SU General

A new week, new episodes, new thread!
Keep it in here, boys.

Other urls found in this thread:!FoohzL6D!Yq87tipZpya4c-qtm-6BlA!CNFBXKoJ!8eiww2NiigXqdO77mFj8U2uSr29CrFnsLM4m9X_ssDc!c1J11TLC!zw0VOG9Qp8r4MaIjZUvljabqVcwRXehNCTlDemU-1Qg!vEgiyCCT!PJ2AgHkl40F2-n58D9gQ6g

Seeing as they loaded us will bullshit side character episodes, that means we're getting nothing but hard plot development.. Right? RIGHT?!

What the fuck is this shit?
They're gonna brand Steven?


What the fuck did I just watch?

Is it me, or have almost all the new episodes been disappointing? Mr. Greg was okay, but the rest haven't been that good.

So did Steven try to hook up Ronaldo with one of the Pizza girls, unaware that Ronaldo already had someone?

What gets me is that Ronaldo not only has a girlfriend, but how he conducted himself.

Ronaldo had a girlfriend. He didn't whine or show off or manipulate. She wasn't some kind of zany character, she was just an average white girl who clearly liked him for him.

But Steven sacrificed that relationship to try to reinstate an illegal business agreement meant to run competition out of town.

Who's gonna stop him? The Beach City police?

And this show style. Steven Universe you are not ren and stimpy. You are not Jojo. You are not any other show.

Your dumpy ugly, slow, and static animation only works for slow, relaxed slice of life melodrama.

So when these characters start acting like cartoon characters…..Which is weird because they are SUPPOSED to be cartoon characters but never act like them….Its jarring.

SU has never done this style of gag before. And its terrible at it because these are terrible characters.

Naturally it's for a shit property that only fags and retards care about.

There was a new episode that had just started, dipshit, which we are currently talking about.

They also want to be DBZ

I bet some people left Adventure Time, Regular Show and Korra for this reason

Why is she so perfect?

Because you have poor eyesight.

Get them checked man before you get hit by a car.

That's not Rose.

So I don't know how to feel about Mr. Greg.
For one thing, Using songs for character development is a very interesting piece of unique style that really give the whole series a
tag of "musical", on the other hand, I think that they use it in order to avoid the difficulties of dramatic momentum by dialogue a thing they
did really well with the "Pearl raped Garnet! character arc, and seeing an arc as long as "Pearl's problems with Greg" being presented this long I can't help but feel that despite how good Pearl's song was, its a cheap way out to solve tension.
I really hope we see more future episodes of Greg and Pearl still having problems although going in the self improvement route.

The thing with musical development is that is usually used for extremely deep character exposition, like for example a piece of information that was too subtle about a character and could give a completely different context to it,
And here I don't believe we learned anything new, or at least anything that really changes the characters.
The most we learned is that at least Greg and Pearl aknowledge the unspoken tension that is in between them.
And I think this could've been a lot better, like a Greg+Pearl+Steven version of "Maximun Capacity".
Which by the way… this series has a real problem keeping the angst now that I think about it.

And is not as rare as you would think.
Keeping dramatic momentum and exposition by well paced dialogue is a thing that only experience can teach you.
Almost everyone replaces it. Steven Universe uses songs to make it "artistic", Evangelion uses "Psycho analisis" of a character info that could've been said in three sentences to make it "deep", Gravity Falls uses a labyrinth of characteristics that makes it look "smart".
In those three cases you have something in common. New directors with little experience but with a lot of natural talent.
They're afraid of not being able to give a natural character development so they at least try to make it entertaining, which is not bad, but dialogue exposition is not author fillibuster if you know how to pace it.
The only intances I can think right now of this being well done is "Breaking Bad" and "Twin Peaks", both directors had decades of experience at the time of both shows.

You know, for some reason any time a defense of SU comes up, it always comes down to "at least it's not X" or "Go watch X instead", as if it somehow invalidates the idea.

Steven Universe is terribly animated and shoddily written. It's not that it's not about "big fights" the way DBZ was. It's not that it's not only about stoners and shit the way regular show was. It's that it tries both in the most half assed way possible. They set up the looming threat of a fight like it's DBZ then everyone sits around for twelve episodes like it's regular show and then when they get their shit wrecked for not trying it's meant to be some kind of shock.

Steven Universe tries really, REALLY fucking hard to be like anime, which is why it steals so many plot elements and individual camera shots. It wasn't to be that slice-of-life meets shonen thing there are already fifty million of. But it's really obvious that a twenty something who never had to run a project and an ex webcomic guy who couldn't finish any of his own work have no idea how an actual story is made.

That Inital D episode was really… not necessary. At all.

I really liked the songs in Mr. Greg, but I agree about the episode as a whole.

I'm sorry anons. I had no idea you had shit taste

Kill yourselves SUfags

So, is this like one of those questionable malcontent threads where you're obsessed with how shit Steven universe is, or are you all really Tumblrinas dipping your toes into what a chan is like and this is your supposed safe space?

Somehow that just made the show look even gayer

You know, I think it really was great because it showed you exactly how the usual talking points sound when said aloud.

Kevin is a fucking monster. Because he made you feel uncomfortable at a party once more than a year ago. It's not even that Kevin is a dick in general. Lars is a dick in general. Peridot is a dick in general. It's that Kevin specifically was a stranger who approached you wanting to fuck and was too stupid to take a hint. Note that I said "too stupid to take a hint", not "tried to force himself on you", or "said horrible shit about your mother".

It's the kind of thing that's only a major problem in a life that's never had any conflict.

Yeah, Steven seemed… inordinately upset at Kevin. I guess it's because he's a kid? Did Rebecca have a bad experience in high school?


Most cartoonists did

He seemed inordinately upset because they were trying to make some kind of date rape/roofie/"no means no" speech, but they used a male child character to do it.. and their unspeakable act was wanting to dance.

It's not even like Steven is deeply tied to Gem culture and sees dancing as a highly romantic and sexual act.

And while we're on the topic, why would Kevin feel bad? the dude is confident as fuck. He's rich. He presumably good looking (who can really tell with this art style). He can dance well. He's popular. In his mind, it's a compliment to be asked out by him because it's like he's saying he thinks that person is as great as he thinks he is.

It's another weird example of the cognitive dissonance you get a lot with modern women - When they want attention, a guy is hot and she's so lucky. When they do want it, the guy is a creep and the woman is a victim, and also society is a rape culture phallo-centric maleocracy.


But you're right with the rest of it. Watching the episode, it was screaming like they were trying to make him asking her to dance some kind of metaphor for rape. Which is fucking stupid.
The way he acted though, it makes sense that SJWs are so triggered by simple trolls. That's what Kevin is.
And they fall for the bait like retards.

