When did the current year become a jew?
i'd appreciate a wall any time if it'd help containing ameriturds in their shithole so they'd stop fucking up global politics with their stupid shit
just keep going and you'll be too fat and poor to be able to afford transporting your lard asses on sea or air
pick one you jealous cunt
you already prove to be capable of both shoving cheap industry shit down your greedy throats
if they have the money for that they're not really poor though
how many olympic medals does your country have.
t. america
that's a murritard right there, kek
stay mad, fat fuck
did you know that poor americans have bigger houses than "nonpoor" europoors? lol i can't even fit their bathrooms.
whoever said it made you wealthy, gyropoor?
if you can afford to eat at all you're not that poor
shows how worthless your constructions and land is
yeah, because we're not fucking communists redistributing our wealth in most cases
shows how shit the government has become here
how will america ever recover?
kek you just lost
you're even contradicting yourself in the same fucking comment, kek
stay mad, fat fuck
I'll contemplate that while I'm in my shower, which I can stretch my arms out in and not touch any of the walls. You can think about it while you're taking a shit in room smaller than my walk-in closet.
top kek
how many patents did your country get last year?
answer: less than america
how much value did your country bring in from cultural exports last year?
answer: less than america
I happen to live on the east coast in a pretty nice house that's 200 years old. 2.6k square feet, 1 acre of land and right on the beach. Pretty nice. FYI no-one lives in tornado alley.
6' 150lbs, it's custom built because I'm tall. Think of me next time you bang your elbows while your lathering yourself up though.
how many deaths related to obesity did my country have in the last decade?
answer: less than america just today
hurr durr i'm europoor good thing we have progressive income taxes
at least i'm not paying for it because we don't have socialized healthcare. let the cream rise to the crop and let the poor die.
my sides transcended into heaven
jesus christ i'm dying, murritards are fucking lolcows
So I can, you know, stand under the faucet without bending over.
think about how funny it is the next time you don't have any guns or any rights. or the next time you're sucking on achmed's dick.
i'm laughing so hard right now it actually starts hurting
I don't know that feel, europoor.
step it up faggot i can imply all day
(((who))) could want all these people distracted and arguing?
When did the mid 2000's come back? First boxxy and other shit memes, now this.
nobody but your fat craving cheap shitskinned population is to blame on this
you went into damage control from the moment you realized ur country sucks.
Excellent job, outing yourself, Shlomo Weinstein. Kikes really are the easiest things to spot.
What's wrong with being an antisemite?
your larping and eating up words like retards show where you really stand
you lavish in cheap crap food, become disgusting fat fuck after already being a disgusting all europe mixture of races of low IQ uncultured jew-cucks
and then have the nerves to salute our Führer
fucking kill yourself if you want to help the aryan cause you degenerate shitskin zionist shill
How did the French get the reputation as the anti-American ones exactly? I've been back twice and still haven't had a bad experience with frogs. They're actually pretty nice.
Wow, D&C shills are going all-out! The panic must really have set in.
I really don't know. Aside from one time where I went to Paris I've had good experiences in France. Only European country I liked more was Ireland.
those "shitskins", a term an ameriturd can only self ironically utter, are better and more genuine nationalists that can be negotiated with than you deformed mixed breeded israel cucked retards that can't look beyond superficial rhetorik
you've been on (((their))) side then, you're still eating (((their))) shit now
they let you play and pretend to be edgy "nazis", playing a double game:
smearing us germans, get associated with you fucking retards and play you out against the Muslims, the ideological natural ally against Zionism and Jewery
I'm not a nazi you dumb kraut. Anyone who unironically calls themself a nazi should have the shit slapped out of them.
I bet you actually think that vegan autist who was friends with an open fag had the right idea.
(((who))) do you think has an interest in fighting the "Islamic State" the US has no control over after it emerged from Al Qaida but cut ties with and is now in opposition to it?
(((whom))) does Trumps anti ISIS rhetorik benefit the most? "america"?
considering who owns it, probably yes. well, be a good goy and don't question Trump, he's "the man" after all that goes against everything. except (((them))).
Get out of my country and go live with the amerifats if you like shitskins so much, disgusting animal.
Jesus even German nationalists are cucked now.
Als nächstes willst du mir erzählen, Jiddisch wäre ein deutscher Dialekt
oy vey
You speak with the tang of a slav… i can feel your subhuman tongue poisoning the air… stop projecting your sadness and commit suicide, romanion.
yeah, it's the Muslims that are the problem
This is why I like Russia tbh.
Eastern Europeans are generally much friendlier than (((western europeans))) Especially if you speak Russian or whatever slavic language they speak there. (I found you'll do fine with just Russian though) I'll have to give France a try but I don't really want to catch syphilis there.
And they stopped arguing. Good win for merica bro
i'd just had repeated my point about his lard ass getting stuck on the faucet, dipshit
Fuck off Abdul.
You just compared poor US with poor Europoors you dumbass.
good goy, how many shekels are you trying to milk out of this thread, JIDF?
What? Who?
Nothing in my post says a word about Israel or your shitty meme candidate.
Seriously don't even bother. He's German and a Nazi LARPer so he's autistic as fuck. Win or lose he will keep replying as long as you do.
of course it doesn't, you're still trying to cover up by smearing Islam as a distraction and derail the topic, your jewboy candidate for the (((alt right))) scapegoating for (((you))) against ISIS, Schlomo Finkelberg
kek, either way you're sticking it in the mud
keep LARPing, (((alt-right))) murritard shitskin
Since this thread got ruined by the kraut can we make it a travel thread? I'm going to Ireland for the first time and want to know peoples opinions on it.
so did the Arabs
and so did, and still do, the (((americans)))
Jesus christ you stormy bois are delusional. Is h3h3 in on this whole thing to??
He wouldn't be defending muslims if he wasn't fishing for replies.
i am GERMAN you stupid cunt
stormfags are (((american))) LARPers that have no idea about NS
their antisemitism is thrown over board as soon as they started shilling for Trump
do you know how to read a fucking table you retard? the only one separated by class is the us, the poor for the us is higher than average europoors.
is that you fam?