Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the sole purpose of posting or spreading such content.
Other than that, you are free to make whatever rules you want on your board.
This doesn't mean you get to come to shit up Holla Forums over and over. Just because your content doesn't break global rules doesn't mean I won't get rid of it. If you want to post pedo content, you can create your own board. If your board gets deleted along with the rest of the pedo boards (see; then you're out of luck.
If you fags have any questions about what I'm doing and why, use this thread to discuss. Pedoshit will still be deleted and banned in this thread.
You're the faggot. You people disrupted a community that values free speech with your faggotry.
Gavin Sanders
Noah Wilson
What was /doll/?
Jaxson Campbell
Sebastian Lee
Cool, but aren't there any other vols or do they all agree?
Dylan Anderson
Liam Martin
And they said that tipping the FBI was a waste of time.
Trump in Usa, Duterte in Filipinas, its time to get a new home marxists.
Colton Myers
So I just read the FAQ again, apparently they changed it.
''Which boards are global and owned by the Holla Forums administration?
Only /newsplus/, the Holla Forums counterpart of 2ch's /newsplus/. For more information about it, please click here. Holla Forums, /n/, and /operate/ used to be global boards, but this is not the case anymore. /sudo/ belongs to the Holla Forums Administrator, but is not a global board.''
So apparently Holla Forums is not a global board, but dysnomias board.
If I make a new board that was like the old Holla Forums (content will only be removed if it breaks the global rules), will all you faggots convert, or will it die like all the rest of em?
Eli Collins
That kid having such a large penis is very unrealistic. Fuck that bitch, I'm literally shaking right now
Grayson Thompson
Xavier Parker
Same goy, i will tip the FBI again if you post cp.
Evan Bennett
it'll probably die
Colton Baker
Yes, why are you such an enormous faggot?
Jayden Torres
Stop abusing 'free speech' to justify your degeneration. You are free to state your opinion on whatever topic, but your kiddie pictures are not needed for that.
Blake Bennett
If you're talking about Jim & Ron you'll have to talk to them personally, but if you're talking about me, I am not undermining freedom of speech by 'disrupting a community'
I'm *(trying to) get rid of a 'community' that is disrupting freedom of speech by repetitively posting content that pushes legal boundaries to the point of getting websites shut down.
Technically, yes. However, the only rule Holla Forums has is global rules. I don't make rules because then I would feel obligated to follow them, and I would rather do what I want when I want without having to tell everyone that something changed.
Jordan Martin
Why don't you like the idea of keeping up a pedo thread and hiring a few mods to only moderate that thread?
Cameron Gutierrez
then pedo content is allowed lel
Tyler Brown
Isn't incest illegal? How about fucking your girlfriend’s sissy little brother? Last I heard rape was against the law. Calling others to act violently breaks the law.
If you don’t like pedo’s Dysnomia then say I hate pedo’s and will discriminate against them every chance I get but don’t wrap yourself in the law and claim the moral high ground.
Sebastian Evans
did you even read what he wrote? He's banning you because he wants to and can, he doesn't follow any rules. Your autistic asses deserve it too.
Christian Gray
what's the big deal? I could say that in public, probably getting applaud for it.
Jackson Thompson
So… you don't want any rules besides the global rules, but you want to delete "pedoshit" even though it's not against the global rules. Keep in mind I'm not disagreeing with you for deleting what you delete, but what sort of posting guidelines are we supposed to follow to make sure our content doesn't get deleted? Are we supposed to just post under only the global rule and hope you don't ban us for one of your invisible rules? Seriously, how does that make any sense? Are you off your meds?
Jonathan Gray
Banning pedophiles is the only good you've ever done
Austin Ward
they are not you fucking degenerate
Asher Ross
I really need to make a "back to librechan" image.
Michael Long
what about banning the spam
Camden Torres
Oliver Garcia
I don't mind pedos. Pedos should be able to post. However, this seemingly specific group of imageboard-using pedos seem to destroy imageboards left and right. They completely destroy any website they go to *(unless it's a honeypot)
How do they do this? It's seemingly systematic. 1. They post simple pictures of children, often from family photos, or models from some catalogue. 1.b If they get in trouble they show all the proof that what they are doing is legal
2. They continue to post content that is perfectly okay, they make themselves at home with it.
3. They begin to push boundaries by posting content that is more and more suggestive, to the point of being sexual. Upon getting in trouble doing this they will go back to 1.b letting everyone know that what they have done is completely legal
4. They will then begin to post content that is only legal in context. This content consists of images such as those from nudist colonies, thus posting full on child nudity, for the sake of being sexually pleased, under the disguise of doing it innocently because "they can, it's legal".
5. At this point the images become full blown CP. Pictures and pictures from sets that are well known to be taken for the soul purpose of pornography.
On every site I have ever browsed that had the misfortune of harboring them, 1 of 3 things has happened. 1. The website gets shut down, never to be seen again. 2. The website kicks them out and resumes as usual. 3. The website stays up and is seemingly filled with nothing but this type of content.
Pretty much this. If there were no laws I would leave pedos alone. I actually like this imageboard and I wish for it to stick around for a while. As far as I am concerned, any community like the one mentioned above which knows very well what it's doing, and doesn't take a hint is something I consider to be a destructive parasite to any host community that would be unfortunate enough to harbor it.
tl;dr pedos are cancer, and not the funny shitposting kind.
Isaac Sanchez
I see people posting about the “discrimination” they’re perceiving in society against their white male privilege that they see slipping away in America. Why should anyone give a fuck about your discrimination while you sit in the basement and discriminate? Pull a page from your own book why don’t you.
Leo Howard
Mason Hernandez
Owen Thomas
Anthony Butler
Andrew Sanchez
Do you realize that it makes your job harder by banning everyone who posts children than if you only banned those who posted sexual photos of kids?
Charles Long
where do you think we are?
Dylan Smith
He actually makes his job easier since he doesn't need to constantly monitor you fuckers.
Isaac Garcia
He didn't ban pedophiles. Important distinction. >Pedophiles: Any time a pedo posts, whether it be "I am attracted to children and hate myself for it" in a confession thread or a self-help thread.
The above is the concern for censorship highlighted in the right-to-left line of this quick shitty image I made. Dysnomia's concern, again, highlighted in , is the left-to-right. Both are equally valid, and must be delicately tended to for Holla Forums and Holla Forums to survive in it's current state.
Joseph Cooper
t. pedo
Jose Bell
Maybe I'll ban you and make that 2 things. :^)
Listen, kid. I don't care about any of your SJW idealism, and I don't care if I come off as a "bigot" to you. The simple fact that you continue to post here despite knowing well about the fact that I will ban you, thus reducing the amount of IP the board can use at any given moment is proof that you don't really care for this community, when instead you could go to literally any other site, or even make your own board where there is nobody to pick on you and nobody to dislike your content.
The first step to getting what you want is to learn how to stop being such a spiteful little faggot. It's almost as if you're the same age as the children you post.
Leo Kelly
Hey, I just wanted to say that even though I think I've shat on you in the past, I think you're cool and thank you for doing what you do.
If you remember/know Shadow or whatever he goes by now, tell him I still think he's cool too and wish what happened with Devoted just kinda didn't happen
Gavin Moore
Gooooood night everyone ^.^ ~ I love Millie!
