My side business in a niche. If I told you anything about it, I could jeopardize my income. If you want general business advice, I am willing to help though.
I simply don't pay taxes. It's mostly online, and I barter every chance I get. If I ever do get busted by IRS, I have my ducks in a row and will have to pay the piper.
I might end up owing 70K in back taxes. I will hire a tax attorney and plan to pay 50% of that lump sum, and then realistically looking at 10-20K for the attorney. So look at the numbers, I have kept all the money I would have paid and earned interest on my own money, will end up paying less in total taxes when all is said and done.
As long as you never, ever, ever say, write or give the inclination that you willfully evaded your taxes, you will not be charged with a crime. The old adage that it's better to ask forgiveness than permission is how you get away with shit.
My military disability income is not taxable either and convolutes the situation in my favor as well.
You need to get the professors, graduate students/teachers and program directors involved if the club is shit. A good club already has the support and backing of the university to begin with.
Top of the class means jack shit if you can't interview and network.
Now, networking is this vague bullshit business term that has lost all it's meaning. It simply means talking and sharing information with people who might be able to help you out.
I remember when one of the former students came to speak from a top 5 trucking company. I took him out to dinner at the local brewery and got him away from all the asians throwing business cards at him and asking for references. Found out the job came down to learning a specific program, what his daily 9-5 consisted of, and if he really liked it. His days were boring, the company was a meat grinder and it was nothing more than a stepping stone.
When the Boeing fags showed up they gave out the most swag, gift cards, catered with good restaurant, had propaganda videos and held impromptu job interviews after the meeting.
A grad student teacher bro worked for them and told not to waste my time, that it was a scam to lock desperate interns into an 8-13 dollar hour internship for the summer for no relocation stipend "For the experience (goyim)).
If I didn't intern I would not have found out who was getting paid what.
Then I knew not to waste my time with that particular chemical company.
Never take an unpaid internship. Negotiate. Get practice with numerous job interviews, and ask other students what their interview experience was like. NEVER EVER miss a job fair, even if you are a freshman.
Good luck user