Idaho: Muslim migrants hold knife to throat of little girl, rape her, urinate on her

Now what we have been seeing in Europe is coming to the United States, courtesy of Obama’s policies regarding Muslim migrants.

The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as sex slaves is sanctioned in the Qur’an. According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take :

The Qur’an says:

Qur'an 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general. The Qur’an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls:

- Robert Spencer

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally in other thread americans calling euros more cuck for letting this happen in our countries and now its happening in yours.
So how does it feel americuck to be powerless as this happens.
It will keep happening.

At least we have guns

Apparently the case has been sealed because both parties are minors. This is an important case to bookmark because this is a huge blow against letting supposed refugee minors in. I would cite this often when discussing the issue.

Didn't mean to sage

So did any of you cucks use those guns to hunt down and kill the rapist?
No, didn't think so.


I fucking knew it. I read about muslims being shipped there months ago. I knew this would happen. Fuck.

When are you going to fight back, white man?

Stop D&C'ing

Honestly, I'm fucking livid. Don't get me wrong, I felt upset when I heard of it happening in Sweden and France and England, but here, at home? God damn man…

The locals need to push hard for an age test. Confirm the rapist is the age they claim to be. My guess is they are actually older.

Don't worry Donald Turmp make them pay properly per trick.

Some commenters on the article are claiming there was multiple boys with the eldest being 13

At least what appear to be Idaho resident nor is are taking notice, are seriously pissed and discussing how to spread this story. If any of us can help with that we should

So when are you Northwest Honeypot cucks going to do something about this? The incident happened weeks ago not word about it from any of you.

Racial tensions between the natives and the invaders is running high

how can they both be minors if the rapefugees don't have any documentation

"I'm 16. You question me to otherwise, I'll scream 'ISLAMOPHOBE!'"

We can't rely on one man to solve all of our problems. That's a major issue with us (the White race) is that we currently just wait and expect someone else to pick up the pieces. We need to act on our own. Put some steel back into our spines and back in our hands

I can only hope. The community really needs to rise up on this. If they made a stand, they'd be a great model to others



The citizens protested the refugee center being put in and a bunch of liberal fucks came in from out of town in support of it

have some nice news from a while back

The Face of Madness

Oh god. As I listened to her talk, just looking at her face, I wanted to grab a shovel and smashsmashsmashsmash

Sticky This, fucking disgusting.

We could find out who she is and guilt trip her into personally accepting these refugees. Make her life a little more hellish.

I'm guessing she's childless, never been married (or divorced), and has multiple cats who she calls her "children"

I simply assumed gay as well

Typical virtue signaling eyes.

There's a screencap floating around about how they get high from the dopamine they get through virtue signalling, hence their crazy eyes.

I am experiencing temporary incoherent rage, please stand by.

it's the state of my birth

I get some violent impulses and plans start working in my head about how to get away with it

RWDS Hotline Miami shit

I guess Idaho is full of faggots who don't care about their women or neighbors. Kill the invaders, drive them out. If you aren't willing to do that because "OMG ILL GO TO JAIL OMG THE GOVERNMENT WILL HURT ME" you're a faggot. You're already dead and the invaders have won.


not saying I'd advocate such a thing, because violence is just ever so horrid… but if you did, you'd be doing the community a huge favor.

What a wonderful thing to have open dialog on during world rapefugee day…

I live in Twin Falls. This shit is really frustrating since many of us have been fighting the refugee crap, yet the politicians just ignore us, and ramp out their shit. We had a 200 man armed protest in town without much of anyone noticing.

Oh yeah, please boycott Chobani yogurt. They have a big factory here in Twin and the CEO is the main one lobbying to bring there here. Most of them don't work though, they just sit around and collect welfare.

Only way you get senpai to notice you is to attack the refugee centre

Yeah wouldn't that fit nicely right now into the whole media's narrative if a bunch of local gun owners killed a bunch of them. Since ((they)) have the media and normies are so attachted to this media all our rights are tools to be used against us, to make us look loony. All can be done is archive but start going after the media whenever they make a big mistake so we can convince more people out their of the MSM lies.

waiting for Trump libel laws

Most of these fuckers have linkedins we need to start utilizing it and applying pressure and shame.
Imagine if we can catch one of these fuckers trying to ruin our culture we can flood them with red pills and ask them why they are shitting on the graves of her ancestors.

Isn't the CEO is a fucking mudslime?

I hope you yanks actually have spines and do something about it, us cucked bongs actually have some level of acceptance about it now

Dont let it become the norm, lynch the fucker.

I'm not sticking my neck out to check my head chopped off. Most White people support this retarded refugee shit so they can status signal how morally superior they are.

Someone spay painted "Hunt Camp" on some wood at their new mosque they are building on Addison street. Then all these Leftists around the country started donating money to the Muslims.

If you get sympathy for the Muslims, it seems to only get worse. I don't know what to do.

How do you shame someone who has no shame? I'm open too suggestions really, I know childlessness hits deep with them but that's not going too redpill them.

almost like they were forced too be like this through feminism, nah just a (((coincidence)))

Yeah. He's this Turkish guy who makes Greek yogurt. He's a big time Muslim and funds/lobbies for bringing Muslims into the United States, but has his focus on my town of Twin Falls.

Twin Falls wasn't like this when I moved here a few years ago, but it's ramped up with the building of the Chobani plant in town (which is fairly new.) Before that we had a refugee program but it was minor, and it was mostly White and Asians who could integrate.

We bring back McCarthyism when this kind of shit happens like that girl getting raped we need to message their more normal friends and family about how they're a danger to you and your children they are insane and are focused on ruining our country for you children and children's children. We must make them pariahs. Loneliness is poison of the highest caliber to them.

There is no hell deep enough for these "people." They aren't really human.

I also believe that these little children actually believe in their BS and that their reward is immediate.

good job liberals, good job

goooooooood job

What's happening in the 3rd pic?

Can we just go to one of these in blackface and beat the shit out of them and run?

Kool aid reaching critical levels

I have a thread on the Twin Falls refugee story going on for a while now if you guys want to read it:

And all of them show symptoms of FAS. Unfuckingsurprising

What's that? I'm a bit slow at the moment.

Through what path could you bring back McCarthyism? I'd wager in the normal American mindset, such a time is not looked on well.

Yeah sheer loneliness is poison too the group and women but it does strengthen one's resolve being out in the cold.

We need to invest research into this. Imagine if we can have a commercial with a pregnant woman about to drink then we play footage of all these leftists with the sound of baby crying getting more intense. It ends with something like "Don't you want your children to grow up one day?".

Fetal alcohol syndrome

They do have shame but they don't have guilt.

I was thinking if we did do something akin to what I suggested we email her and her friends pictures of that young girl with the message "Thank you"

But that little girl didn't have one

This is our door we can now be the "Won't someone think of the children! shills. We need to hammer in the point that doing this is throwing away our culture and opportunity we fought and died for before our own children get a taste.

ironically… It doesnt work. Ive tried it many a time. The lefties go into this most bizarre mental state. If you say "but they are raping little girls! Dont you think its a problem if a large majority of a population is going out and raping little girls?" 9 time out of 10 they will act as if you hadnt said a word.

Im not sure if it is a willing thing or if they shock from the amount of mental gymnastics they have to do on this subject actually puts thier brain into a reboot cycle.

We need a good facebook ready infograph with the most heinous crimes of muslims and the quotes from their toilet paper book that condone and encourage that behavior.

That's why you target their more logical friends and family we need to make their social lives a constant reminder than they are a parasite. Imagine if her friends asked her about supporting little children being raped or if her family asks her why she is pro child rape.

You have to word it a specific way, its like a computer that doesnt register what you are saying because they werent programmed to do so

All these SJW retards look like this. It's hard to tell if they were always loonies, or if the addiction to suicidal altruism made them that way.




I smell a lynching.

of course user

there is no way in a million years I would do such a thing, no matter how diverse our country became

in germany 4 rapists
who gangraped 2 underage girls got on parole

no real punishment at all

gotta love how they dump niggers into the most white states

you must have missed the thread where a bunch of liberals were protesting at the steps of the courthouse demanding the refugee center be allowed

foreign bodies must be expelled

Got anything kikebook ready? Time to start dispensing red pills on the only social media platform I remotely know how to use.

I normally avoid posting things that are blatantly out to watch/report on specific groups, as that can easily be tossed away as "Oh they're just racist (etc), look at the name of the site!" and ticks too many boxes to be dismissed out of hand.

Are there any other sources that detail this? I'd love to post the kmvt link but it doesn't have any information other than "Records are sealed due to those involved being minors."

(((Julianne Donnelly Tzul)))

holy fuck, the face of pure fucking crazy .

Kill these mother fuckaaaa's!!!

Take the war to them. Murder marauder the sub human sand men. To wait is a slow death only worthy of cowards. Set yourself ablaze and pray to kek. Damn if don't damn if you do. Following its laws they will only punish you. Parasitic, goat fucking, child molesting putrid Fuck! Your flesh will be fed to pigs. Lynch you from your feet. Feel the knife travel so deep. Taste the vitality that's been freed. No setting sun you'll see. Just crimson red as you try to speak.

I'm so fucking pissed. Justice can only come from the smell of their burning flesh. Must burying grandfathers bayonet into every sand nigger's chest. Will only be satisfied when they're all genocide or washed into the abyss.

Is america becoming britcuckistan?

funny thing

when I get into an argument and my opponent is getting mad I cannot help but smile and my face starts burning up

is that Endorphin's?

No that's just the natural reaction to human chimps.


hey OP

how did you find out about this anyway?

do you check news in your area or just muslim rapes in general?

That's just you enjoying the sodium-chloride produced by your opponents.

