Mods and janitors here obviously dont give a fuck about protecting childs, so i denounced everything.
If you arent behind seven proxies your ips are already backtraced and the cyberpolice is already behind you.
Mods and janitors here obviously dont give a fuck about protecting childs, so i denounced everything.
If you arent behind seven proxies your ips are already backtraced and the cyberpolice is already behind you.
Other urls found in this thread:
You do know that with even a good lawyer you could not prove that anyone here has or even downloaded CP. Viewing CP is not illegal, and it impossible to know whether a person saw or downloaded it.
But at least dysnomia would do a better job in the future choosing janitors and mods.
As optimistic as I am, the feds don't actually do shit unless you get their actual identities
Just post all their IPs here and have us dox them for you
Reported to the FBI
You gonna get v&
Dysnomia has them if i am not wrong, obviously most are 12 years old atheists playing edgelord or bastards that really like that stuff, they can be traced with few social skills.
Witness that do denounces underage.
yeah cuz he's such a great vol himself
>not samefagging
Exodus detected.
I am just 1 and 3.
Like any of the fat sweaty reclusive autists that browse this board are a threat to kids IRL.
If you were really a mod then remove the two pedo threads now.
OP save us!!
Get our pedo faggot.
you're a fucking retard or extremely new
your pedo? Which one is that?
He not a mod
For you.
Dysnomia, your hands are stained with blood.
What kind of an insult is "exodus"? Do you even know what that word means? Which exodus are you talking about?
I am not insulting the guy quoted, i am supporting his position.
By just saying "exodus"? That comment is completely ambiguous and could mean anything. Learn how to construct sentences, you fucking mong.
good for now something
*now do something
Nigger you probably just killed the site. I hate pesos as much as the next man, but considering the UN owns the internet, they will take down this "problematic" website thanks to you.
No, they're not fucking normie moralfags
He isn't wrong. The shit does get deleted, OP is just a sensitive newfag that doesn't know how to hide threads after reporting
it sounded wrong to write "Moralfag Normalfags".
Another Exodus that's gonna get canned because the retarded pedofags don't know how to keep their degenerate autism in check.
I mean when I think about it. Those stupid retards had their own /hebe/ board to post all the cp they wanted there but decided to be a bunch of flaming retards to go and shitpost it everywhere on Holla Forums and other rooms. I mean shit the /mlp/ shitposting came to a respectable end after seeing other anons we're getting sick and tired of their shit and hell they kept the one mlp thread on Holla Forums there. I'm just saying you retards fucked it up for yourselves and you won't get any sympathy from any other user. Deal with it.
And the pedos are the ones ruining sites. Yeah, right. More like the Moralfags and Normies that can´t let something be. It´s becuse of you imageboards are dying in general. Because you fuckers report everything that rustkes your jimmies. Someone needs to restrcit the access to imageboars from normies moralcucks.
pedo's gonna pedo but it's not muh fault!
I agree pedo´s sometimes push things too far. But me being a Holla Forums(ack, i can´t tell you, the insane amount of people crying because there are memes, or threads there that "are offensive" or "hurt their feellings". It´s insane.
though i cant tell if this is bait or not
Hi Holla Forumslack.
As a pedo is pretty obvious for me a good amount of the pedo threads are trolls.
I thought it would be obvious for everyone else.
this is most probably real, user. Normies report everything that they find offensive. If they see sometihng they don´t like, then they will claim its either offensive or misogynist.
Judging by yesterday´s PGT, i thought they were back. An lest be honest, pedo´s are a good part of this site´s traffic. Without pedos, this place dies.
You seem to be older than 4 years old in here.
Glad to find someone else like that nowadays.
btw Trump's 24-3.
I would've preferred the libertarian party but hey, anyone but Clinton.
Politico's map is so biased.
It says Hillary's winning despite trump owning her in the results, even in Florida by almost a whole point.
In here Holla Forums especifically, been here since '13. But imageboards in general, its over 10 years. Started with halfchan, saw the pool getting closed in Habo lol. We are a dying species, user. We saw the inter net in its prime. We were part of it. Sad to see it get to this point.
As for the USA election, i always liked Bernie Snades the most. But,, you´re right. Anyone but Killary.
Bernie Sanders*** ffs
A pedo and a Holla Forumslack united by oldfaggotry.
There sure is something special in that.
First of all, nice dubs, mate. (checked)
Second, its rare to find an oldfag nowadays. All the newfags and secial snowflakes, with their trigger warnings and safe spaces. They are killing the interwebs, friendo. I thibk pedo´s are dangerous or the momsters, scoiety likes to make them. In fact, most pedos never act on their desires. They just enjoy beating their meet to lolis, in the comfort of their homes. And as far as i´m concerned, thats totally fine.
pedos aren´t dangerous or mosnters****
Pedo here, I'm not an oldfag, I started lurking threads in end 2012.
But boy did I had fun.
>Got told to lurk moar instead of >>>/oven/ myself.
And learned to not to get jaded by this place.
I believe being an oldfag depends more in what you've learned rather than how old you are (Not that it doesn't helps) as I've found many "oldfags" who still behave like teens.
fucking overchan.
Hillary is getting fucking eaten alive out there holy shit
Not according to the electoral college.
Something is wrong here. Something is very wrong
Now the MAGAning begins
Haven't seen that video but I see the image everywhere.
Haven't found it either.
I think its a shooped image m80. Its supposed to just be a reaction image
in after cancerous faggots think fully clothed girls are CP
good for you, i reported Holla Forums a year ago to the fbi for not doing enough to delete cp and they have not changed. we need to keep this filth off the internet
God id love to slide my cock down megyn kellys throat
Pedos are just fucked in their minds, they are dangerous monsters.
I really hope that things change with Trump.
Doubt very much Trump with get the pedos off Holla Forums.
Duterte then.
I just realised, pedos are like 8ch's Muslims;
Supposedly a small minority come here and post CP, then when the mods start cracking down on it, the other "moderate" pedos who claim to also be against CP but still want legal discussion threads claim to be the victim, and claim that pedos wouldn't be an issue if we didn't try to solve them in the first place, just like Muslims saying that taking steps to stop ISIS will cause more Muslims to join them.
Crusade when?