Landon Anderson
Christian Powell
Matthew Bell
Holla Forums has surpassed the 4chan and reddit moderation. The perfect moderation was when lowcard was here.
He can ban us all he wants, but we're not going to leave yet. If he wanted to be a good mod, he'd only ban sexual photos of kids. Instead he bans pretty much every photo of a child.
See you Mika.
Dominic Clark
What's wrong with posting lolis? Are you gay?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Angel Phillips
Ryder Ward
dysnomia's mistaken logic is that posting lolis leads to pedos posting hardcore child porn.
Joseph Anderson
It's what's happened literally every time.
Wyatt Peterson
You mean the entire history of the internet?
Eli Murphy
Aaron Evans
No, not really. A temperamental, flamboyantly cock-suckingly gay moderation that allows doxing and raids is better than a both A. a ragtag pack of ex-goon vols led by a nippon that has no idea what he's doing and B. a cold corporate administration bought out by a mainstream media company only mindful of drawing advertisers. I'll take the former any day.
Christopher Peterson
Okay "daddy"
True tbh. although I used to care about it before you and jim made it what it's now.
You make shit up and all the slippery slopes when truth is nothing I post ever threatend this site in any way. In general pedos have been very well behaving, other than fighting this stupid pedo crusade of yours which you deserve tbh. Take it as form of civil disobedience if you will. :^) Lel sure mate.
Actual cp posting has not been huge problem from what I've seen. But of course you use any chance to futher your own agenda. ;)(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Colton Cox
Kevin James
Why don't you go fuck off to pedoland or wherever (((people))) like you go to get your jollies.
Angel Long
Oy vey go-I mean guys. We must defend freedom of speech provided it's not horrible things like holocaust denial and anti-racemixing. Things like pedophilia and racemixing should be encouraged for the good of all (((people)))
Luis Powell
Yes, it happened every time pedo threads were allowed for two years.
dysnomia BTFO
Christopher Miller
It actually does make it easier. You can cut a weed and let it grow, or you can pull a weed by the roots. Some will see this as an act of laziness, and, well it is; it's also efficient
I have sat down time and time again to consider the options I have. The best options are these:
1. allow pedo content. 2. don't allow pedo content In both situations a volunteer will be required, either to delete the pedo content, or to sift through it for anything that is illegal.
In option 1 there are sub-options. 1.a I could cycle a single thread so that anons could hide it for good. However this means that illegal content could be posted, shared, and covered up by simply posting in the thread continuously. There would be a need for a volunteer during every part of the day to monitor this content.
1.b I could let them post regularly without a cyclical thread, however, this clutters the catalog due to the thread being one that is posted over and over again. It would also be more tedious to moderate due to being all over the place.
Nobody wants to sit on their ass in a thread waiting for something illegal to show up. Most mods will go about their business browsing the imageboard as usual, only deleting something when they see it. Even I don't see everything posted here, and I certainly don't go looking for content. I remove it if I see it. That's why the report function exists.
1.c Hire someone who would site in the thread and monitor it 24/7 (AKA a pedo) This is by far the most stupid idea and would definitely be exploited.
In option 2, it's pretty simple. 2.a Content is removed on site, regardless of legality. This makes it easier to moderate because there doesn't need to be a level of judgement based on how suggestive the content is. A volunteer wouldn't have to sift through posts determining which one stays and which one goes. It reduces the possibility that something illegal would show up when nobody is around to remove it.
No matter which situation I look at, it seems like I am going to have to hire more moderators to do anything effectively. Which is really stupid considering the actual speed of this board.
And I'm damn right. Whether it's the actual community, or FBI trying to honeypot the pedos CP shows up. It has on every imageboard I've ever browsed that has come across this particular problem.
If you don't care about this place, leave. It's quite simple. Fighting with me isn't going to make me change my mind. I became a mod because I would constantly badger the mods about not deleting any CP. They made me a mod and I learned that mod.php was so broken that it hardly worked without crashing the site.
You can thank Ron for making botmod which deletes CP bots, and you can thank You can thank Ron & Jim for actually making mod.php work again so that mods can delete CP.
Henry Evans
Sometimes I wish librechan was still up and all the filthy pedos could stay there.
Why don't you faggots move to masterchan? It seems like they tolerate your kind.
Blake Moore
Pedos seem to take being unwelcome as a challenge.
Aiden Evans
Don't give up, friend.
Ian Price
u gotta go fuck yourself, nigger
and u bitches whine about 4chan
Hudson Watson
You are always free to make your own board.
John Stewart
Bitch to Jim or Chodemonkey if you think you can do a better job, nigger.
Julian Miller
as if women ever act like adults
Connor Gutierrez
Camden Thomas
what do you mean by this?
are you simply saying that your are deleting pedo related content that isn't strictly illegal?
or are you doing what it sounds like out of context, arbitrarily deleting what ever you want?
tbf br0, the only people that would be concerned with your OP are the same cancer that are fagging up the board who hardly deserve an explanation
they are either retarded or troll, in both instances you are wasting your time being diplomatic with them
Cameron Harris
there r no rules on Holla Forums, other than global and when a bitchnoma comes over to "own" it, why r u changing rules of existing board instead of making his own board? make your own board, bitchnomia. Holla Forums is to be Holla Forums
Xavier Campbell
But he already has this one, why would he need two?
Jack Barnes
why did he get this 1 to begin with, instead of making 1?
Josiah Hughes
Care to explain why you think it's a stupid idea? Why do you automatically think a pedo mod would abuse the power?
Juan Jones
Dysnomia has been owning it (in a literal sense, he is a shit mod) since the administration switch and the Jim drama. Copypaste's account, which I assume holds the ##Board Owner capcode, is inactive, and Holla Forums doesn't consider Holla Forums a globally owned board anymore. Now this is the part where I would say "just make your own board', but that leads to an underlying flaw in Holla Forums's system, where it's extremely hard to promote an alternate board, especially if you're trying to replace one with a legacy name. And that's not really you're, who just wants free speech, or dysnomia's, who just wants to keep it legal as easily as possible, fault.
Leo Wilson
Because they have on literally every website it's been tried.
Xavier Martin
i know its hard to promote 3rd party so 8ch is shit, 4chan best chan
David Baker
Excuse me, are you dysnomia?
Tell me one instance of when lowcard abused the power.
Jayden Scott
check em
Jack Williams
Caleb Reed
I didn't say anything about lowcard you retard. I'm referring to every site where you're offered a micrometer and see how far you can take it before you're banned or ruin the place like masterchan.
Nathaniel Kelly
Thanks fam
Kevin Mitchell
Charles Richardson
The only rule on Holla Forums is the global rule, thus the only obligation I have to keep as far as rules go is to make sure the global rule is followed. However, that doesn't mean I have to only follow the global rule and that I can't do anything else.
I am very lenient on 99% of content on Holla Forums. The only two things that irk me are spam, and illegal content.
Basically. I'm not claiming to be the best mod, or the most wise person, but I think I have a keen sense of judgement when it comes to knowing what destroys and imageboard and what doesn't. That isn't to say I am going to purge Holla Forums of anything I deem cancerous in an attempt to align the community with my ideals, rather, I am going to let the board flow as freely as possible while putting an effort into removing what I judge will end up killing it. Aka: if Holla Forums is nothing but spam (see Holla Forums or nothing but CP (see masterchan) it is likely in my opinion that in the former situation, nobody would browse Holla Forums, and in the latter situation, Holla Forums would have to be removed due to the content not being legal enough to keep Holla Forums afloat.
