Dear dysnomia


All pedos are evil, ban them all

Yes I can you fucking newfag.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Aw shit

delete the loli thread already you fucker, I want more glorious pedo salt

dysnomia is banned you idoit


That guy looks alright. Very aesthetic in his own way.

Codemonkey will be disappointed, he's very proud of this one

Seriously considering becoming a normie and leaving Thai soap carving boards for good.

why, does pedo content trigger you that much?
do you want to be a mod and delete it?


even 2d?
what a faggot

Because I'm not a degenerate and I find that sort of shit disgusting. Loli is the same as cp, just because its 2d doesn't mean its not still idolizing the rape of children.

I don't think even the most autistic of hotpockets could stem the flow of loli and cp. Current year Holla Forums is nothing but pone, pasta and pedo's.

if there was ever any doubt about Holla Forumsacks being newfags and normie cancer
this post should answer your question

I'm a Holla Forumsack because I used the word degenerate good guess big guy
shit now you know I post on bane too

I need to know what he replied to

at least we agree that you're a newfag and cancer
whether you admit to what board got you here or try to cover for it is irrelevant

I'm cancer for not supporting pedos? convincing argument you got me there. Newfag maybe been here since the fappening so make of that what you will.

"Dysnomia can never be more of a faggot than he already is"

fucking christ, are you 12?
it's not "supporting pedophiles"
it's not giving a fuck over irrelevant shit not affecting you or anyone else

feelings are not the foundation of law you oversensitive right wing SJW

You seem to be getting very salty my friend. Ok I'll ask you a direct question Do you support the right to be able to view highly sexualized drawings depicting underage children as well as actual child porn and what are your reasons for this? Would appreciate a thought out answer on this one rather than just calling me newfag, cancer or sjw.

do you support the right to be able to view highly political drawings depicting swastikas?

Consider suicide

Oh fuck where's the downboat button I need to go into maximum damage control now.


So you're still calling me Holla Forums. Do you have an actual argument or just buzzwords?

You're the worst communist ever. I bet you're against nuclear power too, aren't you hippy faggot.

why would i be?

and no, i'm not for "rights" per se
the capitalist class should consider it a generous gift by the people if they're not physically liquidated
Stalin was too kind

Nigger do you read your own posts?


also khrushchev is a social democratic faggot that should've been Gulag'd full 10 years with some tragic accident of repeated blunt force by a metal pipe to the body.

So where do you fall?

3, khmer rouge = CIA, got jack shit to do with Marxism Leninism