Dysnomia you fucking FAGGOT

If you don't fucking ban all the fucking 4cucks right now I swear I will report this board to the FB FUCKING I. Fuck you, fucking gay nigger. You are the worst admin to ever exist.


Anyone that makes sodomites like you rage over nothing is a good mod.
Dysnomia for best mod ever.

Cry more, it literally takes a second to scroll past whatever triggered you.


Hide it. I won't usurp content on the board to satiate a single autist.

I swear to god I'll do it

Do it I dare ya

Except when one autist posts CP then that means all pedos need to be banned right?

Cry more kidfucker.

Yes. Because they do it every single time they're given a chance, on every site they browse.

4chan still gets spammed with CP to this day and they haven't allowed pedos for years.
I saw some autist posting cp on 8chans Holla Forums the other day for no fucking reason.

I don't really care either way since those pedos threads are always shit and full of tripfags but it just seems like a horrible way to moderate.

mod me

I'm already ahead of you. I already reported Holla Forums to the FBI. As we post, they are raiding 8ch.pl, since it's the first Google result for Holla Forums


-the retarded mod who disabled IDs

a handful of penises is worth a skunk in the butt

I honestly fucking hate ids, they don't raise the level of conversation at all.

they allow the filtering of gay furfags like
and shills


I always see more shill-calling where there's IDs and while I realize that is because more anonymity makes calling them out more difficult, I'd still rather have the snarkiest user prevail instead of scrolling past endless shill-calling spam.

they allow control over the userbase. that, doctor, is what counts. filtering is for the weak and the homosexual. what we here at Goldwater.com strive for is a world where everyone agrees with me. the rest we will silence. nothing will stand in our way to the recycling plant of history. top men are we!

All of these get it. Filtering people on an ib missses the fucking point. And I will admit if I want to annoy people on a board with ids, enough replies of filtered? I'll just change my ip and come back and post something in about 30 seconds. Id's are shit,I've never liked them. Either learn to scroll by shit you don't like or leave ibs entirely.

Nigger what? People are more likely to call you a shill with IDs when someone is new to the conversation because of the (1) meme.

Fuck off schlomo I know you're one person

You know if you got your wish you'd only regret it because then you'd realize everyone here hates you for being such a thin skinned faggot who can't handle dissenting opinions.
But you know theres still hope for you, theres a whole board on this site just full of thin skinned faggots who can't handle dissenting opinions. You'd fit right in, or well you'd better or you'll get banned immediately.
>>>Holla Forums

We'll obviously have this guy to deal with, but he's still better than the constantly derailing post history investigation shill wars.

This. Fucking retarded nazis shitting up my board.

MFW Holla Forums and the likes are the reason Trump cant win, also generally any form of relatable opposition can be rated as a bunch of paranoid conspiracy cucks who stick with retarded theories. Clinton dying of cough for example.

Theyre falling into same cuck-trap as GG did. They concentrate on small, unimportant things like ((((her last name is berrrggg)))) and believe any story, no matter how far-fetched as long as it goes with their narrative. Lack of perspective and hugboxing ruined Holla Forums, it used to be good really.

I think trump still has a real chance today but I'm not expecting a win. However I agree with the second point, Holla Forums has long left any sort of sanity far behind, and will easily swallow itself whole. It's sad before the whole Holla Forums harbour thing on 4chan 8/pol/ was such a good board. Now with the moderators and user base it has its become an echo chamber for poorly thought out ideas, and lots and lots of fucking virtue signaling. Too bad really.

where's her cunt?

if you want a free nigger, go out and vote trump now, before they all escape.

catch HIV and die, you cumguzzling faggot.

this is the board you chose