The Jews are continue their attack on anime

Now they're taking the worst weebs the one's that everyone on /a/ hates and they're trying to smear all of us.

Do the Jews not know who they're messing with?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews despise anime because its the only medium not completely saturated with kike subversion. Plus they have know souls so they can't appreciate anything of any decency or goodness.

This, the fact that there are barely any anime with niggers in them is already proof enough.


What does traps have to do with it?

Third image

Ahh that was just a random image that I saved from the MAGA dump.

I couldn't even tell that it was a Trap.

Yes because i have never, ever seen any degeneracy in Anime. You bell end.

Back to the cuckshed, limey

They're not wrong. Anime faggots BTFO

The difference is that in animu degeneracy isn't there to push an agenda.

It's either played off as a joke or because Japs are perverted, it's never there to advocate or push anything.

Is that how you justify wanking to little cartoon boys? It's one big elaborate joke.


Nah man Shota is for pedophile faggots.

Also fuck off [email protected]/* */ shill after (((Jay Michaelson))) it's all over for you fucks.

You lost


Kikes are pissed there's an art style and a medium beyond their control. (((They))) want to control eroticism and male fantasy in order to control sexuality. All to command people and society. Free market rules still apply to anime and manga, the bogus almost meaningless mosaic laws be damned.



Getting nigger cocks up your butt is A okay, but a man enjoying some anime titties? Unthinkable.

Now they're running damage control because they cant stand one jew being wrong.

so rev up those shoops and call kikes retarded because they're making war against something they cant control.

where is the damage control? it looks like all this video is about is anime fans being autistic which they arent wrong

This video opens with the owner of the store wearing a Sonic hat. BBC is trying to link autism to manga when it's in reality linked to Sonic.

So all of Japan is autistic?
Every video I see of Japan looks like this store
this is where it started
the leftists started to shit on anime because of maga shoops.

3 days later BBC does a piece on manga.

Check the timing for this, its pretty much standard procedure to take a day or so to research the subject.

I think this is just a pure coincidence. The video itself wasn't even offensive at all even if the title seems like a strike at Chinese cartoons. Besides, they aren't even wrong. Assburger and proud.

its not, check this shit out.

Autistic but free from Jewish cultural rot.

Japan's biggest problem is it's birth rate rather than ethnic displacement or cultural self hating.

They really need a program to give lonely Japanese men 3d waifus

Who wants to hijack the trending #worldrefugeeday hashtag?

Get in here!

Also, 4chan thread


They don't want waifus. It's too 面倒くさい


Lots of hentai has the whole nigger rape orgy fantasy shit in it though, it's mostly made by cucks and jews.

Autism is a terrible terrible thing.



Lies maybe 1 percent of the doujins on Panda have niggers.

Japanese cuck porn is called NTR and it's almost almost about a Jap cucking a Jap. It's only a little less repulsive than western cuck porn.

I see it on the 4cuck hentai boards all the time, there are constantly people requesting bbc threads there.

They have to look hard to find it, its 4cuck you're talking about.

That's a gross over-estimation. It's more like 0.001%. I think I've seen exactly one nigger muh-diking in hentai, ever. I've literally seen 2D girls getting fucked my insects more often than nogs.



Why are you on 4cuck hentai boards all the time?

because he's shilling and needs to establish a sort of seniority, such as:

Are almost always bullshit

I don't use 4cuck for anything other than content boards, as in ones where people just post pics as opposed to spouting autistic opinions.

Well that's your problem

Who the fuck goes on /h/ rather than just go straight to the Panda?

Autism was a mistake, nothing but trash.

More plump 2d butts please

Because I prefer stills like pic related as opposed to watching other fictional characters have sex.

Are you sure you can handle it?


Then why are you posting something straight out of a CG set?

butt is degenerate

that's why i only save pictures for cute

some of these cute have butt


What could anyone have against butts?

what are you doing

How am I a fag for not wanting to get cucked by fictional characters?

Stills are much nicer because you have to use your imagination and pretend she's your beloved waifu which is much healthier and enjoyable than watching some anime character rape the shit out of some pure qt.

I also just hate seeing anime dicks and semen, that always ruins the pictures for me, like for example, that's disgusting.

I just got most of these images off /e/ and /c/

OP, I need a sauce in the third image, the before/after one.

For reasons.


Autism produced this masterpiece

Look what normalfags have done to society. They completely ruined it, made it ugly, regurgitated it, and filled it with brown animal men.


how ridiculous is this statement

the jews got me watching neon genesis evangelion

great show. realized my favorite anime Eureka 7 was a rip off

Also, I would use such boards here but outside of Holla Forums Holla Forums is a fucking desolate wasteland. It would work so much better for dumping since you can quickly highlight 5 pics and post them without having to fill out a captcha every time and you can just rapid fire and not have to wait 60 seconds between posts.
Like this

Easily the most entertaining comic ever.
Too bad the goys doing the dramatic reading series didn't have the agency to do the whole thing.

Why do the kikes have to be such sadists?
Their skilled manipulative little paws could have made the world a fine place for the goyim and the yids. Instead they destroy everything they touch.

Parasite in human form. Well, they are more like machines, or golem, that can't help but do what they do. Reason being: they are deeply inbred so their nature is highly focused. Of course that means they are also rather predictable, hence them getting exiled every 50 years.

The man in the picture is obviously kike. I have a feeling that only Jews are into moe and hentai.

You're fucking daft.

That is some really nice butt

I feel like I have to compensate you for downloading such a nice butt

Here you go, user

Thank you friend.

I have plenty more where that came from

Go ahead and request something if you want, I have a ton of variety

Those are some really nice butts too.

someone maga this one.

Well…. they have all the money and they are playing both sides of everything so…

Also, OP – quit being a faggot. There's a reason why the OP has to be 75chars – because you're supposed to give a fucking synopsis. Now, what did they say?

sage for cuckchan-tier summerfaggotry

What are the biggest butts you've got?

Why are there no gooky anime characters?

I think the most amusing part is how different the /a/s are. 8/a/ is a rotting shrine to the elitist mentality and memes of 4/a/, but with no content. 4/a/ has become a hyperspeed fusion with reddit, but with the same elitism of old. What's more, talking about politics on 8/a/ gets you banned, but a thread about "increased facial diversity in anime" on 4/a/ got a host of Holla Forums flavored responses before going cold. 4/a/ is actually more redpilled than 8/a/, and it's the better imageboard.

I've got a lot more, these are just the first few I found.

I've got over 4000 pics atm


It's because anime like pleasing aesthetics.

I'm not really a buttguy. But these are quite succulent.

There's plenty. Even more so in older shows.

Yeah, true, I never got into 8/a/, it's just really fucking boring, whenever I try it out none of the threads interest me

Going on 4/a/ every once in a while is a guilty pleasure of mine.


Same reason statues always depicted what was considered perfect or ideal.

Until more recent times.


Nice OC dude

What would you like from Ecchi Santa, good sir?


I don't know if I can handle love cushions this thick

Do you have someone with cute lingerie ?

It has only just begun

Also, if anyone is particularly interested in these, they should shop Trump hats on them, it will catch the eye of nu males and they might turn to our side when they see how luscious these anime girls are compared to the horrid SJWs they orbit and are cucked by.

Also, Asukabutt=best butt

I've got loads bro




There are.

Because there are.


Are these threads some sort of first part to a D&C tactic to get Holla Forums to accept shitty weebshit and then infiltrate it??? Hitler would have never approved of this watered down low quality pseudo-art.

I'll politely sage my weeb posting for you

This cat lingerie was real big on /e/ and /c/ earlier this year, it was all over the place.


It seems my material features a distinct lack of clothing, I managed to find some.


This is fucking brilliant.

I love kikes being buttshoahed by smug anime girls and those in MAGA hat

Nice pics

I prefer clothed most of the time because when it's nude the artist usually makes the tits and ass freakishly big and it reminds me that I'm jacking off to a fucking cartoon personification of a fat woman.


You want some more?

I actually found out the other day that this cat lingerie exists outside of anime, too.
Not that it matters, of course.
end my life



That's the worst feel right there

I have some more lewd shit of that nature if you want it. Just ask and I'll post it, but I'll spoiler it because it's pretty degenerate

I feel it too, user

Except Gatchaman Crowds

Fuck that show

I know this feel.

Take comfort in that it looks fucking retarded and disgusting on 3DPD.

Oy vey did your mother make some money on the side?

Nice try but your nose is showing, Yosef


They have advertisements all over cuckchan with Asian girls wearing it

I have that pic

That's neither anime nor an argument.

I feel this almost every day.

At the very least, I am openly racist and nobody reports me because they fear criticizing the nose.

Azumanga got it right in my opinion.

Did you not watch season two (insight)? It went Holla Forums as fuck.

It's artwork by the furher himself


Dumping more Assuka

I dunno fam. Would you not do unspeakable things to pic related if given the chance?

Your mother might have cucked your father with a jew for shekels doing porn

You still can't beat this shit

Not without seeing the face, no. I'm more of a skin + face + eyes guy.

He's probably just French.

Get out Mr. Low test.

Anyone else have requests?
I've got a large variety of material if you know what I'm saying

But user. Trump himself is a skin guy, he says so in one of the apprentice episodes.

Well I mean you can tell I am my father's son, but Its like I rolled the shit side on the genetic lottery.

Even worse… Irish
At least I am tall and have wide shoulders tbh.

Nice Hitler dubs.

Anything with cleavage.

I remember a assuka cosplayer webm …
Slowly walking. /r/ing it …

I'm reading through Berserk based on anons recommendations here, is Casca the most beautiful woman in the whole world there or are there any other qts?

Why are all the animu girls in this thread clothed?

Casca is the most beautiful vegetable.

I know it hurts user, but she's only a cartoon.

Hitler dubs go very well with Asuka the German nationalist

I got you on the cleavage

There are lots of them, there is a lot of rape later and Miura draws ever girl like a pornstar, One of the later cast is heavy into BDSM.

Are you still in Golden Age Arc? If so, prepare yourself.

think I might kill myself soon tho tbh

hey man i was really enjoying that show but i had to stop when he put on her uniform

toooo fuckinggg cringeeee

I mean really

Holy fuck he needs to prepare himself.

Undressing them with your imagination is far more arousing.

You asswipes should go back to /a/. Even ponies and furries have more decency than you guys do. You idiots sold out to far-eastern entertainment and as far as I'm concerned your only contribution to this world was to make a few ching chong manchildren rich and of course ridicule Holla Forums with your foreign steaming pile of turd. I hope you all die in a big fire.

Because I don't want to have to spoiler my images, I want everyone to be able to enjoy them

I could post some for you though if you want.

Nice one

What's that face from?

I've just finished the Conviction arc and skipped to the latest chapter to see if she's still a vegetable.
Why does it hurt so much?

How do japs do ideal females so damn well?

At this point if I had to summarize the plot
At least he'll have some masochist knight follow him around now.

It only gets better from there
It's like Prison School where the ridiculousness just builds throughout the show, it's actually a pretty deep show too.

