Is it time for encryption? It is the current year 2016

Is it time for encryption? It is the current year 2016.
The ultimate encryption against aliens and lizards, NWO. bilderbergs etc. ANAL SECURITY, how into?

1. What kind of encryption types, schemas, modes, philosophies are? And pros/cons/uses of each?
-entire disk encryption (like truecrypt). pros cons?
-encrypted containers (like truecrypt). pros cons?
-hidden volumes (truecrypt) pros cons?
-file/folder level encryption (encFS) pros cons?
-container uploaded to the internets. pros cons?
Any more types?

2. What to encrypt and how, where? What files should be encrypted and in what mode?
Should all files, why? What files are most important to encrypt? Should web browser data and stuff be, how? Documents, projects?

3. What encryption software to use? Why? Pros cons uses? I wanna good interface (GUI) and user friendliness.

4. How to encrypt things like web browser or mail client profile/data? Truecrypt containers are mounted as separate partitions, so it's not possible. Need to use things like EncFS?

5. Any decent safe mature EncFS for windows? Or alternatives?

6. What happens when there is power loss? is everything safe except RAM (for some minutes)?

7. What encryption? AES/Twofish/Serpent etc? Or what combinations/chains? AES is backdoored or they have strong ASICS to bruteforce fast. There is a reason jewish Intel corp. has hardware acceleration of AES (ok maybe to steal keys, but maybe also other reasons).

8. What is the performance hit and electrical energy use caused by encryption? Need strong CPU's? How about dealing with small files read/write?

9. Truecrypt container is shit as it's fixed size. That's not acceptable. So what then?

10. Encryption OPSEC.

11. Full disk encryption is shit. If one byte breaks, you are done. No way to fix filesystem, recover etc. I don't have enough space to do frequent full disk backups.

12. Can two factor authentication? Should?

13. What happens when you hibernate?

14. Is there an option to auto-dismount when unused for X time?

15. Should steganography my encryption file? How to? So for example my file won't be but instead be hidden inside a PNG image or a mp4 video file (that will work as a video too) etc.

16. If not full disk encryption, what files directories should be erased/overwritten often? Like temp directories etc? So there is no copy of some evil files, caches etc

17. Your other points, advices, lizards, etc. How to deal with NWO, clinton foundation and NASA.

Other urls found in this thread:


What essay you dumbass? I wanna encrypt my files and pedos. I did research but still not sure about many things, so asking somebody who already knows



You discriminate pedophiles? You don't tolerate them? In Sweden you would go to jail for that


Either everyone is secure or no one is secure. If you want to make pedos insecure, you make all non-pedos insecure. Btw, say hi to TAO from me.

Back to librechan, pedo

You're about 17 years late tbh
Depends entirely upon your threat model and security goal.
Short answer: dm_crypt/LUKS
Everything. Because why not? Mode: oh fuck, really, OP
Short answer: Linux Mint with dm_crypt/LUKS
Full-disk encryption using dm_crypt/LUKS
If you're going to use Windows, you have already lost the game and are literally hopeless.
Nothing unless your OS is shit (Windows)
dm_crypt/LUKS, Depends entirely upon your threat model and security goal.
Negligible: you won't see any difference.
dm_crypt/LUKS, you can keep boot partition and keys on separate USB stick.
Your kinda stupid thb.
Sure, why not.
Your metabolism slows waaaay down.
See: cron
Sure, why not. You have nothing but time right?
So fucking Windows up in here.
Install Gentoo, read, read some more and keep reading and using the software until you slowly come to understand how it works.
If that's too much trouble for you, stick with Windows and browse only sheepleweb.

Get arrested and go to a local jail and say what you said to your cellmate. I assure you after you do that, you will no longer be unsure about many things.

Get out.

What are possible threat models and goals? I think I wanna be protected from NWO, lizards, NASA, NSA, FBI, illuminati, bilderbergs, clinton foundation, police, thieves etc

Shit doesn't work on windows. So something else.

I'll tell you why not:
-it is clear your PC is encrypted. they will ask you to unlock it
-performance hit, and need for bigger storage
-when you get a single byte broken, all your data will be ruined. And no way to recover files or partition in any failure. So only what you can do is frequent and possible full disk backup (which takes much time and storage space)
-no way to do that when you already have unencrypted hdd (unless you use a second one as temporary buffer)

mode like if disk level or filesystem level or hidden containers etc

Linux mint is stupid shit not usable for anything more than web browsing. And it has horrible GUI.


How exactly?
At least I don't have heartbleed or other (not yet discovered) shit on my OS

It's the linux which is shit. And OS has nothing to do with RAM keeping data after power loss.

That's a lie.

Can, but should I? Why? Pros/cons?

That's valuable answer.


But on windows.

But how to steganography it?

What's the point of installing such shit? I want to actually use my computer for productive purposes, not for some autism.


which windows EncFS to use? (commercial, paid, closed source, backdoored) (FLASHCRYPT) (limited operating system choice) (old one)

how about hibernation and swap file?
should use separate stuff for hibernation and swap? which one?
Which one different software uses? What should choose?

linux is unsecure heartbleed shit
and windows actually allows you to do something productive, not spend your entire day reading manuals and entering stupid words into black screen




Not too sure about encryption anymore. NSA/google already have some sort of rudimentary quantum processor in there hands.
It's pretty surprising how fast the research for quantum computing is going.

do you even freedoms?

Like rebooting twice a day.


Even if they had ability to decrypt, they would use it only in very serious cases, and only if you was in US or damages US interests. Local police or other countries police wouldn't have that ability.

Also, if you use smart steganography, no decryptor/quantum on earth will "decrypt" it, ever.

Another linux sectarian. Seems you haven't used windows in very long time, as windows have a typical non-reboot uptime of several months. And the only situation when it fails/reboot is because of crap device drivers (some counter/variable got maximum value and reset to 0, etc.). On linux there are no crap device drivers? Oh wait, maybe it's because linux doesn't support any hardware.


Have you seen how fast different groups are dumping resources into research? Look at IBM and that other company having a pissing test to see who has gotten further.

Most companies/groups already have the basic systems already figured out. Now it's a problem of scaling the number of qubits to an amount that can be used to compute something worthwhile.
Within a decade for sure with the speed we are seeing now.

that's true faggot

At the moment, there is no known quantum attack possible on AES. It's mostly asymmetric encryption like RSA and EC that is vulnerable to quantum attacks.

How's 1992?

I can't hear you over the sounds of TF2 running at constant 140fps on my GNU+Linux install.

Well it's clearly not. Linux supports a lot more hardware than OS/X. It's only Windows that has "flawless" support, but that's only because all the hardware manufacturers target Windows, but even then it's not perfect. And if you want to run older version of Windows, you may well be out of luck.
Not that I care much, since all modern gear is botnet crap anyway.

They target it because it's popular. And it's popular not by accident, but by being best. Who would like to use linux instead of windows? I'm yet to find such person

Yes. I do not use new botnetted hardware and all older than that works.

Please stop feeding the retard

Ad populum

Windows is not best because it's more popular, windows is best because it's best, as simple as that

The answer is no. Acting like a nigger, which you have done throughout this thread, does not change the answer.