So much for the Northwest Front. Obama won't let there be a homogeneous white area. There is no where to run. Trump is the last hope for any peaceful resolution. If he fails, white America's fate is in its own hands.


well thanks anons

It's probably endorphin, or dopamine. You won by making your opponent mad and thus you are enjoying it, whichever chemical controls that feeling is what you're on.

makes sense

user do me a favor and search google for "Oregon" and "refugee" or "muslim" rape

I am gettign no results from my area and find that suspicious since we should have 2 refugee centers

According to the video several local churches are helping the refugees.

Good old Christianity, religion of cuckoldry.

At work the other day, I saw a 30-something liberal guy getting triggered by a homely old 50-something woman who was saying she doesn't think gays should be kissing in front of kids. The old crow stuck to her guns, and he was freaking the fuck out when she didn't back down, but he had no arguments because he'd never actually thought about the subject. He was just repeating talking points like a brainwashed drone. He wasn't even talking in sentences, just throwing out words like "equality!" with no context. I had to put real effort into not bursting out laughing. This guy was getting his ass handed to him by some old woman, not because she knew what she was talking about either, but because she said it with confidence and force. He couldn't even fathom that someone might have an opinion that was different from his mainstream brainwashing, and his brain was short circuiting. He actually used the words "I can't even" as he angrily walked several feet away from her, as if to prevent himself from violently lashing out.

Is this why SJW tried to koolaid H.P. Lovecraft ?
They are actually X gen mixed breed fishfolks who can now look human enough to publicly weaken our society.

http:[email protected]/* */

here is her work info. e-mail, address, and a phone number.

just got up to see this disgusting shit. going to take a quick shower and whatnot then I'll get on finding personal info. ask her just how proud she is of knowing that she is responsible for that little girl getting raped.

Doing Kek's work lad.

Please Trump before it's to late save us!

The rage means you're still human.

Why isn't this on any remotely neutral news outlets?
You'd think this would be reported on something other than "Jihadwatch" which sounds like absolute garbage.

That isn't how it works.
Never mind that the "source" from Jihadwatch links to the KMVT article which says nothing about a little girl, knives, or rape. Just sexual assault/

The Shadow Over Fishmouth

back with her home address and a picture of it. won't or will keep digging.

Look at that shit. She's got a nice home possibly gated and no where near her diversity much shame.

It is simple. We shall resort to irl trolling techniques. Time for you Idaho anons to get pet pigs. If you can't use violence, use bacon.

Carry lunch boxes with ham sandwiches and when you see one alone threaten to make him eat his cousin. When the police ask just say you where on your way to lunch.

I got by Twin Falls all the fuckin time. I got the impression the place was infested with spics, not mudslimes. But of course, kikes and other traitorous swine have gotten their way and set up invasion staging grounds, that they call refugee centers.

nah. you have to be rich here in Burgerland and seek out a gated community if you want to live in one. races self segregate in most cities I've seen. liberals are great at living in parts of the city that aren't as diverse as they are trying to make their country, state, city, etc.

she lives near the highway and the airport. dumb bitch. there is an Oscar E. Tzul listed at that address as well. guessing that's the husband. still looking for a home phone/cell number.

Look GOYS - its ok if they rape your children and your wives.


Oh ya

I'm not a defeatist. I'm doing more than 99.9% of Idahoans. The main reason the media even knows about this issue is because of me and a few other people.

funny that chobani was brought up in this thread.
here is a wonderful article about how a generous donation from chobani helped mudslime refugees make their rent.

local media tried to paint the guy who invested in the apartments to renovate and raise the rent on them as a horrible shitskins killing racist.

retard you left the bottom name in.
shocking that she speaks spanish considering her husbands latin last name tzul.

because I give a shit about some random person who commented on it faggot. kill yourself.
nice thread contribution

Do Serbs still remove kebab, seeing as they were bombed in 1999?

Guys I read it and the migrants were only 13 year old boys. Its bad sure, buts its just kids being kids. Send them to juvenile hall and they'll be productive members of society when they get older.


But Baitou-san, if it were white boys it would have been plastered all over the normie news.

Actually very true
Holy shit

FUCK. Come on you fat, placated pieces of shit. put your muh gunz to use and KILL SOME RAPEFUGEE PIGS who are molesting your CHILDREN. WHY the fucking god damned fuck did we allow king nigger to import these rapists despite 31 governors protesting and refusing? Why the god damned fuck do we allow a government that doesn't listen to what we say and just does whatever the hell it wants? We even have a chart that PROVES they don't listen to us. According to the founding fathers, if the government no longer represents the will of the citizens, it is our civic duty as citizens to remove that government.


Good work, user.

I wonder if Donald reads these. If he sees it in illegals, why not take another step?


This is what I will never understand, why the people directly affected by this sit by and do nothing. If my daughter was raped, I would kill the person who did it no questions asked, fuck the "law"

If Trump doesn't win this kind of shit will just be thenorm. It will happen so much that shit won't get reported at all like niggers killing each other

Micro-doc on the Idaho refugee shitstorm

Who do you think the police are protecting right now?????

Oh, absolutely.

Deal with the shitheads first, deal with the law later.

People, if you can, get your concealed carry license.

has trump mentioned this yet?

No, but if you guys can inform him somehow on Twitter it would help. We need national attention to this.

I could but it would be better coming from an Idahohan

her info is in the thread user. let her know how you feel.


How could you refuse refugees? They just want opportunity to live a normal life.

hahahaha the police are in on it with the terrorist

This is really good. Where did you find this?

OP was here

That was just a mirror.

Holy shit, that guy looks like a skinnier and culier haired version of me.

look at these pathetic shits

I bet these morons were pro war

No wonder Trump lost Idaho.

how come the only place this was posted on racist sites?

is that all these ppl read? no one else knew

Pure justice.

Also, song link plz? My bad for double post

I originally found the video while browsing the Twin Falls Islamic Center's Facebook page. The only ones who really saw the video were Muslims. They passed it around amongst another to downvote and write comments.

I voted for Trump. Not my fault.

So the Mudslime father has five kids of his own…that he lets rape other kids.

But hey you Idahoans must be progressive and forward thinking about this situation now.

Find your biggest, most willing gay bear type (I know its Idaho but I'm sure there are some) and have them rape the kids and the dad.
Also, shoot to only wound.

They all must actually be killed with a bacon greased knife. The father should be killed over days, don't make it instant. Video tape it and send to local mosque.

how does she know what was posted foreigner website? aren't they the ppl she hates



Now that this has officially fucking started, we need to show vocal pushback against this shit.

they are a coalition of weirdos

she's a racist and afraid of the consequences of their votes. what can the government do about my fear.

Thank you.

will twin falls vote for trump?
I bet they will

geez what a surprise


There's a lot of Mormons here. They all sided with Cruz. The same thing happened in Utah.

I lived in the country on a farm most of my life and I'm not an idiot

these morons will vote to exacerbate their own worse fears

these pious fucking morons will vote for more death and destruction

As the video posted here mentioned, both Islam and Mormonism are watchtower cults.

This shit wouldn't fly in the South. If this kind of thing occurs near me, I'm doing something about it. I know a good handful of men that love to get in fights and hate sandniggers. I'll make Hotline Miami real.

muslims didn't come here to bomb mormons

you know why we are in iraq and it's not to do muslims any favors

muslims are leaving their countries for the same reason south/central americans are

Jesus fucking christ. I'd lynch them if I had a group of similar thinking people behind me.

Spo town representing

we need to put an end to this now

those cowardly know nothing fools will bring us all down.
these idiots bitch about the debt but they'll spend any amount for security they'll never find

Needs more rifles.

Those people are traitors now. Do not consider them americans.

Any credible sources on this?

Impossible to show it to people unless there's at least some proper sourcing. There's too many misinfo shit about mudslimes going around too.

This is a little off topic for this thread, but does anyone have

This speech of Stephen "Goebbels" Miller's with the original audio? I can't fucking find it anywhere

When you add up the traitors, and their shitskin hordes they've imported, we're not only outnumbered, but they control all positions of power (media, government, money.)

believe me, ppl notice who the idiots are

official story is sealed because the victim and rapists are minors. the account comes from someone who claims to be close the family.


how much you wanna bet these same ppl voted for the wars?
they think of themselves as to true patriots.
israel firsters.
but they're just morons

I don't understand how anyone could allow this to happen to their sister or daughter and not slaughter the rapist as brutally as possible.

I don't have a sister but if I did, I would get into a pact with one of my good friends who also has a sister that if anything happens to their sister, the other person will go and avenge her with the same brutality that you would your own.

The reason it has to be the other person, is because when the Muslim's butchered remains are left at his family's doorstep, the first suspect will be the sibling of the rape victim, so you will need an alibi.

I don't see why anyone would want to shoot the Muslim rapist, it is so much more fun and rewarding to kill him slowly using any number of methods. Personally, I would love to feed him to pigs for the poetic aspect of it, but its difficult to arrange and his family won't be able to see his remains.

pro lifers, right?
ready to kill their fellow citizens in a heart beat, if they can get away with it

otherwise just idiot cowards with guns

Made it to Drudge Report (bottom right.)

Do you know where you are?

All dune coons will roast in hell.

yeah, I know very well where I am


Oy, Internet Explorer? Please Stop.

Christianity is thoroughly cucked, it used to be useful. Perhaps it can be again but christfags need to fix it before trying to get the rest of us to convert.

can't wait for the final report
because it will show the police and government are doing what they are told by refugee kids

Wrong. Read the file name, retard.

Good for them. Killing isn't a crime. Especially in self defense against muslim jihadists.


pro lifers.

true patriot israel firsters

if it wasn't muslims it would have been blacks or the commies

the perpetually frightened


I don't think this country can afford your security AND your hate and willingness to kill so many others

so, what did you guys get outta the multi trillion dollar wars in the middle east?

It's hilarious when antigun leftists like you pretend to be tough guys on the internet. I will take one gun owner over one hundred of you faggot weaklings, any day.