Another problem is that the crew is pacing themselves (like an anime) when western cartoons have much shorter lifespans than their Japanese counterparts

They've got 11 minute episodes and they waste most of them on drawn out bullshit and crap that wouldn't even pass as filler in the worst Naruto-tier anime.

The SU crew has no idea what the fuck they're doing.

I haven't watch any of the new episodes
is japser a faggot now?

They want to pace it like popular anime, unfortunately Becky doesn't have the tenure that the creators of popular anime have

She hasn't shown up yet, but we're supposed to see like.. 3 or 4 new gems and possibly a Lapis-Peridot fusion.

You may say that Mr.Trips, and it may hold true for classic anime, but modern Animoos usually last only 25 episodes and many getting cutdown to around 12-14 (Everyones favourite multi-track drift: Symphogear comes to mind.) and second seasons getting increasingly rare.

And that is not taking in account how shorts are getting more and more popular.

In fact, to compare Symphogear and Steven Universe, Symphogear had 3 seasons (with the first one working perfectly as a standalone if it had not gotten a renewal, comparatively do you think SU ended in a satisfying manner if the show ended on the S1 final episode?) in 39 episodes, Steven universe more then doubles that for its own seasons, even if you DO include the Symphogear BD bonus vignettes as episodes.

And they have a fucking SLIVER of the development compared to even the first season.

Yep, this is more the issue here, not the it is "long lived".

And even then it could been satisfactory if they made effort and trimmed the fat, Space Patrol Luluco had the same runtime and did like 3 seasons in 1/10th of the episodes.

Of course, Luluco REALLY trimmed the fat, to extreme levels, but you get my point.

Luluco also told a full story, had full character arcs for several of its characters, several twist reveals, a climactic battle, and a perfectly timed sense of humor, and it did all of this in a fraction of the time it took Steven Universe to get to the part where we kinda-sorta understand what the deal with the Gems are.

You misunderstand, Peridot being a dick is the best part of her character. Like the other dicks in the show she's much more likable because she's far less likley to just go along with the stupid bullshit the "nice" characters do.

That's something of a misnomer. Most showrunners shoot for 26 episode seasons already. Mainly because it used to be thirteen but doubling it works best for production reasons. But that's about the same as most limited run cartoons in either multiple like Madoka or Samurai Flamenco. In fact the norm is MORE than that.

Steven Universe may have less time per episode, but it has double the episodes of even that and plans for 50 episode seasons, more or less.So compared to an anime that plans for a specific run instead of just going on indefinitely Steven Universe is wasteful as shit.

You're right but classic anime who were backed the popularity of the original manga were the main inspiration for SU's pacing

Then that's just plain a fundamental misunderstanding of how pacing works.

Dragonball was the clearest example of this but Toriyama HATED how DB turned out because he kept trying to give it arcs to end at but it kept getting forced longer. Sailor Moon may have gone on long but it also had specific clear arcs and ideas so it could have rising action. Then you have Gundam which cuts it after a certain point like Star Trek to tell a new story.

I think the only show that plodded along nearly as badly that got brought over to the west was Inuyasha, which famously just went along for years doing nothing. But even Inuyasha as a character developed more rapidly than Steven.

More like Steven's dick is confused as fuck and he doesn't know how to cope with the feelings he knows his GF was having for the older dude bro because he was having them too.

Stephannie says, "My dick is so big I can see fear in Kevin's eyes when I unzip my pants."

I just watched the episode. What was that… Reference? You know the one.
I know it's a reference to something, a very blatant one, but I can't recall what.
On that note, I'm fucking tired of all these references. They're never tasteful, they're always just shit.

No, to them a dance really can be just a dance.

Remember there was that one bitch who wrote about how pokemon go was horrible because it meant that men would go outside and some of them had the gall to TALK to her, and she isn't the only one. Simply being spoken to by a man is a harrowing experience for them.

On that note, I think the ideas that those two had to run competition out of town and that they can be outcooked by a child who doesn't even eat vegetables are probably related.

It seems to be an amalgamation of both, personally, I come here to shit on the show like I do all things I dislike, mostly out of a fascination to understand bad things in order to improve my own creative works.

There's a lot of genuine tumblrtards here though, Steven Universe is like a breeding ground for that kind of cancer.

The thing with filler in anime is that it's something done out of necessity, pretty much a black stain on every show that includes it, but something done because there's really no way to get around it outside of taking really long hiatuses to wait for the source material to catch up Which SU does but has no source material and is likely just the case of the show being run by incompetent retards or to cut down the episode length.

Steven Universe has none of those issues, however, and has a run time so small that they shouldn't be wasting our time with boring filler. If the whole episode was eleven minutes of actually interesting things happening the pacing would be immensely improved.

We're swiftly approaching the 100 episode mark here, way more than any popular anime has ever had, even if you slice that in half to accommodate the short run time, that's still way more than most anime get or need.

Steven Universe has reached a point in it's plot that any decent anime would have reached by it's twelfth episode, with twelve more to go.

I was mostly here for pain user and the shitposting.
Now I'm here to see how gay this show will get

Meant to say most popular anime ever get, my bad.

But even looking at shows like Dragon Ball or Naruto, some of the worst offenders in terms of filler, the plot still manages to move at a faster pace than most of Steven Universe has.

Ayyy lmao


The thing about Naruto is that Naruto filler at least TRIED. They tried to do self contained arcs in them with characters developed just for them, so those characters could actually develop and things could at least look like they were moving forward.

The problem is when looking for inspiration, they turned to dragonball filler, like Goku getting a drivers license. Even DB tried to do stuff like Garlick Jr. or training arcs, but Steven Universe decided that they'd take a page from the episodes everyone hated most.

Wait, you don't think people hated the driving episode, do you?

It was probably a reference top 90% of shonen anime.
My reaction to it was a burst of laughter and immediate webm making


would you have believed him?

who's percy?

Peri's husbando from Camp Pining Hearts

more from SU Zines, the "Official" SU comic sold at comic con.

More Hot young Vidalia
Some Fresh radical young Sour Cream**
And How Alive Rose

Aw shooks, just look at all the spilled spoilers

This month can't be filled with fillers


So when is the next episode coming out?

In 7 hours.


Kiki's Pizza delivery service!FoohzL6D!Yq87tipZpya4c-qtm-6BlA

Well, I can't see this being entertaining in one way or another. Wake me up when hard-times Smiley gets back.


I looked at the episode titles, and it looks like shit gets real next week.

Plot? Who needs plot when you can just add in a bunch of anime references.

i know right? and they couldn't even get the Eurobeat right

This was not worth the time I spent waiting for it….

