quads and I come out as a faggot to my dad again
Come out as bi to my dad by accident while drunk day my uncle dies
Repressed memory of your uncle molesting you, perhaps?
Maybe this is what your dad thought and why he cried.
Why is it that when someone says they're gay that someone thinks they were molested as a child? Come out of your cave nigger and join the 21st century.
Because it's usually true.
Homosexuals are much more likely to be pedophiles, it's not a stereotype, it's a statistical fact. And I say that as a bipedo.
nah, I only got molested by Daniel S****, who didn't get arrested for it, but raped two schoolgirls last year, one of whom I have known for years
my uncle wouldn't do that and I only used to see him at social gatherings anyway
I was though, m80
sorry lad
I forgot that that would spoiler
I stand by my first post. Where you getting your data, 1960's textbooks?
It's common knowledge. A simple search will show you the data. I don't feel like rehashing it.
Up until the 1980s boylovers were an accepted contingent of the gay rights movement. NAMbLA marched in pride parades.
it's a myth mate, gays are not more likely to be pedos.
I don't know whether there is a correlation between being molested and being a faggot, my sample size of one is too small to really tell
Like I said, the statistics will show you otherwise.
Homos are not known for showing restraint. They are more likely to do drugs and partake in other self-destructive behaviors impulsively. They practically invented "hookup" culture in restrooms. One of the reasons AIDS spread so quickly.
because irresponsible childhood can be factors in causing faggotry
I too did some really gay shit as child because no one really taught be the importance of not being a faggot, and so I kind of fooled around with some other kid the same age and I turned out not entirely straight, I'll occasionally get boners from traps. It's a mental illness and a result of mistakes made as kid by either the individual himself or parents
I forgot to checkem
citation needed
maybe you did gay shit as a child… because you were already gay
Do you actually believe the average faggot is an upstanding citizen like you see on your talmudvision? These things are common knowledge, or at least they were until all the pro-gay propaganda.
You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
OP is a classic Rock Spider
Attention seeking faggot.
Homosexuality is not real though. Your father is probably making a lot of jokes because he doesn't want to deal with the fact that his son is a biological and cultural failure.
Who would have thought that people put-down as perverted abominations and ostracized from society for centuries would descend even further into degeneracy?
do it nigger quads or no
drunk people are honest people
You don't the see the gay upstanding citizens. Because they look just like everyone else. Of course you notice the flaming faggots
Fag logic.
Like serial killers, then. Oh look, another group largely filled with homosexuals.
You could just exclude "gays" from that group then.
He did fail as a father, but at least give him some blissful ignorance. I'm betting that your Dad remembers everything but refuses to acknowledge it.
more like desperate
Its because that shit happens all the time. Faggots exist because they suffer from mental problems. Being molested or having a difference in brain function to normal people is what makes gays. Like all those trap faggots, they saw so much faggot poem that their brain started to like it.
This. Nobody wants a faggot son. He'd at least have his dignity if you just kill yourself, OP. That way he can go on pretending you never said you were a fag and he'll mourn the loss of his straight son.
And if you live under rocks lel
Gibe hime the citations
It was common knowledge Hilary would win :^)