Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
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It's great, but it feels unfinished on some parts
dogshit, but i find the effort and scope highly commendable.
It's the best mod for Skyrim, but cut content really hurt the game
Better than Skyrim by a long shot, the main story is nothing special but so much content and landscape is handcrafted it really show the love they had for this project.
>>637588607The High Ones "plan" was full retard but it worked because the plot required it to.
>>637588607Cool cityBut I dropped it because it's not TES
>>637588607It's kinda not great, but don't tell Holla Forums I said that; it's horrible peak German autism with a boring world, zero simulation elements and magic system that somehow manages to be worse than vanilla Elder Scrolls. It is desperately trying to be Gothic, and at that point go play fucking Gothic. Main companions are irritable and too OC donutsteel, main quest is Mass Effect, and the freedom of roleplay from TES is absent.
>>637589905How can you not love the story in Enderal?
>>637590615not everyone is a german autist huffing his own farts
>>637590585>the freedom of roleplay from TES is absent.the what now?
It's like skyrim but bad
>>637591708he probably meant the freedom of being jack of all trades, instead of a realistic and focused rpg character
>Enderal thread again>same schizo is posting about Mass Effect >again
>>637591867you mean like you actually have to play a very amorphous class of rogue/mage/warrior instead of being all 3 at the same time, with the combat that is actually slightly challenging compared to skyrim's faceroll to boot?that a bad thing how?
>>637591926nta, but he's not wrongit's basically Mass Effect 3 in fantasy land
>>637590294Elaborate? If they are expert manipulators and can make people see visions, can create antagonism that create security in ones goal then I don't see how their plan is flawed?
>>637592385>being this newshiggy diggy
>>637588607great rpg with a terrible story and ending. the high ones plan only worked because the story had to have it work and it felt so contrived
Incredible, absolutely an adventure worth going on.
good world and sidequestsnot good main quest
>>637592386If they can make the Fleshless clones of people anywhere in the world, that implies they can easily manipulate the physical world.Why do they then need the Fleshless and the overly elaborate plan that has many faults that can lead to failure and not build and activate the machine themselves?The whole plot falls apart if you actually start using your neurons.
>>637588607Better than Skyrim in pretty much every way. Where it's not better they equal each other.>StoryPeople will shit on it because it gets a little anime pseud in places, but at least it has a plot that is supposed to have themes and twists and shit. Yeah, I understand wanting to reject it because it trying to be high school teenager philosophical can grate a little, but that's better than Skyrim's "Herp derp I do what I'm told" meaningless bullshit story.>GameplayPretty much impossible to salvage Skyrim's core gameplay.>MechanicsMechanically it's a lot better. Not perfect, but better. Magic is actually useful and has utility instead of being a more oblique and pain in the ass way of being a worse character than Grug with Club. The memory system is good, it actually supports roleplaying and the fact that you can find memories while exploring incentivizes looking around.>ExplorationThere are far fewer bullshit retarded dungeons. The dungeons are generally superior and have more thought put behind them, and every dungeon has at least something going on beyond being a generic draugr cave. The main benefit here is that every dungeon at least has some kind of deal to it, so there aren't a bunch of completely shitty generic ones for radiant quests like in Skyrim.>CitiesLess is more. I'd rather have one nice city than 5 mediocre ones any day of the week.My only real complaint is that the "tutorial" part of the game is needlessly fucking long and a major pain in the ass. If you're doing a repeat playthrough or a new player checking it out there's a strong chance you'll get bored of the noob zone and quit before you get to the actual good part where the world really opens up.
>>637592856>My only real complaint is that the "tutorial" part of the game is needlessly fucking long and a major pain in the ass. If you're doing a repeat playthrough or a new player checking it out there's a strong chance you'll get bored of the noob zone and quit before you get to the actual good part where the world really opens up.A thousand times this. First couple of times I played I didn't get too far, barely made it to the village on the Sun coast (can't remember name) but the 3rd time I played and pushed on, made it to Ark and glad I gave it that extra push because from there on out it was a great experience overall. I know "it gets good eventually" is a meme but in this case it really is true, and I'd highly stress that to any Anons wanting to play this game.
