On Holla Forums and the internets we can find surreal stories
Swedish letting migrants with an obviously false age win competitions reserved to juniors
Swedish cuck government producing an LGBTIQ Pornographic material to islamic migrants
German cucks welcoming 2 million low-IQ refugees for fear of being called a German
French whining Je Suis Charlie and, well, everything since at least Sarkozy and Hollande
British and French sharklovers
Belgian pedophiles with one of them becoming Prime Minister

But Netherlands . . . well admit it, they've got their share of niggers, sandniggers, islamists, and they were the first country to legalize sodomite marriage.
But there are no surreal stories to my mind.
Why aren't they like the others?

Other urls found in this thread:

omroepbrabant.nl/?news/2497571323/Vluchtelingen krijgen in Oisterwijk 10.000 euro voor inrichting huis.aspx


(10k gibs for refugees to decorate their free homes)

Of all the jokes I've heard this week, you've made the best one.

I have the feeling that Holla Forums and the Youtube channels have given me a bias about Sweden's exceptional status.
We barely hear of NL, for some reason, despite there are twice as many Dutch as there are Swedes.

Great! Do you know a Dutch website for such news?





I use the "asielzoekers" (refugees) tag on the TPO website: tpo.nl/tag/asielzoekers/

and what about gender studies? do you have this mass hysteria?
do you have a story that combines everything wrong, like migrants being handed LGBT manuals written by EU-funded groups?

The Netherlands is not very feminist, certainly not as crazy as Sweden. Only Amsterdam is extremely LGBT and genderfluid. Everyone I know thinks trannies are mentally ill, for example.

You never heard about the arabs in Netherlands? Especially shitplaces like Rotherham.

thanks mate
"everyone I know thinks trannies are mentally ill"
you are in a great country!
so NL is culturally more conservative

yes, Theo Van Gogh, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, etc. but what I'm looking for are the cuckstories!

Rotherham =/= Rotterdam
Rotherham is in britbongistan ffs
Rotterdam is still the cesspool of our country (partially due to being bombed to shit in WWII), but it's not quite as bad as most of england, we wouldn't betray our children like the britcucks do.
Amusingly enough Rotterdam actually has a muslim mayor though, most of the times though he's one of the first to call out problems with muslims because they can't just label him racist and dismiss him.

Ok Netherfag here, there is actually plenty of cuckstories, just most NLers dont talk about it as we arent a people to talk about anything really.

But recently there was this story where a "gemeente" Was giving away 10K euro to rapefugees just to fill there homes with furniture.
If a native dutchie would ask for such kind of help, we either get turned down for it, or we barely get anything.
Also plenty of stories where islamists get all kind of special treatment compared to dutch people, such as broken fridges getting replaced that very same day, and given the money for it, while again a dutch person would have to wait ages for it in the same situation.

Some links

omroepbrabant.nl/?news/2497571323/Vluchtelingen krijgen in Oisterwijk 10.000 euro voor inrichting huis.aspx

Rapefugees getting first picks on rentable houses.

c-can I apply for refugee status?
I could probably do more with those gibs than a shitskin could do with 5x that.

it's the cuckstory reported by your fellow countryman
there aren't that many then
you are definitely not the greatest cucks

We definately are not as big a cucks but we arent the littlest cucks either.
Though we have a hugely censored and silent media with talking heads that remain silent on pretty much anything. It is very seriously silent so the cuckstories dont show up so often.

Does the name Pim Fortuyn ring any bells? Or Theo van Gogh?

Look those up and ask why Dutch politics didn't entirely change. Ask why the Dutch still have open borders after those murders over ten years ago when Britain is going to leave before the end of the week.

"Holland BACKS Brexit: Dutch people urge Britons to QUIT doomed bloc and lead EU revolution"

>A sensational climax to a lifetime's public performance, stabbed and shot by a bearded fundamentalist, a message from the killer pinned by a dagger to his chest, Theo van Gogh became a martyr to free expression. His passing was marked by a magnificent barrage of noise as Amsterdam hit the streets to celebrate him in the way the man himself would have truly appreciated.