Guys, try to look on the bright side

Because of migration, Idaho got itself a homecooked meal that it wouldn't have had otherwise. Not too shabby!

Try speaking in complete sentences, retard.


you'll probably vote for war with russia too

I remember the run up to the invasion of iraq.
you tough guys said if anyone didn't think an illegal war was a good idea, you are probably a traitor

you'll probably say the same about iran

also, you guys said torture was cool and a good idea

Maximum kike

that's your masters. that who you did it for

Stop lying, you faggot. Trump wants to make peace with Putin.

It is you muslim appeasers like Obama and Hillary that want to start WW3.

Reddit needs to leave.

this just shows how erratic and scrambled your thinking is

Do you deny that blacks and muslims are much more dangerous then whites, and that actual marxism and cultural marxism are at least one of the greatest dangers we face?

if only there were ways to discover authentic ethnic recipes without subsidizing importation of poverty-stricken religious zealots from countries the U.S. has been bombing…
Dang, I guess that's the only way.

Doesn't matter how many times it's happened, the thing that does matter is that it has happened, and there's no turning back from this point on. You've all talked a mean game for months on end now about what'll happen if a mudslime "refugee" ever came into your or someone you know's life but now they have showed up on your doorstep, and now it's time to show the rest of us on Holla Forums what you meant with all of that.

And put it this way, if I don't see the headline of "Muslim body found shot to pieces in Idaho alleyway" in the next couple weeks then it proves your general populace is as cucked as everyone elses, with or without guns. And if there isn't such a headline in the near future, it'll give the rapefugees license to commit further crimes again and again until someone gets some nuts and does something about it. Don't end up like that one town an user posted about a couple weeks ago on here, where the sheriff rules with an iron fist and has stripped the liberty away from his citizens, willfully allowing drugs to control the whole area with no-one being able to step up to him. That's not American.

they are not all over the planet making ppl do what they say. they don't have 900 military bases around the world

Why are you namefagging?


oy vey it's not the muslims it's the evil white americans bombing these poor muslim countries ehehehe

Churches are bringing in rapefugees all across the country.

Maybe NotAllChristiansAreLikeThat, but they have money, they have the know-how on getting money from the government, and they have organization. And they are fucking us over.

That is not an answer.

do you deny that?

They're not real Christians. Americans are pozzed to shit regardless of their "religions".

it's not the answer you're comfortable with


Don't know the numbers, but no, and I have been opposed to it since I realised it, and left the military when I found out how bogus iraq was.

Reread what I wrote. You did not answer.

you wingnuts love to burry you heads in your ass while crying persecution

The purpose of religion is to instill structure and morality into society. If it is failing that purpose its not useful. Like I said fix your shit, then you can resume trying to convert.

No, he wouldn’t take one faggot iran over you.

I read it

It's not my fault American protestants are good goy self-loathing faggots. I don't even live in the US, why don't you go up to a parish and tell the priests there to stop embarrassing Christianity and selling out their country?

Fuck off JIDF, nobody is going to listen to your shit.


Reported for being massive lefty cunt

you be surprised. it's not a left/right issue.

it thinking or not thinking
also I used to be a yuge gun owner

used to be?

came to say this

Reported for being a general faggot.

How's that "Northwest Front" coming along Trans Nazis? Where you going to run away to now? The moon?

I used to do a lot of plinking on the farm
ar 3ak
2fns rem 1187
m1 carbine
taurus pt92
desert eagle 44cal
ect ect

Shitskins go wherever Whitey goes for the Gibs.

It only ends when Whitey no longer gives out the Gibs, but that won't happen. We'll end up like South Africans, except we'll get slaughtered in the end since there wont be anywhere else to run to.

But you sidestepped my question about race and 'commies.' Which IS a left/right issue.

Glad to hear you aren't now, that much easier to remove you.


no it isn't, you ppl are afraid of just about everyone.
just replace muslim with mexican and commie with socialist

couple of my friends are still big time collectors

linking related threads;

I cant wait for the race war so I can fucking ice these shit skins

or feminist or liberal or gay or atheist

Or you can just make them disappear quietly. There's no need to be loud.

That's because Whites do nothing in real life to network. And the Trans Nazis are the first to put a stop to that.

How bad do things have to become before Whites start meeting up in real life?

No ones fault but our own.

Namefag lefties are so dense that they can't figure out what a filter is. It's nice knowing that while your enemies have the numbers, that's all they have.

What race war? You fags cannot even meet up for coffee and network like normal Whites used to do?

bunch of cowards want stroke each others leg

Why haven't we doxed the muslims yet? Im sure kikebook will have something

Which is why they should simply be hung, castrated, and burned. No need for a trial, nor any need to establish their true age.


Maybe we should all get facebook to leverage our interfacing and increase idea thoroughput velocity. You should get into sales, goyim!

Which was that in?

The namefag derailed the thread with 50+ posts about nonsense.

It's a good idea. Local Idaho guy, are you around still to give us any leads?

Makes it really easy to find them through them.
Think you asswipe.

"Think of hte children" only works on people who care about human life and the future. These people do not.

Best to just beat some sense into them. If it doesn't take, then kill them.

That place is going to be vandalized at best and "somehow" catch fire at worst. I can only imagine how pissed the right wingers are over there, doubly so for the youth that still hate this bullshit and feel like they have something to prove.

Yes goy, I'm here.
There's about 40 I heard. I know most of the rapefugees live along Washington Street.

They all shop at Winco too, that's why we had the 200 armed man protest there.

reported for leftism shilling and Jewry.

What great fortune!

today is #worldrefugeeday

This is from a month ago. It will give you an idea of the poz levels.

Keep in mind Twin Falls was 88% White a few years ago.

The people pushing this need to stop breathing.

We have a golden opportunity RIGHT NOW to redpill a bunch of people on rapefugees!

Google just made a #worldrefugeeday video. Threads related here

#worldrefugeeday is also trending on twatter

Any chance of organizing another armed protest outside the DAs office if they fail to prosecute?

People have to kill. Kill the Muslims, kill the cops, kill the prosecutor.

Don't think about it. Just kill them. Kill their families, too.

Well here's the funny thing. We got the Idaho 3% to do the last armed protest. Then they did that retarded Bundy stunt out in Oregon, and a lot of the leadership/members got arrested/disappeared. They were the "ground forces" trying to stop this shit.

The only reason I'm still reporting this stuff is since I didn't LARP IRL with muh guns (I'm a smart coward.)

posting info for visability since the namefag shit up the thread. this is the cunt who's bringing them to idaho. work email and phone are in pic
cunt has been fighting to bring them in through the non-profit she heads for years

she also works with chobani who was mentioned because they built a plant in twin falls. it's headed by a turkroach and he gives money to keep rapefugees around.

sure thing

I do gun stuff too, but I don't larp. avoid crowds

Why don't YOU start Adolf and let us know how it works out.

If that's your attitude you're already done. Might as well save the site the bandwidth and stop posting.

There was always a refugee program in Twin Falls for like 30 years or so, but the Sunni Muslims only started coming in once Chobani came to town a few years ago. It's not the Syrians that bother me. They are bringing in Congolese and Somali niggers.



Actually I meant to say the Syrians don't bother me as much as all the Niggers.

I doubt it's a coincidence that you show up after goldi disappeared

Who the flying hell are you?
Why do you keep responding to yourself?

She's in Boise though. Keep that in mind. Every large city has the rapefugee problem in America. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Twin Falls is like 50,000 peoples.

fucking greasy kikes, kill me now

btw #worldrefugeeday is trending right now on twitter. Take advantage of this opportunity.

But can you shoot them on public property?

The Twin Falls thing is talked about more since we are the most vocally against it. The sad thing is this is going on all across America, and most places are so pozzed it's not even covered. No one cares, and everyone has given up.

Most of the residents are ex-Californians, who came because of White flight. So a large percentage of the town is against the rapefugees compared to other towns who just accept them. Literally the Federal Government is forcing it down everyone's throats, along with Chobani. The city officials are all getting bribed to go along with it too.

Again, this happens all over America. It's only going to get worse. The worst places are the ones who won't report it at all. Don't think you're safe wherever you are. You aren't.

could they be part of the same ancestor, i don't know.. some jewish whore that got raped by mohammed or something?

It's time to network, organize, and prepare for conflict.


Have we started raiding #worldredugeeday yet?

Link please.

It's in the OP you illiterate faggot

Its in the OP retard

That's a private forum. Members only.
(Wish I was a member.)

i never remembered things being cucked liked this when i lived there. people hated mudshits and didn't think twice about it

Agreed. If any of you autiste's have friends IRL, work hard on either redpilling them on nationalism v globalism, or at least get them prepared to fight for the coming conflicts. Get them on our side at even the most basic of levels. We can tell them about the jews later, right now we have to organize.

Spread this shit around on twitter fucking do it user! Its just one tweet to these faggots come on. It could be you daughter next.

Are there even places where White people aren't pozzed outside of Eastern Europe?


According to that link, no arrests have been made and the kids and parents are free. The author says that the rape took place in the Fawnbrook apartments and that the Syrians were tenants there.

She provides this these links, haven't had time to check them yet since no flash player.

If the police/citizens confirm they are the apartments then the following is highly relevant.

>[email protected]/* */

Appalachia and large chunks of the american south


Does South Africa count?

Quick question, is it illegal to call their local police and social services asking them to see if the child is in danger even if you don't live in that town? Why not have people phone/e-mail bomb the local sherrif's office and social service office until the lugenpresse has no choice but to show this or lose even further trust from the public.?

I share your feelings, user.
Coeur d'Alene here.
It isn't so bad here, but I can tell it's going to get worse fast with our proximity to "Sanctuary City" Spokane.


I have. Help me out guys! Retweet my posts and retweet others. Try to make your own too.

Pretty much everywhere in 'fly-over country' except for some cities. College towns are usually pozzed.

