Ancestry Thread

Post Family trees/ancestors/genealogy related stuffs

(second pic is my family tree, includes some various facts I've come across while researching)

Go to bed, Jon.

also pic related is my genetic test results (I guess the story of one of my dad's irish ancestors knocking up an indian cheiftain's daughter while drunk was true)

Giving my DNA to jews soon to see what my ethnic make up is, for now have a low quality family tree.

I have traced my family back to Prussia and Calabria so far.


I consider myself white.

My previous post had the wrong picture. Here is the correct one.

Would I we accepted in a WHITE nationalist society?


Muhammad is that you?


do you have the blank of that?

Please rate, also my aunt is Romanian but my cousin looks normal so no worry.


How do you anons trace your ancestry?
I want to discover mine, but I don't want to sell my DNA to (((them))).


We ask our parents and grandparents but I'm shitskin and life just goes on there and no one gave a shit about past because you belonged to the nation and were molded by it. My father told me his great-grandfather was a Turk and that scares me but I think it might be bullshit because my mom said the same about her dad to me.

Is that Azerbaijan you kike?

Yes they are like Turks but more civilized; first democratic Muslim nation I'm not Muslim though.

Are you white?

Pretty interesting dynamics in my family's past.
In the end, I'm just glad I turned out white.

If I'm part Italian, will my DNA test show up part Negroid?



As far as I know yes not a single shitskin in my family I say shitskin because the region, I'm glad I'm not turdskinned or Asiatic. Some Azeris are light-skinned a lot of middle-east is white.

Only if you’re descended from Peninsulares or Criollos, or, partially, from Castizos VERY far back in the tree with plenty of Peninsulare admixture in between.
Aren’t you sort of pushing it? Anyway, I guess it doesn’t matter as long as you’re ideologically sound and follow proper eugenics protocols.


mfw blond haired and blue eyed anyways, with pale skin that turns Mediterranean tan with mild sun exposure

Noone will ever know.

Barring my Irish grandmother being off the boat in the 1920s, everyone else had been in the country since at least the 1870s.

Why do you have Armenian flag there, then?

We do not accept Turk scum. Turk is one the biggest insults in the language, in fact. We hate your sort more than any other, and more so, we pride ourselves on Christianity, which you tried so hard to steal from us.

And our land, which you tried so hard to steal from us (though successfully once).

I would make one but I am about to go to sleep.

How am I on the Aryan scale?

Part italinigger reporting in

That's the Peurto Rican flag. I dont know too much about the spic side of my family, but my grandfather is pretty light skinned.
They call Peurto Ricans the "rainbow people" since they vary from the darkest of shitskins to almost white.

I dig the high-contrast hair to skin tones, actually. I always wanted to be dark haired, but being here has taught me to take a measure of pride in being a Goldilockes.

I'm mostly Iranian, my grandfather was Azeri by blood and bilingualism. I don't like Turks either and have no relation to Azerbaijan other than blood, my mom doesn't give a shit about Azerbaijan, I don't know the customs, not even language.

Probably the most on the site.

thanks, but I already started on the big tree, figured id finish

Fuck you, I'm jealous. Be proud your ancestors weren't traitorous racemixers like mine.

What are you, user?

There's a surprising amount of race mixed anons on this board

I'm surprised the "mother's side are all aryan supermen rocket scientists and father's side are all worthless abos" troll hasn't been posted.

not bad, how'd I do? i'm not covering 10+ generations of americans going back to the colonies on my father's side though

Gotta know where those colonists came from TBH.

England and France


mine are all from northwest england, lowland scotland and south-west ireland

Mother side

Mom = Irish, French, German, and 30 percent at least south and/or central American as well as some Indian tribe that lived in Maine that was on the trail of tears.

Grandma 60 south and/or central american. Rest Hispanic.
Her parents were a race mixing Spaniards women and a male native.

Grandpa = Gaelic (irish or Scottish), German.
His parents escaped the potato famine but I don't know which was which.

Dad's side
Dad= almost 100 percent hwite except for some Cherokee.

Grandma and Grandpa= almost completely white (Irish and german)

I also might have some snow nigger (swede) in me.

Also… my great uncle Stone thinks and desperately wants us to have some JewIshmael in us do to stone coming from Stein.

He is also a 32nd degree freemason in the Scottish rite.

I promised I'd join to keep the tradition alive in our family when I was 14.


I have pale skin that can tan a dark bronze hue, dark brown hair with gold roots and blue eyes with a hazel rim.

Tfw I'm not 100 pure aryan


Fucking Finns


'stuffs' implies poo-in-loo.

lel, I do get the meme, I see plenty of people here with asiatic features.
Surprisingly little amount of such features in my family tho, there are blondes in my fathers side and I have blue eyes.

I know I'm probably not white for Pols standards and certainly not for Benny G and his Montana Killing frenzy
But at least allow me to help you guys win and put me in a state with other 2nd degree whites like myself if that's what I get classified as.


You should probably go back to Iran, then. You have no business in Armenia.

Iranians are decent sort for the most part, but Iranians belong in Iran. Muslims and Armenians have a bad history, even historically Muslim ethnic groups.

My chart would be all American flags except a pair of German great great great grandparents.

The rest of my ancestors descend from various English, Scottish, and Dutch colonists from 17th & 18th Century.



OP is a Degenerate.