What is the oldest project that you continued...

What is the oldest project that you continued? I mean as an example if you started something three years ago and a few months ago you continued on that code instead of rewriting it.

I have a big ass project which I haven't worked on in almost a year, has a lot of useful stuff but I forgot how everything works, even if yes there are comments and it's readable. Still takes a lot of time to know how it works.

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Nothing. Maybe my shell scripts, but that's hardly a project. I finish my real projects too fast (maybe because I don't find anything hard AND interesting to do).

Continued as in with a pause? I have one project that goes on for two years now, work on it every now and then and it was never entirely rewritten. Then i had my first real php project that i revisited a few months later and rewrote it entirely in node.js.

I choose cancer instead of AIDS

At least javascript was designed from the start to be a programming language.

Buddy im doing all i can to recover from my webdev taint

get gud

Whats a good programming language for webdev?

According to Holla Forums, assembly.

Were you not here during the imageboard software wars?

I started continuing an assembler I wrote in assembly in 1996 a year ago but it got too cringey reading all the sillyness I used to fill code with so I quit.

it doesn't exist

Not much, tbhq. Maybe right now I'm considering picking up a game engine project again after a few months, but the only I've ever picked back up was a script I used to provide functions and an environment for scripts that build software from source, which I used to make my own distro.
I left it for about a year and recently repurposed it as a distribution-independent package builder, implemented some kind of USE flags and a few wrappers to build xbps, pacman and pkgtools packages (without dependency and most kind of info an actual good package would have, but it serves fine for local installation when the distro doesn't have the software in their repos). I use it as I dislike the complexity of the package build scripts for a lot of distros, and would like my own simple scripts.
However, I learned that for convenience, a lot of the complexities of the existing build scripts for most distros are pretty much necessary: gentoo ebuild need to support all the USE flags and architectures gracefully, xbps needs to be able to cross-compile neatly, and now mine has to be able to support multiple distros, with different libraries and directory structures.

PHP is acceptable too.

How about a webdev language where people wont complain about it being slow.

Super Smash Ponies

How does it feel to know that even php + zend out-does Node.js in all benchmarks?

I tend to blame not the laguage but the actual webevs that makes a 1mb cute button with all the animation. If you want speed the magic trick is to optimise your shit so that a thinkpad t60 won't lag on it.

Javascript motherfucker, embrace the suck. It's all we got right now. Also Go beats node if nothing else

A Public Access (Unix) Network-- started organization in late 1990, got the people and hardware together in 1991, Internet connection through the local University in April 1991. It's still running today: apana.org.au/ (Although in a world of consumer Broadband, it's just a few (~50) keeping it going for ourselves-- hey, 34 Class-C networks to play with.

Perl, running in taint mode. But you have to do all the sanity checking yourself. It's just there to remind you.
Anyway that's how I always did my web stuff.

Neither PHP or Node.js are very slow, PHP is the established standard. Almost everything big runs on PHP and some large websites are now running Node.js (PayPal, Ebay in parts). Everything else is a fringe language for server side website programming.

The frontend lag has nothing to do with the server side language being slow you mongoloid

Is there any alternative to PHP if I recognise that it's actually quite practical for its intended use but I still can't bear using it because it drives my autism utterly apeshit?

Tell me more.

sdf.org is my Public Access UNIX System of choice

I unhide ONE of your posts and immediately get cancer. How is this possible?

I gave you a high quality post. If you don't like Robotech and anime, if you want to call your visit to a long running Public Access UNIX System you getting cancer from a single visit, you really don't belong here. Go back to whatever sterile hellhole you came from where anons are allowed no fun. Don't bring your "anime is the cancer killing Holla Forums" shit to this board after you shut it down on Holla Forums or whatever, imageboards were born to host smug anime faces, get over it.

I programmed a random anime selector in C four years ago that parsed a text file and told me what to watch.

Last week I just deleted it and made an excel spreadsheet that did the same fucking thing.

not really.
Maybe Python+Flask or Python+Django, but they could put you into configuration and deploying hell.

