
Come to /v9k/ to discuss virgin feels. No normalfags welcome.


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Sounds like a bunch of virgins telling stories of how a girls elbow touched them on the train, and how you almost got her.

Looks much better than /r9k/, I might post there now.

damn place is more rulecucked than halfchan

Looks pretty comfy OP. Good to see someone had the balls to create a better board, than the current shitfest that is 8/r9k/.

Still better than wizchans autistic rules, like "do not imply, going outside" and the other retarded shit they came up with imo.

Wizchan has some really strict rules. Then to top it off? The mods stock users, and they have some unwritten rules that you'll only ever hear about if you hang out there a lot. With all that said I still go there because the posting quality is quite high. However? I'm not a virgin or a neet. I am versed enough to pretend though.

Yeah that shit pisses me off. Can't they just be 100% clear on what the fuck the rules there are?

Wizchans rules are beyond retarded imo

Why is that a bad thing?

What about born again virgins?




what if i am a normalfag and a virgin

hehe loser

I am a virgin, but I don't really care about it.

Can I ask why?

Why would I care?

Because that's embarassing

no, it isn't.
3DPD isn't something I care about, so I don't really care about what 3DPD can give me

this board is redundant
just stick to >>>Holla Forums

it's embarrasing to care
after your first 3 relationships you realize those things just come and might go and you stop being a desperate whiney bitch

whining about not having a gf is the most cringeworthy and self-loathing thing you can do

socializing for the sole sake of getting your dick wet, going to clubs and so on, that's the thing about chad and whores clinging to him that is disgusting
their fake bland persona to fit the "single market"

as always whiney Holla Forumsacks and newfags have missed the point of this
it's one of the many cancers that killed imageboards in general


broke ass Holla Forums wont let it post


t h e s e e d i s p l a n t
o u r m e s s a g e s p r e a d
e m b r a c e o u r d a r k
s e e o u r l i g h t
p r a i s e k e k

r e a l v a p o u r f o r y o u

mfw people still aren't using >>>/pol9k/

I love to fuck my 0wn shit
check it out >>>/fart/

Ok, virgin

I was messing around, but I genuinely agree with you that worrying about your virginity or not being in a relationship makes for shit threads. I don't know if I can judge though since I have never been on their side of the fence

what is this from?