No doubt about it


Sorry senpai, I will continue to sage :(


Alright, let's get something clear.

Nobody fucking wants you weebs on our god damned board. Why do you insist on shitposting anime on a white nationalist board? That makes zero sense.

I swear to god if you say "Hurr durr imaegbords were made for weebs xD" I'm gonna stick my foot up your clean shaven ass.

Really, you're a degenerate who has a fetish for little girls and you use the excuse that "muh image boards were made by weebs" to excuse yourself from criticism for posting Asian cartoons on a fucking white nationalist image board.

MLP is fine for little girls. Not for horsefuckers though.

Fuck off [email protected]/* */ Jew

Older styles were better tbh. Modern characters look like autistic babies

HOly shit I almost forgot about Shimikaze
That girl is literal sex

God bless the filter button.


It's not like we're doing this on actual threads
This is the one animefunposting thread centered around jews being buttmad about anime trump girls, just don't go in this thread, it's like a containment thread.



Top tier pics user

Posting pics is okay, but let's focus on what has happened here.

Following the MAGA Asuka thing, BBC makes this. This is no coincidence and there are no coincidences in any and all western media. It's all controlled by the same people, and this BBC bullshit was their way of saying "we noticed you and we will wage war against you." Anime and manga are aesthetic as fuck, and the liberal and the Jew hate it. It is something beautiful and beyond their control, and many of us gathered much knowledge and found out many things through anime. Why? Because anime and manga are ART and something magical happens when a healthy spirit comes in contact with art. Art ennobles us, makes us richer, makes us aware of the transcendent. The white man was always in love with beauty, and this is why they've taken beauty away from us. In "our" media there is only propaganda and ugliness now, so we turned to something that is vastly superior to it. Anime is the superior art form, far beyond anything movies can depict - and precisely because it is not real, but feels real on a much deeper level.

This is why there's a push against Japan, against loli and so on. It's an attack on us as well. Don't be a fool and don't fall for this. To be against anime is to be anti white. This is plainly evident to all. Gaze upon these images - the same spirit made them, the same spark of creativity and sense of beauty. There is no distinction.

Why did I post a creepy Patchouli and Sailor Moon? Because this rabbit hole is very deep, and both the innocent bubbly Usagi and this depiction of an insane Patchouli the Mage are representative of the same force. And she's on our side. Woe to the enemy, for there is no mercy here.

Let it be known that anti-anime posts should be regarded as spam and shitposting, and are not to be regarded as valid.

he is called boltman.

fucking saved

Well said.

We should probably stop the pure imagedumping.

For now we can appease them with nazi waifus

meant to say third


Didn't you read the OP? You got outed, Chaim.

Wow where is your sense of identity?






Misato a 2nd best

We should all head over to a new ecchi board of sorts on Holla Forums and try to actually keep it active this time. Dumping is so much easier here than on halfchan

Honestly I think that even the genuine anti-anime fags suffer from the no fun allowed zealous faggotry that Goebbels warned us about.

Dumping qt anime girls on Holla Forums is so much better with the right context or promoting now jewish beauty.

Seeing the buttblasted autists rage over anime is an added bonus too.

I think some people took the Holla Forums ideas to the extreme and made it the whole of their identity.

the genuine anti anime fags are people who namefag on stormfront and redditors, in due time they will change.

Any other requests?

There is but there is also a shitload of family and even down right patriotic value ones.
Heroes are heroes, girls are girls, monsters are monsters, drama is drama.

Meanwhile western entertainment is nothing BUT degeneracy.



If you want Shimakaze I got over a thousand pics of her, about 18,000 boats in total.

One girl is off limits though because I don't want you degenerate perverts leering at my very precious waifu.

The divine feminine has abandoned flesh and blood females (or they abandoned her for things like Feminism), and so she has manifested in other ways to keep us men from losing all hope in the feminine.

I wouldn't even say Holla Forums is strictly a white nationalist board, I think its mainly an anti-Jew/ pro-Gentile board. Anyway filtered.

Nobody cares about your degenerate cartoons.



Got any Haganai cow tits?

WOW thanks a lot for these user.

Your collection is really impressive. Some of these are genuinely nice. Phone wallpaper tier

The weebs posting cute anime girls aren't actually cute anime girls IRL.

Stupid weebs.


I only have a meager 1500 or so boats

Watch your mouth, you sound like Moishe

This Christmas one is honestly one of my favorite images ever, she is 1000% waifu material

Join us user

Yes. But furthermore I believe she is actively supporting us.

Contriboot'n to anti-semetic may mays.

Fucking watch this WebM and tell me it's degenerate.

Do it faggots


Oh it's guesswork time! I'll start with these two.

I have a tonne but I don't want to start dumping pics.

I'm a scruffy man and don't pretend to be anything but that.

The world is ugly. It's a shitstain. Haven't you noticed? Contrast any of this to what you see out there.

Fuck your "reality." It's wholly jewish and devoid of any real spirit. It's nothing but Māyā.

ogh my dick those titties

oh man

oh fuck that butt though wew

these pics are setting my brain's pattern recognition of overdrive

A bit… Not gonna dump much because it's a pain with these file sizes…

I got you
Here's a cuckchan thread with a ton of them, I got a lot of mine from there, I'll post the best here

Thanks for complimenting my collection, it really means a lot
You should check up on 4/c/ they sometimes have Misato threads, or you could start your own.

I'm somewhat /fit/, so at least know that the guy spamming anime girls isn't disgusting weebslob

I have a lot of Tojou

Double loli, nice

Sena is top tier

I know an asian girl who's 5', into animus but her bf is a white racemixing lanklet who's got anime decals on his car but worst of all is a fan of SOA and even has posters and figurines from it. Even she's disgusted with that aspect of him.

Meanwhile I'm a /fit/ manlet with no gf.

The moral of the story must be that we've ended up being the high hanging fruit of the weeb community, as cringy as it sounds.

Thanks anons.

checks out

>have a decent job hell, any job
The bar isn't exactly high



He's a normalfag with crap taste, even if he's also a buyfag.

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

Here, have something cute and fluffy to make you feel better in your manletness.

I'm gonna start my own collection now. Starting with a lot of these!

im also fit manlet. if you ever want your own irl waifu, you have to stay in shape and you have to be interesting. once you get her you have to dominate her and forbid her from hanging around other men.

>Tfw /fit/ 5'9-5'10 God-Emperor of manlets

All girls crave the big manlet dick

It always feels great to have another bro start a hentai collection

Like I've said, there are thousands on halfchan /e/ and /c/ and it's fun to share with them and have conversations about which tits are the best tits and shit like that.


I never asked for this.

Dropping cheerleaders
for you

Well said.

To be fair, Anime gives a man an imaginary sense of reality. They become increasingly more unsatisfied with women. Women don't AT ALL resemble the anime stories presented. If you think you they do your a virgin. Anime has turned into a suttle version of feminism for men. These anime stories present situations where men define the ideal women. Isn't femnism Just trying to define a passive non manly ideal version of what they think men should be. Personally I am not big into anime, but after trying to find a fucking women worth a damn for serveral years, It just seem such an endevor is just not cost benifiting. I am pretty picky as you all should be, white nationalism, chick wants kids, chick isn't fucking ugly. I have few anime friends, and they just seem to not even appeal to women. They act as all women are just other dudes. Werid. Like they given up. I was so perplexed that such a man could exist. They in a sense have transended the pussy. For worse and maybe for beter, not sure. I find myself getting girls who want to fuck me all the time, but i am not some blue pilled faggot who wants to waste his time with one night stands with extremely less than ideal women. Once twice once in a while sure but after that it becomes pointless. Not interested in girls with no sense of a future. Girls these days don't give a fuck about having kids, they tell me they don't want to waste their time, or it ruins their bodies. They are so selfish not just women men too. Anime is just a selfish entertainment for men. With the decline of society, family values, white pride, and the division of sexes. I guess i don't blame virgins for hiding away in their basement watching their anime. Not having kids. If you think about it Anime could be "jewed" not that jews control it but it jews us all the same. With the rise of individualism and the corruption of our soceity, there is just to many reasons not to have a traditional family. And to many reasons to never persue it. Anime i think is one of those. I Wont ever be a fat neckbearded faggot like most anime faggots but i can see myself giving up. My few anime friends showed me some of their stuff, and its amazing how ideal these chicks are. Fucking silly. I am not blaming women, or men But i am a realist and the division of sexes is so huge now Just not worth the trouble. Tried of pointless relationships, can't a dude find a chick who isn't selfish, feminist etc, etc. Even if trump becomes pres i think sooner than later our brith rate will be very scare. I do live in california the shittest state hands down. Just something to consider. Also thank you user for this picture.

Here user, maybe its not true

Heres a color test. Only Jews can see whatever its supposed to be

According to their laws, that makes you a full fledged kike. In the oven you go.

I know those feels all too well

Heh, does full time student count? I'm not a NEET if I'm in STEM right?

Why do people hate on Haruka again? A whole lot of anons on Holla Forums can't stand her.

It's alright user, I'm not an autist who'd get mad about something he has no control over.

I've had a look at Tinder a little while ago it's fucking hilarious how shit women are. I don't know if it's just the scummy whores that congregate there but most accounts can be summarized to
I'll stick to anime for now, thanks.

I guess a normal sized dick does look abnormally large on a manlet body. Omegle whores can't into perspective.

You get to choose the scent of the gas.

Fresh Pine or Citrus Orange?

Whats the sauce on the second pic?

Also, I am not the best typer by anymeans.

Yeah I can tell.

Here's a whole thread filled with them

Say what you want, I'm here since 2014 September, and back in the day Holla Forumsacks weren't posting so many weaboo shit.

I remind not using anime pictures here for more than a year, because it was badly received. And I was respecting Holla Forums culture.

People here were posting a lot of black and white pictures before. How many of them do you see now?

Thanks user

As long as you go to class and aren't a lazy piece of shit.

I'm in my late teens and I understand all that perfectly. I guess at some point I'll have to take a leap of faith for my race but the odds of me landing on something soft and warm are becoming lower every year.


Oy vey I can see it.

Actually your mother being jewish means you're a 100% full fledged jew. You should use it for good. Go around pulling the kike card and expose double-think, there's plenty of fun to be had.

ive had a girl for four years. snagged her as a virgin in highschool. its so much fucking word. you wouldnt believe the number of hours ive spent raging mad trying to keep her ass in check. ive had to beat her before. i dont think most men could do what i do, for various reasons. they lack the patience, they don't understand the subtle aspects of the female mind, they dont know how to control and manipulate the most manipulative, lying cunt holes on the face of the fucking planet who will lie to your face for no fucking reason when they know you know theyre lying holy shit. one time she went on interpals and started chatting with muslims so i drive over to her house right away, beat her up, told her id kill her or sell her as a slave to a muslim if she ever did that again. she never did it again. most people cant fucking handle it. but i have to handle it. its the only choice other than no waifu or getting cucked at some point


I think we need an autistic tuesday on Holla Forums tbh fams

I'll abandon this thread in a few and go back to studying, so there's that.