That said, if you want to get shit done you should really focus on overcoming autism first.

Pic related
I do like anime and you can't assume I don't.
And you are posting on a technology board. Not an argument.

If you really want to be accepted in this board remove that fucking name and stop posting retarded Neanderthal sand drawing images. This board hates namefags and you are both a namefag AND autistic.

Don't even bother talking to him user hes a huge sperge. Also namefags are cancer in general.

Before I even posted the link to my favorite Public Access UNIX System I had some hesitation, "should I really give these cancerous faggots something good and risk them ruining it?" Against my better judgement I decided to share something good.

Opinion discarded

Its been my experience that anti-namefags are the real autists and spergs. I'm using a feature of the website while not breaking any rules. If I posted something that you didn't like, does that mean that I can't make good posts on other topics elsewhere? You do realize that the majority of the anos on this board are saying "thanks bro" in one thread and "holy shit, you are a tremendous faggot" to the exact same person in the next thread? Do you realize that of the some 300 unique IPs on this board, a fair amount are samefags on a VPN? How big do you think this place is? Do you know where you are? So, if you think about it, what difference does it make? You can't deal with being reminded of a disagreement from a month ago? Are your emotions so raw that just seeing a name makes you seeth with rage? Well, that's also part of being a namefag, being the hero you deserve.

You're breaking a social norm which is just as bad. And you also stated the beauty of anonymity on imageboards: that you can get along with someone you don't like when you find common ground. Also I've never seen you not act like a retard. Which is usually indicative of namefags because all they want is attention. which is what I'm giving you. I will stop now.

A social norm of whose? Astroturfers from Reddit? I think so.

I've never read a post of your that I liked either, so we are even. ;)

Agreed, enough derailing. You spergs are the derailers, I'm just going to ignore you from here on out.


3 years ago I started a game dev project but kept trying to improve everything about it until it was this huge bloated mess of unfinished code and concepts and art. I was trying to do the whole thing myself, code, art, design. Picked it up again last month and got a few other randoms to join in.

Almost anything I want to do that's interesting is also hard. They come bundled together user.

The interacial stuff was a false flag, I deny all responsability. The user responsible shat on /k/ for being idiots but he eventually got bored. I still post on there every few days just to say hello, but the quality is soooo bad there that I may stop gracing them with my presence altogether. The board is pretty much dead, and Holla Forums is sucking wind too. I think the 300+ unique IPs is a lie, the activity doesn't support that. I actually got a lot done this last weekend by disregarding this site completely. I downloaded a bunch of prints for the AKM, fun stuff like that. I've never seen anything like that out of /k/, and MurderCube is good, but there is no active maintainer for new content, just like the Gentooman Library.

Ooh, your majesty, please do no such thing! We would be deprived of quality if not for your excellence!
Seriously, go fuck yourself.

Nigger, what the fuck is wrong with you.

wow you're right. Maybe you should leave.

this is a very annoyingly persistent theme at 8ch. people go on about SJW in an anti-SJW way to an excessive extent.

holy god, i just wanted to read about technology, not arguments between hillbillies and californians

nothing can really be separated from politics

you need to read SJW sources like r/programming as well as anti-SJW sources like Holla Forums to get a balanced view.

/k/ being shit is not my problem, and if you fags really want to drive out quality posters then enjoy your hellhole I guess. I'll drop by just to laugh at you when it suits me.

/k/ in the current year is literally nofunz Holla Forumsirigins spouting off about how the M16 is better than the AK47 because their daddy said so. Its a wasteland of monkeys flinging shit at eachother. Its so bad, I went to a random gun forum that has had zero traffic for the last eight years and said, wow! look at the quality! annd proceeded to read for a few hours. Try that on 8ch /k/ and tell me that you wouldn't want to blow your brains out.

tl;dr 8ch /k/ a shit

shut the fuck up namefag. This board is Holla Forums, not /hugbox/. Go whine somewhere else.

Nobody asked you. Why don't you go back to 4chan?

Shut the fuck up namefag.