Our Holla Forums has been compromised by a government front to misdirect, discredit, disrupt and otherwise neutralize individuals, groups, and information that poses a threat to the established political paradigm. This is done to eliminate the threat of "radical" political opposition inside the United States. Today's "COINTELPRO" is a current classified program now operated by a gov't Joint Task Force consisting of agents from the U.S. Army Special Forces, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, and Central Intelligence Agency in tandem with allied state programs.

Infiltrating the host and posing as it's userbase, the task force has been waging psychological warfare on legitimate individuals that seek intelligent discussion of alternate political ideas. They limit the information discussed by using censorship tactics such as sliding, distorting, or outright removing sensitive subject matter. They harass users that they deem a credible threat to the program or it's prescriptive facade. Task Force agents routinely point the finger at non-collaborating, yet genuine, users.

Infiltrators quietly provide scripted information and spread false rumors or exaggerate news to provoke tension within their target and undermine unity, detracting from tactical focus. Recently they've been overly promoting functions that gather the personal data of the target for monitoring, like IP addresses, by using source links to compromised or honeypot domains and dissemination of exploited files that discretely broadcast their use and user. These actions are seamless, invisible, and thus, extremely complicated.

Attempts to mobilize community opposition may be able to affect the program's ability to discredit and disrupt , as well as incessant monitoring. It is clear, however, that we currently lack the power to eliminate such intervention. While fighting hard to end disruptive action, we need also to study the forms it takes and prepare ourselves to cope with it as effectively as we can. Do not let paranoia immobilize you. Do not refuse to accept everything you encounter; but do audit and analyze the information, including all claims or accusations. The results of paranoia and overreaction to evidence can be just as disruptive as a disruptive campaign.

Be aware of:

Guidelines for a brighter and better Holla Forums of tomorrow; a blast to the past
you could have prevented this
1. Threads should encourage discussion rather than to provoke replies. The best threads are the ones that are open ended, where an OP's opinion on a topic isn't introduced as the main point. Threads should be made for the purpose of OP wanting to talk about something rather than to loudly proclaiming his viewpoint as if Holla Forums is his personal blog. The health of a board is dependent on the quality of its threads. Even goodposters turn to shitposters in shitty threads. Who can blame them?
2. Comments on threads should be relevant to the topic of the thread to a reasonable degree. One or two off topic remarks is just the flow of normal conversation. Two users arguing about something tangentially related to the OP or a comment is normal, while multiple posts in a conductive thread trying to push a completely different issue that has nothing to do with the topic at all is not.
3. "off topic" should be defined as any thread that has absolutely nothing to do with politics, world news, society in general, things directly relevant to Holla Forums (meta discussion) or current events. Most "off topic" threads are made in good faith; users asking everyone on Holla Forums how they feel about a certain topic. Examples are like "What does Holla Forums think about this band." "What guns does Holla Forums own?" "Is Holla Forums straight?" however, too many of these threads can clog up the board.
4. Users have the responsibility to self moderate. if you see a post that upsets you, think about whether or not it's a genuine retard or a troll before you reply. You're all internet veterans, you should know this.


the best way to counter the shilling we're under is to stop shitposting and be serious until they go away



Why has no one made an alternative board? If the shilling is so bad, why would such a board not fill instantly with the large majority of disgruntled posters?

anons and myself are more concerned with splintering Holla Forums and loosing ourselves to the wind.

wether that is a legitimate concern in the face of the weapons grade shilling we're under right now is another question

Where is the proof that all these guys are out to destroy us?

I suspect shilling paid for by the political elite is far more common and destructive.

I have. There is no interest in migrating to an alternate forum and any attempt to advertise this service is met with hostility and censorship.

I agree that private hands are in play, but the (slightly) more insidious threat is the government logging of specific individuals who access this board.

Most shilling is private, but the low-key dissemination of compromised files and URLs that track the user is what I am most concerned about.

the thing is, and im only speaking for myself, how do i know that the forum im switching to isnt controlled as well?

how do i know that you are acting in good faith, wanting to provide an alternative place for anons to discuss politics and not making a data mining honey pot? or paid by the Alphabet agencies to shill for a site that is only meant to split us up?

uncertain times for Holla Forums

Truth. Any migration talk is cut down hard, and we all know imkampfy is the one who's in on it.

Plus, it would put us at a severe disadvantage as we tried to re-gather our personnel under a new banner. Then after the initial chaos of everyone coming back into contact with one another, the shills would just follow us.

All in all, it's coming to a head soon. We make our stand here, and on many other places on the internet.

No one will migrate because we are paranoid as fuck and any attempt to create a better place is labelled as a D&C attack, even though this place is already a honeypot that each day looks more and more like cuckchan controlled opposition.


see pic (until it's removed or this thread gets slid)

This is what is needed for any Holla Forums board on all imageboards. Any board that doesn't have something like this should be avoided.

if they manage to put a bullet in the God Emperor before he ascends his throne, there is no reason for Holla Forums to exist anymore.

ya i know. i never said it wasnt, but at least we're all here and we're all aware of the consequences. so if its already a honeypot, but we're already all here, why move to another one and become disorganized and loose anons in the transfer to another datamining honeypot?

what forces shills to abide by that tho? its nice to have that as official policy, but what does it really do?

It doesn't do shit, anyone can see that.

can't we just switch boards?
mass exodus to a new board, c'mon not all that hard.

read the thread faggot


thats what my first thought was as well, but im trying to be courteous to posters i assume to be
1) not shills
2) not acting like faggots

m8 I know a perfect place where we can easily change the user base, however some anons wont like it because it's not a Chan site

We can't get them to stop outside letting them investigate enough to find out that they are impotent to stop the Uncuckening, so that their best option becomes to join in on the party?

Go away trs.

That's the correct term you're suppose to be flying around

First it's nice to know that the imageboard service has an official stance on things of this matter.

And if there was any evidence of paid shilling, data-mining or the like, it could be swiftly rectified.

presumably mods correct.

well those mods will have to be vetted for non compromised. preferably non-circumcised, pictures of their noses on file, their genealogy done, etc. if we were to go to another site, it would have to be

explicitly for Holla Forums
mods and vols not shitskins or jewish.

They might come to shill. But they will leave shilling our memes. Kek wills it.

wicked fuckin ID

Wicked dubs. Kek graces us.

Landcrab nation problem.

Chose a flag where it's irrelevant next time.

There's only one administrator on the service that the agreement came from. But I get your point.


U.S. "Government" shitting on Americans. Is there anything new under the sun? Nah. Never.



What the fuck did that retard expect that little firecracker to even do?

Fuck off.

Would you rather shills?

If you're not a shill it doesn't effect you.

Seriously guys we need to drop the racist crap. We are playing into the left's hands with that. Instead we should be showing how the neoliberals are just an inverted version of the old right.

Nigger, they say the exact same thing about gun free zones. Fort Hood would like you to stop being retarded.

It's to create an official stance and provide ability to counter gov't use. You should only care if it affects you, which if your not a shill, it doesn't.



A lot of the stuff you're describing could simply be explained away as summerfaggotry. Last June we had a sudden influx of idiots and just this past week the same thing happened….


Just spread more #WhiteGenocide awareness! You can't lose!