AKA an animated Batman movie that might actually be good
LEGO Batman Comic-Con trailer
"No, Bruce Wayne lives in Batman's attic."
Why hasn't this ever been said in the main comics before?
Because it's funny and dumb. Writers only know brooding edge and dumb dumb.
I'm happy this board is dead
I have high hopes for this movie, especially after the LIFE HAS NO SEAT BELTS line.
Batman has the perfect deadpan for silly situations. I think I'll enjoy this movie more than the Lego movie.
Hey look, another shitposter straight out of the Jojo fucking general!
It is cancer though. The fucking thing looks like a trailer made by someone who's only seen the nolan films and batman v superman.
It's telling that you brought up JoJo on your own just so you could sperg out about it.
The first two movies you listed are old, rhe third is more about Gordon tgan anything else, and the fourth is live action.
This is likely to be the only worthwhile DC movie we get for a long time. If it's at least 'half'' as good as The Lego Movie, I will be extremely happy with it.
Apologies. Mask of the Phantasm and Return of the Joker are old, not Year One. Year one is about Gordan. DKR is still live action.
And to top it all off, you thought that by DKR I mean the Dark Knight Rises. Still going to pretend you're not filthy dumb casual scum?
I assumed that "might actually be good" was a reflection of the current state of DC animated features, not all batman films as a whole.
And yes, Year One was mostly about Batman's crusade from Gordon's perspective.
What do you mean by DKR, tgen?
Dude, just shut up. "We've never gotten a good animated batman movie" is such a retarded statement on so many levels, especially considering the only good Batman movies are animated.
Except for the parts with Batman doing things when Gordon's not around, and Bruce having internal monologues. There are two protagonists, remember the panel with the two cars? Oh wait, you haven't fucking read it!
You slow, spud! DKR billy berserk, if you don't know what it is, you're casual as fuck.
Look at this fucker, he's got nothing to say.
Just leave this board, you don't like comics so stop pretending you do.
Aren't you the guy we laughed at for the failed Power Girl threads?
Wat, the power girl thread appears to be a success, although it's power trip + everything after the good part.
You clearly weren't there.
Basically, this one user decided to try and storytime some Conner Power Girl, except that he basically EA-ed the thread by sperging out about anime and JoJo in the OP. Which, as you can expect, invited JoJo posters to come and troll him. Then he deleted the thread and made a new thread and did a bunch of spergy shit. He's basically our new lolcow now.
Then another user came in and storytimed the rest of the series after sperg user took his ball and went home
It was the one before that
He went to throw a tantrum Over the entire board because he could not do the storytime right and proper, hell, even went to overtake another unrelated thread and post the comic there instead, make another thread just to put a link to that thread, and started sperging out again
I fail to see how this makes up for you retards not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.
So it is you
m8, I don't even know what you mean. I wasn't here for those threads. Now, I have been shit-talking you morons pretty hard, and you can thank me for fucking with your general.
But the 4-5 of you know nothing about comics or cartoons. I can only imagine, of course, but I'm guessing it's the same group of people masturbating whenever there's a Holla Forums-related fuckup as if it makes up for japan's shortcomings.
Are you gonna tell me you don't spout the "comics are dead" maymay? Really?
It looks like fun, and I look forward to it.
I think you want one of the five million killing joke threads
Sure, keep telling yourself that
The more you say that, the more I know you don't read comics.
I'll say it again: Marvel has a lot of mediocre stuff, with some good, like gwenpool. DC Rebirth has been alright so far, it's a massive step up from the nu52. And there's always third party comics.
I want Lego Nemesis.
'The Big Two publish some good books sometimes'/= 'The industry is perfectly healthy and totally NOT in the shitter'
As I'm sure people keep telling you
You want Star Trek Nemesis but with Legos? Why?
Holy Master Plan, I was not aware that big guys can be so small?
No, he wants Lego Resident Evil.
It's silly, dumb, a little over the top and it look like an actually funny movie.
Lego Human Centipede!
Holy shit, it is the same guy
Dammit you guys, I was just referring to The Killing Joke since we'd been talking about it recently. I didn't intend to derail this thread in the goddamn OP.