Go watch some bayformers if you want all the "plot" exposed to you in a 5 minute monologue.

At least the Michael Bay Transformers movies are fun in a cheesy so bad they're good way, SU is fucking cancer.

It isn't until it's proven it is.

And once again, SU fans can't defend themselves without bringing something else in, like a clingy possessive girlfriend.


Forgive me if an alternate version of my post shows up half an hour later due to fucking errors.

Jojo reference when?

Greg being rich was never mentioned after Mr Greg so yeah it's not gonna be a plot point later on.

Nothing will really come from Pearl making emends with Greg or Peri getting magnet powers.

Steven's powers will never come into play, ever…..

Kevin, Lars and the Restaurant fucks are still worthless characters.

And Steven's powers will never be mentioned after all these filler episodes.

So please go back to sugen faggot.

I get where you're coming from, user, but this kind of stuff usually does matter later on. It has a lot of shit that seems like filler but comes back later on.

How's it feel knowing you're a faggot?

Oh It was mentioned again people.

When he bought that shitty car. He apparently was still rich.

I used to like Greg because I thought he was just fucked out of his dreams. But in reality he is just a looser by nature. A Millionaire who sleeps in his fucking VAN.

Greg is still rich yet we're getting a flashback episode focusing on him being a babysitter.

How does it feel to be a brain dead retard with shit taste in cartoons?


I wish I could get the leaks even sooner. I wish I could get the finished leaks while the episode is still in storyboard so I can make them watch it with me. LOOK WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO. LOOK AT IT AND LEARN YOU FAGGOTS.


wow, how does it feel to be a sour faggot who can't stand people watching a show he does not like?

admittedly, what Matt Burnett did was pretty cool.
Instead of bitching on twitter about the leaks, he actually registered on the kickass forums (where the main leakers actually post) and told them that he'd rather they leaked full episodes, instead of just screenshots, because at least then the fans can watch them properly.
when MissEps responded that he is just taking the pictures already on CNs servers, and that if he stopped, somebody else would do it anyway, Burnett just sad "Okay, thanks, I understand. Good day to you".

Reminder that Wander Over Yonder, a Flash cartoon, did the zany animation far better than Steven Universe.

Reminder that just because you post a buch of out of context&out of scene screenshots with red lines on them does not mean you know anything about animation, action directing or even dynamic posing.

Do you? I know fully well there's a thing called line of action. It's a special thing that Calart animators keep neglecting so they say their bad proportions are them being "cartoony and full of life". No, it looks like shit.

This was a fart of an episode in a show thats like one massive fart.

Seriously did another writer team take over? All these jokes fit horribly with the aesthetic of Steven Universe. Its like seeing bootleg versions of jokes from other shows.

It's cheaper to do any type of animation with adobe flash


It's been mentioned in every episode that he has appeared in since.

Kill mi.

Shit I'd even go so far as to say Dragonball filler is better. I'd much rather watch Goku and Piccolo go driving downtown than watch Steven Universe be socially retarded and try to deliver a hamfisted political message about how bad rape is and that boys should learn not to do it, before somebody cries to prove that their character has developed.

I fucking hate it when these pretentious fucks reference Evangelion. I'm about ninety percent sure none of these fucks have even watched the goddamn thing.

I agree with you on the annoying references, but just because I hate weebs.
The SU staff is confirmed for a giant weebfest, and they probably think evangelion is deep and metaphorical.

Wrong, NIGGER, Greg referenced the fact that he is rich in the stupid car episode.


Matt "If you want Male gems go watch The Avengers" Burnett?

which one?

All Holla Forumss are cuck/co/
After all, the letters CO stand for Cuck Overlords

Is the eva reference there because of some thematic similarity or just because they could?

Just because they could

Just because they could.
No plotwise similarity.

I stopped watching when then had an entire episode specifically about that fact that lapiz can live literally anywhere on the planet and do anything, and the next episode is about how she's forced to live with peridot even though they spend an entire fucking episode establishing that she doesn't.

The Avengers is a shit movie though.

You can live literally anywhere you want, yet you still live with your parents.
That's the parallel.
It's so people like you can relate.

Man, this show knows its target audience.

i just wanna fuck connie in front of steven

There is a place for everybody


Does anyone have screencaps from that painanon thread where everyoe paid their respects?

I have the op pic saved, but no screencaps.
I'll post it when I get home

Lapis likes to climb up on her cross and suffer.


Just in case nobody has screencaps, you're lucky, because WaybackMachine actually created though when the thread was up

without people suspecting him of being autistic

What makes you think he's Swedish?

His father and Sour Cream are clearly seen speaking fluent Swedish on screen, aren't they?

This is probably the best laugh I have gotten out of Steven Universe. Thank you for that sir.



new ep

Again, how can anybody like this show's awful fucking writing?

At this point I watch it to see how bad it gets.

"Like," is a strong word user.

I don't have to like a lolcow to waste my time pointing and laughing.

Which is not to say the SU is a lolcow, if anything is a lolcow it's the people that make and support this shit.

But I do watch it…. I guess because the original concept was novel. And they string it along with various mysteries and world building, etc. There was a similar show that did this, it was probably the first of it's kind. It was called "Lost" and it took place on an island and everyone and their mother watched it to see where it was going. I hated Lost. I hated it with a passion and stopped watching after season 1 because I knew it would never go anywhere. But a lot of people still watched that awful show all the way through. Maybe they just wanted to see how it ends?

I don't know why I watch SU. I also watched Adventure Time in the hope that it would get better, but it never did….

Personally, I thought the show was going somewhere at first, and it is, just very, very, very slowly. Plus, they really need to have more resolutions than "Steven talks the bad guy down". Fuck this show.

Episode summary:
> Steven then uses his healing spit to cure centipeedle of retardation corruption.

Rating: B
Overall good ep, but I'm expecting at least a weeks worth of filler, since that always happens after an interesting episode airs. This show is terribly paced.

I kinda get what they want to do.
Some kind of KND style storytelling.
But the KND episodes didn't blantantly told you they were part of a myth arc and could pass as a regular episode, until you realized around season 3 that something was going on.

Here is too clear which episodes are filler and which aren't.

Steven Universe doesn't have filler, which is actually worse than filler. Every terrible episode which feels like filler actually gives small hints about the lore, the plot, foreshadowing for future character developments, etc. So unlike any anime where you can safely skip the filler, you are forced to watch at least part of these episodes or else you might not understand what's going on or why characters are acting a certain way in a future episode.

you're not Pain, nobody gives a flying fuck about your "review" and "rating, shut the fuck up, or better yet, fuck off to channel awful or wherever you came from

The thing about KND was that it was so fucking out there that the IDEA that there was anything greater going on was just completely against first impressions. KND stood on it's own as an episodic show and it's only years into it that any kind of arc emerged.