I don't know if beating your gf is the answer mang. Surely the threat of leaving her would be enough? Also is she still with you?

Atleast Im not a Jew. These fucking Irish genetics just make me look like one ;D

Speak for yourself, faggot. I love mine.

Fuck you newfag iv'e been here since 2007 and I still feel like a fucking newfag.

Fuck off you piece of shit you have no right having any input on our culture.

This is pasta right? Right? The spelling errors make me a bit worried it might be real.
No self respecting man should keep a whore around.

Miku is life

This artist, Wokada, is probably one of the best out there.

Incorrect, because the main thrust of feminism is to destroy masculinity.

Anime does present an ideal it's true, but so do all the great art from most of European history, the purpose of an ideal isn't to warp your perception of reality but to give something to strive for. Consider the ideal of Hercules, yeah you'll never be as strong as him but his example is something to strive for, to look up to.
In fact one can (and people do) make the argument that the pantheon of indo-european mythologies are just that, archetypes to strive for, and in striving after them we worship them in a proper sense. In this sense media like anime/real European art/etc bring us back closer to our core, as opposed to the semitic religions which currently define our moral superstructures.

Try a couple of times, and honestly i shouldn't give up but i am in my late 20s and been through the ringer and at this point i just don't care. The divisons of the sexes is growing further and further apart indeed. Jump as soon as you can m8, but don't fuck yourself over with a less than ideal women.

They're all whores, user. Some are better at hiding it than the others.

I think he's talking about 8/pol/. He's still wrong, though. I posted animu reactions with no problem until m00t killed 4/pol/ and the spergs came.

I know this feel.

I look mostly white though.

Didnt know there were so many people with actual Jewish ancestry.

Makes me feel better tbh

it is the answer. you dont have to do it hard, theyre weak. the important part is demonstrating physical dominance. the pain from getting slapped is only so that they remember it.

No. I have no financial power over her. She's an attractive woman so there'd be scores of other men over there to fuck and duck her in no time. You don't know how women are, dude. They have zero sense of permanence unless you force it on them.

oh yea we're very happy, its worth the effort. she actually has admitted to me that sometimes she acts up a little bit just so ill put her back in her place.

all women are whores, IF you let them be. its entirely up to you.


Demand reparations from George Soros for your 100 dead relatives he personally helped gas.

Found these on some anime image board site thought they were pretty artistic for regular animu pictures. It seems like its conveying on a deeper level then some other animu pic's i have.

Nah there's a few good ones out there.
The only way to get more good women and fewer whores is for men to stop paying attention to the latter. By keeping a whore around you are actively sabotaging the women of future generations.

Anyone else got requests?
I want to help you bros out

my waifu is not a whore you bastard and the only reason why is because i am her EVERYTHING.

there are no good 3dpds. its always been that way. even the bible says that theres only one good man in a thousand, but there's no good women at all.

and remember, you can't turn a whore into a house wife.

To the other anons ITT, do you actually fap to the pics posted by or are you just admiring them for their aesthetic beauty?


I suppose you make a point. Femnism destroys masculinity, where anime heighten femine values. But what i am saying is i am pretty sure when women watch the popular anime today, they see it like we see feminism. Not that its acting exactly like feminism for men, but it shares the facist ideal of the other sex. We are essentually making unfair idealistic relationships in favor of man. And thats what feminism is just in favor of women. I personally can see myself enjoying anime. I might get into it.

number one rule is virgins only

if shes not a virgin, she'll never be your wife. she already belongs to somebody else

The ones in the post you referred to would fall under the latter.

Why would you masturbate to Miku just laughing at a camera ?

This is impossible.
I think I'll find some frumpy ass autistic weeb and give her a make over or some shit fam.

Who's ever seen a animu girl eating corn? I bet you all haven't until now.

I only use boorus/other image sites (like konachan for wallpapers) and pixiv. A hell of a lot more content and easier to sort shit since you know exactly what you're looking at thanks to the tags (like the character name and what franchise/series they are from).

They are archetypes and mankind is meant to embody them.

The charm of anime stuff is nuanced and speaks to us on different intrinsic levels: from the basest instincts to the highest ideals. It covers the light and dark side of man and is considerably easier to create than marble statues or oil paintings.

I believe our problems began when we tried to run away from the "darker" side, only to cause all sorts of problems and reactions to those problems. I contend that that things like the "sexual revolution" would never have happened if things like puritanism hadn't happened. Reason being, if we go out of balance, a reaction will come along to kick us back, and now we are wobbling so much that life seems filled with insanity. No one knows what they really want aside from what TalmudVision tells them. People are simply confused and attaching themselves to what appears moral/good, like letting in thousands of poor brown rapists, or appealing to the most base instincts via shit like nigger culture – getting our girls to "twerk" rather than learn ballet and our boys to act like stupid fuck whiggers.

I meant overall ITT, not just in that post.

There are some attractive decent women out there. The problem is they want to focus on their careers till about 26-28 so their prime baby making days are over. Better than nothing I guess.

shoulda done it in highschool dude

i was romantically involved with three virgins at once when i was a freshman in college. one other freshman, one junior in highschool, and one sophomore in highschool. it was like choosing my first pokemon. i ended up choosing the junior, and you will be happy to know that i caught and released the other two, didnt fuck them. but i feel bad for the guys who had to kiss them next

anyway just bragging. im very interested in highschool girls. girls start getting a little sexy around age 12 tbh, no pedo. just being honest. theyre in their prime at 14-18. thats the demographic you want. earliest is better. i got my waifu when she was 15

Holy shit that first picture, top left, I literally just downloaded that on a thread on /e/ less than a minute ago, synchronicity is insane.

I find it hard to find good pics on those sites, usually when I search shit nothing good comes up. With chans you can request whatever you want.



Moe trash my guilty pleasure always shows cute girls eating random things. I'm sure I've seen it somewhere.

Random images don't do it for me.

I have to take an extra year of HS after I graduate in a bit, so I guess this is the plan. Total hand holdless virgin though.

the reason why age and virginity are so important is because your waifu literally becomes one flesh with you. her mind, body, and spirit submit and adapt to your own. she begins to look more like you, act more like you, think more like you. she learns her place as the submissive one and becomes one flesh with you. once you have sex her body literally saves and stores your DNA, notably in her brain. thats why you want them young, you want them virginal. it promotes better bonding

good luck! At some point youre gonna have to just go out and try. i remembe rmy heart was racing so hard when i first talked to my waifu. but instead of letting autism get the better of me I FOCUSED, and PUSHED. I forced myself to talk to her, talk talk talk talk, say something! Just do it!

Looking for a boyfriend free girl to make into your sweetheart from the ground up?

What the fuck? This is a fucking family board.

the best advice i can give is find something that you both have an interest in, but most importantly what YOU have an interest in and are knowledgeable/passionate about, and then steer the conversation in that direction.


wat is this from?


Anyway… let's see here.

Yea it's fiction. It tends to do that.

This is in no way unique to anime. The same happens when you compare women in any form of media to real life.

Feminism is marxist class-struggle applied to the gender divide, nothing more.
The closest comparison to females in anime would be the goddesses of the old religions. They are ideals to strive towards in worship and are meant to provide positive examples of behavior.

I lose myself in the wall of text after this but it seems like you should probably find more interesting people to hang around. All I see is nihilism.

pic related. me and my bitch(es)

I'm just concerned about finding a virgin.
I had a group oral exam today on consent and rape in my english class and all the girls there talked about all the casual sex they'd had at parties, it was disgusting.


Get ready for a whole lot of pic related my dude

I have this many pics of 2d girls. Many of them are lewd or downright hentai but I could probably count the times I fapped to them with one hand. I admire the aesthetic beauty, truly, even the very graphic stuff.

They are quintuplets huh ? nice catch.

get it while it's hot

OC doesn't make itself faggots

So they're really starting a war on anime, huh? I'm interested to see how many more articles and videos will be rolled out within the next week or so. Looks like we may have to step our weeb game up when attacking them.


my guess was always that gooks just look normal to gooks, so they don't draw any characters - even Japanese ones - distinctly gook-ish. Except when they draw characters that are like part-Chinese or south-east-Asian, then they indeed draw them extra gook-ey with slitted eyes, darker/yellow skin and everything.

Also I'm kinda new to the meme-ing thing, how far should I go with making it smaller/formatting?

yea its rough dude. not all of them are like that though. i hope you have a sense for which are and which are just hahaing their way through a conversation.

you should try going to a KJV only baptist church. i went to one a few times and was swamped with invitations to singles night etc. the girls weren't top tier but there is better than average chance of them being virgins

never get a girl from an anime convention or any degenerate shit like that.

I know this feel.

God-tier taste confirmed


Please no roasty jokes, that was the most enraged and disgusted I've been in my life.

I live in Canada and had an SJW teacher.

I don't think there'd be many girls in my age range but I'm considering it, hard to find a non-pozzed church in Canacuck though.


I've only got like 7 gigs

But, it's 7 gigs of the good shit

She's a repair ship that repairs other boats.

Very cute, too.

try here maybe

there's a decent chance dude. christians usually have more children than average. there are usually a few girls at churches. everyone will be nice and tolerate your autism because its a church. just read the bible. proverbs and ecclesiastes are a great place to start because they're short and to the point. if you can impress the ladys with your KJV bible knowledge they'll be sure to fall for you

99% of the top 30 threads on catalog on /a/ are moeblob currentyear anime

Tl:DR: Anime is just a version of feminism for men. And honestly i think i am down. Its hard to find a pol worthy women.

heres a brief refresher on some of the gospel if you forgot

I agree with what you said except for a few words

I would disagree with this as the ideal masculine and the ideal feminine compliment each other, they do not antagonize. If a medium articulates a false ideal, then it could be said to fall into your characterization, but i feel there is much in the genre that could be said to properly articulate the ideal in both the masculine and feminine.

Agree totally, i try to expose people i know irl uncomfortable truths for this reason. It's a form of mental strengthening.

And yeah we are totally lost in modernity, our roles have been destroyed by the "freedom" technology has given us. We are in essence technological barbarians, without a history or societal superstructure. This is why I feel articulating a new mythos is so important. We need a new Iliad, a new Homer.

Anime often has a very ethereal feeling to it. Idyllic and pure. It's why so many Holla Forumsacks love it. It's Aryan art.

These kinds of images speak to us on a deep level that only confuses and repulses subhumans.

After glancing through the bottom half of the thread, that's a lot of images I need to sift through. Oh boy.

Thank you user, the church is nearby as well. I've honestly only read Genesis, the four gospels , and romans.

The idea started back in cuckchan the season Lucky Star aired.

Basically the entire board watched the anime and masturbated to :3 face for months while signaling that the anime was moetrash and that nobody should watch it.

Holla Forums and /e/ have finally become one.

Why doesn't Holla Forums have an /e/ board?


fuck you faggot.


came here for animu dump

was not disappointed

I think it does but like I've said earlier in the thread, it's dead

I really wish you anons would stop over there and post so that we can have our own little community on this site.

She appears in Haifuri too. Her captain a cute.