>And what timing! Just as his long-awaited biographical film of Pim Fortuyn's life is ready to screen. Bravo, Theo! Bravo!

Our country is doing so-so, I would say 75% are still unaware cucks (although not on the same level as Swedes of course, more like Germans or British maybe) and the other 25% are redpilled as fuck and openly talk shit about muslims and niggers irl. Criticising jews still seems to be very taboo here though, I hope that changes soon.

That's good news for the Brits and the Dutch. Apparently a poll said 88% of the Dutch want their own EU exit referendum too. And of course they voted against the EU Constitution in 2005.

But it's the Brits who are having an exit referendum next week, not the Dutch or anybody else.

There are WAY too many Jews in the Netherlands. Samson, Wilders, Cohen… I am Belgian but we're basically the same people so I'll refer to myself as Dutch. In the 'Golden age' it seems we've made ourselves very useful for them. The VOC and all of it's Spain fled Jew merchants can be found all over the Dutch business scene still as far as I 've seen. But Dutch Jews seem some of the most 'integrated' of all Jewry of the EU. Perhaps it is the long history of 'tolerance'… (or the fact we were part of whatever European larger kingdom with troubled identity and suppressed nationalism for much of history)

Anyways… If you want change in the Netherlands… Go after the Jew dictatorship as must be done everywhere.
The ones I mentioned are even the largely non-crypto ones. 'De Vries', 'Jacobs', 'Meijer', 'De Leeuw, 'De Jong', 'Koopman'… There are many Dutch Jews, not necesserily religious, who will support Jewish supremacy but still be very integrated it seems '. If you'd try and change things… They are likely your biggest threat, enemy. Asides from all the other anti-national populations they've managed to get into the country of course…

Remember what they did to our peoples. When the Boer of South-Afrika wanted independence from their British Empire they killed thousands of women a,d children in concentration camps. Only so the survivors could crawl the 'De Beers' mines along with the Blacks in South-Africa. In a 'Rainbow nation' which preaches miscegenation and oppresses them, criminalises the mere idea of the Dutch, Boer to have their own country while the only reason Blacks have such a large population there now is White farmers and their innovations. While they made hundreds of billions shipping the diamonds to my city, Antwerp to cut and sell. Not even paying a half percentage of tax as compared to their profits. You should realize… The Jew run Antwerp diamond industry accounts for 5% of the entire Belgian GDP. Yet they manage to even dodge the 'karaattaks' that was proposed to raise tax revenue from this Diamond industry from 20 million Euros to 300 so the low key tax battles (which likely cost us more than any tax ever got us) would stop.

Our 'tolerance' towards their 'diaspora' supremacy, conquest has cost us dearly and will, with the EU's plan to replace Europeans with a'Eurasian negroid' cost us everything. It is time to kick Jews along with every other hostile, non-European population out of the Netherlands and, in extention do the same in the entire current 'Eurozone'.

Good morning

I had noticed those ones!

I'll be glad to find documents and analysis about this, even in Dutch.

put me at rest, these are gentile names used by jews, not the reverse?

I had always wondered how could Bart De Wever become mayor of Antwerp since there are thousands of Jews there.
The answer is obvious: because he is their man, avoiding a VB rise.

Also, I came across an article saying the industry was being "taken over" by Indians. Very strange. It is 'only' outsourcing, right?

I suppose it is the same Empire that waged war on China for the Sassoons' opium monopoly.

I think the reason things haven't gotten completely out of hand in the Netherlands is that it's mostly a very warm, straight to the core type of people that has learnt in it's history of subjugation to other nations with intermittent struggles for independence to cope with a great deal, make it work somewhat regardless. Not that they'll be able to survive the complete annihilation plans the EU is forcing through sadly… Unless we do something about it.

