They didn't even had to whine this time.
Another one bites the dust
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like someone bitched about it
Well, not in the issues/PR it seems.
Doesn't look like they have a mailing list unless I'm missing it, maybe on their IRC. Either way it seems they reluctantly made the change based on that message. Not that I agree with caving to SJWs in the first place. It's pretty fucking retarded to give them any ground because they will only continue to push for more
what potential uses of 'slave' are there in imageboard software?
"uploaded images are slaved to the thread they were posted in"
"because the server ain't yo' slave if you disable javascript then lots of functionality will break because the CPU costs of that functionality were being off-loaded to the browser."
"if you send a non-standard HTTP SLAVE request to a resource the server will in fact be yo' slave and reply with an archive of the requested thread and its slaved images"
Every post after the OP(master) is a slave post
"In addition to our English documentation, we also have slavebonics documentation, which is just an encoding of the English: non-letters remain as-is; letters are encoded as, for example, 'a' -- > 'slave'; 'b' --> 'slaveslave'; 'c' --> 'slaveslaveslave'. It is not very easy to read, but we understand that it's super triggering."
ever talked to wm4 on the #mpv IRC? I'm very surprised he'd do this change, he seems like the type to not give a fuck
The commit message seems to show reluctance in making the change, he probably did it to shut some useless faggot the fuck up that wouldn't fuck off about it.
Sadly the useless faggot that begged for this change will probably keep looking for more useless shit to bitch about.
I imagine it went something like this:
Dev confirmed for brain dead retard
The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via
Make sure to incorporate subtly triggering language deep, deep into any projects you start. I'm rewriting some webshit with master-slave architecture and plenty of triggering terms just in case it ever becomes public. This should be a standard practice.
A vagina hire should feel musk wash over its glasses when examining your code.
Still, wew lad.
It probably has to do with the Project Ada retards hired by GitHub. They've been going into overdrive.
Fork it and replace the word "slave" with "nigger"
lmao another good job on obfuscating shit by being more PC and less technical
Actually it does make more sense in mpv and mplayer's context. That doesn't mean it's not just Project Ada fags emailing the project owner complaining about it.
The proper terminology is Leader and Follower. Try to keep up.
Just another reason MPV is the worst video playback software ever conceived. :^)
The German word for leader is Führer, we can't have that.
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