>>637592852Why would the ability to create fleshless mean they can build the machine themselves?It's like saying because you can throw lightning from your hands in skyrims combat you should therefor be able to cast lightning from any point in the universe.And explain these faults in detail.
>>637592852>If they can make the Fleshless clones of people anywhere in the world, that implies they can easily manipulate the physical world.It's not implies that. This is just your headcanon. This is why they need Red Madness.
>>637592856>it gets a little anime pseud>>637592856>it trying to be high school teenager philosophicalwhat exactly are you referring to by these, user?
>>637592856>People will shit on it because it gets a little anime pseud in places>Yeah, I understand wanting to reject it because it trying to be high school teenager philosophical can grate a littleAre you talking about Jespar's takes? They do have a meaning in their world while sound fedorish for player. Religion is bid deal for them because of Light-Borns and events from Nehrim.
>>637593989also because it was written by germans, you can tell someone there was very butthurt/opinionated about the whole islamism deal in germany an wanted to make a statementbut that's just political soapboxing but from a different non-amerimutt-sjw perspective, nothing anime-high schoolish about this
>>637593404>>637593545>implying building a machine is more difficult than creating superhuman copies of deceased humans across the world and brainwashing them into doing your bidding and also causing a worldwide mental illness that also works to your advantageDamn, you germans are dumb as fuck.We're done here, I can't be bothered to explain things to brainlets, it's a waste of my time.
>>637593739>What even is reality anyway?That's the main conceit of the story and several of the plotlines. The theme of the game can be summed up with that phrase, and it's the core of a lot of the questlines, IE the fact the player is a magical construct of a dead man that is so correct and precise that he's indistinguishable from the real deal, the Rhallata questline with father and escaping reality, the dreamflower questline, etc.The main thematic conceit of the game is the subjectivity of reality. If you find that to be kind of passe and "baby's first big question" then the story is going to seem kind of gay. Not to mention the meta level that the game world is a video game as well, which also poses the question about why you would even care about anything when none of it's real. If you find "le self aware video game world" to be kind of a reddit concept, then that will annoy you as well.Even people with the red madness are noted for their perception that nothing is real anymore.Personally I liked it, but I can see why someone wouldn't. When you make a question like that the main thematic crux of the game people are going to judge you based on their perception of what worth that theme has, and that question in particular is well-within Teenaged Angst 101.
>>637594337So what, you're just gonna keep going on like "why didn't the eagles just fly the hobbits to mordor" but for the magic of the world?Yes, clearly the machine is out of their reach but the fleshless are not.
>>637594948>Yes, clearly the machine is out of their reach but the fleshless are not.Why?Why is working some metal and wood into shape harder than creating copies of people out of nothing, implanting them with visions so that they do what you want them to, which is build the machine and activate it? And then causing mass psychosis among people to start a civil war to cause further chaos?Why even invent the whole scheme about the plot of the chosen ones and saving the world when you could've created fleshless cultists to build the machine in secret for you? Or just straight up build it yourself?It all falls apart and the answer is simple: because the shitty plot needed to happen.They could've written something better but they didn't, end of story. Stop defending lazy writing.
>>637594337>missing entire point this hardWhat are you talking about? If anything game shows you that The High Ones are not almighty and barely can interact with physical world. The player is the only one current "Fleshless" with all powers. The main tool. Non of their other pawns have such abilities. They just have same self-rightrous obsession similar to Red Madness symptoms. And (You) the player wasn't even supposed to be the one. The veiled woman did make it happen. Nothing in the game indicates:>If they can make the Fleshless clones of people anywhere in the world, that implies they can easily manipulate the physical world.