Then you should have phrased it better, big boy
theres more to comics than the big 2 fuckups
wish we had more Euro-story times
When I get my computer back, I'm doing a Judge Dredd dump/storytime
Comics would only be DEAD if there were none being made. Creator-owned comics are still going strong, and like I said, the big 2, or at least dc, seem to be improving.
That's such a retarded fucking comparison, but I'd expect nothing less from someone who comes to a board about comics because they want to talk about anime.
Says the fucker who couldn't storytime a single comic properly like everyone else in this board does ,and had to sperg out thorughout the entire boad, TWICE
No it isn't. Your argument was retarded. Most likely because you yourself are retarded.
Great argument, user.
Seriously, good comics are still being made. Why do you want them to be dead so badly?
Wait, this is seriously a thing? I thought this was just an April Fool's thing.
It's clear that you haven't been around here for at least 1 year and a half then, because you don't realize how fucked up is the comic industry right now
But then again, from retard who threw 2 tantrums all Over the board it should not be a suprise
What are you talking about, there have always been bad comics and bad stories. Stuff like squirrel girl and hellcat are akin to shovelware. Sure they're offensively bad, but you don't have to read them. They're barely even canon.
He throws tantrums like this generally. Might as well be a tripfag at this point
Dude, I'm not your power girl guy. If you spooked that autist as much as that one user said he probably ran off or something.
Either you don't understand or you refuse to understand that just because Marvel or DC publish a good book it does not mean that the industry is in a healthy place and is not sinking. Marvel and DC could publish exclusively good books and the industry would still be in the toilet
Yes you are
You don't understand that just because they're producing a few bad books doesn't mean the entire industry is dead.
You're gonna have to explain your logic here. If the big 2 were making only good comics, how exactly would the industry be in a bad place?
The first time I heard about that I wasn't even here for it, I wasn't here for whatever happened.
Kek what, how far up your own ass did you have to reach to find this number? Those are "1 in 5 women will be raped" tier statistics.
That's a general 'there's a shitton more bad comics than there are good ones and the vast majority of them stink' hyperbole. It wasn't an actual tried and true statistic. Are you dense? Are you retarded or something?
Why don't you explain to me exactly which books you think are bad? If there are as many as you say in comparison to the decent-good ones then you should have no problem listing them.
Hey, shithead.
Most of them.
Do you want a full list of every single comic being pumped out now? You're either retarded, or the Power Girl Autist, who is super-retarded.
It'd be a lot easier to tell us what comics you think are good, since it's a smaller number than comics Holla Forums thinks are bad. What are some diamonds in the rough that are singlehandedly saving the comic industry?
Give me 10 from the same company.
I wouldn't say 'saving' since marvel was alright while DC was doing the nu52, and now they're worse now that DC seems to be doing better. Recently it's been more like a sliding scale.
Aside from gwenpool or maybe vision, most of Marvel's stuff has been relatively okay (things like moon knight, daredevil, deadpool and the mercs for money, etc), and Rebirth is too new to tell although it's looking much better so far. They brought wally back, and based on the Justice League trailer, DC execs may finally be realizing that people don't want grim&gritty bad stories, which is a step in the right direction. Maybe we'll even get the colored underwear one of these days.
But let's hear what you have to say user: What are 10 books from the same company that are as bad as hellcat and squirrel girl? And no, those two don't count.
user, you're the one going around saying that "97% of comics are bad". That's not even close to true. I mean, what is this, the manga industry?
Make with the titles or you've lost this internet fight.
You've won, comics are good now
You have to go back to 4chan, now.
From DC:
You can move goalposts by going 'AS BAD AS HELLCAT AND SQUIRRELGIRL' but it's retarded to try and set the bar to the worst possible. Comics are shit nowadays and those are just the worst of the possible worst and does not mean the shit comics they make nowadays are any less shit than they are.
I just noticed that. I fucked up. I thought of Ms Marvel and changed my mind but forgot.
Regardless. There's your list. Give me a moment and I'm sure I can come up with a list for DC, too.
Sorry, m8. Comics are shit.
user, holy shit, did you just look up a list of marvel's current publications and pick out the worst-looking ones, or at least names you've seen around here?
