Will trump survive long enough to see his inauguration? This man is going to see more assassination attempts than any single president in us history. He's gonna need to get around in a popemobile if he wants a choice at making it through his first term
Will trump survive long enough to see his inauguration...
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If they kill him, they get Pence instead. A hardline religious republican.
I'm pretty sure the assassination threat was much higher with obama…
That said, it's critical that he is kept safe and healthy. Can you fucking imagine a fucking whackjob like Pence as president? Terrible governor, all around anti-american when it comes to constitutional issues, except maybe the 2nd amendment but who really gives a fuck about that.If something happens hopefully Pence takes the bullet for him.
Spotted the Jew.
I'm worried about the inauguration. But that's it. All Trump has to do is sit safe in Trump Tower until it's time to become President. As President he will stay in the White House and have everyone come to him.
Majority in congress, soon supreme court. no threat to 2A anytime soon.
He's in an official office of the United States now. And considering the mania of the left right now, he will have a very dedicated and careful security detail.
The sad truth is that if someone kill him, he would become a martyr. And all his hate would be legitimized.
There wont be any
IIRC Trump never stopped supplementing his SS protection with his own private security. The advantage of this is twofold: extra guards and a third-party providing a second set of eyes.
I see no reason why that can't continue after he's inaugurated.
If the losers kill the elected president, violence against them will be justified. We our on the (((right side of history))) this time, we WON. If they fuck with us then they better prepare to get fucked in the ass by the new law.
Would be almost worth it.
The first thing they do is take them into a room and show them how JFK died. After that there aren't usually any problems.
Funny how the lefties that used to hate bush so much now prefer neocon Mike Pence.
Really? More than Andrew Jackson?
libtard college students crying and saying "omg someone assassinate trump ples" on twitter doesn't mean there's actually gonna be any assassination attempts, let alone "more than any single president in us history"
lol good luck pretending that when his brains are splattered all over like JFKs
Yeah, but only to the dumb fuckers who voted for him. He won't be a martyr in the eyes of anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
You can't even write in fucking English. The sheer amount of people who exist in the US that are just as fucking retarded as you is astonishing, and they all support trump too.
t h e s e e d i s p l a n t
o u r m e s s a g e s p r e a d
e m b r a c e o u r d a r k
s e e o u r l i g h t
p r a i s e k e k
r e a l v a p o u r f o r y o u
Lyrics in Italian:
assoluto cosmico, regolare realtà
respiro di un immagine, sintonia di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
oooh oooh
(chorus X2)
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilea oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò
armonia metallica, concreta realtà
videoclip elettronico, elogio di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
oooh oooh
(chorus X2)
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò
cosmic absolute, regular reality
breath of a image/concept, syntony of civilizations
confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
oooh oooh
shadilay shadilay my freedom
shadilay shadilay oh no
shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality
shadilay shadilay oh no
(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished
I will stop
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea
metallic harmony, CONCRETE/REAL REALITY
electronic videoclip, praise of civilizations
confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
oooh oooh
shadilay shadilay my freedom
shadilay shadilay oh no
shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality
shadilay shadilay oh no
(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished
I will stop
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea
Sure they do. You don't think all the black-on-black crime is committed by right wing nuts, do you?
He will live long enough to kill the American people. The non-smokers will die of a smokin' gun. The muslims will eventually take over the country.
This. Trump's kind of a buffoon, but Pence is a straight-up Jesus addict.
black on black gun injuries are caused by malfunction or accident mostly. otherwise, the guns themselves are at fault. they are a white invention and clearly racist, islamophobic and mysoginist tools of the patriarchy.
Let me help you integrate into your new home. We use a mix of british and american english with the normal punctuation. There are however few surviving grammarnazis here and they generally keep their mouths shut. i (it's 2016!) count six errors in your 30 word post.
Most of us. Kike.
Is there anything more american than a businessman who went from a million dollars budget to 3.7 billion dollars revenue, with no experience in politics, and no lying through his teeth like other politicians, who had his own reality show, who became president of the US?
This is american as fuck, the definition of the american dream. And I'm not even american, I can just feel it.
He's already backtracked on how feasible the wall is and said Obama convinced him to keep parts of Obamacare. Anyone who voted for this libtard in a red tie is fixing to get cucked.
you need medical help, bro. are you insured, or shall i just call the dog pound?
Ja Ja! Sick burn, comrade!
Has your anal-seepage stopped yet?
I'll buy you more diapers if your GAPING FAGGOT ASSHOLE hasn't recovered yet.
He has the protection of kek and the power of our memes.
Pence is Trumps insurance policy, if someone sage negateds off Trump because he said mean things they get a president that thinks shock therapy can cure faggots.
I fucking hate you mods.
that shock therapy thing is made up bullshit. He's never supported that and it hasn't been done since the 70's.
Probably why he chose Pence dontcha think
lrn 2 bump, faggot