Word. It would be a race for the police to indict the little fucker, because if they didn't, shit like that would bring back lynch mobs.

Not really. There's not much good in not being Pozzed when you're completely fucked.
Have they started forming militias yet?

southern europe.

people-wise. governments are really foreign occupied.

That's mostly true. We have CSI here, which is a large community college.


Remember this guys?

Holla Forums is always right.

You know what will happen next? A westernized teenage girl will get raped by a muslim, And then honor killed by her traditional muslim father for being raped. It's going to happen.

Race war when?

Is that actually legitimate?

Ridiculous. They probably know but are in denial.

The TRS forums are the place to go if you want to network and organize with people who are actually worth a shit.

The race war is happening now.

The victim may not actually be the actress/activist, but the crime was definitely done by some sort of nigger. That's good enough for me.

Also, please help me with raiding #worldrefugeeday hashtag! I'm all alone here. Retweet my stuff and make your own redpilled tweets with images from Holla Forums.

When are we gonna fight back on a large scale?

Again this only useful if Fawnbrook is confirmed the site of rape.

Looking at tax records gives some info:


School website contain hundreds of current pictures of various classrooms and students.

Not sure, probably not though. It would be better to call and confirm the location of the rape.

Come on lads, DIG DIG DIG!!!

I forgot the english word for those things on the pillars but what the fuck, this is not sending the message of sharing. This is sending the message of giving


(trips checked)
You need an army before you can fight.

Better hire some arabs into the police to deal with that. What could go wrong?

What the fuck, I replied to

and it's a good thing that she won't be able to have one by the time she grows up! with this random/one-off traumatic experience in her youth (studies show that most peodphiles in the USA are, you guessed it, WHITE MALES) combined with being able to grow up and play violent gun-toting video games in/around a culture that's bigoted against homosexuals and especially muslims….. why i tell you she'd be a ticking time bomb to go to walmart and pick up a few AR-15s and go wipe out a whole mosque filled with peace-loving muslims (who in ~10-20yrs time should be able to have a foothold in idaho cuz as john oliver said if you introduce a lot of muslims to a traditionally non-muslim country you're supposed to build mosques to welcome them, so if you're in an area without mosques it stands to reason that those are the places that need them the most since only racists and nazis think that there shouldn't be significant muslim populations everywhere)

AHEM. yeah i, for one, with absolutely 0.0 (, mr blutarsky) sarcasm say that i am glad that we will proberbially AND literally dodge a bullet by making sure that little girls like this won't grow up being bigoted/racist against muslims and then be able to go inflict a mass shooting against them claiming that "BAWWWW MUSLIMS TRIED TO MAKE ME A SEX SLAVE WHEN I WAS 8 YEARS OLD" and therefore all muslims are to blame and she's justified in her own personal "jihad" against these peace loving folks who just want the same rights that you and me have to move into a community en masse and proceed to outbreed the population by a 2-1 or 3-1 margin over 20-50+ years so they can turn footholds into majorities and then bring about the sharia law that, quite frankly, it's looking more and more like the world needs.

seriously, look at all these mass-shootings that our racism and bigotry and gun-ownership has allowed to happen. democracy is clearly not working and maybe if this kind of thing doesn't stop ASAP it's nigh time to listen to "the religion of peace" and institute some "common sense" cultural/law changes…. cuz since it's obvious that the muslims are going nowhere (after they get here of course, cuz it's their allah-given-right to come here and diversify us into being a multicultural paradise that lives life the way they see fit) and since we're clearly failing them by providing a racist and bigoted land of oppression that hearkens the crusades, perhaps it's time to just do what they want since they're the religion of peace and we're the religion of guns, violence, and of course hitler.

did hitler believe in god? yes? well then i think it's time for common sense religion reform because any religion that attracts adolf hitler shouldn't be around in CURRENT YEAR to continue preaching a gospel of hate, violence, and of course 0 commn sense gun reform.

TLDR = i'm a sarcastic cunt who says we ought to just tap out now and give the muslims what they want b4 the narrative spins to "because americans are so bigoted against a few bad seeds who happen to be muslim the rampant islamophobia and bigotry running across the USA has turned the religion of peace into the religion of survival and given all the hate they face it's no wonder that lifelong peace-loving-muslims are now massmurdering [other ppl we're bigoted against] because we forced them into this survival mindset via not opening our borders and taking in millions of refugees immediately, not building mosques for them when they show up en masse, and having the van-gaal to believe that since 99/100 idiological-massmurders are coincidentally muslim that all muslims are bad/evil/ettc, and now ONLY our hatred and oppression has forced these moderate muslims to take up arms as the last resort to make all the hatred and bigotry stop!

TLDR TLDR = it's all your fault user… thanks for being bigoted dating back to the crusades and thanks for forcing muslims to feel like they have to kill to survive and of course THANKS FOR NOT BEING WILLING TO GIVE SHARIAH LAW A TRY AND THEREFORE CAUSING HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS OF MORE SENSELESS DEATHS ALL BECAUSE THE UGLY AMERICAN WHITE MALE DIDNT WANNA GIVE THE RELIGION OF PEACE A TRY!

Thanks for the response, I wasn't planning on doing it right now. I want to make sure there is so much evidence it crashes their fucking e-mail servers when I send that shit right after chewing out the local police and virtue signal the shit out of them.

Holy shit

If you're asking when you might have other people in your locality helping you, its either when somebody starts leading (including Trump at a top-down level) or if the jews start boiling our frog too fast and whites in general get pissed (we might already be passed a tipping point on that, who knows).

The key with either scenario is that the jews are GOING to make peaceful reform impossible, which leads straight to violence.
Brexiters need to be aware of this as well.

30m44s in the council video
From that same fuck who tried to label the people at the meeting as white supremacists for pointing out muslims are bad. The only way they're going to get anything done is an armed militia.

Pure coincidence goyim. If the Muslims had not raped her then some white guy would have.

No harm in networking, organizing, building infastructure, and growing in numbers, instead of being satisfied to post on an image board and have zero effect on the world around us.

Alright, which one of you bastards was trying to redpill the normie?

When we kill all the white traitors holding us back.

I hate these fucks.

Do you actually have any plans to do that or are you just saying it anonymously on the Internet because it makes you feel better?

Saying radical things on the Internet is about the same as muttering something mean under your breath about a bully you're too intimidated to confront.

allah be praised that the FBI/NSA/etc is up on the obvious fact that the #1 terrorist threat in the USA is white males, therefore if any of these assholes try to literally form an army of racism/bigotry/oppression they'll be wiped out b4 the day of the camp (as they keep yelling about some "day of the rope" on the bus to the FUN CAMP, so that'll cause the victors to mock them and their assignment to re-americanization camps as "the day of the camp") where we can FINALLY rid this country of the toxic plague of hatred and bigotry that brands itself as "patriotism" ("a virtue of the wicked" per benjamin franklin or someone else equally-founding-father/ish) because it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that right now the #1 problem in our society is HATRED which spawns from people who are against "common sense" gun laws and diversification because awwww the widdle white baby boy wants to cry that he can no longer oversee a system of suppression bigotry and racism that gives him all of the advantages that our toxic "culture" has taught him to believe that him and only him deserves since the first insane WIMPOUT (white+chimpout=WIMPOUT) that forced the british out of america because of, you guessed it, xenophobia and bigotry that literally cut america off from the rest of the world for 100+ years (crying ">MUH IMPRESSMENT" and stuff because they were crazy in wanting to step out of the 1700s equivalent of the european union)

so yeah i sleep easy at night knowing that all the backwards ideologues who wanna "play patriot" are gonna be the first ppl to get on the bus on the day of the camp because holy crap just because a few angry white men wanna WIMPOUT cuz >MUH RIGHTS and >MUH CULTURE aka >MUH RACE is being "threatened" by having a few peace loving brown people show up and become 10-30% of their local population over the next 20-50yrs. BAWWW LITTLE WHITE BABY CRY MOAR.

tbh cant wait for them to do a remake of "get on the bus" to celebrate the glory of the day of the camp!

I don't know why, but the only kids I found wearing hijabs on the Harrison school site look Somali as fuck. I could definitely see any third world trash being labeled as "Syrian refugees" but further digging is needed. If we dox the kids parents we win.

Gentlemen, if you are going bitch and discuss IRL action or lacktherof, consider doing the one useful thing online aside from making memes and gather intelligence on the enemy. Pro-tip: no IRL action can proceed without intelligence gathering.


Large scale resistance occurs when our message begins to gain mainstream attention and the opposition uses force in an attempt to silence it. The deaths of the first few who choose to stand up should be enough to galvanize the populace.

Bloodshed is the catalyst for revolution.

National Action, as well as Russian nationalists, know how to deal with pedophiles.

Will do!

Don't make yourself too dependant on the masses – only three percent of the colonial population took part in the American Revolution.

hey that one image of the hypothetical jon oliver piece on pedophiles is spot on in terms of the direction we're going. pretty soon you're gonna be a weirdo if you DONT have the desire to go kill 8 year old boys and rape their dead buttholes for days on end afterwards (as surely necrophilia has to get a 2nd look… if it gets someone off and it isnt bothering the dead person whats the big deal? it's just hating another minority tbh!)

btw out of my 2 big TLDR sarcastic posts i think the only worthwhile thing is "WIMPOUT" for the "white chimpouts" =]


As long as there is blood on our soil, sand will turn to ash.

read the comments below the article. the landlord apparently cannot evict the rapist family. the dad high fived his sons after the rape. the other tenants are mad as fuck. fucking evil. we can't let this die. it's on drudge atm spread it now.


Still waiting on confirmation on Fawnbrook, but after looking through more photos its very clear Harrison Elementary has a sizable muslim population, although the minority seem to be actual arabs- majority being niggers of one sort or another. Can anyone from Twin Falls give some incite on Somali/African muslim immigration?

We need to dox these kids and their parents.