I really like this site and this board in particular and I would like them to stick around for as long as possible.
As for the other mods as long as they assist in deleting illegal content I'm fine with them doing anything else. No rules applies to mods, of course if one of them is doing something silly like deleting every thread and banning everyone I would remove them.
I just want everyone here to enjoy the place, except people who would put an effort into making sure nobody else can have any fun hi omlet.
Lowcard was a good mod. I liked everything about him except for the fact that he harbored pedos. He did remove illegal content, but it was only seldom because he wasn't very active on the site.
Ayden Edwards
he did fuckall about the spam too
Wyatt Edwards
Like I said, mod.php was broken until Ron fixed it. There wasn't much we could actually do without deleting every single post individually, which was not only tedious, but filled the catalog with "Y deleted post XXXXXX", making it look suspicious in the process.
Now D+ (which deletes all posts from a single IP board wide) works flawlessly, and we even have D* (which only deletes the posts from a user in a single thread instead of the entire board)
Sebastian Allen
Are you going to explain why you think having a pedo mod is a stupid idea?
Ian Scott
make me mod
Ian Williams
you say this, yet Holla Forums has existed till this day by (previously) allowing content much more suggestive than you allow to post
your philosophy as a mod isn't what Holla Forums was visioned as. its not supposed to be:
it's supposed to be:
not that i support the child molesters, i think they should be run over repeatedly by a 4x4
and btw, Holla Forums has survived much worse content that what is currently being posted, im sure any oldfag can attest
Brody Ortiz
also i think you should be more lenient as a mod. for example we wouldn't have gotten travis or leo poster if mods didnt allow them to spam some
Jack Watson
Dysnomia pls see
Cameron Martin
It really doesnt matter, i will keep tipping untill this shit is over.
dysnomia: tell me why you think having a pedo mod is a stupid idea.
Noah Lopez
Are you going to read the post where I already explained it?
Message me in IRC.
4chan still exists. Key word: previously.
Holla Forums isn't big enough to require a buttload of mods to make sure a tiny board is free of CP. If our software was more powerful we could use tools like 4chan has that automatically detects known images and automatically bans the poster, but the pedos would still circumvent it to post illegal content.
If you were building a house and you saw a termite, would you kill it and say "I'll just kill any other termites if I see them and continue building" or would you get rid of the problem for good so you know you wouldn't have an infested house later on?
It's simple logic. It's not a perfect solution because there isn't a perfect solution. It's an efficient solution with the least amount of drawbacks.
In an ideal world pedos would post on Holla Forums without ever breaking the law. Government would never lurk on imageboards or turn them into honeypots due to illegal activity. We don't live in an ideal world.
yes. I forgive you.
The group of pedos that come here to post seem to have so many VPN addresses available that it is as if it's a group of posters that are bent on ruining imageboards, or perhaps it's government doing their general honeypot business. They seem to want people to take bait, and they get upset when nobody does.
Either way, It's detrimental.
t. tinfoil hat
Jayden Bennett
getting more mods? that way you can allow some of them to post with less risk of a leak
Asher Harris
just to be clear, 2d loli is fine right?
Carter Butler
Cooper Murphy
Jose Thompson
I have read it. In what ways do you automatically think a pedo mod would exploit the power.
No, most of us are normal people who have been around before the exodus in May 2016.
Frankly I don't think we are going to cease making daily pedo threads until we get a new place to post. We're not going to Masterchan. I really wish we didn't have to keep creating pedo threads every day, but it seems to be the only way to make something change. So yea, sorry to anyone who gets triggered by the pedo threads.
Carter Edwards
Juan Long
Would they do that here? Seems like a waste of time.
Then again, it is the government
How is that place not shut down, based on its questionable content?
Hunter Evans
I'm 96% sure I don't have fucked up tastes. I know for a fact there are people who have tastes far more fucked up than mine.
Anthony Lewis
why. you can have/share all the child porn you want and it gets wiped at the end of the day. it was an exodus chan that was constantly shilled for.
Ian Ward
Of course, but you're a pedophile, and not an >>>/ss/ one, so.
Julian Stewart
correct. 3dpd is not comparable to 2d because the 3dpd females are fucking disgusting piggus.
Austin Martin
At first dysnomia's policy can sound a little confusing, but the way I interpret it is:
If you're posting something risque, think: does it cause more trouble for the mods than it is neccesary for it to be posted in the name of free speech? Imo, the answer to that regarding pedo threads is no. They increase the chance of cp being posting by like 500%, and if you want to post legal content (that would also, in turn, not lead to more trouble than benefit) you can do it outside one.
Julian Harris
y-yeah but 2d loli and loli rule34 is allowed right?
Benjamin Nguyen
Seriously thats no tinfoil, facts, is/are a group, they attack "alt right boards", they have some knowledge and they have resources, i believe they are the typical redditors commies, fun fact, the next day Trump was elected a lot of "cultural marxists programs" in tv changed and the son of the principal of a school doing a lot of marxists protests was arrested for cp, the tip came from Germany and as you know Germany isnt a free state, but justa another american satellite "state".
Nathan Martinez
I don't make the rules but I would assume always.
Robert Mitchell
Kayden Myers
Btw, i am not even american, but my country (LA) has notorious changes after Trump was elected.
Jackson Moore
i had to suffer through you cunts and ponies since 2 years ago, with your constantly new threads and the occasional cp dumps, before cyclical was a thing i despise you, though you being able to post here is one of the reasons i come here in the first place
dys has a point however, he found an effective solution to the cp problem, albeit it is a compromise to free speech
i am however curious to get a response to the pedo mod idea
Gabriel Foster
Damn you're like a revolutionary or something, you getting yet another VPN IP instantly banned is a great martyrdom that will surely further the cause of your community.
Brayden Gomez
Btw 2, that shit with the video was sonic tier fast.
Zachary Ramirez
The pedo mod idea is bad because it would be impossible to tell if the mod is allowing CP or not, etc. A moderator could dismiss reports that need to be removed, they could ignore content they should be deleting (and would be more likely to based on bias). They would probably just sit around and use the report menu to easily find masturbation material, and most importantly, it doesn't get rid of the problem, which is the fact pedo posters attract unwanted guests that post CP and other shit.
I think it would be easier if everybody converted to 2D.
Jaxon Fisher
It's a compilation of movie scenes
Cooper Cruz
Child pornography laws are stupid and vague and all about context. I, too, wish they were more defined so we could delete your posts with the FULL blessing of the law ;^)
Ryan Parker
IIRC, if websites have illegal content online after two days, they get shut down. The admin deletes illegal content before two days.
1. I am quite scared to use the site with all the questionable content posted there. 2. It is very unpolished and buggy and looks like shit. 3. Most of the userbase there sucks. They're like people who comment on Youtube videos.
Stop thinking that all we want is child porn. If I wanted child porn I could get it from deeper places. Getting child porn is not our goal.
I don't like 2D/anime either, so…
I still don't see why banning pedo threads is a good idea, when any one can post CP anywhere on Holla Forums or make a CP thread (like the Cat Goddess thread a couple days ago). To me, it seems like it'd be easier to moderate a single thread where most of the pedo content is posted.
