So how long until she's in jail?

So how long until she's in jail?

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Depends. Does Trump want to govern, or does he just want to fuck around?

this. If Trump is what his detractors believe, ironically, then Hillary will be in prison faster. If he works hard for America he won't be focused on revenge.


his first month after the election, when he has to sit silently and get briefed on everything from foreign trade deals currently under negotiation to strategic updates on syria, he's going to say "oh by the way arrest that woman" and the secret service is going to have to tell him awkwardly that he's head of the executive branch, not judicial with the power to arrest or direct an arrest he's going to blow a gasket and shit his pants all at the same time

when he realizes what a colossal mistake it was to let his pride drive him to run for an office he is immensely unqualified for he's going to shoot himself in the head

I'm worried that he doesn't know what the fuck he is going to do when he wins. He has to go from campaign-bullshit mode to figuring out how to unite a nation that is as divided as it has been since the Civil War, with 100% of Democrats,at least 50% of Republicans, and Wall Street against him. If he has the balls and he brains to step up and try to find common ground, he could do a lot of good to depolarize the country and actually, you know, "make America greater" (I'm not going to say "great again" since it's pretty fucking great to begin with). On the other hand, he could be disastrously ineffectual if all he knows how to do is spout campaign slogans.


Will this jumpsuit make her look fat?


What kind of cowardly shit is that? Slap yourself, weakling.

Trump was elected to bring justice back to America. That is what he promised. That is what he must deliver. Justice. America doesn't want "forgiveness" or "unity" or whatever pussy soccer mom platitudes the cucks want. We want retribution. Drain the swamp. Start with the arch-traitor Hillary.

The idea that Trump literally thinks he has the power to throw a US citizen in jail without due process is a straw man. Obviously what I mean is if he's bent on revenge he'll turn Obama's instructions to the justice department right around and really focus on indicting. In that case she'll be in jail a lot sooner, and it will prove he doesn't really care about America.

It's not even about that. Washington is a cesspool. She needs to go to jail, but there's a whole iceburg under the surface. If he does it right it will take a lot longer. Not to mention the president has a whole lot more responsibilities than that.

if there was any evidence at all that would support a chance of conviction she already would have been charged. she's a fucking clinton, the most hated name in american politics since boss tweed. they went after her husband for 8 years and didnt stop until they forced him into a lie in answer to a question they had no right to ask

hilary is like a duck man. anything you throw at her just slides right off her greasy back. no amount of investigation and grand jury garbage and benghazi interviews etc are going to get her in prison. if there was any evidence of wrongdoing at all, anywhere, it would have been burned and buried long long ago

and she doesnt have a dopey dick like her husband so there's no way your going to force her to lie to congress

WTF? Are you retarded? Everything you said was completely wrong. The FBI works for the Justice Department and the Justice Department works for the President. Arresting criminals is exactly the job of the executive branch. For fucks sake, pay attention.

I doubt she will get any time, it would turn congress against him and cripple his ability to take action on much more important issues.

no stupid, justice appoints prosecutors who go before a judge to get a warrant for arrest you fucking incompetant

The Republicans are expected to maintain their majority in the senate m80

Republican or not if you start putting corrupt people in jail congress is going to turn against you.

That is exactly what it's about. If you don't know that, then you don't know anything.

If Trump can't take down the most evil, corrupt politician in America, then he can't do anything. It will be business as usual in DC.

Trump needs to do the exact opposite of what you want. Arrest Hillary as soon as possible. Lock her up, no bail. Make an example out of her and charge her with capital treason. Let the American people finally get the chance to judge that traitor. While Trump is at it, make an example out of the cuckservative Paul Ryan. Start a FBI investigation on him. Corrupt anti-American politicians will never like Trump. Good. But they will fear him. That's justice.

I think she's gonna put a bullet in her head tonight; rather than let all the shit she's done be revealed by investigators.

Guess who appoints judges. The President. I'm tired of your stupid naivete.

Wrong. You need to read the Prince.

"It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."

Niccolo Machiavelli.


The Clinton crime family knows their days are numbered. They have to kill off all of their accomplices before Trump is sworn in. Huma and pervert Weiner are getting Arkancided. But that won't stop Trump. It's going to be beautiful.

Its going to happen lads.
Someone make sure the prisons leave a cell open for her.

Think of the Blue Wall and police. Trump would be crazy to start some vendetta against Crooked Hillary no matter how bad he wants to. If he wants the cooperation of any politician in DC he’s not gonna out one.

If he goes after her what’s to keep him from going after any other Crooked [fillinname] in congress. They’re all crooked as a dog’s hind leg, all break the rules, and what not. If he burns one the rest will avoid him like the plague.

She will die from kuru first.

At first I thought if there was any promise he's going to break, it will be the arrest and prosecution of Crooked Clinton, out of pragmatism to unite the country.

However, when you take into consideration the dirty tricks of October, with the chorus of false groping accusers the Clintons assembled, and the gravity of the latest leaks pointing toward Clinton involvement in childsex rings, there is plenty of cause to continue investigating her.

its not about revenge you fucking kike.
its about upholding justice and law for EVERYONE.

hillary broke several FEDERAL laws.
shes going to jail.

Took me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle. I typically don't find 'internet humor' especially amusing or relatable, in fact it took me years to figure out what an 'youtube' was. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.