We posting food now? Do ya'll like prime rib?

You're making shit up, people were posting anime pics back then as well just not as many. People still don't post that many except for when some asshurt faggot writes an article about how the anime pics upset them and then most of it is contained to a couple threads..

Remember that God loves you. He knows that you are dust and that you aren't strong enough to win in this world. That's why the Lord Jesus is your savior, forgiver, justifier. He has already forgiven all of your inadequacies and he has put your sins as far away from you as the east is from the west. Ask him and he will help you stand. When I was on my knees and considering suicide he lifted me up and told me to be as strong as I could, and HE is the one who gave me my waifu. If there is any strength in me, its from Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 6

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


What a shame you got trips with a silly hypothesis.

If it's "Feminism for men" then so is Romanticism and any other kind of art (including music) that departs from Realism and Postmodernism by depicting an ideal, better world that people should strive to create.

A better world doesn't just happen on its own. We have to make it manifest ourselves.

Well yeah of course we're better than /a/.

We also probably have better taste in vidya than Holla Forums.



Does anyone have anymore requests for anime girls or types of anime girls?

I've got it a lot from pure to super lewd


dump maids

Sharing please enjoy.

Legs are great
Especially with high thigh/knee socks

I just came by to say, I wanna bury my face in Shimikaze's ass and pull on her thong.

I think it's time to go for the gutshot. How about beautiful mothers with their cute daughters?

Pure please.


wow very compelling, I think i agree with everything you've said. Personally i would love to live in more simple times. No technology that is disracting. A very traditional life style would probably be my true happiness. Family, collective, community. Individualism is going crazzy I wouldn't be surprised in the near future if we become solely independant, on some Big government human care project. robot partners or human farms, or a sexual or something or all of them. It makes me want to go to another planet or start my own country, one can dream.

I should add: Nothing lewd of the daughters.

I can't believe god is showing me where to find a good wife in a thread about anime tiddies.

I got you

I'll post some for you too
Here's some threads with a bunch to keep you occupied though

Post some tasteful nudes if you can. No lewds please.

That's Eric Wareheim, he may or may not be a kike

That's one of the few things I don't have, sorry user

You could start a thread on /c/ though, they love that shit.

Here's some pure maids

Jews hate animes because animes don't have noses
Jews are the epitome of 3dpd: massive schnozz, terrible hair and complexion, not cute.

I'll get around to watching this sometime.

/e/ was one of my favourite boards when I was still using halfchan.

Whenever I got depressed from days of being on Holla Forums, I'd go to /c/ and /e/ to sort of regenerate. This is like my life source or battery, or maybe some air for my embers.

Reminding myself that there is still a flowerbed amongst the rubble with my waifu being in the centre.

Anime often has a very ethereal feeling to it. Idyllic and pure. It's why so many Holla Forumsacks love it. It's Aryan art.

These kinds of images speak to us on a deep level that only confuses and repulses subhumans.

Jews hate everything. No fun allowed.

There is no way this isn't a jew.

He works in mysterious ways.

Song of Solomon 4

4 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.

2 Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them.

3 Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.

4 Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury, whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men.

5 Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.

6 Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.

7 Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.

8 Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards.

9 Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.

10 How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

11 Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon.

12 A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.

13 Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with spikenard,

14 Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices:

15 A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon.

16 Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

Waifus motivate laifus.

I think we can start by creating a country in our minds, a sort of place where we can imagine ourselves in the present or future in a proper state, and then start to work on bringing that state into reality. Barring some sort of collapse technology is here to stay so we will have to articulate our proper state with technology in mind. Separating ourselves from the world somewhat might be good, consider the example of the Amish, they maintain values which are wholly at odds with the society at large yet maintain themselves (they actually double their population every 20 years or so). Start with clubs, then build societies, then maybe we can build a city, a nation of our own.

I have a lot of those


Based Christian going at it in /e/pol/ thread
Good for you

I was gonna post lewd Bikkis, but I just couldn't.



Please tell me you've got more qts with tan lines

Holla Forums has once again outdone itself. This has to be the most stupid fucking thread I have ever seen. For all that you mongoloids talk about saving le white race, you sure aren't doing much to propagate it. Now, I understand that the majority of unmarried women are non-virgins, but there are other things that you can do instead of focusing on one part of life. You morons could be out spreading awareness on whatever issues you're so passionate about, but instead you sit and get pissed off at things you can't change and do it for years until you eventually shoot up a community college. Anime was truly a mistake, Holla Forums was a mistake, and mixing the two has created a hell that the internet is stuck in forever. Do you have any idea how pathetic it is for a guy on Twitter with an anime profile pic to call someone a kike or a degenerate or something like that? You're no better than the people you claim to be inherently superior to.

Fuck off kike

The Jews fear the samurai.

Lain thread? Lain thread.

Feel free. An Image somebody else faps to doesn't sully the tangential muse that touches the soul and inspires.

Kinda feel bad spamming pol, but its really nice to have a fun thread and not just depressing shit.

Hey there, summerfag.

Hell yeah

Yeah true

I actually just made a thread for all of to go post on /e/

Post here:

This page is getting really laggy for me, it would be better to relocate here and actually make this board active.

Well, If you were saging I'd believe you… however I do appreciate the anime tiddies you've provided. Anybody that gets annoyed by it could just easily filter you out, but they'd be faggots for doing that imo.

Read some Goebbels you moralizing no fun fucktard.


I'll find a white woman and have kids when I find the right one. I refuse to marry an ugly normie woman who I'm going to hate and where she'll probably cuck me. Waifus appeal to u sine they're pure, cute, ladylike and portrayed a loyal and aren't sexual degenerate. It's nice to fantasize about pure women.

GWAR pic, my nigga


RO-500. Cute German with a tan.

I have sucked five dicks. I don't think that I deserve a virgin wife. If I can stop sucking strange dick, maybe she can, too. I don't know.


I looked through are e and found some pretty degenerate stuff (not your posts). Why can't people follow the rules.

My nigga
Ro-chan a qt

When did I say that? I was merely suggesting that 8ch's /a/ discusses mainly current season anime, of which most are moe blobs with very bad story, plot, character design, the list goes on.


Nice selections.

our not are. I'm retarded.

We'll follow the rules in my thread, it's all good

Seriously though, we should all post in this thread

That way, the shills won't bother us and we can actually start a solid community of sorts on there where we can do this more often as opposed to rarely being able to do this on here.



Getting addicted to interracial cuckold porn? Oh cmon it's 2016.

Is that guy fapping to an anime blonde with a nice racket? SHUT IT DOWN

Third from the left is so sweet.

I mean that if I can come to understand that's its a spiritually corrosive experience, perhaps a woman can.

Can we stop the dumping here and keep to things that are at least slightly Holla Forums related? It's been fun but at this rate it will end up cancerous.

tl;dr: We need more hats and more tweeting of said hats to kikes on twitter.


Read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and you will see why this is borderline criminal thought.

I used to think such was exagerated, but now can't go back

good shit

ah yes, the noble goebbels with his loyal wife and her son

Let's play spot the feminist!

I don't expect anyone in this thread to have an attention span higher than a hyperactive hamster, but did you actually read what I posted? I said that I understand that most unmarried women aren't virgins and implied that this was bad.

What do you mean by this?

Actually given the turn the conversation took in thread I think this is a particularly relevant video.

Also this one as

You have entered the heart of shitposting. You shouldn't expect any serious response at this point.


Spotted the Jew fuck of kike

We're living in it.

They are producing nothing but ugly shit in media to take the thought/fantasy of beautiful women and such out of people's minds. Sooner or later man will not know what a pretty girl looks like, let alone know what one is capable of acting like when not corrupted, because all that will be around them are fat, gross hags with the personality of 40grit sandpaper or outright whores that only crave sand/nigger cock.

It's terrible but that's their aim. Whether that's even possible I don't know but they're sure as hell trying.

Join the party bros

Third from the left is so sweet.

Why does sharing softcore porn with your internet friends feel so great?

Most people who write/draw anime begin as self absorbed neets who knew they had no prospect for women (as Japan goes), so their projects become a form of self insertion and fantasy. Producers then picked up on that and shilled it to the growing population of neet and hopeless western boys so they could attach themselves to the fantasy. But a lot of anime is just tasteless and filthy, the jewry has really hit Japan in a strange way.

Pay more attention to ME!

also, i'm a male born a male who identifies as a male etc.

not jewish, nice try though


How am I supposed to find a cute virgin girl then? Am I just supposed to just settle with what I can find?


Don't you have some nigger baby to take care of you kike cucked faggot

You're forgetting that a lot of those projects are essentially "for fans, by fans." Anime/manga, even in Japan, is still sort of niche which is why merchandise is so expensive (and a hell of a lot more niche in the west).

Here's your MAGA'd Murakumo, sir

you make me sick

Honestly, shitposting aside, that's entirely up to you. I don't see any reason why I would settle myself, even though it's almost as difficult as finding a unicorn

The other thing you're not considering is the huge doujin market, which is literally fans making stuff for other fans. No possibility of kikery and perhaps the only example I can think of where the "free market" works.

I can tell you worked pretty hard on that. Looks good.

Lewdness is the bond of the pure. After all, the most lewd act is handholding, thus purity itself is revealed as the fundamental underlying lewdness. The ideals of 2D are taken directly from the primordial heart of reality from which the first founders of civilization also drew their virtues.

To walk the path of 2D is to walk a path of ascetic fascism. Reshape the world without by reshaping the world within.

Good good.

Sorry but shitposting is fun. Anyway, my options are to settle with a normie, search for a unicorn or be alone? Shitty options.


Not for everyone but the kind of love involved can be truly pure, even primordial. There is almost no material contact aside from stuff like dakimakura, so almost everything has the potential to be an inner/spiritual manifestation.

Are doujin really that big of market? Don't most of the people who enjoy that stuff just use the web?

Also the jewry I was referring to is the workplace ethic that Japanese women have to go through. How can you have a family when both you and many potential women are slaving over number-crunching?

This creates plenty of space for frustrated neets to grow into a both producers and a demographic, I suppose.

That guy is living the fucking life
looks maximum comfy

I'm not being ironic in the slightest when I say that I want to be that guy.

fuck you faggot. go back to leddit and stay there. FUN IS ALLOWED HERE

You can't enjoy figures, dakimakura, and so on with the internet… doujinshi isn't only reading material.

There's another option, find a unicorn. That's how you have to think. Just that alone can be the difference between defeat and victory. Of course, living entirely in the embrace of 2D is acceptable as well.

I've been considering getting a daki lately. I've got figs, manga, LN, and an oppai-mousepad, so a daki is the last step really. Just really hard to find a perfect design.

Everyone ready for autistic Tuesday?


In that sense pure imagination is the purest form of primordial love there is. But where does that stop being pure and bleed into wicked degeneracy?

It seems like you're heading down a self-destructive materialistic slope…
Money would be probably better spent on a hobby that's more skill and image-based. Like archery or a dirt bike or something…
To completely negate everything else I said: might be best to pay an artist commission for a daki image you like.