Steven Universe tried to sell itself on an arc. It can't work as a gag a day formula because it takes itself far too seriously and doesn't use the kind of ridiculous visual gags the network was known for elsewhere.

Oh fuck off. Pain was an user like the rest of us and he never put himself on a pedestal for a reason. He was a credit to the board and largely for that reason. If anyone else wants to continue his legacy, or do their own thing, it's their right to be able to do so.


Not to mention that while the majority of KND was filler they didn't had filler with lore sprinkled.
It was filler and fully devoted arc episodes.
It wasn't until season4, IIRC when the filler episodes started doing character arc progression and the rest was plot arc.

Lurk more newfag.

his "legacy" does not need to be continued.
The entire thing pretty much stemmed from a stupid dare he made, and it was the only reason anybody cared.
and it's our right to tell you you're a faggot
Unlike you he also only did reviews when and because we demanded of him to do so. Unlike you, who just does it to get attention and claim his piece of fame without anybody asking.

It surely looks like summer in here.

gee I wonder if it's the reviewcunt samefagging

Well you got me.
Would have filtered him, but obviously Holla Forums does not ids, does it?

does not need*

Every thread does.
Mostly because of this faggots who believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a samefag.

why don't you go ahead and post a screenshot with only one (you) as the ultimate dealbreaker

Even if I was a samefag that doesn't imply you're right.
I can't prove it anyways, I'm in private and closed the page.




who were you calling a newfag again?

You, your opinions are shit and you give too much importance to little shit.

I think people just got swept up in the potential. Steven Universe has some good ideas on paper that could make for an interesting show, but, like a lot of bad things it only sounds good on paper.

There's these weird alien creatures who are kind of people but not really who live in this city and protect the Earth kind of out of obligation more than a genuine desire to protect it, you have this weird almost unsettling sexual form of fusion, it's got weird but almost appealing character designs.

It's got this seemingly deep lore running throughout that's kind of kept in the background Though it later turned out that this deep lore was pretty bog standard

It's all kind of interesting and catches your attention, but the glacial pacing and shitty pseudo slice of life garbage only serves to show how insipid the show really is the longer you watch it.

Couple that with the show's increasingly more hamfisted political messages and you've got a recipe for a show that's tumblr tiers of cancer, but has people invested enough to want to see it through to the end anyway.

Because lesbian parenting.

The problem is that Steven Universe took the Shippuden route, in that they mix filler in with the actual plot progression. Which is pretty unforgivable, yeah, sure, that boring episode about Sadie being constipated because Lars hatefucked her up the asshole also has a couple minutes at the end where something is revealed about Homeworld, but that doesn't change the fact that the other eight minutes or so of the episode are unbearable filler.

can't we just all admit that everybody who still watches this show only does it for waifus

Literally none of the characters present in SU are deserving of being waifue'd. They're all gross and unappealing, and their personalities continue to degrade the longer the show continues.

I'd still do the uncorrupted centipeetle.

Besides I call you a newfag not for your time here but for the things you haven't learned.
I fucking bet you were some shitty edgelord who has dragged here due to its negative fame.
Well I didn't, I was a naive little bitch who was called faggot and slapped silly so many times I went from "Oh, you must be sameposters who don't agree with me" to "…Am I actually being a faggot?"

Look at this guy , if you're paranoid you can see in I have a post over and under him so he's not me.

He aknowledged I got him, just by that he already has more experience than you here independently of how many time he has in this page.

Is worth nothing learning for 10 years straight if you're stuck in the first grade.

wow mate, you came back almost 30 minutes later just to yell a bit more
you're really bitter about it, aren't you?

It's like I'm really watching Rich Evans (the only consistently-good part of RLM, everyone else varies quite a bit) tear SU a new one, that's pretty neat actually, assuming you intended for that to happen.

Aside from that, you're spot-on with what makes this show have such great potential, and yet utterly squander every last bit of it in the same breath. It's "Wasted Potential: The Animated Series" in every possible sense, and it's far more disappointing than it should be, considering both its source's and its host channel's equal lack of quality. I feel like that total waste of potential makes it far more disappointing than shit like the half-assed PPG reboot, because while that travesty knows damn well how soulless and low-quality it is, makes no effort to hide it and never promised shit to anyone except easy profit to investors, this at least pretended to be interesting and complex for some time before sinking into the mire of sewage it wallows in now.


Not really, but it's a happy coincidence I guess. I do love me some Rich Evans, he is the best part of RLM, even Mike has his moments where he's just flat out incorrect about things.

The wasted potential really is what drives home just how disappointing Steven Universe is, and why people still watch it despite the steep decline in quality. It's got all of these elements that could be put together into a good show if you really fucking tried but it all just winds up falling into this hodgepodge of boring insipid nonsense that becomes ever more painful to watch the longer it goes on.

Would you two just get a room and fuck already? God.

Yeah, I've noticed everyone else frequently saying stupid/weird shit on random topics, usually just due to good old shit taste rather than any agenda/politics/pocket-lining. Rich is the only one that seems to be exempt, and it seems to only be the case because he is/was at some point so deep in the gutter regarding a number of things in his life that he just plain doesn't give a shit about anything or about anyone's opinions now, which leads to funny moments like making everyone else gasp in shock with rape/aids/abortion jokes because they're too sensitive or used to being around people who are that sensitive to even consider doing so themselves. He says whatever he wants without any hesitation, and while that wouldn't be hilarious on its own in most cases, it is when he's juxtaposed with a bunch of people who clearly try to restrain and choose their speech to some degree before saying something.

It honestly feels to me like a hack writer right out of the putrid depths of deviantart/ (the previous acrid lairs of the awful shit that tumblr parades around in the open nowadays) watched a whole bunch of shows/movies/etc. with neat ideas of their own that they explored, nicked them all to smash together in a chunky soup of concepts that might meld together in potentially-fun and interesting ways, and then took a one-gallon liquid shit into the bowl and stirred until the mixture came out a wonderfully-boring and empty beige.

Pearl's autistic yes. But I'd marry her. Her or Lapis.

I would say Steven Universe Season 1 is just failed potential….

But the degradation in later seasons is definitely caused by tumblr and lack of fucks. Even characters that where passable before (Even ""Attractive"") got uglier with time. Im not even sure why.

Sadie is an outright midget now. If I had the fucks I would try to compare older characters designs to current ones.

The show literally has no model sheets, so the artists are more "liberated".

Every fucking episode now probably has at least one QUALITY shot.

