I'm moving to Nippon if Donald Trump doesn't get elected

I'm moving to Nippon if Donald Trump doesn't get elected.


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M.. me too. I can do it.

Aho hol' up

You guys are no better than niggers moving to Europe.

Uh, we're not niggers, buddy. That automatically makes us better than them.

Niggers are only bad for trying to fuck up our culture instead of integrating themselves into our society.

Wew laddy. Nips usually have shit english/don't speak english. If you're seriously going to flee there you already need to speak Japanese. You're also never going to get laid there, the only jap girls really open to racemixing are rich ones and since you're most likely poor the only way you're getting laid is if you're handsome and have that American bravado.

Is this you?

No, is me.

My friend says he'll hang himself if Trump loses. I'll be moving to Canada.

Just don't be surprised when (US) Civil War II turns into WWIII and you get bombed anyhow.