Socialism keeps people very calm. The Dutch have taken in a lot of foreigners from former colonies like Suriname which seem to assimilate better and may help others. There's a part of foreigners which seems to really believe in being Dutch rather than keeping their own identities. More so than in other countries as far as I can tell and perhaps even more than in the U.S. Of course, again, this won't stop the Morrocans or others to act up.

Another reason might be that the Dutch are naturally Alpha as the second or third largest people in the world. Foreign manlets are less inclined to act up to the majority or small yet potent group of giants.

Nationalism, Dutch identity is quite strong when compared to others. You have a lot of sport events where all people will only wear orange. (fraternisation in sports happens everywhere but in the Netherlands it seems even more the case)

I think those may be some of the reasons it works a bit better than in other European nations or in the States. But it isn't acceptable. There's a whole lot of problems and if the Dutch would become truly White, European nationalist I bet a lot of those 'new Dutch' would become a very big threat. They will always identify as foreign and oppose our interests. They need to go as this genocidal project since the 50s cannot be allowed to continue or have lasting effect. I can show you one surreal situation. Plenty of people got sexually assaulted and attacked too. It's basically like in any other country regardless. The Dutch are usually a cheerful bunch though that's perhaps why it doesn't seem as bad. Here's an example where the 'Anarchist anti-deportation group Utrecht' (I really wouldn't mind if they shot these people at the side of the road) protests refugee camps as so called 'prisons' and tries to paint them as victims for being screened and given a place to stay before they live off wellfare and social housing, a Dutch ID card. youtube.com/watch?v=4NKz3I2C4M8

So much this.

What is interesting to me as burger is I can understand why euros enjoy their socialism, but I'm surprised they not more protective of it. I would figure that a notion of not being a welfare leech so as not to ruin our good thing would be an attitude that naturally developed within the cultures, but instead it seems like many act as if the money that pays for their programs grow on trees.

Take a look at France, they have constant riots, I don't think we can call this calm.

If you're aware of the Sassoons then you're most likely aware of the Kadoories. Another Indian Jewish Rothschild like dynasty. I reccon they're very involved with the Antwerp Indians now involved with the Diamond industry.

About Bart De Wever he is most definitely a 'good friend' of the Jews. The military patrols in the Jew quarter are still costing us 1.5 million € a month or more. While our wn universities have 0 defense and open, unguarded doors. But ultimately only mass deportations, not increased military in the streets is the only answer of course.

About ex-VOC Jews in Dutch business you really don't have to look that far. Think products that were traded from Indonesia. Like the 'Van Nelle' tobacco where some Abraham is making big money still. Then of course banking, other clothing and spice industries, etc. There will be no shortage if you want to look at Dutch industry, business.
One compelling example I found was when looking into Abel Tasman. A 'Dutch' 'explorer' after which Tasmania is named. He lived in the Amsterdam Jewish quarter called the 'Jordaan' where Rembrandt had lived as well.

I think the French are a lot more elitist and closed than the Dutch generally speaking. It's their right to be of course but this will 'annoy' our 'gentle gests' more easily I recon. Also I think the wellfare state and overall standard of living are higher in the Netherlands than in France. France also took in some of the niggest of nigs (very different people, cultures and identities; Malinese, Sénégalese, etc from the former colonies) . And an absolute fuckton of Algerians, Morrocans, other Maghrebis. Then they let the 'ghettos' (which seem more concentrated and a lot worse than any social housing or empoverished neighbourhoods in the Netherlands) fester like countries within their own which isn't as much the case in the Netherlands I think.

Remember this one!?