Again, I apologize for the douchebaggery of us making pedo threads ever day. Once there's a new place for us to go, we'll leave this place. None of us want to be here.
Angel Cooper
If you work in a butcher shop and you use potassium nitrate to preserve your meat you can get away with it.
If you're using it to make bombs you'll probably be arrested. It's about context.
Ian Gutierrez
In their original form inside a 90+ minute movie they pass as art, in a compilation video showing just those scenes with Oingo Boingo's Little Girl song playing over it's CP you fucking retard.
Samuel Bennett
ok thanks for replying
this shouldn't be a problem. it just sounds like you're missing mods. Holla Forums needs to let communities which are in the gray zone of legality post, otherwise eventually we will just become another safe space imo.
Julian Perry
Personally I think CP laws are as good as they can be. It stops grandmas from getting locked up for having nude pictures of their grand kids doing innocuous stuff like having fun in the bath tub but persecutes their creepy pedo neighbor for having the exact same photo.
Leo Brown
I guess the best way to put it would be to say: Given any new post made in a pedo thread compared to any new post or thread made anywhere else, pedo thread content is much more likely to be CP. If these threads are such a magnet of CP, they become too much trouble for us mods to moderate. It's a risk (cp being posted at a much higher rate) vs reward (the affirmation of complete, unconditional free speech) thing. And everybody's threshold is different, but I guess dysnomia decided from experience that there's too much risk and too little reward.
John Reed
Gabriel Walker
then why are you even on an imageboard fam?
Cameron Bennett
funfact: a thread like that has not shown up since before the pedos were originally kicked out.. I wonder why that is.
Asher Rivera
more mods=more free speech ?
Brody Watson
Yeah, I guess. It's all very situational. Imo, I'd implement different fleshed out guidelines for viewing, keeping, and producing under different circumstances.
Nolan Cox
In a sense. More mods, who all understand the concept of free speech, can delete illegal content more efficiently so that we don't' hae to sacrifice free speech in the name of deleting illegal content.
Dominic Watson
I think your law is retarded
Austin Fisher
yes. they were the last pedophiles didn't stop the others aren't you using a vpn
what is your goal again?
Ryan Anderson
Then what is your goal here?
Jose Bell
is dysnomia a pedo?
Charles Gomez
I am a regular shitposter that usually posts silly threads with one word text and random images. How does this affect me in any way?
Cooper Rivera
get one more mod test the water, see what happens
its better to risk a mod going on a censorship frenzy than dys outright banning legal material
either by adding more mods or making himself sift through legal content and allowing more free speech, dys should add more responsibility on himself. i dont think being BO should be easy at all.
Jack Rogers
I'm interested in hearing this too…
Lucas Price
plz respond.
Owen Watson
Pass it through the redditor. I've been mod for like 15 minutes, I'm probably not allowed to be adding new ones.
Jaxson Rivera
I like loli, so yeah probably. The difference here is that by posting loli I'm not putting Holla Forums at risk.
Colton Gonzalez
Wyatt Nelson
ban me, I deserve it(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Levi Barnes
Caleb Morris
I would be much more responsible if I didn't work a full time job. I try to check the report menu at work when I piss but I don't exactly want to pull out my phone in the middle of work and chance someone seeing some CP on it…
Leo Miller
The mods make excellent points, under the DOST Test any and all pedo threads posted are pure cheese pizza. Since DOST puts the value of an image in the beholder and the thread is a pedo thread than that means all images in that thread are cheese pizza in the eyes of the mods and the law.
DOST is a brilliant piece of American legislation because it allows any prosecutor the ability to shoehorn almost any image into cheese pizza. Most cases involving these issues often end in a plea bargain because if you go to court you’re gonna lose.
Same applies to reporting of image boards that host pedo content. What many would consider harmless others would consider cheese pizza. Web hosts aren’t going to take a chance regardless of what the image board owner thinks. Librechan was a good example.
I don’t mind the pedo threads myself nor do I mind the pedos but there are bigger issues at stake here than just free speech. All the freedom in the world is useless if your site host kicks you off the servers.
Ryder Walker
Why not use 4chan
David Davis
Robert Barnes
get more mods be pro active get shit done please dont just outright ban problematic yet legal materiel until it will eventually become the norm, do shit to enable as much free speech as possible.
Lincoln Martinez
(quads rolled for letter to pedro)
Cooper Perry
I left 4chan in August 2014 to come here because I saw this place as a potentially better imageboard. It reminded me of 4chan between 2005 and 2006.
I went back to 4chan to post around this year only to realize I was permanently banned for "Posting, requesting, or advertising child pornography"
I went into IRC to talk to the mods about it and I got a really cool guy who let me know that the ban was automatic because the image I posted was on their blacklist. The mod told me what the filename for the file posted was and I checked my computer only to find that I didn't have it.
I told him about this but obviously it's not something that can be proven. He didn't lift the ban, and then ALTERNATIVE (fuck you faggot) banned me from the #4chan IRC permanently so I couldn't talk to the mods again. So, someone got on my network and posted CP, or probably a picture of Monroe knowing the fags on 4chan.
tl;dr I can't troll /x/ anymore.
Jeremiah Cooper
You talk about obscenity law, but I don't think you realize that there have been a handful of cases where people were charged and convicted for obscenity for possessing lolicon. So right there, 8ch is going out on a limb for free speech.
There is no legal ambiguity for posting photos like this and fawning over them, however.
Jace Phillips
Get caught with a laptop full of pics of little girls and no reason to have them and let me know how that works out for you when you get out.
I was asking how the moderation here is any better than 4chans.
Charles Edwards
Go to 4chan and find out.
David Reyes
Except pretty much every site allows 2d lolicon. We would allow literally everything, including actual CP and dox with ssid, if there was no chance of having Holla Forums taken down for it. Jim and Ron are morally non partisan, they only don't allow stuff because it could get them fucked. And, even though loli that doesn't serve a purpose is ambiguitaly "illegal", there's no real chance of someone trying to get the site shut down for it because a shit ton of sites (including halfchan!) also have it. Same as "gas the kikes race war now" and "beta uprising when?". They're immediate calls to violent action, which is illegal, but that shit shows up on funnyjunk, so there's no real chance of it being used against us.
Elijah Wood
also zuljin literally didn't do anything wrong
Liam Robinson
Didn't he change the entire board to text once?
Kevin Kelly
At least the moderators on 4chan are required to follow their own rules without deleting random threads for no reason. Does this not mean what it sounds like?
It's LinusTechTips you retard, it's one of the most popular tech forums on the internet.
Jeremiah Edwards
Are the "pedo posters" actual pedos or just trolls?
lol, and it's probably true. Just remember that when you see a suspicious link or file.
Evan Howard
Thomas Cooper
Cameron Diaz
At this point I think they consist of real pedos, trolls, and FBI.
Landon Wright
Why is it that if someone has a tripcode their chances of being retarded is increased?
Zachary Howard
it takes a special kind of person to post on an anonymous imageboard semi-non-anonymously.
I do it to keep track of a conversation better.
Tyler Moore
Aren't they too busy watching porn on their own computers and wasting tax dollars?
But as posted, I don't doubt they have some small role.
Jace Walker
Yeah and the lolicon obscenity conviction cases are right in the Wikipedia article. My point stands.