What's the difference ?

t. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

I ordered my first cover a couple weeks ago and it should be arriving tomorrow. I just up and got it because it was the last one that wasn't downright pornographic and I adore the girl very much. It's really expensive though unless you get some shitty chink bootleg from a website like animedakimakurapillow or ebay (don't do that you fags).

Mandarake and Yahoo auctions are a good start (auctions require a proxy service, that is, someone in Japan to bid for you and you pay them a small fee; there are a lot of services like that actually), or directly from the guys that made it.

I don't have any other merch and I probably won't get them anytime soon.

Now all I need is the pillow… which is around 9000 yen, not including the shipping and the need for the proxy service because Amazon Japan aren't international.

Japan is really a Nationalist country. It can be surprisingly tricky to get stuff out of there and you gotta jump through hoops like this to do it.

Us autists are a more evolved version of baseline humans.

Normalfags are just inferior undermen.

Things become degenerate once they twist your nature into something it isn't meant to be. The love you feel should push you towards a more productive creative life. Once you start to feed your desires in a way that lead you away from building a better life, its degenerate

Fuck anime. The kikes can have that shit.

When your fantasy is finding perfection in real life just to corrupt it.

Unfortunately I've had to turn in my NEET card, so now I'm just a borderline hiki. Fighting for the future of our race has forced me to take up a certain career path in order to be of use.

I buy stuff to support the industry, it's pretty much the only materialism in which I partake since I don't have time for vidya anymore.

Had a friend go there recently and a shop refused to sell her a limited edition item, Nips only. It's wonderful.

I was afraid of that happening to me too when I saw the fine print: "We reserve the right to refuse services anyone." They were taking nearly 4 days to send me an invoice and I was getting a bit worried.

On one hand it's a bit frustrating but on the other I totally understand the sentiment of wanting to keep rare stuff within the nation.

H-how does anime help build a better life?

Media exists to meme things into reality.

That's why kikes own Hollywood, everything they want its a reality in their movies first and then repeated until real people copy what is being show.

Anime usually paints a picture of the world that is far better than any media, you will desire that world, just as any cuck that watches Jango ends up wishing he was black.

Even the NEET most lacking in ambition is still free of Semitic influence. It's simply up to the strong to rally them. If you say, "Here's a gun, there's some Jews, let's use the power of friendship(racialism) to make a world where Japan has a vibrant economy and Europeans are colonizing space," you're going to have yourself a legion of poorly disciplined zealots.

Think about it this way, what other sub-cultures idolize National Socialists as much? The top 3 list is Holla Forums, real world white nationalist groups, and then weebs.

I don't have cute girls, have cute Mobile Suits instead

Gives you a point of reference.


8/8. Best shit I've read all day.

Has anyone ever considered forming an autistic nationlist state?

I haven't thought this out entirely, but I'm sure it could work given time.

I have to say i never really understood why some people love mecha anime so much.

Must be something you get into it as a child or never get into it at all.

North for the northnoids?

So you're saying Jews are like Bacterian from Dragonball?

Our home is on the internet fellow autistic overman.

We exist in a realm of ideas that normalfags can't even comprehend.

Anti-Lolicon is codeword for anti-white.

Stay on Holla Forums all day and fap to anime. That will save the white race!!! :^)

The normalfags' souls are weighed down by the gravity of their own munadanity

I watched my first anime when I was 19 and I fucking love mechs.

Read the book. Elites are trying to emulate what is described there.
And yes, waifus will be on the way. Too much of a cosmic coincidence to have both jews and feminists to declare war on waifus.

They have no idea what they're fucking with if they think that fucking with a mans waifu is a good idea.

Weebs already don't give a single shit about what society thinks about them. They can't use social pressure or ostracization against them.

Weebs are a sleeping giant.

I have a problem fapping to anime. Besides my obesity problem, how do I stop fapping to anime and find a white girlfriend to breed with???

What do they expect to win should they suceed?

Fix your obesity problem. Then worry about other shit.

Stop being Obese


That's a cute waifu, she would look like my daughter if I had one. (but I'm too fat and obese and fap to anime all day). How old is she supposed to be, 8yrs old?

*Tips fedora*

Hello m'lady.


Exactly. That's why ironically we are part of the energy that has escaped the elite's thought control engineered mechanisms.

Huxley's Brave New World can't work either because we are a bunch of hopeless platonics. There's no fixing that.
Plus, taking the flesh is a distraction and not the endgame or way of life.

Stop being obese.

But if I'm sitting around fapping to anime, how do I get any physical exercise besides strengthening my right forearm?

This has become a "did the chicken come before the egg" paradox.

How do I quit being obese if I sit around fapping to anime and post on Holla Forums 24/7?

Do a no fap. Go to /fit/. Do a 20-30 days no fap.


Speaking of masculine anime I recommend Gurren Lagaan to every Holla Forumsack

First you need to loose weight.

Do cardio and count calories and then once your weight is under control make mad gains.

/fit/ is great for looking at hot bods, but I wanna fap to my cute aryan waifus. :^)

My friend went from 150 kg to 75 kg (fuck your imperial shit) in less than a year by standing on a fucking treadmill while watching his anime.

Can I fap while I'm on the treadmill watching anime?

If you can find your ding-a-ling, sure.


I… guess… Just try not to get it into the machinery.

Just stop fucking eating then.

Instead of fapping do curls. That's what I do. Sometimes when a good scene comes up I switch the weight to the other arm, pull my dick out and fap and curl at the same time.

You're way to goddamn obsessive with masturbating.

Or you're just trying to be funny and failing.

Gurren Lagann isn't nearly as impressive if you haven't seen a lot of the things that it references like Getter Robo, GaoGaiGar and GaiKing.

It still stands pretty well on its own, but when a series makes such massive callbacks you really benefit from having watched the other material.

Noice! who needs to breed with white women when I have cute aryan waifus and hot bods on /fit/ to look at!.


Do a no fap anyway. I'm not saying for you to chop your dick, I'm saying for you to do a no fap.

Curls aren't even good for core strength.

He should try planks

My imaginary waifu says I'm a winner.

jews get triggered at anime lately. ammo is ammo. if you disagree, you're obviously an infiltrator.

He arrived 3 hours late to properly troll the thread but its still trying it anyway.

Better late than never!

Weebo pride worldwide!

MEDIA SHAPES PUBLIC OPINION. Public opinion shapes (or determines) reality.

I wish more would realize that too, even here. "Reality" as a concept is pretty fickle when people are concerned so using it as an argument is counterproductive and sometimes fallacious since it borders on ad populum. I need only remind others that some centuries ago we though the world was a disc and that ships could sail right off the edge. That was the reality to thousands and thousands of people. Today, the "reality" of "one race, the human race" is a belief held by hundreds of millions of people but we few know that's not so. When you confront them on that fact, they will look at you like you're some crazy fool, dumbfounded like the "Are you kidding me!?" guy.

Therefore, reality is really just orthodoxy when interpreted by society and we're the politically incorrect heretics. They are so entrenched in their reality that they can't conceive of a world outside of it.

We actually make more progress by destroying what's considered real or impossible than by simply accepting the status quo or popular opinion; in this sense, destruction becomes a creative force. Don't forget, the left is obsessed with "realism." They want everything to be "realistic"; not idealized, not fantastic, not beyond ourselves, but "realistic." And what's realistic to them? An urinal on display, an unmade bed, lines on a canvas, the existence of fat and ugly women… Yeah, those things certainly can and do exist, but should they really continue to exist the way they do if we want a more beautiful and better world? They don't want it because they think it's out of our reach. Well I disagree. We can do anything when the will triumphs over mediocrity.

Japanese and Korean are Indo-Aryan languages brah.

Robots are big and powerful, and a lot of them are neat looking


SEIG HEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's a term for this: hyperstition.

A fictional idea that manifests its own existence through spreading through the public. For example, commodity speculation scares.


Its always hilarious to see people complain about cyber-bullying, doubly so when the people they're complaining about all have anime avatars


A liberal Zeon Zanscare AEUG lawyer professor and psychoframe doctor was teaching a class on Zeon Deikun, known Spacenoid

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Zeon and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than General Revel!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-Earth Titans Pilot champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the Earth Federation stood up and held up a rock.

”Where is this rock from, pinhead?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Zeekishly and smugly replied “The Asteroid belt, you stupid Earthnoid”

”Wrong. It’s Came from our mother earth. If it was from the asteroid belt and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be a Newtype now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Life & Times of Ghirin Zabi. He stormed out of the room crying those Zeek Z’gok tears. The same tears zeeks cry for the “spacenoids” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving Earthnoid job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Ghiren Van Aznable Haman, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist AEUG professor. He wished so much that he had a zaku to blow himself up from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them!

The students applauded and all enlisted in the EFSF that day and accepted Jamitov as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Bask” flew into the room and perched atop the Federation Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and Revel himself showed up and enacted anti zeon movements across the board

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the zeek plague SPACE AIDS and his soul floated off into space because it wasn’t bound by mother Earth’s gravity.

Easily in the top five greatest things the internet has given us.

I like the guy's avatar

It is more autistic than this one ?

That's pretty darn sweet.

Honestly I think that being a weeb and bullying people makes our victims hurt far more.

Cuckservitive "intellectuals" and leftists are obsessed with status and the opinions of others. To be mocked, laughed at, and looked down upon by people that are considered the bottom of society irredeemable losers that fap to Japanese cartoons just fucks with their ego horribly.

Just imagine if you were a Roman noble who was walking down the streets and every filthy pleb begger in the streets looked at you smuggishly and even refused your coin because they considered you trash. That's what it's like for them when we bully them.

Pretty funny, albeit unintentionally.

Okay this guy is all fucked up. When you are hitting someone in the head you want to distribute the damage as widely as possible to knock them unconscious or cause a concussion. It doesn't help to use dusters for that. Dusters are designed for muscle, fat, and organs. The damage is naturally disbursed when you hit someone there by the very nature of the tissue's softness. Dusters allow you to focus all the energy in a specific place maximizing the tissue damage. If the guy was serious he would be using sap gloves for headshots.


That's an american comic. It looks straight out of x-men how is that not obvious. Japanese people don't even draw black people in anime except for the rare show as a random criminal.

Anime is being attacked? They went for video games and now that they're losing ground, they're targeting anime next?

Fuck them! Fuck them all!

Wouldn't a duster help to break someone's jaw ?

Having to pull in extreme examples to make a point shows the weakness of your position.

It's the same argument gays use for pro-homo-marriage.

Fallacious, unthinking, two wrongs don't make a right.

This only helps.

The other thing too, if this starts subconsciously going into bashing autism, won't they be evoking the wrath of the soccer moms and their autist kids?

Sap gloves can too. It really doesn't take much.

That is beautiful, seriously.

And it went right over your head, Tor

This really. Also from another post in another thread stated, they are unable to do anything about weebs or users with anime avatars. To do so would be them acknowledging that some far off ancient japanese rice pudding imageboard featuring cave paintings of smug anime girls holds some political power and are a significant threat to them. Imagine just how humiliating it would be that the politicians admit that those users on an asian imageboard loaded with smug anime girls endangers their political power.

