Wow. 4chan has really gone to shit.
Wow. 4chan has really gone to shit
Other urls found in this thread:
And you come to pigchan expecting what, exactly?
Just venting friend.
I'm slowly migrating to 8ch anyway. This might be the final nail in the coffin. Hiro made /vip/ and soon there are going to be bigger differences between paid users and unpaid ones. It;s going to become reddit.
Post a little of this and see what happens to you.
the mod did literally nothing wrong
consider suicide faggot
There's nothing in the rules about it, queer.
there is you have to be 18+ though, which you clearly are not mentally
That's awesome I think I'll go back to 4chan if they if they keep banning undarage retards like OP.
Go back, cry more
Good on the mods, they banned you for a good reason.
Now get back to sucking your dad's cock you faggot.
An analogy is in order. During WW2, some thought of the Nazis as liberators. Until they found out it was more of the same shit and no better.
Welcome to 8cuck.
It's nice to see someone actually cares about quality control.
No shit faggot. Now go back there.
This, dont expect here to be much better
Good thing the next exodus will be the end of civilization as we know it.
Wow, maybe 4chan is actually cleaning up their act. Those types of post and shit like them are valueless cancer that retarded superstitious people use to destroy good threads.
Heres my favorite lewd picture of a milf.
It already has you jewish swine
23 hours? That's nothing!
LOL Little bitch boy talking shit on moms computer. So funny. And I can handle
anything anyone dishes out because its just stupid words on a dumb forum. Like I
take offense to some retards trying to insult me with the worst they can think of.
Like the faggot you are LOL. Thats gotta be one of the most used wanna be insults on the internet. Sad thing is you sound like you are some homophobe. What? Not secure enough with your manhood so you call everyone a faggot in a sorry excuse of an attempt to insult someone? Did Uncle Harry or Father Dave touch you when you were a little boy? Is that why you call everyone a faggot? If you are going to make an
attempt to insult me, at least make an effort. I live by the words that no one can
make me feel anything, only my reaction makes me feel. And I sure dont waste my
emotions on some sorry little kid who got bullied so he tries to be a big man behind
a computer screen. But thanks for the laugh. Oh and I dont associate with trolls.
Bunch of lifeless losers who best think to a girl they can get is on a computer
Have you not taken a look around here the last few days?
in 2 fucking 16?
you're not even shit, you're out of this world inane nothingness
Get off imageboards, they aren't for your kind.
we are all faggots here. it's a term of endearment. how long id you lurk 4cock before they banned you?
OP is complaining of a one day ban, I got permanently banned for posting a 22 year old nude.
I could do a one day ban standing on my dick.
I feel your pain. I got banned for 30 days when this dude was doxxing a cam girl he went to uni with. He posted her number and I replied "oi call as a social media rep and ask her why she closed out her social media. then say you have special offers for cam cluts"
I was half joking but when the nazi faggot mods gassed the thread they left no survivors. So here I am.
Yes 4chan is only the most gentle of gentlemen. How dare OP try to merely derail a thread!
How is this thread not locked yet?
OPs mother will die in her sleep
Already bumped just trying this out
you put it in email part right?