Technically all pornography can be considered obscenity, and while enforcement of obscenity laws is rare, it does occasionally happen.
What you're not understanding is that there is court precedent to charge people for lolicon, but not for Kristina Pimenova Instagram photos.
Jaxson Hill
I support the pedocaust. I don't even believe they're actual pedos, just a shitposting brigade.
Ryder Richardson
Jordan Bell
So after fucking everyone over and going against the free speech that got this place traffic in the first place you have finally realized it was a mistake?
Please think before you act in future.
Carson Rivera
If I were BO I'd just delete all unclothed pictures of 3d humans. 3dpd porn threads bring federal agents if they're young and halfchan cancer if they're legal. I think stormcucks come here for the porn to but it's hard to be sure.
This actually doesn't sound like such a bad idea to me. What went on with the designated pedo thread this second time round? My more serious proposition would be: appoint the least cancerous pedo mods (as many as they want) and let them take care of their own thread. You could agree that if x number of cp pics are up for y amount of time and globals/b mods have to take care of it then the thread goes away forever.
If you don't have quantitative, objective, standards that pedos agree to then pedos will always complain about oppression.
Leo Collins
you pedos are as cancerous as the libcucks crying over Trump
Elijah Murphy
how bad did things get that you needed a sticky?
Wyatt Ramirez
Sticky threads are fun it just escalates everything for no apparent reason.
Asher Turner
And by porn you don't mean the Cheesy kind, right?
I've seen very little porn on Holla Forums and I like it that way, tbh.
Camden Gonzalez
No I don't mean cp. I was thinking of how someone puts a b8 bbc thread up and all of the sudden there are like 5 3dpd WoW and ebony threads.
Kevin James
Does this mean we can no longer discuss torture, rape, murder, stalking, lynching niggers, etc.?
Caleb Walker
Did he died?
Landon Bailey
I think he means this kind.
Wyatt Phillips
Do you really wanna play this game, negro?
Lucas Diaz
Okay i have to admit, I thought the drama on Holla Forums was fun and harmless a year ago. I should have know better this wasn't the first ib I frequented outside of 4chan at all. I made a mistake by fuck with here so hard, (and I'm not one of the spammers) but this site wasn't "good" since 2015. I made edits contributed discussion and it was still all the same shit. To me? it has to have it all or nothing at all.
btw dysnomia?I know what this works like, I've modded a Holla Forums board before I fuck around with it I'm a fan of how he mods imperfect and all. The truth is, this communitty is going to die within a year, and I can't deny it.
Luke Flores
Dominic Clark
I dig the new theme.
Evan Gonzalez
Clearly indicates dys was illuminati all along.
Liam Lewis
Yeah, the black text on the black background in the catalog is just awesome.
Jeremiah Bailey
David Rivera
I understand why someone would think there's a greater chance for CP to be posted in a pedo thread. However, I think that if there was a single pedo thread, it would make the job of removing illegal content easier. In the last cyclical thread, it seemed like dysnomia just saw a couple offending posts and gave up.
The daily pedo threads are constantly posted here because we're pissed off with the mods deleting completely legal photos. Like I said, we're probably going to keep posting daily pedo threads until we find a new place. Sad but true. Sorry in advance. But I can predict that if there's a single pedo thread, we'll stop complaining and making daily pedo threads.
[begin shitty 2nd person POV story] I bet you guys would be pissed too in this case: imagine if nude 2D loli/shota was illegal. You were expelled from the last good chan that allowed lolis 8ch and then a new good chan pops up that welcomes legal lolis libre. A couple months later, the chan shuts down and you have no good chan to post your legal lolis on and talk to your friends about your favorite lolis. Naturally, you go back to the chan that used to be good 8ch.
So you go to the chan knowing that everyone there still hates lolis but create a thread for clothed (legal) lolis anyways. A few people who also like legal lolis join in, but then the thread gets deleted and the OP banned even though not a single post came close to being illegal. The moderators keep banning you because someone might post a naked loli/shota. At this point you lose respect for the mods and community. You want to rebel against the mods, so you use a VPN to evade the bans and make new loli threads while mods keep banning you for the reason of "go away lolishit".
Then the mod realizes that the loli posters won't go away so he makes one loli thread cyclical. Things seem like the way they were before the exodus and people who don't like lolis frequently spam the thread, but you're satisfied knowing that you can post your legal lolis again. However, five hours later, a fellow loli poster accidentally posts a loli in a sexual pose. The mod sees the post, locks the thread, and goes back to his cowardly ways of banning every legal loli that is posted because someone might post a naked loli.
About three months later, a new chan that welcomes lolis is made and you finally say goodbye to the old chan where everyone hates you and used to allow legal lolis. You post in peace.
For the memes.
I find it hard to believe there were no CP threads posted here since we were kicked out until that particular thread.
Colton Peterson
Has anyone archived dysnomia CSS's? I Like them
Julian Jones
Honest question, are you actually a pedo or just a troll?
Lucas Lee
Welcome newfriend. how was leboat ride over here?
Aaron Anderson
Have you considered getting a good taste, like 2d ss
Asher King
Yes and I regret making that consideration.
Ryan Perez
Tyler Morgan
I keep an archive of them.
Isaac Harris
And now the board is being spammed again….
Jaxson Russell
reminder: these threads on Holla Forums are troll threads; Holla Forums has been trolling itself for a long time
reminder: these threads on Holla Forums are repetitive; Holla Forums has been repetitive for a long time
reminder: these threads don't belong on Holla Forums; Holla Forums has wasting thread space for a long time
if Holla Forums was so random it wouldn't be so repetitious.
things that Holla Forums are made for:
original content funny threads interesting posts
if your post does not fall under one of these categories, you could probably find another board to post it on. Holla Forums is meant for everything that doesn't belong on other boards Holla Forums is not meant for posting the same inane garbage over and over again
here is the cycle:
this creates a cycle of a constant influx of newfags who cycle the same thing over and over again without them knowing what they're doing that's a old troll post that exemplifies the post above, if you were here from 2003-2005 you would know
t. oldfag who knows his shit
Daniel Howard
Which is why /hebe/ was shut down, right? Fuck you, disingenuous pig eater. You hate pedo's and invent all manner of rationalization as to why their speech is less important.
Michael Lewis
I'm definitely pissed off enough to go there, but it will become a new /hebe/ and be shut down.
Ryan Morgan
also this
Hudson Richardson
now he's flooding the catalog with naked children
Anthony Moore
I think that jb was originally when they looked barely legal, but were in reality barely illegal, so most people didn't give a shit because when they're only just not 18 there's not really much difference. Then pedos came along and hijacked the term, applied it to kids and ruined it.
Nicholas Davis
definitely be exploited.
The only reason you think it would be exploited is because you're allowing your hatred to cloud your reasoning.
Ayden Gomez
This thread gets 10 internets from me
Ryder Cruz
Thanks, you can have this.
Joseph Jenkins
Isaiah Jones
There are no good pedos.
Xavier Campbell
This guy gets it.
Elijah Wilson
This guy doesn't
Adam Gonzalez
Jace Williams
Allow me to eye-punch some sense into you lovingly
Jeremiah Anderson
Isaiah Powell
Angel Williams
Used to have 'pedo' boards. Admins eliminated all of them, so now pedos congregate in Holla Forums, if they remain on Holla Forums at all.
