why is germany such a big brother society? they have cctv cameras everywhere. i cant go outside my door without being recorded because the landlord have fucking cctvv cameras in in the stairwell.
Why is germany such a big brother society? they have cctv cameras everywhere...
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United Kingdom was like that. Reasons there was because they imported a bunch of shitskins in the 1980s and caused a bunch of crime. They had to respect the rights of the shitskins and had to use CCTV footage to capture them committing a crime.
So blame terrorism and shitskins. As always.
I mean fucking IS.
Cause Islam.
I was gonna say.
Britain is run by cocksuckers slimey enough to invent whole new forms of surveillance.
All done to capture shitskins. Then once that all blew over in the good 90s of europe they decided to keep them all because why not?
The rise of terrorism also was the reason to strive for more surveillance for public safety.
Sounds like England, tbh
Der Islam Gehört Zu Deutschland (t. Merkel)
Because Germany is occupied by the USA and is therefore the most spied on country in the world.
You dumb niggers leech off German goods and knowledge in return of worthless paper money which we receive via debts.
You demoralize and dumb down our youth with your total domination over our media and education system.
You throw out away our money to everyone and make living here hell on earth via complete control over our political system.
You literally have an economy war going on against us with multiple lawsuits and try to kill us off with immigration and demographic kikery.
And despite that we still manage to be one of the best economies in the world.
Let that sink in.
Fixed that for you, friendo.
Okay Jerry.
your cars suck ass and your guns fall apart.
your optics are overrated and your women are ugly as fuck (exception is northern germany)
They are in progress to replace the y chromosome.
The male nuclear y chromosome only mutates 0,3 % per generation.
This is why we used to have male upon son inheritance to ensure the bloodline and genetic identity.
Most countries in the world still know this but the west forgot and is quickly losing their genetic identity because men dont have male offspring any more.
The thing about the European and Asian blood,Europeans and Asians have more population groups (family trees) and much shorter/younger family trees then the African and arab genetics, this causes those to be more dominate.
The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees(main ethnic African groups) are bigger and have longer branches but the rest of the world Asians and Europeans have more family trees
Because of this long isolation these genetic groups(trees) gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation
All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy reducing mutations within the population group
This is the cause of recession of the Asian or European genetics AKA genocide.
Tl;dr European asian genes are recessive, they will regress when bred with dominate arab or african genetics causing the disappearance of them.
You need less then 5% to cause this genetic shift, most european countries have 10% of their demographics being african/arab. most only have around 60% 70% of their native population left.
So they need to keep controlling your behavior preventing you to act out and try to get away from their control and manipulation.
They cant track your mind so they track your body.
Groß schwester
I got the long game going on this one don't you dare question my ability to start a war. Just because I'm not dropping armor like fucking spaghetti around my pocket does not mean i'm a pacifist. Fuck you, do you have the first 3 invasions perfectly planned out? Are you purposefully waiting a weekend when no one is manning the defenses just to add a level of speed? Did you get a secret weapons program at a high-end university to further chances? I doubt you ever have perfected the art of war. Well bow in the presence of a master.
First I'm building up the army, your soldiers flow more naturally while walking so this will be a great opportunity to learn a lot about them without coming off as a game of 20 questions. I did some research into the doctrines they mentioned being interested in/enjoyed so on our invasion I can use pretend I have an attack plan.
Next I will take her on a 'classic' invasion, Poland, France, Switzerland. Something of that nature. That's where it becomes I'm obvious I'm not just trying to topple the governments like the other assholes.
Then comes the real invasion, attack Russia and take their land.
After that I have Lebensraum.
Goodbye nigger.
wait, isnt it everywhere like this? they have cctv in supermarkets in usa too, dont they? wtf youre talking about? what am I missing? was n' los hier?
Dream on faggot
Because you didn't eradicate the jew when you had the chance.