So as most of you probably know, the Snowden leaks among others provided us with some pretty disturbing info about the surveillance that governments across the world are doing.
First and foremost, the NSA collects (or did at the time collect) as much metadata as possible from skype calls, phone calls etc. What you do on the internet is known. They can crack the SSL used by most major companies, either because the companies provide the NSA with the keys or through other means.
Moreover, the GCHQ goes a step further. Not just metadata, but all data they can get their hands on is stored for as long as possible.
Then the methods of surveillance. The microphones in your phone and laptop could be on at any time. The device could even act like it's off but not be off. Same for the webcams and cameras.
Maybe you think that you're not interesting enough to be under surveillance. Here's the thing: They'll record data about you no matter how uninteresting you are. Maybe they won't watch you through your webcam, they'll still keep track of everything you ever do on the net or say to a friend. If they don't like you, they will use it against you. If they do not care, it can still get leaked and you'll still get fucked.
Then there's corporate surveillance. It's not really surveillance in the normal sense but the effects are the same. All the data you give to online services they can, and some will, store. Google will keep track of your searches. So will Pornhub, so will Kikebook, etc. This shit can get leaked, and all it takes is a simple join operation and there you go: one neat table with all your personal info linked to your medical info and all your percieved interests, true or false, whatever the automated data analysis (or even just a log) keeps track of.
Now for my question/point of discussion: Is there even a way to get out of this mess and have a normal life?
For any proprietary software, one would have to check it's not sending any data. For all internet services, one should only send bare minimum, preferably using encrypted traffic through a VPN, and even that can't be trusted.
I don't want to be spied on, passively or actively. I don't want to have to constantly watch what I'm doing and live in paranoia either ("can I search for this thing and not worry about any leaks?" "what if I want to become a lawyer in 10 years and this leaks?").
I thought I'd just to take everything that could collect data about me, and throw it out of the window. If it's a site, I'd block it for myself. If it's not either FOSS or checked by a trusted source, I wouldn't install it. But I don't think it can be done. My friends are so used to everyone being on facebook that as someone who isn't on there I'd barely get in touch. They don't send text messages because whatsapp is cheaper. They don't call me on the phone because skype is cheaper. (that being said, phones are also fucked anyway, only PGP emails would be a viable option, and would clearly make one an outcast) I can't do my studies in a normal way because without google I'm fucked. Without a phone I'm fucked. I don't want to live like stallman but I don't want to be under surveillance either. But it seems that's just impossible.