I'm sorry? What was that?




No thanks user.

Man, imagine if this show had good not tumblr designs, you could have all kinds of sexy fanservice with the premise of an all female xeno race of space lesbians out there, taking on sexy forms to 'fuse'.

Fuck, I'd be okay with all the lesbianism if they were hot bitches instead of tumblr self inserts.


The fatty shit seemingly comes from the same thing you see with Mei from Overwatch: tumblrina retards willfully misinterpreting broad-bodied/thick-clothed characters as butterballs, so they feel better about being lardasses themselves by having a "role model". In Mei's case, she's nothing more than one of two typical "petite asian girl" body types (shorter and a a somewhat-short torso, with another asian girl named being the other "tall and stick-thin" variety) with a bonus proportionately-massive rack according to her concept art, but everyone draws her as a 500 pound mountain of lard barely-stuffed into a parka.

If anything, Rose just looks fucking huge in every sense, and in a very unfeminine way as well (which fits with tumblr's schizophrenic mix of hating and glorifying femininity in a single breath). Based off what's been shown so far ignoring the dress, she looks like a humanoid made entirely out of Mega Bloks, with ballistics gel fake-flesh stretched over it for smoothness, a woman face drawn on the "head" with an animu wig on top, and a couple of cantaloupes taped to the chest to simulate tits. I'm not sure if it's uncharacteristically-clever design, being that she's a rock alien and her design being made entirely of corner-bearing geometric shapes would be a neat visual cue to her inhuman nature, or a complete accident by the staff in the process of cramming in as much stupid shit as humanly possible while making this mess.

She's still an utterly-shit character just the same as everyone else in this abomination of animation, but all the "what a hot bbw" nonsense seems to be nothing but tumblr fatties trying desperately to forget about their daily heart attacks for a blissful 5 minutes of ego masturbation, while scarfing down more junk food and watching their favorite not-anime repeatedly. Her problem visually is down to just plain ugliness more than anything else, at least from what I can tell.

(wrote too much shit on the other thing I was replying to, so the reply to the other post is going to be in a new post, fuck it, have an image I made when someone found that bootleg runner with designs from several calarts cartoons)

"It could've been great" should be this show's fucking marketing tagline, not just the name of an episode. I would actually buy a cable subscription for the first time in years just to watch this shit, if it was 11/22 minutes of hot space lesbians fusing into even sexier space lesbians and discovering the wonders of seemingly-pointless Earth, one semi-cylindrical human blood sponge at a time. Too bad it'd never air, because the creators wouldn't be pushing the right agenda with their version's barely-hidden sexuality as Sugar does with her version, if not because the topic was too hot for censors, going by how they let Sugar's shit slide just fine.

I've got one for you: Imagine how much better the series would be if the lessons about friendship and attempts to make emotional connections with foes were replaced with hard dickings, and also the one engaging the warp drive on said Kirk-esque shenanigans wasn't an ugly mongoloid or a child. Hell, they even have the material for it right there, just rework Greg to not be ugly (A.K.A. don't use calarts designs), utter shit or a single dad, dial back the clock a bit on his age (or not, if you want a "Carl from ATHF conquers an alien race by fucking it into submission" vibe going) and make a series about him establishing human-alien relations the way only humans would excel at. It's got all the elements of something faptastic and entertaining right there:

>"healing tears" come from a single eye, not two, especially considering that the material in question is naturally somewhat-adhesive (not much by default, but fuck it, amp it up with alien magic bullshit and call it a day, works for the original show just fine)

So just one episode came out tonight? How do they air only one 11 minute episode in a night? It makes no sense to me…

The only solace I have with this waste of a show is that, despite getting to do anything and everything they want with lesbians short of full-frontal twat exposure, they're still at the mercy of CN's corporate meddling via endless delays and nonsensical scheduling. It's not like going to another network would stop this either, since Disney's even worse about this with the 65 episode limit and longer hiatuses, and Nick would stop airing them entirely to squeeze in even more Spongebob time since it's all they have left to make bank on.

They've got a monkey's paw situation: They get to make the most blatantly homoerotic shitshow of a children's cartoon currently-airing with no effort to censor it, but it only airs a couple new episodes per year, and only during a month where the full moon shines just right in some remote temple in the Himalayas and the spirits of the dead roam amongst the living once more.

I'm not even sure if they're airing one 11-minute episode a night, but I wouldn't put it past them any more than I would them suddenly cutting episodes down to 5 minutes or something equally-ridiculous.

Pretty much hit the nail squarely on the head with that one user. Steven Universe is a hodgepodge of copied ideas blended together in an incoherent and sloppy manner, which results in this weird shitty slog of a show with the occasional nugget of good hidden throughout.

Notice how a lot of the more impressive things that the show is lauded for, General tumblr progressive pandering notwithstanding was stuff pretty much lifted directly from other material.

This isn't even talking about how the show continues to butcher it's own characters, having them become progressively more one note and uninteresting with each episode they appear in, I could go on for quite a while about that if I had the gumption.

Rich's lack of a filter and general good taste is pretty much why I like him so much. Mike and Jay are okay, but Mike's a little too forgiving to shit films and Jay's pretty bland in terms of personality, but when Rich is shoved in there with the rest of the crew it seems to bring out the best in all of them.

You've got pretty good taste user, it's been nice chatting with you

I wish there was like, a RLM for western animation, that'd be nice.

whats the sauce on this?

Hey guys, I watched a couple episodes of Pirates of Dark Water last night. I downloaded them months ago and never got around to it.
The animation made me weep. It was far from perfect, but it was so expressive and vibrant looking in a way that modern cartoons can't replicate. And then I see this show and jesus christ is the difference as stark as night and day. Don't even get me started on the protagonists.

IMO the only cartoons that I can think of that can come close to the animation quality of POTDW are Tron Uprising and Redline.

For something with such a generic story, I'm amazed at how such a great art direction can make it hold up in my memory. It's the kind of fantasy most shows would kill for, everything has so much character.
I guess the same could be said of SU, minus the art direction.

And the hero of Pirates isn't a pussy or a mascot of the show.

It's like getting a bad case of whiplash every time I look at Steven Universe after watching something animated with something akin to love and talent.

After a while you sort of go numb to the shit art direction if you watch enough Calarts cartoons, then you watch something good and suddenly it all hits you full force.

Watching this after watching the Dofus movie nearly made me vomit.

True, everyone seems to get a lot funnier when Rich is there to utterly destroy any natural PC filters in place. Without him around, everyone's visibly more uptight and careful in what jokes they crack, as if they're on a stage and the audience is composed of every possible-to-offend group on Earth. But when he's there, he belts out shit that makes everyone laugh so hard they forget about that composure, and the whole thing goes off the rails in a great way.

