this is a chan ib, not an extension of tumblr. it's fucking Holla Forums, you half-brain. give us all a break from your repetitive and boring diatribe. jump off a cliff and maga.

As an independent, why didn't you vote independent? Stein would have been infinitely better by both republicunt and democuckick standards.

BTW the american electoral system is not democratic, in case you hadn't figured that out yet

oh, and nice hitler dubs

How about you take that half-baked comment and shove it up your ass, then go kys.

Good point.

saying what you really think is not truthful if what you think is complete bullshit. Palin is an idiot. She says what she thinks, but what she thinks makes no sense.

you mean the poart about the dubs, right?
That's what i'm most proud of.

check em

If irony was badly wounded by Kissinger's Nobel peace prize, you just finished it off. Were you educated by woodland creatures? Can you distinguish turd from chocolate without eating some of each in a controlled environment?

Nah, not even the Republican party will let him do what he wants

nice find

If what she says is bullshit, then obviously you're not listening to what she said. You're too brainwashed by the lame stream media.

You mist be baiting because no one is actually this retarded. I doubt you even remember the Clinton precidency as you were probably in diapers or are in your 40s. Neither of which are good since we're on fucking Holla Forums, gramps.

I can see the puppet strings attached to you. The media wants you to think what she says is bullshit and they want you to think she's an idiot. But in reality she's the complete opposite of what the media portrays her as. But if you truly feel that way about her, than you should feel the same way with Trump.


No. I'm just making a point. Not every assassination nor attempted assassination makes anybody a great president. That's like saying a white girl's pussy taste better than a black girl's pussy. They both taste the same, they're just different in color. Also anyone can distinguish the difference from chocolate and a turd, due to smell. Not that I would eat chocolate anyways because vanilla taste way better.

The Republican Party is the Religious Reich.

Exactly. Thank you!!!

Actually I was 10 when Bill Clinton won the presidency. I'm now 34. I have no kids and I'm way too young looking to be a grandpa. Anyways you're the only one retarded here because you said "you mist be baiting". How does one mist baiting? Do you mean masturbating? I don't follow. You also misspelled "Presidency". Go back to high school, drop out.

Kill yourself if you actually believe this. I don't mean this in an ironic way, I mean actually end your life.

Warren is a shitlicker but I agree with Teddy being based as fuck.

Again, suicide now, OP.

This tbh. Jefferson should go over Jackson though.

Jesus Christ man, I'm only 19 and I already have a kid on the way.
OP, I know you're trying (very poorly) to be snarky but please use what's left of your leftist controlled brain to look down at your keyboard and attempt to tell me what keys are directly adjacent to the U key.

Go kill yourself you autist.

You done fucked up your life. Go kill yourself newfag.

Knock it off guys. Grow up, be a man & be mature. Acting like kids is pathetic.

🏇 Voter Suppression including new ID requirements and polling place reductions
🏇 Email hype
🏇 Lack of policy coverage
🏇 Horse race coverage

>Bill Clinton is the greatest president of all time.

You're right. I'm above this. These guys are just pathetic.
