Nofap days 17

Don't know what to do now…


I just broke day 4
do you feel any different OP?

Honestly. Just more energy and porn look shit.

I'm bored…

In short, Holla Forums considers all nude images of children to be child pornography and they will be deleted and the posting address will be banned, if viable.

has it brought you any qts yet?

I keep giving up because I realize I'm not going to find one anyway.

I'm a solitary.

that sux

In 2016 It's not a bad thing.

awww, what'd I miss?

i want a qtgf


What's the deal with nofap? You guys seem way more stressed than people who actually fap

We are.

We thought it would build testosterone and let us have qt gfs

it doesn't work though.

I'm on day 4 and I'm already noticing that my aggression is increasing (not the violent kind.. I just don't tolerate every bullshit as before… I'm generally more temperamental than the average) which is damn good for picking up women. I flirted with 2 chicks today without even noticing


day 7 here, I quit kind of on a whim when I realized fapping had become something I did by reflex rather than something I did when I had a cause. I didn't fap because I was horny or something had set me off but rather just because it was time to fap.

I am also mostly just bored, I'm not used to doing anything for any reason other than it feels good at the time.

I am experiencing some other symptoms but I think they are more related to giving up weed again than from nofap. My bodies ability to regulate its temperature has gone out the window so I'm getting a lot of cold sweats. I also have no appetite but that isn't that far from normal for me as I am full auschwitz mode.

No increase in aggression for me but I've never been an aggresive or angry person also have zero competitive drive. I've always found that people who are publicly angry, aggresive or overly competative/poor winers just seemed childish to me but that's probably due to my extremely waspy upbringing where any display of overt emotion was considered unseemly.

I'm doing the same thing myself for another 2 weeks

If anyone goes into nofap imaginig a miracle cure then they are idiots, it's about rebuilding your self control. First you get control of yourself then you get control of your life.

The problem with many of these 'movements', for lack of a better word, is that people don't realize that they are just step one. Whether it is lifting, nofap or something else the point is that it is a way to build yourself up in a managable chunk. If I look at my life as a whole and think about all the things wrong with it and what it would take to fix it i get overwhelmed, I dont't know where to start and it seems an unreasonable goal to reverse 32 years of bad behaiviour. However if I take it in chunks with a limited scope then I can see a plan emerge on how to fix that specific part.

The place where I think most people fail is they start with the easiest one, whatever that may be for them, and then get disappointed when the other parts aren't fixed as well or that the other parts are still harder than the first. For many of us, again whether you started with nofap or lifting or something else, having healthy self esteem and relationships with other peopleis the hardest part and many expect that fixing the other things will make it easier but it won't.

What it can do is get you used to working on yourself proactively and give you at least some examples of setting a goal that required you change your behaviour and meeting it.

tl;dr it's about self control not biology

NoFap will make sense when your death spasms leave you with aching muscles and fatigue for days. Memory loss, dullness, depression, etc… That's only the start…

Nofap days 18 I fail.

I'm out

Not op, yeah i feel different, i wanne fuck pussy.

If you want to breed your genetics and also prevent assimilation of society and race by arabs, it kinda does matters.

i just want a hug.

Day 1, I feel so low energy, I got a constant discomfort in my stomach despite just having some water and coffee, despite having that every day with no problems. Heart palpitations come and go every few hours, which make me start to feel anxious. I felt much, much better 2 days ago, before I jerked it.


Smack yourself for mindlessly copying celibate virgins on the internet.


Isn't it illegal to masturbate in USA now?