I guess it's only natural he'd be able to do that though, considering this is a man who not only put up with but actively held his own against the sun-eclipsingly-massive faggotry of Max Landis for an entire episode of BotW, and somehow didn't murder him the moment the cameras turned off out of sheer annoyance like most sane people would have.

It would be, yeah. Too bad all we've got is an increasingly shit-taste-bearing gaggle of autists who kiss the ass of CalArts at every possible moment, and curl up into a fetal position if anyone dares criticize them/their poorly-animated waifus. Probably won't change anytime soon, either, since the primary groups to pull reviewers from are spineless mega-autists and the tumblrina horde, neither of which have any concept of unbiased assessment or actually amusing people who aren't trained to laugh on command for brownie points.

>You've got pretty good taste user, it's been nice chatting with you

You too, user.

Some generic infinite runner iphone/android/whatever mobileshit store app that ripped off SU, GF and a number of other calarts cartoons for its generic characters' designs, yet actually made them look much better than the originals, because even generic Chinese shit looks better than calarts faggotry. You'll notice that Pearl doesn't look like the lovechild of a deformed bird-person and Ganondorf, while also having an actual rack and feminine features for once. Also, Amethyst isn't a fat dyke midget in this version, and instead a chubby-at-best punk girl.

I had the full set of ripped images at some point, but I sadly lost it when deleting old shit, and all I've got left is shitty memes made from it.

I can't remember very much about POTDW except that it was never finished. Are the episodes up on you tube, or is there torrent anywhere? I would like to see them again since you got me thinking about it

fart poops lol


I think I got my episodes from the pirate bay

Is no one gonna talk about the Centipeedle episode.

Not gonna lie, it was actually quite sad.

Really don't give a fuck and I won a bet that everything would be reset by the end of the episode.

Everybody cries. That's Steven Universe. Nobody has an ounce of self control over their emotions. Even soldiers.

Dragging on something we already guessed, Stevens powers work in convenience.

Nothing left to say.

Since Corruption is psychological, not physical, and Steven was just shown to be able to enter people's dreams to see their psyche from inside out, he should be able to help Peedle too.
Though I expect that entering the mind of a corrupt gem would be one serious acid trip.


Greg is one sexy bastard

The whole thing wasn't even trying to be clever about the "fusion is a relationship metaphor".

I laughed my ass off when Lapis sent Jasper flying.

Disappointed she did not make a silly scream there.

Isn't it bad luck to rename a ship?

thanks, friend of /sugen/ user, I needed that

Fine play my good friend.

somebody, please

Still waiting for an orgasmic gasp because Jasper likes it rough.

Sucrose and Co have been harping on this relationship shit too much. This one episode puts alot of the show's faults into perspective.

Things could've been interesting, fun even, if the writers just let the characters flow and left that muh lurve shit alone. So much potential, thrown away, just so Sugar can masturbate with her lard carrot for another 5 minutes. Yes, I'm an angry Jasperfag, why do you ask?

God dammit.

haha, fucking jasperfags
can't wait until she gets shattered without redempion

Fucking St. Doxy is at it again


Ayyyyy lmao

Another episode where Lapis is depressed for no reason. Awesome.


also the 2 minutes plot about abusive relationships

ohhhhhh fuccccccccck
my diiiiiiiiick


It felt so short and shit.
This episode felt like it was five minutes for some reason, literally nothing happened.

Jasper comes and begs them to fuse again but Bob says it wasnt a healthy relationship, all a very thinly veiled metaphor for an abusive relationship, all in under the last two minutes of the episode.

this site has every episode
alone at see is already up

Would would happen to Steven if he was corrupted?


So in this episode isn't it pretty clear that Lapiz is the abusive one in the relationship, not Jasper? I mean, come on.

I think the worst part was that, when they tried to make this about abusive relationships, they made the one that didn't want to stay fused first the abuser, while the one that forced her to stay fuse the victim. So even the abusive relationship metaphor is shit.

I can't believe they could make a bad Lapiz Lazuli episode. but in the end they did.


are these new episodes worth watching or are they gay as shit

Hit and miss so far

saved as: jasper_gets_punched_in_the_balls.webm

I think they were going for a mutually abusive relationship, but, until now, glossed over the fact that Lapis kept them together out of spite.


already happened

Feels good actually, how does it feels to go to a general about a show you hate only to get the atention you don't get at home?

1) it isn't filler, they're slice of life/power development episodes.

You'll see what "too short to ride" and "the new lars" had to do with anything when Peridot and Steven fuse and turn into Onslaught

2) You do realize this is the seventh reference to evangelion they do? They have been referencing it since the begining. Almost every episodes have references. Stop complaining.

Go shot someone, get shot. Then come here and tell me how much can you control yourself after the trauma that is actual combat.

One he already had. Remember the cluster?

and it only took 115 episodes for you to notice

And thats why it sunk.

I say 50/50

Go finish scraping your balls off with a cheese crater Princess, and don't come back until you realize the hypocrisy inherent in attempting to defend your status as a fan of Tumblrina: the Animated Series by getting in an image board and accusing others of being fags starved for attention.

I don't want to think about if it is good writing or bad writing, but I am also starting to get an idea of it being more like a drug than sex.
I mean, look at Jasper he transformed into a crackwhore.
I guess that is the reason Fusion between gems is prohibited in Homeworld, It ends with people only want to fuse all the time, and when you are a species of Gems that can live forever that doesn't need to breathe or eat or whatever it breaks society apart.

But why?

1: Peri was also doing her job

2: They don't need another "Homeworld Gem reforms/learns about human culture" plotline

someone has to be the bad guy

I'd prefer lapiz be evil and we get cute buff gem.

I just wanted Jasper to make up with the gems and then go off into the galaxy and do whatever. She didn't have to completely reform like Peridot and Lapis.

3. They gotta shoehorn in "muh abusive relationships" for Tumblr to wank to while watching it.

And they couldn't do it with Pearl (since she's a "good gem")

Maybe she'll come back and give Jasper fans a false hope spot again

God this show is just such aggressive garbage.

Every episode has its plot and character degrade farther and farther.

SUFAG detected.

Point being that its not about some bullet wound. Its about how the show is how every character is a weepy welly, and the focus is ONLY on emotions. And done in a shrt sighted shallow way.

Where can you download this show now?


We haven't had one yet though. Lapis hasn't learned anything about human culture as evidenced by the awkwardness of this episode, and peridot learned through an episode of lol so random xd gags. And it took, what, 3 11 minute episodes to redeem peridot, with the official title of CG coming a couple episodes after? Lapis was never really redeemed.
Jasper is the show's chance to have a proper redemption arc that isn't complete shit and doesn't fuck shit up by going too fast.