They aren't more protective of socialism because the nationalist left is the most marginalised, villified poolitical stream in Europe. Hitler's national socialism was protective of ethnic interests so they've made sure the 'left' shits on the people they supposedly represent as hard as they can. The right takes on the purported image of nationalists who sporadically show a spec of interests in our interests but really it's a farce from the same establishment and only takes 'right' policy on matters like the economy and taking away freedoms, social services. Treason is like a sport. They will 'one-up' each other and are like the Stasi in searching for anything remotely White European ethnocentric so they can call it 'racist' and score 'progressive' points. The ever re-inforced, indoctrinated stigmas and dogma towards ethnocentric, nationalist left with comparisons to Hitler, the nazis are basically what keeps people from actually protecting the achievements of the struggle of the working class.
In other news, national debt is just a number that once in a while tells the government they have to raise taxes and take away social services, raise the age of retirement.
While they have the nerve to put things like 'We all live above our means, class' on the cover of very government friendly magazines.

Sadly I never heard of that no. In another country than Belgium that would've been the topic of the year but we are completely cut off from the rest of the world stranded in an small Dutch speaking majority 'world view' that limits itself to half of one of the smallest countries in Europe. We don't follow up on Dutch news much sadly. But that should be an international scandal. The responsible should be locked away and made to pay for all the damage. What the absolute fuck. Provided… I have only really started reading 'alternative websites' or closely following the news for the last two years it could have been more widespread than I'm aware. That seems like a very Jewy thing to do tbh but I haven't been able to find any 'Jewy' info on this 'Jan Karbaat' character or his family name he may just be a completely incompetent piece of shit.


I didn't know about the Kadoories! That explains it! Goddamn "Indians"!

raging - it makes you regret Hitler so much…

I wonder if it isn't a joke after all
11.02.2014 humo.be/humo-archief/274000/dossier-donorkinderen-1-de-spermamaffia
11.02.2014 nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20140211_00974289

can you give a short translation

Would be one sick fucking joke.

"It's just a prank bro"

A key thing about the Netherlands is that you shouldn't just go to Amsterdam and assume that is everything the Dutch are. In fact, it's the most multicultural, Babylonian place around. The smaller cities, towns and countryside can be really nice places, non-pozzed, we just lack the gun culture that the USA has - something I'd love to see reintroduced, or in fact probably MUST be reintroduced as the hordes are coming.

vid related

Uh… lol

Don't you think? Well I don't actually live in the Netherlands so I can't tell as well but they seem less anti-Dutch than other immigrants from what I've seen. Maybe I just think their accent is hysterical and I get some sympathy.

one question, when people already talking about sperm donations, isnt theres a fuckton of single mothers and lesbians couple with babies in netherlands thanks to their very liberal view of sperm donating and artificial insemination?

i remember seeing a video on youtube about a dutch lesbian couple, i think they lived in amsterdam, trying to get pregnate using artificial insemination and they interviewed many other lesbians couple with babies

Suriname cant assimilate, look at sylvana simons. There are plenty of black people in the netherlands who arent shit, but there are still a few.

Antilles ppl usually dont complain that much cause if they dont like it they can go back to their islands. Surinamers can't cause lol their country became a shithole after they wanted 'independence'

Also, we killed most of the jews living in the netherlands when we got the chance with Hitler. And we still act like we defended all the jews.

The Netherlands killed off 80-90% of its jews, lots of others left afterwards.

Before the morrocans and the turks it was all about the surinamers and chinese selling dope in cities. And guess what? They were selling dope, they were trash. But history has been white washed and now they're seen as the "well adjusted immigrants"

I will admit we are weakening though. Just look at how strong my city once was: In 1444 Jews were expelled from the city of Utrecht, and until 1789 no Jew might pass the night there.

Nice, but we need an updated version





Once upon a time, I was told on halfchan that Friesland was rather spared from dindus, SJWism and co.

Does that still stand? I don't mind having suicidal neighbours, as long as they keep their shit to themselves.

It's hard to understand if you're not French yourself, but most natives who riot aren't truly angry, nor rebelling against anything. It's a cultural thing born from May 68. Your average Parisian student will riot like an American highschooler will go to prom.

In fact, there are no proms nor much in the way of public celebrations or rites of passage in France. The French system is designed to pit individuals against each other, and crush any form of ingroup pride. It's no wonder, then, people find refuge in soccer, riots, unions… Any excuse to feel there's more to life than loneliness.

