Is there any reason to buy a tablet?
If no, why not?
If yes, which one should I get? I wouldn't have to use it for anything crazy like editing or graphic design, so it's more of an everyday use item
Also general tablet thread
Is there any reason to buy a tablet?
If no, why not?
If yes, which one should I get? I wouldn't have to use it for anything crazy like editing or graphic design, so it's more of an everyday use item
Also general tablet thread
a tablet is a smartphone that doesn't fit in your pocket
Tablets are god's gift to humanity. They are the most vital object to the existence of mankind. Without them, man could not browse the Internet outside of his house. Without them, we wouldn't exist. Steve Jobs, the creator of the Internet, had the incentive to carry out gods blessing through the means of the iPad. The iPad is our most vital item, without it, we would go insane, as we must be browsing the Internet 24/7. Praise jessus.
Very true, but I was actually thinking about using one to take notes in class instead of a traditional notebook. Thoughts?
wouldn't a laptop be better for that?
typing on a tablet seems hard
I was thinking more like writing with a touch screen pen
Tablets are great for comfy bed/couch shitposting
iPad, no, Android, fuck yes!
I borrowed my sister iPad air while she went on vacation, and that shit saw nearly no use, only a bit of googling, as I couldn't install the software I wanted on it. That made me get an Android tablet for myself and boy does it get a ton of use. even if most of it is Kodi/SPMC, I don't regret the purchase for a second.
I smack homeless niggers with mine
Nice trips
Just buy a small laptop, cheaper, more flexible for different things, can play both tablet and PC games (If shit enough and you have enough knowledge/shekels for a virtual machine), probably smaller too (compared to a work tablet), easier to type on, compatible with most other devices
Honestly there's no reason to buy a tablet unless youre technologically impaired