Apple does the cryptographically impossible


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forgot to include source

am I supposed to be surprised right now or, like, what man?

Listen and believe, goy. Trust Apple to do what's best for you.


Next phone will also be an iPhone.

smh tbh fam wtf r u doing wit ur life

My prediction - Secure Boot snafu: Microsoft leaks backdoor key, firmware flung wide open . Change Microsoft to Apple.

gass and hang yourself.

Yes because "trust us to do the right thing" has totally worked out 90% of the time in histroy, right? People never lie and there is rainbows everywhere.

Found the sperglord


That can be interpreted in 2 ways.

1. Apple is "BASED" and next phone purchase will also be an iPhone because of this news
2. Apple is "BASED" and next phone purchase will be an iPhone, but also in this situation meaning already have an iPhone and this confirms that next phone purchase will also be an iPhone

Apple product is objectively the most secure device ever existed (that's why all the famous people are using it), not even tim cook himself can decrypt idevices (Tim Cook is also gay, which Holla Forums fully support and embraced).

Unless you're a criminal scum who steal music through torrent, in that case apple is completely justified to activate backdoor and send your family profiles to FBI (which i think is okay because most pirates are straight white males anyway).

That sounds totally kosher! I think I'll go buy 11 iPads!

That idea is decades old and not cryptographically impossible, just unwise.

Is English your second language you shitskin?

>we super-duper promise we don't have access to this super-sekrit place to store all of your CP, terist plans and hax valuable personal data on

Yeah, Jews need to fuck off, but saging does nothing to speed that up unless the whole thread is Jews.

Best Post Award Nominee , Holla Forums 2016

Why is it unwise?

If someone obtains the master key everyone is fucked. Master keys get leaked all the time. The Secureboot master key got leaked recently. In the case of signing things, like Secureboot does, you need master keys, but you don't need a master key for this, so having one is foolish.


The entire point of this setup is that neither they nor law enforcement are capable of retrieving ye olde hidden master key. Otherwise this talk wouldn't even get any attention from infosec researchers at Blackhat (like the author of that blogpost).

Sure, one could argue that they might deceptively claim to destroy their HSMs' smartcards while not actually doing so, but that's a moot point; large parts of the stack are closed source, so they don't need to go through this elaborate song and dance to fuck you over. If you use any of their products, you're implicitly taking them at their word anyway.

daily reminder Apple is malware but the NSA wants you to think it's cool


As long as we allow NSLs Apple can't give you any real security.

And even if they weren't forced to roll over, they'd still sell out if the price was right.


Daily reminder that iOS&OSX is based on SJWware

It's worth noting that Apple has always handed over cloud data, torrentguy was nabbed using emails stored in his iCloud account. They also handed over cloud data in that terrorist case. This is all referring the device encryption. Never use cloud services. For email, use Tutanota or ProtonMail or self host. Email in general is unsafe.

You think it is so easy to detect sarcasm?
What is this then?