Who's gonna play them in the inevitable biopic?

Who's gonna play them in the inevitable biopic?

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Kelly mcgillis and bill cosby

Casca and Griffith

Jenny Nicholson and Master Shake

Why is Master Shake's career exploding so much lately?

Jennifer Lawrence and Seth Rogen

Get with the times grandpa

I'm trying, don't make me box your ears.

It looks like they're giving a ted talk or something.There's video somewhere and I want to see it.


Jewtube link if that doesn't work for some rasin.

This one's better.

She sounds like she's reciting lines. Only 3 minutes in its established they were dating, she got drunk and they went home and fucked for 2 hours.

So basically some slut got drunk as fuck and her also drunk chad Australian boyfriend boned her with his huge cock.

Meaning they 100% fucked again after that and were on good terms for at least a year.

Yeah. The whole thing is basically
How are you so drunk you can't move, but you start counting shit to pass the time?

He doesn't strike me as the huge cock type.
t. porn addict

Confirmed just two attention whores looking for shekels.

Of course whites are so betamaxed that even white rapists are so cucked they help their rape victim out afterwards.

He looks like Onision except he grew a beard.

Dude is alpha af tbh. He takes her home and fucks her for 2 hours so hard she's walking funny and feels assaulted + it's all she can think about for years. In fact she's so addicted to what the dick did she leaves her husband with a kid to go write a book with this guy and travel the world doing speaking engagements, probably staying in adjoining rooms. Dude is a motherfuckin PIMP tbph #justsayin

Just sound like she doesn't want to admit her sex life at home is nothing compared to her "rapist"

Shit like this is why you ALWAYS kill a female after having sex with them.

They're just adulterers and this is a gimmick to make money.

Why kill her? It's not like she was some slut who enjoyed it.

I don't know about OP, because I'm not watching this shit, but this story posted here is definitely a borderline.

I dated one for two years, the only women they can stay on good terms with for any length of time are other borderlines. Basically her mother, grandmother, one of her mother's friends, and that friend's daughter. Every single one has this exact story for roughly a month after the breakup. Their whole world view is black and white, so they can't reconcile all the sex they had with their current view that they're the most evil person on Earth, so all the sex they had is reinvisioned as rape because they couldn't possibly have wanted to fuck such a monster.

The mother's friend was telling basically that same story to everyone who would listen after her divorce. Claimed her former husband kidnapped and raped her, she got pregnant from it, so they married and by the time they divorced had had six kids. "I've never had sex I consented to." she said.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder though, and it's especially true with borderlines. The longer they're apart the more idealized their memories become. They forget the bad and remember only the good. After about six months the story changed to "My current guy is so shit in bed, I miss my ex-husband, now we had AMAZING sex."

I'd be interested to know if there was ever a follow-up to that story, when they publish their lies some of them stick to it, but most regret it before long.

Almost every chick I dated has told me they were either raped when they were a teen, or raped and abused by the boyfriend before me. Then I'd come to find out it was total bullshit. Bitches be cray.

OP is next level shit though, the guy is not only on board with it he's making shekels. She has a kid with another guy so hard to say who's the bigger cuck.

You have to kill them just in case they decided they were raped afterwards and ruin your life.

But user, if you kill them you can't ever have sex with them again. And I don't know about you, but there's a lot of places I like to cum.

very courageous of her to survive a nonlethal activity, never mind that it didn't happen

Fuck a dog, then. At least they're loyal and won't fuck your life up.

Thousands of Jews survived the holocaust too.

I'd never fuck a dog… I respect them too much.

Also that's disgusting, I basically look at my dog like a child. The thought actually crossed my mind that I might infantilize my dog too much. It's getting to be time to spay her, but I remembered my grandparents dog, how unique he was, and how depressed the entire family was when he passed on never having had any puppies. I debated whether it's more selfish to deprive her of ever getting to reproduce because it would be a hassle for me, or to have her go through mating, giving birth, and the puppies inevitably being given away simply because I don't want her to ever completely cease to exist.



That was kind of my point though, that I see my dog as this loving, innocent thing so the thought of it having any kind of sex at all is distasteful to me. Beyond the fact that I'm not into zoophilia.

But then I remember growing up and my grandparents dog I previously mentioned and how my grandmother would always say stuff like "Oh, he's never going to mate! He's going to die a pure virgin!" and even as a kid I always thought her feeling that way was kind of weird.

but user, children are sexy as fuck

this bullshit is the reason this planet is not worth living in anymore

That's all good and fine, you do you. All I'm saying is that making love to a loving canine companion will bring you less trouble than screwing a human female.