Other urls found in this thread:
What's this? Preserve your free speech by banning people who look like shills?
Who wrote this, and will it have any impact on my board?
Someone on /sudo/ claims it's written by Holla Forums (which seems likely), but it has Codemonkey's signature for some reason.
Easy, start banning anyone praising Windows and shitting on FOSS.
This board always has been focused on Linux and freedom but recently a huge amount of people using insult like "freetard" have been shitting threads old and new.
Get rid of them.
That sounds nice and all, but not if it's required by the owners of Holla Forums as some kind of weird power trip. Holla Forums is bad enough with all of the Board Owners running rampant. The last thing we need is this kind of autism taking over the site ownership as well.
Do you actually think those people are paid shills?
Check out this video where the MSM mentions "nazi frogs", and think about how much money types like Soros and the Clinton Foundation have to throw around...
Why would the Clinton foundation want to pay people to encourage Holla Forums to use Windows?
just permaban all windows users. problem solved.
I would just like to make people aware of the methods that have been employed on other forums previously.
Pic related, learn to spot this stuff and counteract it.
you haven't seen any of those articles about paid kremlin trolls and how we have to match foreign enemies cyber capabilities?
it's not just the clinton foundation. this stuff has been public knowledge since #opmetalgear when anonymous hacked a cyber firm and found evidence of software designed to make fake personal accounts (with realistic backgrounds) to sway public opinion online. one of the snowden docs was about uk using it to convince argentinians not to care about the falklands
it's hard to tell which of you guys are just naive teenagers who think this is all conspiracy garbage and which are active disinfo agents. i believe it's mostly the former but i've seen enough evidence to believe that the latter definitely exist
I'm willing to believe this happens on Holla Forums, I'm asking who would want to do it on Holla Forums.
Microsoft, who else?
I'm sure it's just PURE COINCIDENCE that these are practically the definition of Holla Forums and co.
3 and 5*
tech is already heavily censored, this is going to destroy the board
t. Holla Forums
ring, please delete obvious shill threads. This board is going to die if you don't. I'm not gonna point at anything that I don't like but a shill is a shill.
ring mainly faps in his 16chan and endchan hugbox now.
He's also in the irc cabal
Report them if you see them. Do you have an example, or is this speculative?
No. Those boards are too slow to do that if I wanted to. This place is my priority.
Everyone knows the real cabal is in #nntpchan.
wew, Also I would like you to add a 16chan flag to this Board.
Only board owners can add flags.
Jim would vaporize ring.
I know, I thought he could pass the message on to the B.O.
Wow, I did Nazi that coming. Now that accusing everyone who holds a different opinion of being a shill became common.
Is this some weird I was only pretending logic? There's no real difference between a troll posting links to some fags tech site or shilling for X manufacturer and someone who's actually advertising. That's all the point they are making. Either people pay attention to the warning signs or they get overrun and lose their community.
I'm surprised anyone on Holla Forums could disagree with that.
This is just a sad state.
This imageboard is garbage.
Jim and his son love to push the shilling angles because it gives them more mentally ill people that are easier to control and people who aren't fucking retarded leave when they read to subtext.
It's basically doublethink.
There are plenty of people who call others shills purely for having a different opinion.
Why are you even acknowledging retards like him? Just tell them to fuck off and take their meds.
Just because the admin of the site feels free to court the mentally ill doesn't mean you have to.
In addition, just call it out as doublethink when some retard brings it up. You can't "protect free speech" by being vigilant against speech you don't like, just because the shilling was real in your head.
Could hotwheelz have written it?
This man is a shill.
"If you believe a group of shitposters are SHILLS (implying professional and a link to... some vague entity, no idea which entity because retards are using the words wrong) then you're a fucking retard that needs to lurk more." - Anyone who's not mentally ill
It didn't say that anywhere, sperg. It said remain vigilant what that means can be anything. It can mean simply informing people of what is going on when you see it
My first instinct was to interpret that bombastic message (and this entire thread) as satire, but then I realized that Poe's law is always in effect on this site.
Jim just got his first long term exposure to freech shitposters on /newsplus/. They have their own site, and chat systems where they communicate about what they are gonna shitpost on a board. They are dedicated to ruining discussion. They can definitely be called shills
who fucking cares? it's an imageboard where the BOs are supposed to manage shit on their own. If some random-ass group of autists is trying to troll this site and D&C, then obviously it will give them great satisfaction to see the site admins descend into paranoia and purges.
But user you don't understand only mentally ill people are vigilant. Stop paying so much attention.
t.not a shill
Who or what are they 'shilling' for?
Are you fucking retarded?
This is just embarassing.
First time in a while I've considered going back to gookchan. Thought better of it, but still.
100% agree, let's just ban all winshills. Not even joking, don't need Holla Forums-tier microcancer on this board.
a course in elementary logic would do you a world of good
Hard as it is to believe, gook/g/ is even worse with the accusations of shilling. Autistic freetards are board cancer.
Answer this: Are you using Windows?
Payment sent, check your email.
jim is shady as fuck, he's done nasty things and take advantage of people involved in this site again and again
this is so blatantly just a lie that he's using to censor people. it's the beginning of the end.
I don't think Jim has anything to do with it. Jim doesn't have any direct involvement with the running of the site at all that I know of. He delegated it to Ron.
freech shill gtfo
Are you fucking joking? He took over /sp/, then deleted all of his stupid threads when he was called out for it. Go look, the admin account deleted all the posts they made on /sp/.
He's also the board owner for /newsplus/, under MiloY, and the volunteer GWB.
Any action under the copypaste account is inevitably Jim.
You are fucking retarded if you think the bullshit gookmonkey feeds you is true. He's his fucking son. They're father and son, dipshit. They own this imageboard.