I think the Sardonyx Arc is basically erased from everyone's memory at this point.

you just did user

God that was such a badly written shitshow. They tried to manufacture "drama", and yet did it in the most forumalic way


I doubt it. The diamonds will probably come to Earth and crack Jasper as soon as she appears again.

I feel like this whole thing is just to beef up steven with a bunch of mary sue abilities that he can completely control, and also to make lots of anime references

Did they change Jasper's VA or how she's drawn or something? She seems shittier somehow but I can't pin down exactly what it is


Of all the mayor disappointments this show has thrown my way, this one has been by far the worst.


Remember when Jasper was a loyal millennia old super soldier of the Diamond Authority?

Nope, now it's lesbian sex politics again.

No character core designs.

Every character has fluctuated wildly because the artists don't keep to a standard.

Did they have to go on a boat for this episode? Why couldn't Jasper have tracked Lapis down to the barn and gotten tossed on her ass?

Jasper was down on the bottom of the sea? I thought she fell into a crack on an island?

Was she walking to land from the island? How did she know which way to walk?

How did she know that anchor was attached to a boat that Lapis would be on?

How did she grab the bait on the hook when the hook was only about 3 inches deep in the ocean? Was she swimming? Is Jasper more or less dense than water?

Actually, now that I think about it the boat trip was Steven's method of helping Lapis with her issues, just like he helped his dad and Pearl make-up with each other on a trip to Empire city. Where did Steven get his license for counseling? Steven now knows how to solve everyone's problems; believe it or not this is his most overpowered ability. No child should think like this. Not even a 15 year old would be thinking like this. Steven should change his name to Dr. Katz.

And worst of all, now she's a sub
And also a sub in a different sense, considering she practically lives in the ocean now

Why couldn't this just be a show about fun adventures, eldritch nightmares, and good waifus

Because they keep wanting to be serious but flip flop on which kind of serious.

The fact that Jasper, an aging veteran still in combat, has made no attempts to attack the enemy speaks a lot about their mindset. I mean hell she sees Steven and her reaction isn't "you are my immortal enemy, have at thee!", it's "You are getting between me and my piece of ass, GTFO!"

these are all autistic complaints

Burnett is that you?

user, the vast majority of that post was not criticism, it was questions. Questions that could be answered by good writing.

I never thought i would miss DIO. But on those days at least there would be people actually discussing the show.

Right now there are just a bunch of bitches

Expecting continuity on a show trying to build a complaint is autistic?

I mean shit how DID Jasper know to find Lapis? This isn't DBZ. You can't just sense where other gems are.

Go see chilie tid and say that again.


And you know damn well they're gonna fuck it up, like they did to everything else.

There's no indication that's a gem thing in general. Since when does Jasper even SLEEP?

Remember: All of steven's abilities are Rose's abilities.

If they are able to see the future and move shit arround with their minds, why couldn't they be able to find each other. ESPECIALLY after being fused for months.

Wasn't she passed out when she slipped into the horrific rape abyss
For all we know she could have been floating around asleep the whole time, only waking up after unconsciously drifting into a painful fish hook

Or any other Gem for that matter. Steven introduced the Gems to sleeping, so the power to enter other people's dreams would be pointless to Gem society. Also, the Crystal Gems and I assume most other Gems had no idea what dreams were until Steven introduced the concept, however such a power COULD in theory be used to help conquer biological worlds where the natives do dream. I am not going to say this is bad writing because Peridot now has Psychic powers and that seems to be an ability that was previously undiscovered among Gems.

Steven knew that Malachite was in the ocean but I don't think his dream powers gave him GPS because the Crystal Gems spent a number of episode searching the ocean and failing. For Jasper to say she was following Lapis after crawling out of the ocean onto a boat that doesn't even belong to the Universe family leave me with a lot of questions. Some of them actually are autistic questions.

Steven also has the ability to enter and take over the minds of others while awake, so those abilities don't have to be separate things

Remember: All of steven's abilities are Rose's abilities.

If they are able to see the future and move shit arround with their minds, why couldn't they be able to find each other. ESPECIALLY after being fused for months.

Do you think that malachite was asleep during that episode? Pay atention! the one sleeping was steven! And it happens again in "the new lars"

But Gems don't sleep, so how would Jasper ever use such a power? And they don't dream and it was explicitly stated that Gems in general have never heard of dreaming. You see the problem? You are suggesting that Jasper has a power that lets her track down Lapis, but we have no evidence it exists. You could argue it is from being fused, but Sapphire and Ruby have been fused a LOOOOONG time and they had trouble finding each other on the space ship. Sapphire had her future vision to help, but that was explicitly explained.

Jasper should not be wandering around on the bottom of the sea looking for Lapis. It's just bad writing. You can defend it if you want though.

Because gems use their abilities conciously. Steven is just learning that he is Professor X

But user…

Why didn't Steven just use his healing spit to fix the stuff that got busted?

it wasnt organic, it was broken wood

Wood come from trees, dummy. If he couldn't fix organic then how come he could fix Greg's leg.

greg's leg is organic, not a prosthedic
he cant heal boats because boatwood isnt organic its just a building material

But he kissed his bear and fixed it.

He could heal a fucking stuffed bear, nignog.
A better explanation is probably something like how he needs to feel love and sadness for something to be able to fix it.

Someone crying on SU? Surly you jest…

Can Steven fix a cut foreskin?

bears are ANIMALS bears are ORGANIC?!?

He Did. Go watch the episode again. Greg got healed but faked being hurt so he could spend more time with steven. So steven lost confidence in his powers, which made him lose his powers. because they are tied to his emotions. well, he lost them until Monster Reunion.

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about you cuckold faggot? What the flying fuck does getting shot have to do with being overly emotional? Fuck your wannabe Chinese crying cartoon. And fuck you too Burnett


then why come and post here


Same fag

However, you always hope something you hate gets better, then you here people squeeing about how good it is, and it KEEPS DISAPPOINTING YOU EVERY FUCKING TIME. This is that show.




ah yes, Connie episode incoming
Feels good


What are you, gay?

who cares about jasper?

My dick, mainly

Who cares about Pajeetina?

More importantly, who cares about coattail curry weeb?

Shit, this
was for you

what is wrong with you, /sueg/?!

what a bunch of faggots

what a pussy


your mistake is that you're actually posting a character that looks like a female
I bet you like feet-licking and sweaty armpit hair too

Like? In love.

I'm hoping this Steven gets a new power comes into play into the main story because it's turning him into a deviantart OC. I'm expecting him to stop time or stop gems in their place with his powers by the end of the series.