They still relied on the indirect support of the masses who did not fight. There is no way to win without at least tacit support from the majority of the population.

The yellow things? They're called ribbons

you forgot your meds
I will have no problem with it when white people chimpout, since we can direct our anger unlike bobo

this link

Great, we still need to dox the parents: plus tons of rapefugees lie about their age. I'll be the "13" year old is really 15+. Its not like they could perform in a classroom of their peers anyway if they are from Syria or some other shithole.

Someone get Trump on the phone and tell him to turn the volume up on this shit NOW!

What's wrong, niggers can chimp out and ruin an entire town but a couple of whites running in and getting rid of a problem is "chimping out?"

If they are trying to kill me or someone else, then yes.


Not what I meant. My point is that when groups of non-marxist, non-blackbloc whites starting fucking shit up, it will actually have some effect since we have the ability to focus on a target.


How fucking retarded can people be? They are fucking niggers, are there people who actually think Syrians are niggers?

at least post to bump the thread pls. I wish mods would stick it too

no viewing without logging in? no thanks.

pic related is the mother of one of the little rapists


the perfect hashtag to spread this info.

If one of you nutters does end up going on a rampage, just don't use a gun. You will be playing right into the hands of the anti-gun establishment and their social engineers. Use a knife, use a bomb, hell use napalm, that shit burns real good, but don't use guns. I enjoy my 2nd amendment rights and I don't want to see them taken away because some useful idiots played right into the narrative being constructed by the think tanks at Tavistock.

If an user wants to be truly useful they can find the parents of the victim and their neighbor who found the girl and get them the hell on video to tell their story.

see>>6397369 fuckwit.

It's easy, mang, and TRS is based. You won't regret it.

wtf are you talking about?

who the fuck are you?

Drown yourself, namefag.

reported for forum sliding and leftism, leftist ideology has nothing to do on Holla Forums Holla Forums

When I listen to TRS and hear their lispy little kid voices I know the fight is lost before it even started

Any PNW anons who are willing to go out there and interview some people?


Fuck, not here too.

And OP was a faggot yet again.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.


Fuck those honorary niggers, they do not have my consent to flood my town with sandniggers.

We've got a lot of support. Now we need an image of strength.

Lispy little kid voices? Who? I don't know of any of those guys who do. What are you talking about?

Doesn't mean much from someone who likely won't partake in the coming conflict.

Jesus dubs confirm, liberals must be punished.

I could invite you sometime.


The people have to give Obama an ultimatum. If this happens again, march on Washington and force the traitorous nigger out of the White House. A harsh precedent needs to be set for future candidates who think they can bs like Obama did.


The asylum centers will have to be burned. There's no other way. The government doesn't care how much you protest, you have to grind society to a standstill to make an impression on them


Well that does it. No more Chobani here.

Fuck the D&C faggots, this just confirms what I've already been thinking. America and Europe are both going down the same drain. I'm mad, but I'm not surprised this happened.

thank you, I won't refuse those trips



4chan Hashtag Raid Thread is Ready!!!!

Post redpilled antirefugee pics in there NOW!

So where are all you shittalking americucks now huh? Not so brave once it happens to your Neighborhoods now is it?

you have guns for fucks sake, go lynch these subhumans.

But our news told us about it and our police arrested the men.

I don't understand; how does being a minor completely exempt these kids from any jail time? Can't they at least be put in juvenile detention? They raped a child. Clearly they aren't going to grow up to become model citizens.


I hate reddit so much. Did the mods respond?

Pamela Geller is a Jew inciter. She is about as much on Holla Forums's side as David Horowitz. You're supposed to hate the Muslims, love the Jews, fight against the Arabs for Israel, and support the US Military fuck yeah. Strangely enough, the controlled right-wing is up in arms against the Syrians, even though they are far less dangerous than the Somalis, etc liberal idiots have been shipping by the 50,000 load here each year.

To be clear: I'm no Muslim apologist AT ALL. But, the Jews use threats against us to manipulate us into positions that are profitable to them. E.g. starting WW1 and WW2 (as well as several other wars) and the continuing charade of capitalism vs communism. The threat from Muslims are real, but isn't it funny that the folks raising this alarm go to the same club as the ones bringing them in?

From the article:

– so no SYRIAN refugees. Uh-huh. Why did he not say, "no REFUGEE involvement"?

Btw, the Spokesman is owned by Garnett and constantly pushes the Agenda.

Fuck you, Mormons.

"Permanently sealed". Fucking fucks.

Get fucked, Mormons.

So draw some fucking pictures. I hate this shit, I hate how ball-less our cops are. The shitskins can rape and rob you and leave you half dead, and the cops won't do shit. You try to defend yourself and the cops come out of the woodworks with crying mothers of the rapist dindunuffin scumbags and you get pizzabombed by leftists who vandalize your vehicle. I hate this shit.

FUCKING SHOOT THEM YOU USELESS PIGS. Bullet ain't worry about what language a shitstain speaks. Court systems were a mistake. Back in the day you had lynch mobs…shit actually got done. Now you have "criminal's rights" and they can walk around raping children and get away with it.

I know a lot of Trump-voting police who agree that they are too restricted to properly administer justice. I say if the guy is red handed, let justice via 9mm be swift there and then. Hell, if you can't tell ahmet from muhammad, just shoot the lot. Anyone who defends a rapist is just as guilty.

Which is exactly right, aliens have no rights in our lands. Only citizens have rights.

Wow, Americans must be such pussies. Why haven't you shot this cunt already? United states of cuckoldry.

The trolling is getting old, master baiter.

Thread died, NEW THREAD

also, 8/pol/ thread for organizing.

Right, now let's sit back and watch America wage a civil war against them and gun them down in the streets like they always claim they would when it happens to another country. Because that will definitely happen. Americans aren't just self inflated assholes who are brought up on propaganda teaching them to think they're better than the rest of the world to make them identify more with their country and its system, they really are the gun slinging last bastions of freedom and liberty they think they are.

Now someone call me a Yuropoor, it'll make you feel superior and important again for a minute, but it won't change the fact that you are just as fucked as everyone else, regardless of whether you've been brought up to believe your chains are voluntary.

it's fortunate that yo ucna make a molotov from gasoline and soap shavings then

just stir the shavings in until it's the right consistency

Stupid, stupid, stuuuupid fucking mudslimes. Every little violent outburst they cause leads their worst nightmare one step closer to ascendancy.


Jews as well are pushing way too hard, way too fast. Gonna get their stupid fucking squishy asses crushed if they keep at it.

You seem mad.
Nice digits btw

Cat women often make a free meal for their cats in the end user. Seems a fair trade tbh.



Anyone who identifies Muslims as being a problem within the West is a shill.

Too bad they'll have to euthanize the cats afterwards.

At least he was arrested, in Europe they would have arrested the parents.

This is why we need right wing death squads.

Fuck off scum.

Have any of you heard the good news? Illegal immigrants can now become legal citizens of the US- after only one day of "military service"!

Idaho? That shit's one state over from me.

Hopefully the perpetrators will get sent to jail where they will be raped by their fellow inmates…

nice trips. It may be disinfo, but the fact remaind that the judge has suppressed the release of all information related to the case. This demands further investigation.

Plus I have already proven heavy Islamic infiltration into the local school system. See:

We need locals to follow up with further information gathering and DIGGING DAMNIT!

Which post, couldn't find it?

You do not need to speak the same language as someone to arrest them. You grab them, force them into handcuffs, shove them in the back of a police car, and take them down to a station. Afterwards, you can call in a translator at the station to tell them why they are under arrest, and to interrogate them if necessary.

Every time.

Pure coincidence.

I have no words for how much I'd like to see a rapefugee smash her face in.

No shit! I NEED Names! That includes the judge.

Agreed. Make this facebook shareable.

See here:

Thank you.

I also feel like this is relevant, because Idaho is a pretty rural place in my opinion.

I thought mud skins hated the snow?!

the fuck kind of 8 year old is even sexual, or depraved enough to piss on a 5 y/o girl?

They were allowed to suck on bottles and pacifiers too late in life. It's a sign they were just either too coddled or ignored and given things to shut them up by their parents. Either way their parents didn't care about their development.

Endorphins are the minds natural painkillers. You get them when you experience the "love" sensation, or when you do opiates. Everyone naturally has a certain amount at all times.

Yes, Muslims sure do love serving yoghurt to kids…
I think I'm missing something here, what exactly is stopping people from lynching in these "underpopulated areas"?
I understand the whole militarization of these police forces as is seen by Swatting of twitch streamers and such, but are they not understaffed enough for people to do it and easily get away with it?

Some questions now that everyone is triggered.

Are you registered to vote?
If not would you like help getting registered?

We need to solve this, and impaling people is still sadly illegal.

Yeah, I need the most believable sources. I want this housewife shareable. Not just alt-right shareable.

Maybe we can inform the bro at RedPanel comics to make a nice shareable comic strip?

That was the lady who fucked with a dudes camera and said 'CAN I GET SOME MUSCLE OVER HERE' just because he was filming them.

That song is comfy as fuck.

Reg in Florida, not that it helps here at all.
Or you mean in Idaho?
Idaho cannot possibly be cucked already to the point where voting won't help?
And if one faggot mudslime can kill fifty people in 20-30 min, any teetotaler can score higher an hero in 10.

I'm not convinced this actually happened. No sources.

Brevity is the key to good bait, user.

Well that explains the nigger muslims, DIG!

See pic, kike worshiper.>>6395800


See pic, kike worshiper

This site is a piece of fucking shit. And the pic is already attached.

Is that really it? Is that why they look glassy and lifeless?

This is fake you idiots. Atleast fact check. They weren't Syrian and they weren't Refugees. They were Middle Eastern. They didn't piss on her.


Then get into jail either legally or illegally and kill the refugee.

Leftists, not even once.

From what I understand, they can't openly do shit.

