GameJolt goes from 0 to SJW in one post
Well, looks like the cancer's gotten to GameJolt too. Why do these people have a constant need to complain?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the single fastest SJW take over I've ever seen. Even faster than any of the Code of Conduct stuff.


They were already SJW trash long ago the biggest indicator was when they started to glorify mental health.

Grow the fuck up son

gaymen shit


SJW shills are not in a position to tell other people to grow up.

Tell tale sign that you're dealing with an SJW when they use this phrase

"ESS JAY DUBYA" or any variation of this is also a tell tale sign you're dealing with an SJW

this is an 18+ site

No, it's not. cuckchan is. You are free to go back though.

who cares

Look, Jessica, nobody believes your bullshit. Go back to your safe space before you get triggered.

Holla Forums === SJWs

fuck off idiots

this thread is D&C by freech goons. report it.

Please go away Holla Forums, we don't want you here


anyone with a different point of view is a shill
>>>Holla Forums

Nice try shill

you did this OP
this is your fault

no u

Remember guys, vigilance.

Fuck off

I don't even browse Holla Forums, in fact, Holla Forums hates me.

You're retarded.

Take your meds

>>>Holla Forums

But I'm not leftist.
Reminder to get back on topic, this guy is clearly a shill attempting to censor discussion by derailing the thread.

Fuck off shill

They're not going to have sex with you. You'll keep sacrificing your power and desires until you become Jake Rapp. You'll end up a childless 40 year old man paying taxes to flood his country with Muslims and pay for their childcare while SF tech companies drop your salary to poverty levels. Figure it out that you're being attacked.

This isn't technology
This is Holla Forums

Here you go.