Xavier Jones
Parker Edwards
Surely the mods will change their mind!
Nathaniel Moore
Xavier Baker
So we should be able to post sexy little girls wearing bikinis, but we can't because the mods are fucking hypocritical faggots.
William Baker
David Murphy
You are the worst mod to ever touch a Holla Forums board. You obviously don't understand how a random board works. This isn't a topic specific board like Holla Forums or Holla Forums, yet you are making up your own fucking rules. I hope you get fucking AIDS.
Angel Hall
To be entirely honest, the BOs of Holla Forums and Holla Forums also make up their own rules and delete content they don't like, often sage negatedlocking random threads they don't like, and so on. Frankly all three boards BOs are a bunch of fucking faggots.
Gabriel Edwards
epic paint skills friend.
Julian King
Ignore this post, checking what happens if someone who isn't a mod puts ## Board Volunteer in name field.
Isaiah Sanchez
it's a dank tripcode.
Lucas Johnson
If one of these new mods wrote dysnomia before their mod tripcode, would we know any better or does he just have to hope they don't impersonate him?
Brody Rodriguez
im gay
Daniel Torres
we know you are.
John Hughes
wow nice inspirational facebook post, jane.
Christopher Richardson
don't bother it will happen anyway
Brayden Young
Well what is the point of creating a board if it's just going to get deleted
Zachary Foster
Colton Mitchell
Josiah Robinson
So I can bog you down in semantics. So I can dance around it. So I can push you deeper into grey areas.
Justin James
Andrew Ramirez
Sticky your own thread trying to justify your own faggotry.
So excersing or defending free speech is abuse? Just kill yourself fucktard.
I've been here for a while, and don't remember a level of faggotry that you're promoting. You're enforcing it, so you're one of them.
Kayden Turner
Dysomia, you're worthless.
Jeremiah Gray
A child can be fully clothed in a picture/video and still be considered child porn moron. For example, if a kid is wearing some lingerie and the camera is focused on her camel toe it's CP and you're getting v&. Even just wearing lingerie with nothing else could be considered child porn because it's completely age inappropriate.
Seriously you'd think more pedos would know the laws relating to their perversion. And the laws are left intentionally vague because you're the most universally hated group of people in America so they wanted to leave enough slack in the laws to make sure none of you get off on technicalities.
Michael Nelson
This is clearly child porn! Dysomia was right to ban the person who posted this!
Juan Brown
If you would read the thread the reason he unilaterally bans your "community" is because you bring more problems than you're worth and have killed or almost killed multiple similar websites with legal issues.
Andrew Morris
Nice strawman. There was a site called 12chan that existed during all of the anti-pedo hype surrounding Dateline NBC (Chris Hansen). 12chan let you post anything legal including pictures of practically nude kids in sexual poses. Not even that site got v& and here you are talking about Holla Forums being threatened to be shut down. Just end your life.
Jaxon Bennett
People like you are the reason the Libertarian party is a joke.
Bentley Mitchell
How does anything I said have anything to do with libertarianism?
Colton Nelson
When you sage negated into as many Libertarian autists as I have you can spot their posts ten miles away.
Look further up in the thread and you'll see that the moderator laid everything out in a pretty logical and realistic fashion, better than I could probably do it.
Jose Edwards
Kayden Ramirez
You're fucking retarded and you are literally sucking dysnomia's cock ITT. I hope you get deported.
Michael Hughes
William Phillips
Carson Ramirez
I have seen this exact same thing again and again. However, the most recent case was me on Election Day when I cast pot goddess over and over. I knew her because image boards and the pic came up recently in that imgur pic mining thread. I am neither pro or anti pedo, other than your concerns of shit getting shit down. But I did it specifically to stir shit up and the pedos here do that weird larp circlejerk shit and whine about their bans. If pedos want to do their things they should just dump the damn pizza on a proxy and be happy if it stays up for more than twenty minutes or if others contribute, and consider a ban getting off light instead of whining.
In any event, those threads on that day were me, FYI.
Grayson Hughes
This is getting sad and cringey.
Parker Walker
Do you mean dysnomia or the whiney pedos?
Luis Ramirez
It was cringey before, but seeing how hard he's trying makes it sad as well. Of course I'm talking about Dysnomia.
Carson Gonzalez
literally everytime there is a troll discussion thread on Holla Forums
Thomas Ramirez
We'll he could just say "Fuck off pedos" and shitpost sarcastic responses to anyone who objects.
Justin King
I knew you weren't a pedo. You are a dumbass for posting got coddess though.
Lincoln Collins
*gat coddess wow
Kevin Foster
Why? That pic is hot and she is actually pretty.
Brody Ramirez
Wut? You're a dumb ass for posting CP on a clearnet site. Holla Forums works with law enforcement.
Jose Miller
Oh yeah. Well I got it from imgur so I figure I'll put the blame on reddit.
Tyler Rogers
Loli doesn't "literally mean" little girl. It literally means absolutely nothing. It doesn't translate to any meaningful word. It's short for "lolita", which also doesn't mean anything but is a name. The name Lolita is the diminutive form of "Lola". Just like "cigarette" means "little cigar", "lolita" means "little Lola" Lola is a bastardization of Dolores, which is a Spanish name that derives from "Santa Maria de los dolores" which literally means "The suffering Saint Mary" Lolita became associated with pedophilia in the Russian novel Lolita, named after the main character, who was sexually molested by her uncle at the age of 8 Also, get your shit together with your ages. 18 is only a meaningful number in America and a few other countries. In some places the age of consent is 14 and in some it's 21. Saying "over 18" is "legal loli" is just as ridiculous and calling 13-17 "teen loli". The real terms are: pedophilia (a lasting attraction to pre-pubescents) hebephilia (a lasting attraction to early adolescents) ephebophilia (a lasting attraction to late adolescents who aren't of legal age) If you're going to be a pedo, at least be a smart one.
Jaxon Collins
Ryder Collins
So you are too lazy to properly moderate this board so you decide to limit speech. kill your self.
Michael Wilson
New board: /dysnomia/
General discussion about dysnomia is welcome here.
Parker Miller
Got any grapes?
Ryan White
Nah, I have a special way of making sure no one impersonates me. Trust me, I'm dysnomia. ;^)
Xavier Collins
No I'm dysomnia!
Nathaniel Sullivan
We all believe you, dysnomia.
Blake Price
Why are you even Moderator? lol
Blake Clark
We co-own the board you stinky fuck
Nathaniel Flores
Carter White
That's what I'm saying!
Jason King
Mod me and everything will be good
Jack Garcia
Me too.
Gavin Perry
Chase Kelly
Connor Torres
Its his login you dumbass, dont use it please, he has to change the password
Logan Thomas
Alexander Allen
Brayden Sanchez
are we doing this now
Juan Miller
for two years pedoposting on Holla Forums (and Holla Forums) worked fine, then Jim comes in, hands Holla Forums to a censorship-friendly SJW and now the sites gone to shit thanks Jim!
Blake Allen
Justin Butler
let them post non-cp pics and just ban users who post cp then. perhaps get a few pedomods who will ban the shit for you when they see it (as has been done before)
This sjw censorship bullshit is unnecessary, and not what Holla Forums was created for.
Jace Gray
I'm pretty sure the connotation that a loli has to do with pedophiles comes from the novel Lolita.