NATO generals have to approve every military action or purchase, and there are UN and interpol "advisers" in the police force.

It's basically the blue helmet fear of every conspiracytard come to life.

Time to pull off the Senator Armstrong build.

sh!t fist that cunt

Please, please stop this meme. Showing Hitler as "right-wing" tells me you know nothing of him.
They weren't on the Jewish spectrum

This innoecent child

That was weird, it posted without me doing anything…

Anyways, what I was saying was that this innocent child was raped because of the actions of politicians. If it weren't for Obama forcing refugees on us this wouldn't have happened. These people need to be held directly responsible for this. I don't know how, but it needs to happen.

fyi Idaho fags
The best solution is for a fire to accidentally occur at a refugee center

Holy shit Eurocuck haha you're so salty

Euros really are cucks

That would give a nice insurance payout to the person who agreed to house them, wouldn't it?

This is what they always fucking say!

Like it fucking matters. I doubt even 10% of the "migrants" are Syrian.



Yeah, there were no Syrians, just Iraqi and Sudanese Muslims raping a five year old girl, nothing to see here.

She was a "special needs" kid? Shit. That's not good propaganda. I don't care about retards. In a National Socialist society they would be weeded out anyway.

Do you guys even know if this girl is white?

Yeah, the Emancipator of the Jews really would give a shit about Europe burning down.




Phew, glad that's settled.

A Muslim raped a girl that's what matters not the specificlly from Syria.

Does anyone know how to see which mod stickied which thread?

Dude, read the snopes article. How they try to tiptoe around the horrific facts is disgusting.

Some liberal faggot was nice enough to share that link with me on social media, so I thought I'd pass along the favor. :^)

Also, more snopes gold! Same "fact checker" too!

Cuck governments:

This can't be real life. This is lunacy to such an extent that it simply cannot be real.

The only explanation is that Simulation Theory is true, and this is simply a simulation of the 1950s+ era if the worldwide IQ average was dropped by 30 points.

If somebody has a better explanation, please tell me so I can sleep.

We all died in a cataclysmic event, and this is hell.


I have no idea. Sorry, user.

Have a Moon Man.

dammit i know there's a way

thanks for the moonman

If the Bill and Ted version of Hell is accurate, then it just might be. A world in which nothing makes sense would be a perfectly suitable circle of Hell for intellectual vanity.

same thing in oz

don't they know anti-imigration activists dislike the Iragis and Sudanese just as much as the Syrians.

snopes. 2 fat middle-aged jews in a cramped apartment doling out the last word on everything. grow a brain user. don't ever fucking cite snopes here again.

Funny how in the comments section of all those articles locals said that it happened and they were outraged, that the local news covered it and that a gag order was issued by a judge.

I'm going with a cover-up since this incident, if true, will do immense damage to both Hilary.



I never take snopes seriously. In fact, we should have a thread where we just post about the blatant bullshit they peddle.

Tired of seeing smug liberal fuckheads posting snopes left and right everywhere to try and shut down discussion like it's the voice of God.

(I know there are some good image macros calling out their shit, but I can't find them for the life of me.)

This would be amazing. I would, if I lived in Idaho.

Well, here's the last chance.
In the few more times this happen, if we don't kill them they're here to stay. Stand up now you dumb niggers, sacrifice your life for the muslim's if you don't want to cuck your country.


We had a snopes thread about a year ago. Unfortunately I don't have an archive but the snopes couple had all the usual (((connections)))
Maybe it's time for another one.

So go kill them. They must be killed, or this continues. You are at the end of the road americucks.

So why aren't you going to go and kill them. They will spread. Tell everyone of this and then murder the muslims.

Alpha males wear glasses too user

please calm your autism, the pics just show that our enemies are weak fucks

(((Attempts))) are already under way to turn Indonesia into Syria 2.0. Despite being retarded they have at least always been a secular nation and used to have a lot of respect for the US/Europe/the West in general (including Russia and Germany because Indonesia's founder was sort of a dictator who managed to unite its truly diverse peoples), but for the last decade the Islamists (aka Islam-firsters or Saudi-wannabees) have started gaining more ground politically. Signs point that (((they))) are going to do the exact same thing they did in Syria: create enough false flag incidents to deepen the chasm between secular citizens (including secular Muslims to make the conflict even lulzier) and Islamists and then add fuel to the fire so there will be an Islamist rebellion against the government. It is perhaps the initial stage of the Semitic World Order's plan to destabilize Southeast Asia, since they've already sort of succeeded in the West. The (((job))) is easier in SE Asia because there is no unity among its nations and peoples, which is why they went through the Islamist route instead of the usual financial kikery.

Redpilling them is actually important because if you let the pozz stay up too long they will just be added to the ranks of the (((refugees))) to Zerg Rush white nations sooner or later.

That woman is the most jewish human Ive seen tonight, disgusting

No longer is the Christian at war with the world; instead, the Christian is at war with the White World.

I am a Christian, I am a National Socialist. Nothing you meme or lie, or joke about will change it.

I'm sick of the Jews mocking my God to my face. I'm sick of "Nazis" doing the same. I will fight for my blood, I will fight for my faith.

Curious how the as soon as the western world became secular that the jews were able to come to such complete and utter power.

I already do. That guy is a piece of shit.

We should have a sticky thread on businesses/companies to avoid. If liberals do it, we should do it better. Make them feel the pain of lost revenue.


Obligatory. kek


literally same shit
americans have been poking fun at euros the whole time in these threads for shit like this happening in europe
its not so funny when it happens to your own is it yanks?

those little shitskin cunts still deserve a beating

NatSocs do not mock Christians.
Odinists do not mock Christians unless they've been attacked, first.
In both cases, you're probably seeing the snide remarks of Jews trying to divide whites along religious lines, simply ignore them.

We've lynched more white-killers than you've even dreamed of, Bong.
And our justice numbers are going up…when was the last time you guys even killed ONE Mudslime or nigger for raping or murdering your own?
You have a lot of catching up to do before you even match our score, and if you ever do, we can then make it a game to see who kill the most.
I see no downside to this.




What I'm reading here is that 3 mudslime boys sexually assaulted a 5-year-old girl, and the police refuse to state what the assault entailed, for their own reasons (they need not name the assailants, so telling the press what happened is not any violation of juvenile protection, so why keep it a secret?) The two oldest assailants, the 14-year-old & the 10-year-old are in custody. I can only assume the actual act of assault was so demeaning to the victim that the police are hesitant to disclose it to the public, due to what public reaction might be.

All this could be cleared up if they would just tell us what happened, because until they do, the press will fill in the blanks with whatever they can find out for themselves, and a lot of it may be hearsay.

They deserve to die.

Time to make the mother of all omelettes

I've become increasingly convinced that all the End Times (Kali Yuga) talk in various religions is legitimate. It's too fucking insane at this point, but I really think it's only going to get worse for a while.

it'll get worse if thats true
pedophilia will become legitamate, the muslims will take over most of the world
culture and art will continue being destroyed by the marxists
disease will become rampant across the world again
infrastructure will collapse before the world dies in nuclear fire provoked by islamic sectarian conflict

just do it italian style

major senpaku. man those japs were onto something again.

Americans are like dogs that bark but don't bite. Every time shit like these happen in italy the entire disctrict storm the refugee center. It happened many times.

the american is a loyal dog
the european is a muzzled wolf

if you think european are muzzled wolf you clearly have never been in any european country. Europe is an international community with 20+ nations with completely differet languages and cultures. And some of us, of course, were fighting civil wars in their countries still in '90s. So please don't talk about "europe". We are English, Italians, Germans, Spanish, Greek, Belgian, Irish, Croatian, etc…

You seem pretty cucked now.
We Americans kill more muzzies & niggers every year than you do.

and everyone is angry, we are all collectively Angry except the belgians of course

no gunz no funz
you all have guns and chastise us for not overthrowing our governments while yours operate with impunity as well
its the nigger calling the pot black in this case and guess what you're the nigger

Bet you a dollar the White House has muzzled them. I wish someone there would leak it all.

Funny how when Jewish agitation of the multicultural masses brought down Rome there was a 1000 years of darkness.

This time the Jewish bullshit will lead to a literal darkness from which there will be no rebirth.

Sounds more or less like the sort of porn I like to watch

army =/= normal people




We don't really have refugee centers full of Muslims, you shitskin.
We have 100 million foreigners coming in every week. Your country is the size of my asshole.


Then why do all your men look so full of estrogen and dance to gay club music on the weekends? Why do they fight with high kicks and fear skinny muslim boys?


Europe isnt just germany, sweden and england

yeah sure like your nations not overrun with pozzed faggots as well

Yes it is… It's all like that.

Only on TV.


Bullshit. Except Australia, you're all skinny sickly faggots. Did they outlaw weights in Europe? Why are all the MMA fighters from Europe niggers and Muslims? Why do you all look like you get no milk as infants?

ha thats fucking rich
I know hands down the americans get knocked the fuck out in MMA tournaments everytime a mick or a slav gets put in the ring with em
chest beating wimp needs a concealed carry and a stand my ground law to defend himself

Slavs aren't European and they rarely win.
Micks are all Muslims now. All they have is that lepercon McGreger

lemme guess you're paid by the post?

And you're not? Anti-American shill

Dont know if this was posted yet but apparently this story isn't true.

Prosecutors came out yesterday saying there was no gang rape or knife.
Instead it was vaguely described as "some degree of touching".

The victim was 5 years old and the perpetrators were 7,10,14.

Oh and the part that really saves face.
They weren't actually syrian,they were sudanese and iraqi.



Read the thread a bit, mate.

Sadly, it is true. Small details may (or may not) differ, but city officials and police are spinning said small details to try and legitimize the whole incident as "not a big deal".

"T-they're not Syrians, stupid goy!"
"They're from Irag and Sudan!"
"We, uh, c-can't comment whether they were refugees or not."