I was expecting more and I got Brewster's Millions without the reason for its occurence. It hasn't even been that long and I'm having a hard time remembering most of season 3 that was enjoyable. I liked Monster Reunion and maybe that Dead Beat Pop with shitty Sour Cream dad in it.

I'm seriously hoping that the sinking of SS Lil' Lappy does not mean a complete end to Greg's fortune.
How much can a boat cost?
Lapis should be working in Greg's carwash for the rest of her natural life to pay for the damage

I'm hoping whoever owned the boat had insurance. If not, Greg should get a lawyer.

Why has no one drawn this?

So, Jasper is a corrupted gem.
How do gems become corrupted?
Please tell me it's not fusion.

No, just a thirsty one
The diamonds have a weapon or power to corrupt jems on a massive scale. Think the laser from independence day
It looks like Jasper is hunting down gems or corrupted gem monsters to fusion with because she so god damn thirsty.

Lapis recovers the boat.

Fancy pants Pearl turns the boat into a space ship.

I guess what irritates me most is that Greg and Steven could go on as many fancy trips as they like without spending a dime.

Steven has to explain what dreams are to Pearl and Amethyst. Pearl even says they don't dream and that she doesn't sleep; she just watches Steven sleep at night.

Did you not watch his video?


Watching Alone at Sea
..Is Lapis supposed to be rape survivor or something? Is that the angle they are going for? Because that's fucking stupid and it's obnoxious as hell for them to constantly write her as someone who bounces from joyful best friend for Steven, to pissy, emotionally unstable abusive relationship survivor.

Armpits and butts and sweaty tiddies?

Of course it will. Nigga this is not a comic book. Steven healing powers were stablished mid S1 and just now they are coming into play.

Do you really think "oh they have new powers" and "oh greg has money now" are going to be used imediately?


I think I'd be okay with this show touching on subjects of rape, abusive relationships, romance, sex, and all this shit if the writers were FUCKING GOOD AT WRITING WITH SUBTLETY AND NUANCE

It's really telling that they think what they are doing is good when they can't even properly juxtapose tones between scenes.

An entire episode of Lapis being a bi-polar baby followed by a "OUR RELATIONSHIP WAS UNHEALTHY" lesson and a sudden, uncomfortable end that also includes Greg getting utterly fucked over again for trying to be a good Father to his son.!vEgiyCCT!PJ2AgHkl40F2-n58D9gQ6g
Greg/Rose episode is out and nobody here is aware.
When will you people learn that the new episodes always leak four to eight ours before the airing time

you're the user we need, not the one that we deserve.

Nigga greg is rich. He can buy more. The only reason he didn't buy this one in the first place was because he is a moderate hippie.

This does nothing to him. This summer has given him nothing but good things.

Before this Steven Bomb is over, Greg will be flat broke with nothing to show it. Just wait.

This is not a steven bomb. This is the rest of the season in a month.

Who the fuck cares what they call it? This is an awful way to air a series and their story pacing fucking sucks.

Well, he did just lose a fucking boat.
We can't be sure how much did it cost, but most recreational boats start at 2M$ (though I'm talking new, and this one was clearly used).
Still, I'm afraid that he might go broke before the end of the steven nuke.

If he does, so what? He was happy before going rich and he hasn't changed since.

Oh boo hoo. you would complain if it was weekly too, so what gives?

I'm having trouble understanding what the fuck you're even trying to argue here.

Nothing, it would just be mildly sad/annoying that they made him rich for a short period of time and then paddled back to status quo.
Although it would be fairly realistic - most sudden millionaires waste their fortune immediately, without making any sound investments.

The argument is that greg is a pasive character, one that is there to just show a good example for his son and for us to see what rose saw that was so especial that she decided to die just so she could have a son.

His base has not changed now that he has money. It didn't change when he was 20, and it is not going to change when he goes back to the car wash.

I belive some were mentioned in Mr. Greg, but i'm not sure.

Same user here.

You will actually see what i'm trying to say here during the first minute of "Greg The Babysitter" on a song.

Nah. Kiki is a passive character. Sourcream is a passive character. These are people that could disappear from the show and have nothing change at all.

Greg is central to the plot and he's highly important to Steven's development as a character. Him getting rich isn't a super important thing, but it's something to balance out the fact that he's been shit on for his entire life since he ran into the gems.

He gets a reward for something he did and then being around the gems takes that away, again, and there's no consequence, no backlash, not even a particularly strong reaction from Greg, because in the kool-aid addled minds of SU's writers, men get punished and women never face the consequences of their actions because… Rape, abuse, lesbians, take your pick.

I didn't mean pasive as secondary. I mean that as in his attittude is pasive. You'll actually see what i mean on today's episode.

Watched the episode already. Greg has been actively trying to do right by Steven for the entire series. Young Greg was a lazy sponge, I'll give you that, but the episode ended with him have a person revelation about wanting to grow up.

What i took from this episode.







This is true, but its also unimportant.

why the fuck are you writing like this

More spoilers because fuck Matt Burnett

cristmas colors

When people think that those two don't spend every single second fucking fusing offscreen

you think that's spoilers?
That's not spoilers.
The clip/screenshots from Crack the Whip are spoilers.

Niggas whats this

looks like there is no hiatus after the summer is over

We're getting 3 episodes, and THEN there is a hiatus.

Oh user, you silly fucking retard! That would imply that Crystal Gems are beholden to the rules of good and evil and have to face consequences like normal people.

When the crystal gems cost you your life savings the proper response is to say please and thank you. When they ruin your relationships you can never say a word to them about it because cis white men aren't worth of our lord Stevens sympathy. If Steven decides you aren't worthy of having your own body or consciousness you better let it go because obviously everyone likes Steven more than you no matter what kind of existential horror he inflicts.

No he wasn't. Greg is a sad old man with no aspirations except seeing a son that has no aspirations in life but to get fat and play video games. He lives in a van with no shower or toiled or real bed and still does low wage menial labor into his middle ages.

Greg has no friends. Greg has no hobbies. Greg has no interests except for busted old machinery and programs that remind him of a time before he was saddled with a son that refuses to better himself.

For all people jack off Steven for his emotional powers and empathy you'd think he'd suggest his father use his money on himself to do literally anything. Maybe work on that album that hasn't materialized in nearly a two decades. Or get himself Lil Butler on dvd so he doesn't have to drive halfway across town to the storage sheds to relive his wasted youth. Shit, maybe if nothing else a full sized RV so if he has to drive his home around it can be a home instead of a pedo wagon parked by the river.

Guarantee you that shit skinned slut is blowing that shriveled cock every single weekend.