I mean look what it's done to Rick Wilson.

Sometimes, I get pissed off by things that Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks say and do, both online and offline. But then, I come to Holla Forums to remind myself that white men are worse. Thank you for this thread, everything about it makes me hate white men with a seething passion.

Back to the oven, Moshe

First day on the job, Shlomo?

Yep, typical white boy response to criticism.

Hey can one of you photoshop a MAGA hat on Best girl?

I mean holy fuck just imagine that you're an arrogant elitist that belongs to the neoconservative elite the group that utterly controls the foreign policy of the most powerful nation in the world by a long shot.

And you go on the internet to get slapped around by fat virgin manchildren who masturbate to anime and you're utterly impotent to fight back because you'd have to acknowledge these people that you consider human garbage as a threat.

Just fucking imagine the humiliation

But wasn't an Asuka MAGA edit what started this whole thing?

I can only imagine the colonic catastrophe it causes

It is easy to fill a void with anything. Fanatics are mostly nihilists with a flavor.

It would be like a Special Forces general having to admit that his men are losing battles to midgets in clown costumes.
To put this in perspective, (((they))) literally have unlimited resources and power at their disposal, yet are defeated time and time again by autistic virgin weeaboos on an obscure Mongolian imageboard.

Satan trips Asuka confirmed worst girl :^)

You know iv'e always thought that fanaticism has been a method for weak and stupid men to be able to compensate when faced by their natural betters.

Muslims inbred retards that they are wouldn't even remotely be a martial threat if they weren't batshit crazy.

Anime, by definition, cannot be "weebshit." You're saying that anime, a Japanese thing made by Japanese people, is "wannabe Japanese."

Nor is anime low quality pseudo-art.

Some of them. Characters like Haruhi are hardly what you would call "submissive."

Female characters in anime are much more fantastical and idealized than in, say, American movies and TV shows. They aren't even played by real people or drawn to realistically look like real people.

The main even for doujin works is Comiket. It's held twice a year, there's over half a million visitors each time. There are 35 thousand people or groups selling stuff during them. Aside from Comiket there are many smaller events, whether general or for a specific theme, work or character.

Black characters don't appear often but they're non-criminals more often than not.

If it wasn't evidence enough, the fucking amount of grotesque shilling that happens, including the weekend shilling and even sometimes raids shows you just how much of a threat this site actually poses to them. Smug anime girl postings that can master craft memes that not only spread humor but get a point across, at alarming rates.

Lies, sir. Muh waifu is best.

Considering you let Deikun's kid go full autismo and let him gain access to Axis to drop on earth shows how lazy you shits are, not to mention in order to jump start your own MS you needed to steal Zeon Zakus to build your own shit

With Muslims there are quite a bit of reasons that could be listed.

With westerners it is simply the utter and pervasive nihilism that is being propagated to us.

A man raised by wolves will see the world as one. Atheists agree with jews in almost all moral issues - regarding the atheists' land, culture etc.

I had three waifus phases

1st Sakura Kinomoto (watched CCS only because of her)

2nd Asuka Langley Soryu

3rd Rukia Kuchiki (watched Bleach only because of her)


Very rare I've noticed.

That's mighty degenerate, weeb chad.

We already know you hate yourself Holla Forums.

Didn't you hear? Obama endorsed suicide. That means you have to do it or else you're a racist.

Nigger she's fucking 12

What the fuck man

That really doesn't mean anything in anime.

A character I like is Yui from Yuru Yuri, and she's 14. But she doesn't look like a real 14 year old girl, or like a real person in general. She wasn't written to be like a real 14 year old girl. The setting isn't truly realistic. I don't associate her with real people at all.


hehe no, not even fit and white

What are you, user?

What are you even doing here?

Negro what happened to you?

but I was a teenager at the time

Thanks I guess. Enough browsing for today.

Meant for

Also of course, he's a literal nigger

That's not entirely correct, though. The 4th generation cartoon was made for all ages, though. I think 1st generation cartoon also ended up being for all ages, but I'm not really sure about that. I know, however, that the toys and gen3 are for little girls and no one else.

Also, what is wrong with this? Especially when there are things like Totally Spies(which is also made for girls, but that doesn't stop boys from enjoying the cartoon) and Sailor Moon(I'm not sure was it made for little girls or everyone, though). And the current cartoon is kinda similar to them.

It's interesting how your pic seems to forget about Steven Universe, which is much, much more jewish than MLP. I guess it was made before SU was a thing.

But let's get back to the topic.


Dubs checked

Are you a Japanese artist?

Why don't we have more Nips on Holla Forums?

I saw some japanese-styled art from western artists earlier in the thread.
He's likely one of them.

Sakura is a little different though. Yui's design could be anywhere from 11 to 20 if you fiddle with the height, Sakura is clearly a child no matter what you do.

Why those slide threads aren't bumplocked?

But it's still the same principle. Sakura doesn't look real either.



Russian, but I mostly do work for Japanese clients. They're pretty cool people. I remember an art director I worked with specifically stressing that the characters have to look Aryan. Those people are right-wing traditionalists by default, and do appreciate true beauty.

Tbh I wish we had more nigger anime fans/NEETs
I used to have a friend in high school that was a mulatto and was full-weeb, really nice guy and pretty smart too, was in advanced placement classes like I was
Not only are niggers who are into anime calmer, smarter, less dangerous and reproduce less, they're also funny as fuck.
Look at their fucking memes.

Anime fags are going to be Holla Forumss downfall I swear to fucking God.


Feel free to call me an autistic degenerate fucktard, but I believe that we can weaponize anime/NEETdom to our advantage and tame niggers and slow their reproduction rates

They nailed him for "CP" because of his waifu?

Thank god for a good looking face.

Nah because he was unfaithful to his waifu and kept 3DPD CP on his phone and bragged about it like a retard.

Oh. Almost felt sorry for a moment there.

holy shit memories man

Why was I cursed with this fate

well, not actually. A daki is pretty cringeworthy.

Don't let social stigma kill your dreams.

Being autistic just means that you were never meant to be among normalfags.

People like us were born to be on imageboards forever.

hey bro it could be worse, you could be ass blasted like I was/am, been in and out of surgeries for 5 years.
pilonidal cysts are awful, mine pretty much made me an ultra fatty, thank god I can lose weight pretty damn quickly, as well as gain muscle fast.

On a side note, just push yourself to be more social, that's what I did. Shit before I was in college I was super fucking shy and awkward, I still have my awkward moments but at least trying helps out massively.

Social autism is curable. It took me 2 years but I managed to do it. What I did is sure to be shunned by Holla Forums and requires dealing with unbearable normalfags but I eventually found a bar I liked and hung out there getting smashed and playing pool every night. Eventually, others gradually talked to me and we played a couple of games. Now, I can easily interact with anyone.

With that I've confirmed that normalfags are fucking retarded untermensch and I hate their way of life but I can actually manage to interact with people without looking like a fucking sperg. I still try to keep my social interactions at a bare minimum though. Human interaction and attachment are weaknesses that can be exploited, work-related social game is really cancer inflicted on humanity and I hate to interact with idiots and emotive people, which there are a shit ton of. Plus, having to maintain healthy relationships is a fucking pain in the ass and requires way too much time to my liking.

On the plus side, it helps a lot in almost every work environment or to find a 3DPD waifu.

I remember one night I tried sleeping with a large pillow next to me, essentially spooning it the whole night

Best sleep ever, haven't looked back since. Pure comfy


So that retard writing about MAGA Asuka pretty much revealed that the anti anime shitposting that has been going on for months both here and on other boards was in fact deliberate effort?
I wonder why tho?
thanks for all the delicious anime girl pics itt, bros

I prefer the term "sumemoning".

I think that interacting with normalfags these days is so unbeatable in part due to that they're influenced by garbage pop culture and that they're just "other people" rather than "my countrymen". We used to think of our countrymen as a step beyond our extended family.

Not anymore.

>tfw apparently I might have ~11% kike blood in me, if that
>tfw circumcised and baptized as a child

what the fuck do I do, all I wanted was a white world.

Damn user, that sucks. I hope things start going well for you. I'm going off to college in a few months, I already talked to one guy on here who goes there, maybe I'll be able to find him on >>>/meadhall/

Yeah, that's the thing.
I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or anything that the normalfags do, which makes it hard to find common activities with them.
Not to mention my INTP personality type reinforces my utter disdain for overly emotional people.
The worst part is ever since discovering imageboards, especially Holla Forums, I can't view normalfags the same. They're al like cattle to me, and I can't bring myself to interact with them.
Don't even make me get started on 3D girls and relationships.
Thanks for the tips though, I definitely need to work on my social autism to be of any use to this movement, and I'll try to improve.

Because that Jew is a fucking retard which his article clearly demonstrates.

I'm an INTP too if that gives you any indication as how hard it was to do this. The only advantages I had was that I was a polysubstance abuser in my teens and at the time I had the money to fund it all. Now, I'm doing managerial work, which before that I would have never thought I'd be able to do.

Why are Jews not considered white here, but Spaniards for example are?

Jews are racially and culturally a semitic people in origin while Spainards are racially and culturally Europeans in origin.

It's not complex you're just stupid.

Anime is quite an intriguing form of art. I think I abandoned western cartoons after years of them all looking the same, having no individual style, and generally being pozzed as all fuck

Anime's charm, for me, is the fact that every show has its own art style and its own aesthetic. You end up getting things like pics related, and it makes watching it a visual treat, combined with a good soundtrack and voice acting.

It's the only animated art form left that can still express itself freely, often making genuinely beautiful works. Sure, there's a lot of dull, degenerate shows too, but at least their degeneracy comes purely from their expression and not to push an agenda.

I doubt they'd ever get Japan to bend to their will. They have way too much pride in themselves and their culture. I don't think I've ever met a Nip that hated his/her own culture like the average Swede.

Judging by how upset my question made you, you must be full of shit.

Because kikes try to pass off as whites in order to destroy whites from within, they have hated whited and actively harmed them for over 3000 years while Spaniards did the reconquista, Italy had the SPQR, Greeks were the first European civilization which we have recorded history (as far as I know). Also,

Or maybe he hates retarded questions like the one you posed. I sure do.

That would be the Minoans in 2000 BC

I'm not talking about what they do or what they believe in, and if this is just about behavior then what does being 11% Jewish matter?

Or he's full of shit.

Fuck off with that shit.

Nice to know, thanks user.

Genetics and behavior are related. Lurk more, faggot.

Are you scared of people asking questions?

They aren't related in this case.

Epic meme, friend.

Lurk more kike.

Well you seem to be.

You are.

Where did I say anything like that?

If I'm a kike then, logically, so are you.

Your nose is showing, Isaac.

Not Holla Forums
Go back to >>>/a/

The game is up, "user".
You can stop posting.

Then, logically, so is yours. You can't have it both ways.

Every board is /a/

Then every board is equally shitty and terrible.

Except for Holla Forums and Holla Forums that are even shittier.

Double dubs confirm.

Well Cretans are Greeks.