They then go on about how all the concerned citizens are essentially racists and white supremacists.

I call bullshit.

Yeah, and three older boys molesting a 5 year old girl isn't rape according to them. Notably, they haven't said they didn't pee on her either. Only one "touched" her. How evil they must be to be protecting these vile rats and the plan to invite more rats in.

Reading your link, and holy shit are these fucks a bunch of snakes.

You see, if no rapefugees at all were resettled in Twin Falls, they would have said as much.

The fact that they include the "Syrian" qualifier means that there ARE refugees dumped there.

Filthy kikes.

And it took three people to write this short article? Shit, they really are going into overtime to spin this, didn't they?


The media is afraid that this news will spread, because their "what about the poor migrant children?" narrative will be horribly undermined.

To use their exact "contact of a sensitive nature occurred".

Yeah, makes me feel a LOT better.

At least they admit by omission that the parents barely speak English and that the boys RECORDED IT WITH THEIR PHONE.

Literal fucking rape culture. Not a feminist to be found.

Latest update from Ann Corcoran

Based on the comments from many locals under various articles and along with Ann's insider info I think we can confidently say it happened and they're covering it up.



Oh geez, you've discovered her! It's all a lie, Ann is a right wing plant and is spreading LIES about our dear, lovely immigrant population!! Arrest her!

Seriously, doesn't it tire you at eat away at your soul to defend mudslime rapists that pee in little girls mouths? If not then you must be a kike. Carry on.

user, I get the vibe that Oregon is hiding something huge.

Any update? How is digging going?



I'm waiting.

Oregon's turn is coming. We've had multiple terrorist cells here, there are ton of Arab immigrants in all the college towns and Portland. Just last year there was a car explosion in the Arab and Muslim African immigrant area in Portland. All just swept under the rug…

Anyone that fails to recognise these "immigrants" as nothing more than a biological weapon against the white race is an ignorant fuck and not entirely a human being. Purge when?

fucking filth. these ppl should be sent back

fucking barbarians

Then i know what i must do…..

why don't they stay in their own country?

Cowardly White man whine on the internets while his countries are invaded.

Excuse is Neonazi Libertarian Survivalism weirdos will save us when the time comes.

No we don't.
Haven't you ever seen a parent/teacher/whatever say all will be punished until the perpetrator comes forward

I'm not going to go on a 40 hour drive on a wild goose chase after people I can't identify who are most certainly under police protection.
-in response to faggots like "do something, then, Ameriburgers!"



Just don't, they're all shills or retards.

Jumping directly to violence would only further their cause. People are already railing the city council and spreading the story by going through proper channels, which more or less makes them untouchable.

If violence (see: Justice) is to come, it would would be best served after it has blown over.

Is it really that hard to study how to do it so it looks like arson FOR the insurance?
Plus, burning a house of rats will disperse them

The thought process that leads to the conclusion of the article leaves me completely dumbfounded. There is no possible goal for this way of thinking other than self-destruction.

I hate to see this happen, but getting culturally enriched is the only way these people will realize their insanity.

I used to believe that was true and it is for a minority of people. As the saying goes, a liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet. But most liberals simple need to get the talking/thinking points and they go cult-like back into their numb smugness.

These fucking faggots ruin everything. I've had a beard for decades before these retards went around wearing their pube beards as a sign of "ironic manliness".

At least I can always lift to differentiate myself from the cucks.


Caldwell here.
There are lots of idaho Holla Forumsacks on the chans.

Idahofag here
What's happening is something along the lines of this:
What's pissing everyone off here is that people keep voicing concerns about having rapefugees, and yet they are continually being denied their right to safety in their own town. why are the citizens of Twin Falls not granted their right to build, develop, maintain, and live in the town that they want? Why are these people no longer allowed to be entitled to their own safety, if they themselves feel that this is not a safe course of action. If the community doesn't want rapefugees, then why are these groups so incessant on bringing them there? Especially if they are trying to build an environment where these foreigners feel welcome? Why not shack them up in more progressive locations on the West Coast that would be more than welcome to adopt these individuals?
What's fucking hysterical to me is that we knowingly accept refugees from places that have historically proven to be a breeding ground of militant religious doctrine that displays little more than complete contempt towards American society… a society that Idaho communities represent to almost a stereotypical degree.
It's all fucked up.

CDA here. I think Kootenai/Bonner is next. Also, World Relief can settle refugees anywhere within like 50 miles of their Spokane office – so Post Falls, etc are well within range.
It's real. It's sourced. This isn't coming out of conspiracy websites.

Any of yall sensing a cover up here too?

Of course. "Not SYRIAN refugees". It's like them saying "it didn't take TWO hours for the police to respond" while noting it came in as a not that serious police call – so was it one hour?

It's a shame we have to play telephone and that professional journalists don't do their job. The rumor mill has never been the way to get the exact truth, but it's clear that the story here is very unfavorable for dumping more refugees into Idaho so it's getting suppressed.

There's a reason even the dumb masses now trust media less than congress. Congress!

Jolene Payne, an 89-year-old retired nurse who lives at the complex, told WND she was an eye witness to the incident and gave her account to police the day after it happened.

“This happened three weeks ago around 3:30. I was sitting on my porch patio and I looked over and saw this boy taking pictures with a camera,” Payne told WND. “He was from Africa or somewhere overseas, standing outside the laundry room taking pictures of kids in the laundry room.”

She said she immediately walked over to the laundry room and opened the door.

“I found them in there. I knew there was something going on because the boy (with the phone camera) was acting funny, he was taking pictures but he was telling the two younger boys what to do,” she said.

She said the boy filming the assault is 14 and the two who were inside the laundry room with the girl are ages 7 and 10, all of whom she described as having “dark cloudy skin and curly hair.”

When she flung open the door she found a disturbing scene.

“The door was cracked enough for him to see the pictures he was taking. I opened that door and I almost fainted when I saw what was going on and here I’m a nurse,” Payne said. “What a pitiful thing for a poor little girl to go through.”

The “little tiny white girl, 5 years old,” was standing there with her clothes off. The two younger boys were also naked.

“The police came and then the next day detectives came and talked to me alone,” Payne said.

“All I know is what I told them. The worst thing was the way they peed all over her clothes and on her too, and I thought that was one of the meanest things I’ve ever saw done,” she added. “And we know those kids must know a lot more than the kids in America of that age. I’ve never seen any of them do anything like that to little girls, and we have a lot of children around here.”

“The little girl had no clothes on. The boys took them off. The littlest boy said ‘we didn’t do it, he told us to,’ pointing to the older boy. They’re just kids that have a mother and they moved here from overseas. The women don’t even talk any English, some of them do, but others don’t. They wear long dresses and long black things on their heads.

‘She was scared to death’

There was no knife involved, Payne said.

“I saw two boys and one little girl scared to death,” she continued. “I told them boys you better get your clothes on. She was scared to death, crying ‘Grandma Jo, Grandma Jo, help me.’ I’m not her grandmother but that’s what all the kids around here call me.”

The little girl’s mother is not in good health and her father works during the day, Payne said, adding that the parents are close friends of hers.



But nobody should be “stunned” by a criminal report involving refugees, says Ann Corcoran, who has been following the refugee program for the past nine years with the blog Refugee Resettlement Watch.

While the original report by Infowars, bloggers and other “conspiracy” websites had some inaccuracies, the basic thrust of their reports was true — that a little white girl was sexually assaulted by Muslim migrants, likely refugees.

“They got the nationality wrong and a couple of other minor points, but it was otherwise spot on,” Corcoran said.

“And, there is no doubt that if local residents, criticized by their elected officials, hadn’t pushed this story out to the public, with a few small errors like the nationalities of the perps, the whole case would have been swept under the rug,” she said. “Heck, the assault took place almost three weeks ago!”

The reason that stories like this get embellished on social media and the bloggosphere is because the federal government and the contractors it hires to resettle refugees have operated in secrecy for 35 years and the public doesn’t know what is going on, Corcoran told WND.

“If they were forthright with us these things wouldn’t get embellished. Have them tell us the truth,” she said. “If they say this is untruthful then tell us what is the truth, that’s one thing. In this community for this to happen, it confirms what the critics have been saying all along. And you have the left saying everything is just sweetness and light and it’s all such a good thing so when a bad thing happens they have to keep it secret.”

Corcoran also notes that many major media outlets, including the New York Times, rushed out to Idaho to cover the “Islamophobes” who were protesting the arrival of refugees late last year. But those same media outlets are nowhere to be found when a little girl is sexually assaulted by what appears to have been refugee boys.

And it isn’t the first such case, either. In 2009 an 8-year-old girl was gang-raped by four Liberian refugee boys ages 9 to 14.

At last week’s Twin Falls City Council meeting, the Spokesman Review reported that several local residents spoke out against the resettlement of refugees in their city. They cited the rape story and others warned that “ISIS is here,” and, “There’s a lot of pornography on foreigner web pages in Twin Falls.” The speakers also objected to the city’s approval of a local mosque, and charged that a Muslim woman had spit on someone at a local grocery store.

Twin Falls council members told residents last week they knew nothing about the alleged rape, and that if the residents know anything about a crime being committed, they should call the police.

At Monday’s meeting, however, the mayor admitted that things could have been handled better and with more transparency while still guarding the identities of the juveniles involved.

Infuriating and sad.

To think how all these assholes mobilize to protect the criminals and those who let them in rather than to protect our children and women!

Pictures confirm. The perps attend Harrison Elementary.

The website for Harrison includes a shitload of photos of students, with hundreds from the last few months. The perps can likely be identified from their with enough effort. Brothers DIG DIG DIG! Or just call the school and ask about it.

Also the landlord has still failed to evict.

This may include one/all of the parents. Taken from Harrison Elementary website.