Deadpool is pretty good, Totally Awesome Hulk is alright, and most people around here actually like Gwenpool, not even in a "trying to defend it" way. I haven't read new avengers since the "heroic age" but I imagine it's like all of Bendis' work: good ideas with mediocre to poor execution, with bendis-speak thrown in.
The rest is bad, sure. But that's what, five comics? Six? Hardly what I'd call a dead industry.
But even though you failed to meet that requirement, it wouldn't matter even if you gave me 25 shitty ones! Vertigo still exists, Dark Horse still exists, FUCKING IMAGE still exists. There's an entire other side to the industry that survives independent of the big 2.
Goddamn do you have some fucking nerve. What do you even know about comics? I doubt you've even read those books, much less anything quality. I could ask you, but I imagine you'd just google "Holla Forums recommended comics" and pick ones from there.
Today I learned never to argue with the Power Girl Autist
Is Batman still being written by Scott Snyder. Because Batman
And IDW still exists, and they dared to make the worst Judge Dredd comic in history, thank god that wasn't on the megazine or regular 2000AD
IDW has to die. That was the final straw.
M8 just because you have shit taste does not mean comics aren't shit.
It just means you need to go back to 4chan, where you belong. I don't care what drama's been happening there lately, you don't belong here. Fuck off, we just got done with Holla Forums.
What the fuck did they do? I keep hearing that something went wrong, but I never hear what.
user said, they made a Dredd comic that was shit
Yeah, it looks like you just looked up DC's current publications as well.
The book that just became Batgirl and the birds of prey?
This is a given unless Amanda Conner is doing the art, then it's worth reading for that.
What books are you talking about here?
Yeah, this is really really bad. I don't believe it's canon though, and it's yet another shovelware book that will be forgotten in time.
This is warner trying to cash in on the property. Yes it's bad, but I think it should count less because of that.
This is a limited series that I'm surprised IDW wasn't put in charge of.
Yeah, again I'm not your power girl guy.
If comics are really as bad as you're saying then you should be like "Well then here are these OTHER books that are bad, and here are EVEN MORE books that are bad." Based on the books you're parading as examples of a dead industry, the number of mediocre and shitty comics doesn't seem to be changing.
Yes, IDW does need to die. They're probably the worst comic book company of the last decade and they will never go away because they get paid to make things like TMNT, Transformers, etc and there's always big money in that. They also don't need to put in any effort at all to get books out so they can have people write stuff like the Dredd comic and not give a fuck because they know it'll still sell.
Why are people arguing with this retard
Scooby and Bombshells are shovelware. You wouldn't rate shovel vidya on the same scale because significantly less effort was put into it.
There are two parts to comics, if one half is good enough, the other doesn't matter quite so much. It's true that in a lot of cases art can't save a bad story, but that's not what's happening when amanda conner is involved. But I don't even know if she's doing the art, and neither do you apparently. Yet more evidence that you don't read comics.
That tells me jack and shit. I want to know what's so bad about it.
I think we had a storytime a couple months back. Just from skimming through, the art was terrible and the characters were all social media obsessed millennial drones constantly glued to smartphones.
So in other words, they made the future boring.
But that user didn't even got to the "jucy" parts, when Dredd got trapped in a 20th century New York ran by some old fart who made it to be a literal representation of what feminist dream about an actual patriarchy, with everyone acting like a total retard
For Grud's sake, last chapter was some retarded commentary on FUCKING SAFE SPACES
Like I said, I'm on my phone, so I can't post the evidece so you can see it by thyselves, but drokking hell I've never felt so insulted as a reader and as a fan of 2000AD
…Not solitary confinement?
Forgive me, I've not read an issue of Judge Dredd in my life. All I really have to go on are 40K's Arbites and the odd page.
J…Just like there are three parts to pressing a button, user?
user pls, there's a reason they call it a 'visual medium'. If it weren't for the art, they'd just be writing books.
Did you miss the part where I immediately said that most times art can't save a bad story? It certainly can sometimes, but to say that art doesn't matter is just ignorant.
thats a shame about IDW because I wanted to check out their TMNT and Godzilla stuff.
It's less a case of them being hacks and more them being lazy. They handle the genre of "generic 90s nostalgia comics" and have been milking it for years.