Easton Brown
Robert Cook
The legal definition of child porn is extremely vague, moderating it isn't as simple as "jus delete da child porn dum dum lol" Pedo mods are extremely untrustworthy, it's like asking a monkey to guard your bananas.
Listen up you fucking retard, EVERYONE HATES PEDOPHILES lol. SJWs hate you, normies hate you, democrats hate you, republicans hate you, the alt right hates you, mainstream Libertarians hate you. It's not SJW to hate pedophiles, it's really one of the only universally accepted hatreds. The only people that tolerate you are amoral people and ultra stupidly pro free speech advocates, and even then you fucking run their patience into the ground with your constant whining and boundary pushing.
Joseph Green
SJW cuck detected
Dominic Gonzalez
Filter threads problem solved.
Ethan Powell
Okay dude when there's a pedo spamming the board with 20 different CP threads like what happened a couple hours ago I'll just filter them lol.
The only problem I personally have with the pedos is their constant whining, and they whine like they have a legitimate reason to whine, like it's some great offense that a website/moderator doesn't want to deal with the problems that comes from hosting a community of people that jerks it to pictures of kids.
Benjamin Mitchell
That's when you just advert your eyes from the screen and report inna IRC.
Lucily for me after spending over 10 yars on IBs very few things annoy me, try just not caring about anything elese expept for what you are currently doing. Works great online and off
in short the less you give a shit the happier you will be.
Also agreed, they have no reason to have whine with they're cheese
Wyatt Wilson
Thomas Rogers
Cooper Williams
With someone as funny as you, who needs anyone else?
Jackson Scott
You have good taste in loli. Make a thread. without ur trip u faglord.
Lincoln Torres
Can you explain why sometimes pedos only get 3 day bans and sometimes they get permanent bans.
It seems like two extremes, one too lenient, one too harsh, isn't there a happy medium?
Austin Lee
I'm guessing it's the difference between legal and illegal pedoshit.
Isaac Murphy
Lurking pedofag here.
Can you pedofags not post pics of kids in every thread on Holla Forums and spitting on moralfags? Keeping the pics exclusively in pedo threads is good enough.
tbh i'd be fine with no pedo threads as long as pedophilia related stuff can be discussed without getting banned(see 4cuck).
Anthony Wright
All my keks.
Cooper Clark
Where do you get those images? the public ban list doesn't display usernames
Anthony Johnson
You faggots should all be happy that it's not lowcard anymore.
It was legal when it was on clearnet, but you were probably still in elementary school back then. The newer 12chan is just called 12chan, it's none of the original moderation.
Lucas Fisher
no it wasn't. the content for the most part wasn't that much worse than on other chans at the time but it definitely wasn't legal. pic related.
Hudson Taylor
Yes it fucking was, you absolute retard. It was on clearnet for years and law enforcement was well aware of their existence. They tried a couple times to shut it down but they couldn't because it was a legal site. You're thinking of the deepweb 12chan, that is a completely different site run by random people.
The end of the clearnet 12chan was due to the admin leaving, it never even got v&. You are so new, it's not even funny.
Nathan Diaz
Connor Gomez
so you're saying that because the admin wasn't convicted the site was legal? awesome logic there. kinda like why ls is legal amirite
Anthony Williams
Christopher Perez
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. He wasn't convicted precisely because the site wasn't illegal. The site wasn't taken down either because it wasn't illegal. It's like you don't understand the basics of how the justice system works, probably because you are 14.
Just because you think the content is illegal, doesn't actually make it illegal.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Jose Powell
were you even on 12chan back then? it seems that you have some retarded pedo rights agenda that prevents you from accepting facts.
you do realize that brad dayley was sentenced to 60 years in prison, right? not exactly legal.
okay, so it wasn't 12chan molesting her, but he did post the pics there and the threads were online for ages and got hundreds of replies, most of which were encouraging him to go on.
Bentley Peterson
I was there the entire time and frequented the IRC. The rules were simple, CP was not allowed and posting actual pics of adults fucking kids wasn't either. If people post CP, that's their own damn fault, it doesn't magically make the entire site illegal.
Going by your logic, 4chan and this site would be illegal because people have posted CP on it before.
You even said it yourself:
Exactly, the site itself isn't responsible for what some autistic faggot decides to post if the rules clearly state that CP is not allowed.
This conversation is ridiculous. The site was not illegal, if it actually was there would have been a manhunt for the admin, who actually lived in Australia, which is one of the biggest anti-pedo countries in the world. He would have been found and convicted within weeks of the site first launching on clearnet and the site would have been shut the fuck down.
The site wasn't illegal, end of discussion.
Cooper Perry
Actually, it's SJW to support pedophiles. See:
Mason Price
Ignore intl / inth shills my friend
Mason Brooks
You obviously don't understand the insult. They are calling you SJWs because of the way yoou react to pedos and images of kids. You immediately get assblasted and ask for the mods to silence the person. They are not saying that you are literally a progressive liberal.
Stop taking everything so literal, you flaming autistic faggot.
William Martin
Nick is his real name
Asher Anderson
I hate pedo’s and will discriminate against them every chance. Eat shit, dirty dumb, pedo scum.
Joseph Morgan
Fuck you too moralfag
Xavier Myers
yeah, i guess we just have to agree to disagree on this
Thomas Smith
Look here, it's a hidden pedo thread, like the ones that used to be on Holla Forums
Wow, you know all that? You must be a genius and getting many fan mails. Plenty of admirerers.
Dominic James
dysnomia why ;_;
Tyler King
what was the image?
Xavier Powell
I was showing a friend the asset.
Liam Parker
I knew you were a normalfag the whole time
Sebastian Evans
Wyatt King
There is nothing wrong with having group of bros irl;
Asher Fisher
god I'm tired
Jaxson Hughes
mamma mia you're further off than I was
yeah, just shitting around
Benjamin Bailey
we all are.
I hope
Carter Parker
But there is definitely something wrong with being a tripfag.
Adam Rogers
Even for a pedo, it seems odd to wear a shirt that makes it look like you're a female baby being raped by some brown guy from behind
Adrian Hernandez
Not even once
Levi Wright
Juan Williams
I didn't even see that until you pointed it out. Who wares a shirt like that?
William Scott
What is wrong with that jpg? It's not transparent and it isn't the correct background color, here I fixed it for you.
Matthew Gray
what do you expect from a retarded mod? those faggots cant png.
Brayden Baker
Luke Cooper
well looks like I'll be leaving 8 Holla Forums for a while dysnomia you never sent me an application
Jason Wilson
forgot pic. pls explain
Luke Martin
I imagine it's for women… kinda like the tattoo?
Kevin Powell
Can someone please just make >>>/librechan/ ?
Please? So these gross fags can just leave us alone.
Ryder Hall
it's literally one guy with a bunch of ip addresses. he just switched to posting pedo pictures. he has been a thorn in Holla Forums's side for a really long time.
Thomas Wood
czech em
Joshua Gomez
praise kek reroll
Jordan Garcia
Sweet teen collections sets photo & video: 1
Hunter Thomas
hello fbi
Ayden Bell
I see the training have's gone down
Josiah Parker
This isn't your board this is our board, Holla Forums belongs to the Holla Forumstards!
Isaac Torres
you sure are you selfish cunt
Benjamin Moore
You are incredibly wrong.