Mudslimes wouldn't rape a girl anywhere with witnesses

Reminder that Mormons are cucked because of "muh pluralism"



Come on. I'm a Burger and I know there isn't a European country out there with worse demographics than the United States of America. We are also the most Jew controlled of every country outside of Israel. The reason some Europeans have been such pansies is the same that lots of white, wealthy American areas have been liberal: their utopian ideas work fine when e.g. your free health care system is just being used by Danes. Tolerance, compassion, humility… these are fine within a homogeneous European-origin society, and don't work at all in a "melting pot". It's sad, but true.


except the RRW pic1

Just to clarify, I'm not saying that Europe is necessarily better. America has far more open land, a very strong tradition of self-reliance, and loads of armed people. It's just, we're totally fucked as a country and shouldn't think otherwise.

Until we can actually name the enemy, it doesn't do a lot of good to try to fight the war. A pissing contest of violent vigilantism is better tested by which people will more directly challenge the ideas and propaganda out in the open. The truth is that takes plenty of courage and most people of all Western countries have been very scared to do so. When we do that enough then we may actually enough support to physically drive out the enemies – until then, it's counter productive.

agreed 100%

Idaho-fags get out there and glass these fuckers. It's your only hope. I know the rapefugees are forced on you but you could have prevented this by being aggressive and proactively removing kebab. If feds knew every rapefugee sent to Idaho had a 3 month life expectancy they would stop sending rapefugees to Idaho.

If you glass them they will stop coming.

Normal people name the enemy all the time on normal forums. The Jews are afraid of them because they are not White Nationalists.

You know it would only be used as an example of extreme intolerance. They would start flooding in more and more and not just to I duh hoe. At that point, the rest of us would be fucked because NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU WOULD EVER DO SHIT. Knowing the average Holla Forumstard, they would probably record something like in OP, post it to liveleaks, cry some more online, then get well rested to do it all again tomorrow. INTRONETWERRRRRIERRRRRS, LARPWORGDURFSQUEEES!

didnt know how butt hurt some Euro's are, We're supposed to be your kin folk so why are you attacking Americans?

you think were like Italian guys in any theoretical situation

Its not like we can just prevent anything at anytime.

If it was legal to just gun down any refugees before they did anything I bet some of us would

But we did. Getting the word out there after digging here resulted in and didn't they make #1 site something something.

You try to shut it down and we make it viral. Now everyone knows. You lose kike.

Eventually all snakes will be seen for their true nature and everyone will shun them, at best.

Man, Alphabet sure is putting in that overtime. How much does being a shitposting provocateur for the gubmint pay anyway?

AJ reporting

how much is a soul?



excellent video, thanks lad





Excuse me, agent, but the Klan meeting is south several blocks.

Fuck off Bill Wilson.

How can they shove this shit under the rug can still feel good about themselves? Sleep at night? Truly these are the demons in society, the devils in flesh. No decent human being would stand for this abuse of power, complicity in the rape of a 5 year old and allowing the criminals to get away. Those three boys should be dead by now. The fact that they're not truly is a dreadful vigil to the decay of America.

What's happened here is only a sign of what's to come. More Muslim attacks on our country, our people, our children. Burn every mosque, kill every Muslim. It's not an option, it's the only option. Fill the desire for Crusader-esque blood lust. It is no sin to destroy the enemies of God.

You will not win this war by spreading your cheeks for Allah, with love and tolerance. You can only win it with guns and bombs. Our leaders started this war for all the wrong reasons. But when I talked with every soldier, I've found that now they've justified their struggles against these animals completely. Now it is clear: it's on the home front, the soldiers of Satan are past the gates.

The Catholic church is corrupt, a political tool, bereft of any spiritual value. There's a reason the thinkings of Luther gained traction. Of course the Pope, ever so rumored to be the Anti-Christ, would bend knees to a heathen.

Oh look it's one of those far left websites like why atheism and secular Should've tipped it before posting tbh

Even people who call this kind of post, a larp, need to know that this is the only eventual option.

May we soon choose it.

We really need that Trumpian coup to happen, though.

Idaho is on the other side of the country though.

Not sure where any muslims are around here, I guess I could beat the shit out of a poo-in-loo. Dubs poo-in-loo, trips a nigger, quints or double-dubs I go full RWDS tonight with muh funs



Our enemies have correctly interpreted our suicidal generosity as the weakness that it is. All the groveling, foot-washing and pathetic capitulation have earned no goodwill whatsoever from the army of allah currently conquering Europe and it's likely they'll begin slaughtering the White population as soon as they have sufficient numbers. This is how our homelands die, not in glorious battle against all odds but on our hands and knees, whispering a prayer to the false god of equality because saying it loudly might offend the genetic alien preparing to swing a scimitar at our exposed necks. At least this proves we're not "racist," right?

Visitors to the church of St. Anthony in Ventimiglia, Italy, were recently told to “pray in silence” to avoid upsetting African migrants being housed in the building.

We don't want to offend the biological weapon with anything resembling healthy spiritual traditions. Instead look at the wall and mumble your little worthless prayers through a ball gag while the rapefugee has its way with your country. Please don't upset a merciless enemy that's here to loot, rape and kill. It's very important we maintain this sanctimony so we can get a eulogy relatively free from words like "xenophobic" as Europe's corpse is lowered into the cold and uncaring earth.

Members of Caritas, a Catholic charity that helps facilitate mass migration to Europe, have asked parishioners not to recite the rosary aloud, Italian wire service Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata reported Saturday.

In a sane and healthy nation every single scumbag in this "charity" would hang by the neck until dead for their appalling treason. We need to realize that the hypocritical false virtues of self-loathing and negation seen in the White do-gooder traitor are every bit as damaging as the endless jewish attacks.

A priest eventually took women who complained to another place of worship, Breitbart News reported.

Go somewhere else, Whitey. We're almost out of places to run. The time to stand or die is coming.

Italy, like other European nations, has struggled to absorb waves of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa due to Syria’s ongoing civil war and the collapse of Libya.

While Germany sucks on the "immigration" shotgun Italy gets kneecapped by a rapefugee invasion. That "Syrian civil war" and "collapse of Libya" sure is widespread, apparently touching every area full of worthless non-White sewage. We must take them all, it's the "right thing to do."

What's with the high intensity anti-Christian shilling lately? I'm certainly not religious, before I'm dismissed as an angry Christian.


although the third pic is kek worthy, it's shopped as hell.

almost saged a sticky

Twin is primarily elderly white folk, farmers, and Mormons. Mountain Home is the spic nest.

I'm sure someone in the Idaho Air National Guard would be more than happy to glass em over with our A-10s.

jews trying to d&c

This is so fkin hot. More and more pussy white men letting their women control the borders. The third worlders are enriching our grandchildren its okay because its how they have sex in their country. in the future girls and women will be more in line to service their men.

I wonder how much longer until its a national day in the west to offer your white women to minorities. mm so fkin hot

Take that armed protest live and arrest these traitors. That or get cucked out of existence.

Seriously, show up there and tell people this shit, just don't phrase it as to suggest that people do it, just phrase it as something that needs to be done.

"If none of us arrests these politicians, then we will get cucked out of existence."

Even getting a dozen guys together, and executing them would be better than this shit.

Combat vet with time and resources.
If interested in discussing this issue leave OTR and/or PGP fingerprint.

Literally casus belli for arrest and citizens tribunal for being betraying their country.

They're getting evicted. The letter says the investigation is over. Have the police made a statement?

woke news anchor
names names
fargo not idaho but relevant

bump for based local anchor

Most of the refugees aren't so they can shove that excuse right up their ass.

Holy shit, can't believe someone on television news actually exposed that and pointed out the people behind it. I hope he kept his job.

I do like how my local ABC news station had a story 6 months ago about gun grabbing laws. That was actually a pleasant surprise at work.

A new Fox story on this has made it to Drudge.

Still investigating? Funny how the landlords letter claimed the investigation is over

So which is it?
The Twin Falls police need to make a statement.


Call these fucking freaks out on their shit. Here's one that probably has interracial rape fantasies.

Jan Reeves can burn in hell.

In an earlier article there is a quote from a LEO that stated the girl was raped by the older boy. Yet now everyone is denying the rape part of it happened. Pure fucking evil.

Was the child a shitskin though? If she wasn't white then who cares. They do this all the time to their own - and the apartment complex where this happened is some kind of center for rapefugees.

The point is to show everyone around that area that they are rapists and their own landlord is hiding that fact.

There's a petition by Idahoans seeking justice for the girl. So far there's only

Check this out.

That article was sourced (see the link at the bottom of its page) from this affiliate:

Notice any difference from the national version?

Apparently they could not sanitize the autogenerated web page file name.

Yep, no mention of refugees at all implying it was ?

This is why we archive user.

Local journos tend to be a helluva lot more based than the others. They can drop redpills because they know theyre flying under the radar

Louis pls go


A. F.

The Rebel interviewed the 89 year old nurse that witnessed it. Interview starts at 2:07.

And yes, the 5 year old was raped. Her parents took her to the hospital to get checked. And there were four boys so that means two of them are still free.



Even these kids. These kids aren't human; they aren't children; they are beasts, barbarians, monsters. And I have no sympathy for monsters.

This reeks of European style cover ups.

I wonder how many times this has happened elsewhere in the US.

I'm gonna start some calls to my LEO departments near the centers.


If I weren't so happy about Brexit my head might explode with rage. WTF is going on.

Shit like this is what we need to spread before the election. Trump must win, he's our only hope in getting rid of these sub-humans.

My hatred is becoming sentient.

Will there be a protest? I'm in Washington state but would be happy to join others in an effort to get some justice.


Could i get a list of all the grooming gangs in the uk please? I need to btfo a lefty cuck and the wikipedia links are particularly damning.

Jews think they finally found the wedge to destroy the board.

fucking kikes. what a bunch of fucking bullshit

Yeah, no matter what anyone says, the U.S. is as cucked as any place. All we have going for us is guns and (((the powers that be))) are working tirelessly to erode that right.