Going on a date the first time Holla Forums She's a writer and into video games Told her we should get some food and then I'll kick her ass at overwatch and she laughed and liked it.
What's a good date supposed to be? I was thinking we'd go to this little square with restaurants and shops and walk around/get food then just make an excuse to go back to her place and play games or something and make a move
Is this a decent idea?
She's pretty into me, I made plans on Tuesday and didn't text her yesterday and she was asking eagerly if we were still doing something. So it doesn't have to be a perfect idea I think, but I just don't want to look like I have relationship sense (which I dont)
Ian Green
Angel Rogers
fuck her behind a bus stop
Eli Johnson
from the south. shes probably traditional girl values m8 (slight southern accent) so hopefully no cancer liberal shit.
Jaxson Gutierrez
If your taste in women is as bad as your taste in vidya you have some dark times ahead
Lucas Cruz
I suggest you hang yourself before it happens, you fucking normalfag waste of thread limit.
Ayden Sanders
welp i guess this is the extent of the advice im going to get on a dying board of incels. later gents.
Samuel Foster
Justo don't go to see a movie, even if she asks, say something like "there are no good movies rigth now"
you have the rigth idea, you need to go were you can talk freely, no noisy places or such, you need to choose the place, but let her guide you on what she wanna do, that way she will fell like she had a lot of fun with you and that you have common interests besides games, do not talk enterely of games, ask her about random stuff, if she has or had pets, if you got one, talk about stuff like that, and don't make your talk be longer than her's , keep it simple, as for food, is better to let her decide, and make that your final stop, after that you can find your way on to the "games at her house" idea, DO NOT make a move, but don't stay still, here is something you can do if you find yourself playing with her, (games) once every 10 minutes or so, stare at her like for a full minute, do it untill she asks about it and casually tell her ta you like to see her, that would set her mind on a move, but i repeat DO NOT make a move, why you ask? because girls will mostly think that that would be it, one move one nigth, even if she likes you, that will ensure a lasting relationship, (if that is what you want) and gave her theconfidence that you are serious about her, and will keep her thinking on your second date, if you have one, now if you manage to go on a second date, is reaaaaaally important to do a move here, otherewise, you could end on the FriendZone, and nobody wants that
Brody Barnes
hope this helps, I'd like to heard what happened
Jack Parker
Angel Lee
thanks man.
So you mean just stare at her for a bit while I'm playing and give a slight smile or something?
I'll let you know what happens user.
Nathaniel Howard
that gif is pretty cancer m8
Jeremiah Bell
Isaac Cooper
Dylan Myers
yeah, stare her and give her a little smirk, she will notice, but will to pretend she didn't a few times, something i forgot to mention, is that if she is the one who makes the move, just go along with it
Mason Lewis
Please don't take advice from the turbo autist OP
Jayden Williams
you are rigth ,its just an advice, he can take it or not, but at least i'm willing to give one.
Isaac Myers
Pee in her butt.
Michael Long
Adrian Young
Tell her you voted for Trump…
Adam Green
OP here, did the date and pretty much just drove around, talked, walked around the square, got dinner and drove her back to her car.
Nothing happened, not sure if she wanted me to make a move, she didn't really linger around but she says she wants me to come visit her at work and go on another date.
she's southern so she probably wants to take things slow, plus as I found out during our date we're very similar (shy, self-confident, smart, calculating, nice, etc.) and have similar interests. So in that case shes probably waiting to warm up to me too but maybe I should've pushed for it, dunno.
Either way, shits good and I'll see her again probably so yee.
Dont know if it was intentional but one of her tits was showing partially as I was driving her back, idk.
Might've not gotten some very light "signs" she wanted me to make a move or maybe it was nothing.
Either way she's nice and still into me (as far as I think) so i'll update you guys if you're still interested. There's nothing really of substance to say though, we just talked about movies, games, work etc.