I'll always encourage people to read what they're interested in, but be prepared for complete garbage.
thanks for the tip user.
Rebirth isn't a reboot, you stupid, it's a relaunch, ie release of a bunch of new comics not alterations to the canon.
Those aren't bad. What the fuck? What's bad about them?
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was fun as fuck.
That's an inclusion, not a retcon.
The only retcon i can think of is that Nu52 Wally, the black one, is actually the bastard kid of Daniel West, the thug uncle of the family, while the Pre-52 Wally is back and revealed to be cousin of N52 Wally, with them sharing the same name as an homage to their grandpa Wallace.
Even then that's a very minor retcon and a retcon for the better.
I laughed while watching the Batman trailer.
I have a feeling it is going to be a great afternoon when I take my nephews to go see it, jokes for them and jokes for adults - they will laugh at those too because that what's kids do and it will make me doubly happy seeing them happy.
Wonder Woman doesn't look like a complete steaming pile of shit - and that's positive.
Justice League - wew lads - Batfleck has taken the reigns and I don't think that's a good thing. I have a sinking feeling he's about to jettison all his good will.
My hopes for Suicide Squad are circling the drain with every trailer.
How about a LEGION OF DOOM movie???? Give us a real anti-hero movie, how the they get together and realize that in order to stop being persecuted, they have to take the fight to the "good guys"?
Would you really want it considering the people that are probably going to be involved?
That's the thing, They can be stunt doubles wearing masks with voiceovers.
I mean, I don't actually want to see an entire 1:38 Aquaman movie, so he can be a large part of it to give us Black Manta's backstory
Make it about the Villains. Give me a Solomon Grundy backstory with some Swampthing sprinkled in.
Gonna have to recase Lex of course - but he can be the guy who turns around in the seat at the end and hits us with the old, "Gentlemen, together we can make America and the WORLD great again by making it safe from these false idols!!!" And make it the right goddamed Eisenberg this time and give use what we wanted from the beginning!
Have Bizarro doing all this fucked up stuff but have it look like Superman has lost his marbles and seriously needs to be stopped, have him be some misguided broken alien science that thinks he is doing good - make him a modern day combo of SLOTH and Lennie, a tragic figure.
Cheetah, just because.
Brainiac - make it that Kryptonians killed his people and he needs Kent's DNA to repopulate his world - but doing so would take away his powers.
Really blur the lines so you don't really know who to root for, change it the fuck up for once - no more straight up MEME villains.
I love Gorilla Grodd. Maybe have it that a rogue employee at Wane Enterprises stole some technology from Barry Allen and made him bigger, stronger and smarter like a Frankenstein who wants to kill his creator - only he doesn't know if was actually SCARECROW who created him, not Batman or Flash.
Since I am not getting a Bounty Hunter Star Wars movie from the Mouse, this is all I can hope for.
For Sinestro, I don't know - have him using his ring to project Lex on the wall when he gives his final speech - double easter egg.
That trailer was great. Also this retards sperg out about how we dont know shit about comics when he likes fucking gwenpool is hilarious
Sinestro? Have him see what Luthor wants as an ideal template across the cosmos, the "bigger world" intruding on our wet little globe. So he'll want to get it working here to start with.
Was this copy/pasted from the youtube comments section?
They do. If the big two go under, so will everyone else.
Reminds me of that one author on twitter who said the turtles and Splinter are actually gay lovers beyond sexuality because it's in the samurai code. People are getting paid for this kind of "quality" writing.
I think the in universe explanation for that is just that Manhattan is trying to mold Pre-New 52 Wally into this universe like how Flash became a part of it after Flashpoint.
Shovelware kills the industry you mong. Customer trust that the product will be worth their dollar collapses and they won't hang around to be tempted by new releases. That's what caused the old vidya crash
You mean Battleworld ? That hot mess ?
Also,why do they keep calling each other "butt baby" and are they like the four turtles, why are two of them suddenly "she" and why are they committing turtle incest.
No user, not every idea you don't find "worthy" isn't lifted from some Normie forum/comments section.
Anything to add or any original ideas, faggot?
Battleworld happened like 4 years after the nu52 started.
they call eachother brother but they aren't related
heck, they aren't all even the same species of turtle
as for the rest, uh… pic related?