Holla Forums is not even a thing anymore.
Hasn't been a thing for months.

Maybe he's just repulsed by stupid questions.

That's why you kikes swarmed up here to shill.

Hardcore nostalgia.

Again, this thread has nothing to do with Holla Forums

You're either new, extremely naive, or Holla Forums yourself.

I don't see how it's a stupid question.

Why call them Holla Forums? Calling them Holla Forums only serves their purpose and diverts attention.
Call them what they are.

Despite the memes of arab spaniards, Mediterranean Aryans and Semites are noticeably different peoples. In fact Spain has some of the highest concentration of Aryan genes in the world.

A pack of autistic furfaggot Holla Forumstard leftists with no lives and an insane dedication to shitting up any and all imageboards?

Nah, they didn't originate from Holla Forums or from any chans for that matter.


Think Something Awful and add to it the alphabet soup subversion, it's called /int(e)/ by pure cohencidence


I saw Freech on here quite a bit during the Evalion shitstorm.
Also what the hell is this "oathbreaker" meme they're attempting to push?

From what I understand its some autist trying to apply "memetic knowledge" to practical use a.k.a. magic.
The idea is that once a shill sees those meme circles, then their oaths to their jewish masters will be broken as a result.

Of course its just pure autism. Its a typical forced meme of leftists trying to be funny (like freeze-peach).
Its really obvious to anyone that isn't a leftist that it is just a shill attempt. As unlike Holla Forums's memes oathbreaker doesn't hold any truth nor is it funny. Its just two coloured circles upon each other that mean or tell literally nothing.

my lesbian mother told me that her mothers mothers mother may have been geman with a jewish name

she seemed almost giddy

I told her so what

I then proceeded to say that a history of being kicked out of 109 countries is not really something to be proud of


I love boat sluts.
Shimakaze is my waifu.

You are technically Jew you know…

see pic

They are from SA. Tumblr and plebbit only bolstered their ranks of leftard shitposters.

I don't think the oathbreaker was originally goons. It was just some barely functioning autist. I don't doubt Holla Forums caught up with it as shitposting ammo though.

How did they get away with this?

Back then there were no "greeks" in the modern sense of the word. Greece was just a collection of 4-5 tribes who spoke similar languages and was more of a geographical area rather than a country.

Save Anime (and Vidya) by nuking Israel.

Watch enough animu and you get a sense for it.

Pick one.

Haruhi has an underlying feminine submissiveness. Most people seem to forget what tsunderes are and the appeal behind those types of characters.

This post was referring to doujins wherein blacks are portrayed as 'big scary bad men' if not outright criminals.

I've seen like 2 doujin with legit niggers in them. One was a Panty and Stocking doujin and the other was American soldiers raping a captured Shimakaze which is really sad now that I think about it (2 out of 3 of the soldiers were niggers). Both instances were gangbangs but the P&G one was obviously consensual since they're basically whores anyway. Not exactly positive/heroic portrayals, in fact they're always oafish, like orcs. They're pretty much orcs.

The portrayal here is important… nogs are almost never portrayed as heroic in Japanese media that I've seen that has any of them in it. Good guys is possible but heroic? Almost never. The heroes are always Japanese or European.

Top. Fucking. Kek.

That nigger from black lagoon was alright, but then again he was a killer and a criminal.

I'm sorry user but, China is buying up property, purposefully inflating the housing bubble and colonizing Japan, if this continues we may not have a Japan in 50 years.

I wonder how long until they're at the UN demanding them to do something about it.

fuck off Rei fag

Kumiko an adorable.

/a/ shouldnt be Holla Forums.
But I agree the elitism is not being aplied correctly

Meant for

Between sucking moots and Hiroshima's dicks and accepting fakku dmca's and no nipples and lolis rule just around the corner, please explain how 4/a/ is anything but a pile of dogshit,
That's without mentioning unironic naruto threads and posters straight out of Gaia online.

The UN is constantly kvetching at Japan for lolicon and anime, where have you been? They issue a new condemnation like every other year.

it actually helps me socially, believe it or not. anime characters aren't perfect so it makes me more okay with being imperfect

i like to imagine them dead

asuka is annoying as shit tbh

those are objectively funny dude.

nah man the japs are public parades with slogans like "genocide all koreans" "make another nanking"

I wouldn't normally try to defend porn because it's porn, but in all seriousness dude only western artists draw hentai cartoons with niggers. The only thing that comes remotely close with Japanese artists are brown girls, who invariably have the same facial structure as the other girls, so it's usually just a tan. You think I'm exaggerating? Japanese folks can see that niggers are ugly even though their eyes are slanty.

Or people from Osaka that naturally tanned and have darker skin than the mainland Japs.

Basically, any place designated as an anime board is shit.

Well, this is essentially the case for every board. Threads that are borderline offtopic (or completely offtopic) tend to be the best ones. However, Holla Forums's /a/ bans even the slightest hint of offtopic like Puritans burning suspected witches, so there are no good threads because there are no good posters willing to put up with that shit. That's their problem.

u nani m8

i always thought brock from pokemon was supposed to be black but it turns out he was just okinawan

usually characters that are supposed to be black have very dark skin and obviously negroid features

japs dont have much conception of mulattoes or mullato-tier african americans



It was missing something

go back to watching your little girl shows you sad, sad pedophiles

Pedophiles like you often project their pedophilia onto anime, probably in an attempt to misdirect the public. You wouldn't happen to be British, would you?

everything checks.

holy shit you're so red-pilled


Pleasantly surprised to see anons share one of my favorite kinks.

Char did nothing wrong.

he was right

but then everyone found out that he has a coalburning daughter.

so its like getting corrected by a race traitor.

Do you even know where you are Shlomo

His son is a pimp or something and writes piss fanfics. His wife ogles /fit/ men without shirts.

The guy is a massive cuckold.

That…makes a lot of sense actually

New Getter Robo is mandatory viewing for any Holla Forumslack, same with Berserk.

doesn't matter, he was still right

all this talk about saving the white race and here you are tickling your little weewee to cartoons depicting underage girls in skimpy clothing. some threatening white nationalist you are, no wonder your race is dying out

Underage does not mean anything in anime and the characters are not real people or imitative of real people.

A fucking live action movie could have a baby gangraped to death and almost nobody would utter a word of complaint, but anime will get shit on if it so much as has a 17 year old girl doing nothing.

hahahahahah you are so mad that your shilling for a race traitor.

Every time, the shitposter turns out to be a shitskin. Maybe we should start doing every post by taking pictures of hand written cursive so that we can make this a white only community.

Listening to the soundtrack of this right now.

Jews are very inbred but their genetics is also impure, as in, it's a hodgepodge of all kinds of other races. They maintain the "purity of the impure" via their very strict racial laws, especially for higher caste families like Cohens.

keep doing what you're doing, you're not good enough to have children anyway, can't be trusted to keep your hands off em

well at least he can reproduce

and that's wrong how? i'm happy in my country with a faithful wife and four beautiful children while you're masturbating to your "waifu" and not having kids

You need to work harder on your projection, pedo.

Oh god, someone notify the authorities.

It completely doesn't matter. You don't see 75% Germans despairing over a lost identity because their mother was English. What matters is looking like a white man, your non-Jewish identity, and taking good care of yourself.

go out and make children already you fucking pussy. no wonder foreigners are replacing you, they're better than you at the most basic human function

So I can molest them like you do?

may i ask how old you are?


not surprised, probably too young to be using this site judging by your responses.

don't complain about the extinction of your own race when you're part of the problem

Oh fuck off already you fucking pedo piece of shit.

want me to leave you alone in your little safe space? that way you don't have to confront the truth yes?

pathetic, i spit on you

Because your savage mind can't understand how to build a society beyond the impulse to breed. Populations are too high in many Europoid colonies, especially in light of how inefficient modern systems are at providing for proper lifestyles and how many more resources will be needed to restore traditional modes of living. The problem isn't a low birth rate, the problem is importing niggers and Semites to replace a stabilizing population because the ZOG are chasing a Keynesian scheme to make themselves rich.

But of course, you're just here to shitpost, probably in order to feed your broodlings. You've already admitted to being a foreign non-white, maybe next time you'll learn to keep that little fact a secret so people might take your posts seriously for longer. Then again, it's been rather obvious from your first post.

I've already confronted the truth that you're a pedo.

i am from singapore, i work as an engineer at a company called hyflux and make more money than you could imagine. it is very clean and pleasant here, not like your 3rd world capitals. your hatred and misunderstanding of other races will get you nowhere.

the reason you are being replaced with foreigners is because you were all too beta to create new generations for the workforce and to continue your country's legacy. instead of setting you straight like i'm trying to do now, your masters figured out a long time ago that it would be easier to just get rid of you and start again.

Western countries have mass immigration because the political elite wants to ethnically cleanse white people. Not because of labor shortages or population decline.


Even with all that education borrowed from our civilization you can't understand anything beyond breeding. It's sad. I suppose that shows why you must copy us in order to be successful, but you should at least confront your own inferiority. Otherwise you'll just fall prey to the same fates as the Chinese and Koreans.

/a/ has plenty of off topic. Just not the shitposting kind

it is not decline, it's stagnation. people grow old and need newcomers to take their places, and there aren't enough to go round.

whether it is a racial thing or not, is still unclear. but the simple fact of the matter is that you are not reproducing.

it is 1.29 actually, i have four children, i dont rule this country, but i do what i can to keep it alive while you sit at your desk masturbating to cartoons

you are so desperate to make an idiot out of me, i grew up and went to university here in singapore

i cant understand why any of you are complaining about white genocide on here when you are watching little girly cartoons instead of having children and keeping your race alive

You could at least have some rudimentary idea of what you're talking about before whining about something.

that's what these are, pathetic girly cartoons to compensate for your lack of female interaction

your parents would be so disappointed in you

You're not helping your case by reiterating that you have no idea what you're talking about. They aren't even cartoons, so are you actually getting anime confused with Western animation?

So change your name to Mordekike Hebeberg and start getting amazing easy jobs.

You think those are intrinsically bound without other regard, but that only shows that your understanding of the world is still primitive. You can conceive of no greater act than the simplest conception of all, and thus why your society is a mimic of a superior race's. You can procreate, but you cannot produce.

Of course, you're just here for shits and giggles, but everyone else is basement scum with no life. By the intuition of your great race's intellect you have obtained a perfect vision of this place, which is why your posts stick out like niggers at a library. Hopefully no one pays you for these shitposts; they aren't getting their money's worth.

it matters user

oh who gives a fuck what you call it, you're still a pussy

i already told you about my job, i work hard and make a lot of money to feed my household. is there a problem with that?

No. Modern woman not being able to reap the benefits of having legal system and work system on their favour and instead falling for degeneracy is the true bane.

They're two different things, and how am I a pussy?

Only a normie would get this hysterically upset over anime.

this is how retarded you sound

This would be something positive they're doing, for a change.


Yes, we must eradicate anything that offends the highly delicate sensibilities of normies.