Jason Jones
Done >>>/librechan/ pedonigger34978 +wE7DA5avIjO
Grayson Jackson
hear hear!
Bronies next?
Jaxon Cooper
Jaxson Long
First they came for the pedos, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a pedo.
Then they came for the bronies, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a bronie.
Then they stopped coming for people because there were no more problems.
Julian Myers
Mod me.
Gavin Clark
Asher Peterson
tl;dr dysnomia is an attention whoring namefag who bans people who disagree with him when he shouldn't be namefagging anyway If he actually wanted a fucking discussion he would take it to >>>/sudo/ or >>>/operate/ where can't ban people for no reason ░
Connor Scott
Who says it was meant to be a discussion?
Joseph Long
What is your stance on raid threads? Do you allow them here?
Ryder Russell
pretty sure he does, there's no board or global rule against it and it's not like the law gives a shit (yet).
Carson Ross
hol up son.
Did you really just ask that?
ofc they're allowed…well, in my book anyway.
Gavin Cruz
I encourage them as long as you aren't doing anything against US law.
Anthony Cook
Momiji is best touhou. Prove me wrong mods.
Landon Walker
that's a funny way to spell Kagerou. you should get your head checked.
Joshua Sanchez
Explain to me how this is not the best possible solution
I said 4chan so I didn't reveal the sekrit club to autistic furfags.
Blake Bailey
Normies can't tell the difference between 4chan and Holla Forums.
Jeremiah Baker
What do you think the 5 at max people who would shitpost in the comment section of this year old video would achieve? Pick a better target if you want people to raid.
Juan Evans
Something like twitch so you get a live reaction.
Samuel Butler
Good point. I'll look to see if he has a livestream.
this is dysnomia's Holla Forums and raids are encouraged. you fuck off back to 4cuck where they ban raids if you hate them so much, seems like the perfect place for you.
Grayson Adams
I don't hate raids. I only shitty raids like twitch raids, youtube raids etc..
Jayden Gomez
I only hate*
Brody Parker
Name better raids, then. Habbo sure isn't 'great'.
Easton Cook
David Reyes
Someone ban this faggot.
Samuel Adams
Questions: Am i allowed to post animals being hurt? or posting gif of a child being shat on? or photo of dead newborn shoved into someones ass?
Brayden Wilson
did it just for you user
….were the fuck are you faggots coming from? Seriously is cuckchan down again.
Samuel Mitchell
oops. I'm fuckin tierd
Liam Williams
Don't dodge questions. Answer them. The last two are just pushing my fuckin luck, but the first one is serious. You start banning child models, then soon you will start banning a gif with dog being killed with shovel.
Joseph Scott
Someone ban this faggot.
Ian Watson
I'm not somina son I dismiss all kid shit that isn't actual porn, check the logs.
I only ban for rule 1 and fun bannings that don't last long like I just did.
Isaac Carter
Thank you for your answer, sir.
Evan Stewart
Also to put my two cents in on this if I ran Holla Forums I wold have it is was before, a cynical horse and peedo thread so that in case of disagreements one could just filter.
It worked in 2014 and there is no reason it can't work again.
I personally see no issue with you guys posting shit that ( I'm pretty sure ) that you can find off of google images in the first place.
But it's up to Jim in the end so yea.
To everyone else I just say filter the following for compromise: pedo thread
Jeremiah Lewis
Thank you.
John Sanders
(Checked) Sounds good
Caleb Smith
Alexander Adams
great start
Dylan Brown
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
Thomas Bell
Adam Gray
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
Parker Jones
Easton Butler
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
Julian Taylor
Ryan Jackson
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
Jacob Foster
Isaiah Bennett
your salty tears are sweeter than chocolate
hope you have a fat pastry folder, brah
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
Hudson Murphy
Alexander Carter
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
Kayden Ramirez
Jeremiah Perez
why aren't you quoting me anymore?
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
David Sanchez
Tyler Wood
it's much easier to spam text than a pic. have fun, mod
yes, do it!
this board is an abysmal failure solely because of incompetent moderation, but it's always blamed on "muh pedos"
Brody Ward
not a mod. i just ripped a picture of a pastry off google while looking for hentai. then you responded with that same pasta i was hoping to delete all the pictures later so all your responses flooded the thread can't do that.
Liam Miller
indeed you do, which is why you've so deftly killed this board with your insecure, attention-seeking idiocy.
your main objective is to keep the focus of the board on yourself as much as possible, instead of being an invisible force, like a competent mod should be
that, and flexing your micropenis with arbitrary permabans to give an otherwise meaningless life a sense of power and control
i'll have a box of donuts now
Camden Wilson
Thanks fam. New login pedonigger34978 faggot12
Jose Gomez
indeed you do, which is why you've so deftly killed this board with your insecure, attention-seeking idiocy.
your main objective is to keep the focus of the board on yourself as much as possible, instead of being an invisible force, like a competent mod should be
that, and flexing your micropenis with arbitrary permabans to give an otherwise meaningless life a sense of power and control
If you're going to ban pedos, why isn't this banned?
Ryan Brown
Pedos are more on the rocks of being legal or not. Constantly having to research if a image is illegal or just a 18 year old girl who looks younger.
Jason Martin
Mod me god dammit. I was here for 3 years or something and I'm still not mod.
Chase Torres
No, mod me. I came about 6 months ago when Jim was cracking down on pedos so you know I'm not here for CP. This faggot on the other hand probably heard 8ch was a safehaven for pedos which was what drew him here - not the kind of person you want being a mod.
Xavier Rogers
u fuggin wot
Jace Evans
The flight plan filed with Jim lists Dysnomia, his faggot mods, Omlet here but only one of us! I'm staying on this aircraft!
Chase Mitchell
Uh, you don't get to banepost.
Gavin Cook
At least you can talk.
Ryan Clark
Who are you?
Caleb Nguyen
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.
Evan Bailey
No one cared who i was until i posted this reply.
Logan Torres
Halfchan tier faggotry is at hand here.
Grayson Clark
Angel Cox
Grayson Walker
Godspeed OP, Deus Vult
Luke Barnes
Quick question because I'm a lazy cunt! Is /mlp/ still confined to one thread? i recall there being a referendum on the topic, but that was 1 year ago niqqa
I need to catch back up.
Kevin King
Good riddance to that rule
Dylan Ross
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Easton Baker
he he he, Gorilla warfare…
Aaron Wright
who is Sarunoko?
John Green
New mod.
Jace Cox
Joseph Anderson
Fappable eh
Levi Wilson
yay i love when cp is hidden inside donut pics
the codeword is golden donut btw
Juan Torres
Connor Brooks
nicely said
Benjamin Williams
please wordfilter CTR with NTR.
Are you the guy who just spammed nextchan
Samuel Perry
Nobody cares about your shitty site, get out.
Samuel Torres
Holla Forums - pedos and meta
Thomas Davis
normalfag stay out :3
Cooper Johnson
OP is a fag
Leo Lopez
I encourage everyone to archive this thread if you don't want me to constantly repeat myself
Ryan Lewis
Gabriel Cooper
Carson Lopez
Blake Long
Noah Carter
because this thread is about to die and no one will see this, i just want to say that you should kill yourself.
Zachary Flores
because i anticipated the thread dying by now, i take it back, dont kill yourself