Carson Smith
I hope you're playing on PC you faggot
Ah yes. This reminds me of a story or two…
Yeah, I had that day off and I spent it not being tricked into thinking I was going to have a good day for once.
She's too similar to you, it won't work out. She just wants a friend who is wiling to pay for her stuff.
I wouldn't even be surprised if she tells you she's engaged to some guy after you try to make a move.
Andrew Walker
wow. don't take this guy's advice. holy fuck this is how you enter stage 4 autism.
Ethan Ramirez
Yeah… his advice is fucking retarded.
I stopped reading at
Jesus christ. NEVER let a woman decide where to eat, because you'll starve to death listening to a nagging voice saying "BUT I DON'T KNOW WHERE I WANT TO EAT"
David Nelson
Alexander Johnson
you're so autistic I had to post 8 images.
Nathan Reyes
Tyler Gomez
Easton Bell
I just gave it a reread HE EVEN STUTTERS IN HIS POST
Gavin Perez
Take her to the hood to curb stomp homeless niggers and play with needles
Julian Cooper
Added an image for context.
Zachary Lee
v2 since i found he responded is this rigth autist?
Jordan Anderson
grab her by the pussy you beta faggot
Nathaniel Lewis
Aiden Howard
That's some good oc Here you go
Kayden Kelly
You have the right idea. Movies are pedestrian: you wouldn't stand out. Playing overwatch at home gives you a chance to talk. Let her choose which game if you have several multiplayer games.
It's important to talk less than her: remain mysterious instead of trying to prove how awesome you are. I you don't know what to say ask her something about herself as though it were an interview. Just not too frequently. Keep it simple and fun.
Use body language to let her know if you're in to her. If she catches you staring don't immediately look away. Let her look away first. If you want a second date don't make a move on the first one. Confident is good, but making a move that early would be perceived as sleazy.
Ethan Adams
Joseph Baker
Thanks for compiling all that autism, user.
Now I'm going to post it on r/Holla Forums to to get some karma shekels :)))
Charles Price
If this is your first date I wouldn't try and "make a move". I would read up on reading body language so that you don't spaghetti all over the floor. Also don't talk about Holla Forums/trump until you've had sex. Don't try and get everything done in one night but make sure you make some progress on each subsequent date other wise she will get bored. Connections are generally more important to girls so focus on those. Its what gets them wet anyways.
Xavier Foster
OP here again, and that's not autistic, strong eye contact actually turns girls on.
You obviously dont look at her like you're going to stab her or something but I've made out with a girl before (who still messages me to this day) where I literally stared at her for 2 straight minutes I shit you not, but it was after we talked for a while and my brain was pumped full of oxytocin and then we made out for a while.He's not wrong, it's just not something you can do if it doesn't "feel right" if the chemistry is in the air strong eye contact turns them on. if it isn't, well, then yeah pretty fucking autistic.
Jacob Russell
I forgot to mention that she is almost 100% guaranteed to be an sjw with that background so be prepared. It may not come up at first but it will and when it does don't argue or agree just be apathetic and eventually she will shut up (hopefully)
Chase Gutierrez
Drop a roofie in her drink, date rape her, and cum in her pussy to impregnate her. Then she's all yours. If she is of the nigger race then omit action number 3
Easton Phillips
you sound really negative user. If you expect girls are playing games with you you'll naturally attract the ones that do. Just have strong boundaries and positive expectations and the rest will follow suit (assuming you actually run into an honest girl who finds you attractive). Maybe she's using me but after one date you can't really tell. If after the second date I try to make a move and nothing happens, she's probably shy or using me. Either way, I can do a date without paying for anything after the second time if I have to. But just the fact you have such little to go off to make such a broadly negative statement sounds a little depressed to me.
Oliver Hughes
maybe. She's pretty normal seeming apart from her interests but i'll be on the lookout for it. Even if she is, she's pretty go with the flow so I don't think she'd be the type to force her opinions on me and if she was I would just walk away tbh.
Connor Hughes
kys, that should get the date off to a great start