Yes, you already posted "personal" information in an anonymous manner in the midst of shitposting. I don't really care enough to call bullshit, but don't expect anyone to take your tale seriously. It's just far more likely that you're a paid shitposter, given how much your posts reek and all. In the end it doesn't matter which is true, your posts are still willfully idiotic trash.

They need their safespaces after all.

you are watching girly cartoons instead of meeting real women

dont complain about white extinction when you are doing nothing to help

i thought this was /pol, not /r9k

this isnt shitposting, i am just being honest with you. no wonder your leaders gave up on you when they realised you are this fucking dense

Look, all you're saying is a re post of a re post of the same points we've been hearing the past 15 years.

Nothing new to the table. Give it up shlomo while you can, you have no idea what kind of wasps are inside the nest.


yes and you didn't listen, now look where you are

They aren't cartoons, they don't all involve girls, and the fact that they involve girls doesn't mean anything by itself.

Watching anime isn't mutually exclusive with dating.

The survival of the entire global population of white people does not rest on my shoulders.

It doesn't matter what it is, you're still a normie.

You could at least try not to contradict yourself in the same post, but maybe that's the very effect you were going for.

in Holla Forums while all the normies are paying alimony after having been cucked?

He had pizza and said on facebook where.
He's a nigger after all. Here, the FBI-Report


The vast majority of anime characters are Japanese.

Niggers are just a stand in for orcs or other monsters. I'm not even joking; they're just a rape-tool that the reader will assume is an animalistic subhuman that will show no pity to the kawaii waifus they want to see ravaged by monsters, whether they be land-octopus, goblin of dindus.

i've been married for 21 years and have 4 kids, no alimoney required

They still aren't cartoons, and it's a pretty depressing thought that someone in his thirties or older could still be this immature.

they are cartoons, stop trying to make out they are something more important

Fixed her for you.

That's more or less whats happening in Jewish porn.

Dammit, weebs are like Christians, constantly making excuses for Christianities errors.

Are you CommonCuck?


Degeneracy in the highest form
Avert your eyes brothers

Strapons are already pretty degenerate but then people who go all the way to futa are just disgusting.


Weebs are normies, go read a book, normie, oh wait, normies don't read book, they watch the electric jew instaid, but it's alright, since it's not actually degenerate jews making those shows, but degenerate japs.

Really, could you explain what we do to make White people worse?

I bet you can't!

How exactly do you suppose that these are the same thing:

I didn't say anything about weebs, normie.

But you replied to someone who was positive of stopping anime, which you associated with banning things not suitable for normies, which would imply you think normies do not watch anime, or like it very much, they do.

What does that have to do with weebs?

Let's see, weebs are people who are strongly into anime, right, you think being against anime is for normies, with my opinion being that anime is for normies, you don't see the connection?

They both lack real actors, therefor miss realism and psychological depth.

Weebs are an almost non-existently small group of people. A lot of people besides weebs watch anime.

Normies are always whining about anime like some Tumblrinas because for whatever reason it triggers them.

Maybe you're just stupid.

Yes, when someone is against something that automatically means they are tumblrinas and getting triggered.

Because their are no good reasons to dislike anime.

What a normie awnser!!

they are cartoons you big baby

honestly why havent you killed yourself yet?

Novels lack actors. Therefore they cannot have realism or psychological depth.

Maybe if you normies stopped acting like triggered Tumblrinas people wouldn't characterize you as triggered Tumblrinas. Have you ever considered that?

You are the normie here.

So are you admitting that Singapore lets the mentally handicapped work as engineers and be in charge of households? Because you have to be mentally handicapped if you can't see how those examples are wholly different from each other.

only animes for kids are mainstream enough to appeal to normies. shit like pokemon and dragonball Z. but that only applies to kids.

easily the worst argument i've ever heard.

No, because language allows for that kind of complex subject matters to be expressed.

Alright, when is someone a triggered tumblrina?

When they disagree with you?


You promote anime right, now anime, tv and film, these are things the normie like, now I am more into reading, therefor I can not be a normie.

Actually, many "smart" people are also mentally handicapt in some way, see autists, or introverts who can't learn to drive a car.

Allmost all anime appeals to the emotionally immature.

I like how you refuse to actually say WHY it's the worst argument.

Enjoy your puppet shows, without emotion or depth!

And anime doesn't have language? Do you spend even five seconds thinking about your posts?

When they act like one.

Because anime triggers you.

The majority of anime is made for niche audiences.

Books are by far more mainstream than anime.

You're right, we should be watching Western media instead and learn about mature values like cuckoldry and rape.

Enjoy being a retard.

Do y'all see this? Pagans hate anime.

Weird, when I say the language of a book allows realism and psychological depth to be expressed, I am clearly not saying that anime doesn't have language.

Clearly, a well written book is far deeper, then a screen-adaption, a good novel could be around 500 pages long.

Could you be more specific and concrete, you know, unlike your animes, because "something is something because I say so" is not an argument.

Why? What is triggering and how can you describe it?

A lot of shows on tv are also made for niche audiences, doesn't make them non-normie.

Oh right, you think non-normies are people like hipsters and goths who go against the "mainstream"?

Really, practically every person I know has watched anime when they where young, very few of them actually have a reading habit.

Wait, but that is part of anime right? Nigger porn and rape porn, what exactly makes it differently?

Also, weird how you say western media, when I was talking about books.

He, not counter-argument to what I said, enjoy your puppet show.

Not a pagan or fedora, or one of your other christian names.

My nigga. There's just something really damn appealing about ultra-tight attire (especially if it's shiny) on a woman. Probably something to do with how it accentuates every last curve of the female body.

All of this should, of course, be confined to the bedroom and never mentioned out in public.

Image spoilered because of 3DPD and degeneracy

what are you gonna do next, say that the United nations was correct when it told japan to tone down on the drawings?

I see, you think it's perfectly alright to watch animated blacks fuck animed white woman, because it's animated and it isn't some-how the exact same theme with the exact same intent.

He, atleast you people are admitting that cartoons are unrealistic.

Insecurity is seeping out of your every pore. Go have no fun somewhere else

What is insecurity and how do I show it?

If language allows a novel to express realism and psychological depth, and anime has language, then on what basis is anime not capable of expressing realism and psychological depth?

Getting triggered and pissy over anime.

Don't play stupid. We wouldn't be talking about this if you weren't triggered.

They are not as niche as anime.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Yes really.


Weird how I can say whatever the fuck I want regardless of what you were talking about.

Enjoy being a retard.

I can separate reality from fiction and not look for stuff with niggers, redditor.

Where the fuck does that happen, exactly? Sex of any kind is extremely rare in anime and black characters appear once in a blue moon.

The way you think is incredibly defensive, which is understandable but attributable to insecurity. For example you mention that some anime/manga/hentai whatever portrays blacks with whites, and therefore you think anime should be banned. But by the same measure, western art and media portrays much more black and white couples, so therefore all western media should be banned. In fact you are liable to have interracial couples in all art and media forms, so by your logic we should just ban all art/media, so that nobody would dare put their pen to paper and draw something that offensive to you. If you were purely objective you would follow this reasoning, but I doubt you think that way. So it shows insecurity.

I think objectively we can agree that eastern art is less harmful than western art at the present time.

No, I never said it's language, I said it's the kind of language found in a novel.

Nice try!

Define triggered, define pissy.

I see, you refuse to awnser, let me state my question again.

Why? What is triggering and how can you describe it?

Really, what exactly makes anime more niche.

I bet you don't have the awnser to that.

That's your definition right, it has to be very niche to be unnormie.

Yes, I have seen hentai with blacks and rape anime on this site.

So you admit you are purposefully saying unrelated things to derail this discussion?

Still not a counter-argument, enjoy your puppet show.

How does this reply relate to my post.

I don't know, I know the stuff posted on this site of blacks fucking animes.

define answer. define bet. define that

Define defensive and insecure and show how it applies to me.

No, I don't recal saying that.

No, because that was not an argument I made.

Millions of people are turned into virgin needs by that stuff, I think it's a lot more harmfull.

So, in other words, you can neither define nor explain the words you are using and I am supposed to take you serious.

This is what happens when you don't read people, your language skills become vague, but he, atleast you know the word for child sex in japanese, right?

I.e. you're just making shit up as you go in a desperate bid to justify your inane prejudice against animation.

Your behavior.

Go fuck yourself.

You are either delusional or absolutely fucking ignorant about the topic if you're seriously trying to argue this.

It just IS more niche, you dumbfuck.

Still no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Hentai has virtually nothing to do with other anime, and interracial porn is about a hundred times more prevalent in American porn. I don't think I have ever seen a black character in hentai.

No, you stupid fucking normie.

Enjoy being a fucking retard you normie subhuman piece of fucking shit.

ITT: A bunch of niggers arguing over spooks

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, as usual.

Confirmed pedo.

its a jew, just ignore it.

Fuck off subhuman.

Alright, give an example of something I made up.

You refuse to give a definition, therefor to you the wordsw triggered and pissy mean whatever you want them to mean.

That is anatomically impossible.


Oh alright, then when is something normie?

Weird, it looks exactly the same.

Says unrelated thing to derail the thread, yeah.

Enjoy yout puppet-shows!

Are you saying there isn't a culture of herbivores in japan, of men who refuse to marry, find woman and who watch anime all day?

But this is an anime thread, how can it come from nowhere when anime and the japs are pedophilic?

whatever it is, its definitely retarded


I see you have given up.

What country?

Due to your demographics you have no Religious majority or ethnic supermajority. You are a multicultural materialist shithlole.

Your nations only exists on the whim of your globalists masters we at least have a chance of breaking free.


Your bullshit about how anime can't be realistic because there's no actors, then scrambling to say the same doesn't apply to literature because of "language," while still somehow maintaining that anime still can't have realism.

You refuse to stop being triggered like the fucking normie you are.


Weird, you again have no fucking idea what you're talking about. How unusual.

No, you stupid fucking normie.

Enjoy being a fucking retard you normie subhuman piece of fucking shit.

I'm saying that as usual you have no fucking idea what you're talking about when you say "millions" are turned into "virgin neets."

"Herbivores" have nothing specifically to do with anime, but of course you wouldn't know that.

You are a pedophile and you are projecting. Kill yourself.

next he'll say this is misogynistic

it is the worst argument ive ever heard because i have never heard an argument worse than this one.

youre moving the goalpost away from your original statement that anime is for normies.

is the only form of entertainment for you theatre? are you into it because you like men dressed in drag, pretending they have feelings they dont really have?

are you attempting to insult animation as a story telling medium in general?

you sound very emotionally immature.

All right, HOW is that made up, it's clear to me that real-life actors and sets are far more realistic then an animation, it's also the case that when you have a novel then you can use language to realistically describe a situation, you could for example spend 10 pages describing a few seconds of reality.

What is triggering and how does that apply to me.

No, I want a reason, start thinking, those animes have made you stupid.

Alright, WHY is it different.

Why Am I a normie

Also, WHY is it a niche?

Enjoy show of puppet.

Really, are you saying weebs here don't describe themselves as needs, virgins and social outcasts?

WHY am I a pedophile, I am sure you have an argument.