And this is important, it was a test of a RSS feed bot obviously. What showed up a month after that? A RSS feed-esque board that they shilled heavily. All of the sports news posts were coming from one IP address, which was their bot.
It took deleting all the posts from one IP address to practically wipe the board.
And then Jim shows up on /sudo/ and accuses "Holla Forums" or "mil" of wiping the board. He's obviously mentally ill. You can tell it's Jim, because he doesn't understand what /sp/ meant when they referred to posters by -mil, which was representative of the GETs they were responsible for.
What the fuck is wrong with this imageboard's administration, seriously? The only explanation I can come up with is that Jim is suffereing from pre-onset dementia.
Considering there were daily "Windows 10 installation general" threads toward the end of July with anons answering questions about installing Windows 10, it's hard to believe there aren't shills.
just ban winfags and get it over with
And the imageboard devolves into more retarded paranoia, thanks to the gesture straight from the administrator.
Maybe it's just a sign that imageboards are unhealthy and I should stop coming here.
It's what they want, obviously. To be able to control their padded cells filled with retards that hang on their every word.
I wonder what happened to the imageboard that hotwheels ran, even if he also did this stupid shit. But at least he didn't post a global message about DUH CONSPIRACY.
1. "It's hard to believe" does not meet any reasonable person's standard of proofs.
2. Lots of people working in software development and media production are wedded to Windows because of OS-specific software. John Carmack, for example, uses Visual Studio for almost all his work, and literally every gainfully employed graphics designer uses either the Adobe CS apps or Affinity (neither of which are available on Linux). Should these people fuck off just because their means of employment triggers 4 worthless NEETs who spend their waking hours posting the same shit over and over again on a Kamchatkan kabuki board?
Freech sissyadmin here
I'm doing laundry at the moment, here is my dirty foot.
Please timestamp
I hope this is enough
So I should believe that whoever kept posting that thread for a week and spending hours of their day answering questions was just doing it out of the goodness of the heart? Really now?
Where did I say anything about any of that?
Fug I don't have enough coins to derail this thread
Send shekels ty
I'm bored as shit
Sup im yozam aka oyymans advisor here ama
This guy is my advisor can confirm
Tbh guys Windows is the superior operating system, otherwise 90% of the world wouldn't be using it (:
Why does an autist create /flg/ every day? Why does the dumb hamsterposter use the same webm for /dpt/ every day? Because they're autists, you thick fuck.
And 95% of the remaining threads are reposts as well - only, they're recycled every other day instead of every day.
Oyyman sick em
kill yourselves you microcucks
Are you triggered enough?
Both have their uses tbh.
Your OS doesn't need any blobs when it's exclusively used by them
What about the Zeronet shilling. That shit's been going on for weeks now and every time it gets shut down with anons going over all the major security and privacy vulnerabilities it has, yet for some reason yet another thread about it being good always gets posted even though it isn't something that people would regularly hear about elsewhere.
I don't see how a guy who was turned into pigshit months ago could write anything.
This entire thread is filled with paid microsoft employees doing damage control.
I don't see why you faggots have to take it out on Holla Forums. Why don't you go shitpost on /sudo/ in response to our dumbfuck admin encouraging this bullshit?
It's not like there's plenty of material. His dad leaked tens of thousands of credit card records, CVVs, names, and posts made by the each purchaser of 2channel premium for months on end.
i have no idea what the fuck you're going on about i just want windows cucks out of my Holla Forums
More of these papes? Lost the collection.
All are guilty, all deserve punishment. The international situation is intensifying, we must be on gaurd against counter-revolutionairies. The banhammer must be swung until conformity is enforced.
Net Neutrality a Shit.
Didn't Hiroyuki do that?
The site selling ronin passes was Jim's. Hiroshima Nagazaki had no control over it.
So all the shit about Hiroyuki selling that information that went around when he bought 4chan was bullshit?
He's also shady as hell but the leak was all Jim's fault.
Daily reminder than NNTPchan exists:
Start posting stuff and get actual conversations going.
I'm referring to the ass retarded frontend. Ignoring all the lack of features, I can't even fit 5 practically empty posts on my QHD screen.
work on NNTP integration in Infinity Next then, that'll get you a better frontend
It's babby boomer appeal-to-emotion non-logic. It's vague, broad bullshit designed to steer people in a certain 'direction' without any thought to the destination. And it's based on the clueless normalfag perception that dissent on a Vietnamese fingerpainting guestbook is a bad thing in and of itself. That or Yogapig has been smoking nutmeg or crack or something or is naturally a paranoid idiot.
Alternatively, he could be trying to use the fall of Krautchan (isn't it back up?) and the torrent sites to drum up fear of the Other so people will forget he removed pedo and accidentally an entire board that wasn't pedo because he didn't recognize the 'I want to be the little girl' in the tagcloud was a meme that's been in common use since like 2004. Or the fact that Chodemonkey 'accidentally' cut /n/ out of the top boards so his hugbox news board could replace it.
This is a daily reminder that shills do exist and are being paid to shit up 8ch.
Pretty sure it has to do with the CTR nonsense Holla Forums kicked up.
Who the fuck is going to waste money influencing/disrupting that instead of spending it on taking more control of larger boards? Fuck, old pretty much dead forums that I frequent have more than 2x the active membership. Also
>"waaah! waaaah! 😢 Those meanies are triggering me! They must be getting paid to make my life more miserable than it already is!"
You really have to be a special kind of knuckledragger to visit Holla Forums for anything other than (shit|cuck|b8|fun)posting.
plebs trying to imitate hotwheels back in the good'ol days?
rest in pieces Holla Forums and my email field is sage and still blocked by cloudflare email protection.
just shows how incompetent this place had been when hotwheels and josh left the place due to a greedy site-seizing host server parasite.
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