You've got shitskins rioting now too, but that's just animals chimping out.

You were lied to. See also:

Well it was quite some years ago, and I was recommended the countryside, not cities.

Though, thanks. Any place less shitty than most in the Netherlands, or same shit errywhere?

Before moving just check every postcode here:

But it's hard to find a place near civilization which isn't at least 1/10 immigrant. In case you didn't know allochtenmeter.nl yet try postal code 2525 and 2526 and shit bricks.

Nice: definitely bookmarked.

I'm not necessarily obsessed with being close to civilization, though. But could come in real handy.

Go away NIDF


These are official stats. You can see that once the cities are full the immigrants will come pouring into the rural areas. This is already happening as many immigrants actually prefer to live in majority white areas because they've experienced how much majority immigrant areas suck. So wherever you want to flee they will follow you later. It's sad but in its current state there is no future in the Netherlands as long as we have "Jodenknechten" in charge of our borders.

the dutch are redpilled

I doubt it
now I am not from your country, but the main reason why migrants live in big cities is, because they can´t afford houses in the countryside
so they settle for commie blocks and welfare checks
if I am wrong, please correct me

Jongens jongens…

You guys aren't telling me you buy official death tolls on Jews? Even for the Netherlands? I'll tell you 90% will have fucked off to America or elsewhere. Also, like in Germany the "requirements" for calling people Jews aren't always completely accurate. A great deal of assimilated Jews will just have hidden their ancestry and continued to do so after the war. I want to believe you and join your naivity in there supposedly only having been 35.000 Jews left in the Netherlands after the war but that seems WAY too optimistic. And with the amount that likely returned, had kids, came out of hiding and was all the time crypto I recon it's substantial.

Remember they invented the death of 3 million people (the population of a small country) to have died in Auswitz and jailed, hung people for decades which criticized. That's official. What they don't tell you is that everything points towards gas chambers being a hoax altogether.
But they still jail anyone remotely questioning or criticising them. We are basically under Jewish supremacy, dictatorship and that doesn't come without "inside help".

I read about some Talmudic command to never count the Jews. I guess they don't. We aren't allowed either.

I'm not saying they should've died either. I'm saying Europe should've allied Hitler and deported Jewry to Madagascar or whatever the eventual plan would've been had they allowed it to be fulfilled. But we can't be subverted, subjugated to this 'diaspora' either. We must make sure they disappear from our ranks and we can have an unsubverted country (preferrably greater Netherlands) as Jews have Israel.

Interesting stuff, thanx

Thanks a lot: really useful map and interesting comment. Exactly what I was looking for.

Though 2040 is still quite far (may end up better or worse, in such run), I'm thinking about buying several backup places, across several countries, as a countermeasure to socialo-statism and its growing consequences.

If you can't escape the shit, you might as well start living on the run, and exploit the free space left inbetween states - that's what the savage hordes do, exploiting the free movement of people to spread: the same way can help defend oneself against the shitstorm.

One place starts looting your belongings to fund for the cultural enrichers wellbeing? Well, live in any place less than 6 monthes a year, relocate the legal address of your business where it's business-friendly, and they can go fuck themselves as to owing them your earnings. Another "suddenly" turns into a seasonal hotspot? Well, move to a cooler place in the meantime.

If you can't win all battles, losing the least is the next best thing.

The cities have the most social housing but the waiting list is around 8-12 years. There's nowhere else to go but the rural areas. And actually housing tends to be cheaper in the countryside and they have social housing too.

And you may have heard news reports of small towns being forced to make place for rapefugees. Those kindhearted liberal city dwellers can also just force the small villages to take care of their pet monkeys for them. "You are to build 1000 accommodations for these poor immigrants even though your town only has 500 residents" We've seen it happen before.

ooh, Amsterdam, big suprise.

No we didn't. It was all done at the behest of Frau Merkel ad the european commission.
Nobody asked us and when we voiced our disapproval, nobody listened. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.