>>637595821>*speedreads everything*>*makes up headcanon*>lazy writing did this!Did you read plot on wikipedia or something?
>>637596110>The player is the only one current "Fleshless" with all powers.> And (You) the player wasn't even supposed to be the one. The veiled woman did make it happen. Nothing in the game indicates:>If they can make the Fleshless clones of people anywhere in the world, that implies they can easily manipulate the physical world.Wrong, wrong, wrong as fuck.The game tells you you're one of the Fleshless (the Prophet) and Taelor is another one (Emperor) and Taranor is the third (Messiah).Here's from the devs own wiki, which is exactly what the game also tells you:>The Emissaries or The Fleshless are human-like beings created by the High Ones. They are a vital part of the High Ones' plans, as it is their actions that eventually lead to The Cleansing.>An emissary is created when a human dies without fulfilling one of their strongest desires. At their death, the High Ones can choose to create an Emissary based on that person. Note that the person is not revived, the newly-created emissary is a completely separate being.
>>637596921Re-play game. You, the player is the only one Fleshless with special powers. Your special powers are the key for entire plot of Enderal. Other Emissaries are same tools without special powers. You don't see any other full powered Fleshless (besides Old Man) in the game. (You) weren't supposed to become Fleshless at all.
>>637597669>(You) weren't supposed to become Fleshless at all.Yes, it happened because the Veiled Woman interfered and got you killed, but it was the High Ones that made you into Fleshless anyway because the Veiled Woman's meddling made you a suitable candidate at the time.They also made Taranor and Tealor copies out of nothing as well.This means High Ones can manipulate the physical world and your "they barely have any power" argument is moot.
>>637588607story is really not great, even painful at pointsbut overall i actually really enjoyed it
>>637597669And I should add another thingYou often see some posters/shitposters mentioning Mass Effect plot. The reality is that both games were inspired by Arthur Clarke and maybe Greg Egan. Another game was inspired by those writers. Japanese game. On DS. Infinite Space. The High Ones from Enderal are Overlords from Infinite Space 1:1 because of inspiration. Basically all spoilers from Infinite Space>Overlords are Type 4 civilization that exist beyond our reality>because they can't really interact with our world directly they do some similar to The High Ones tricks and advance humanity to space exploration >they use their Observers (Emissaries) and Trackers (Observers monitors) to manipulate humanity>through Jump Gates (Interface) they can observe our universe and collect the data from Emissaries/Trackers >their end goal is to cause Big Bang to create more universes for unknow purpose>they do this by manipulating Observers to search some fancy artifacts
>>637599108>when plain fail Overlords, press red button and unleash swarm drones (star and planet eaters) though First Jump Gates (powered by Dyson Sphere made out of our Sun) to delete everything >when you destroy Dyson Sphere you cut off Overlords from observing our universe That's it. This is your Enderal. Just read some SF instead of Mass Effect shit.
>>637599108we already knew Mass Effect and Enderal had shitty writing based on someone else's workwhat else is new?
The Rhalata questline was absolutely kino
>>637598325>This means High Ones can manipulate the physical world and your "they barely have any power" argument is moot.No bro. You don't understand how it works. Nothing in game indicates that they can make more than one powerful Fleshless per circle. But a lot thigs in game indicates limitation of High Ones.You need to understand how their Emissaries work. This is not mind control. It's tied to Red Madness. The Emissaries are dream version of originals. The perfect self-inserts. They can't do shit on their own, they only act based on their self-righteousness, their dreams.
>>637599796The ascendance was a lot similar to a failed device activation and from what we know about the ascendance all personality is basically gone as the new creation becomes a high one.Father had all this lichhood bullshit and in the end they faced identity death to become a smaller and probably much more pitiful version of a high one.That's funny to me.
>>637599762>Enderal had shitty writing based on someone else's workIt's not shitty writing, just lack of reading comprehension skills on your side. Don't worry it's pretty common especially in /lit/.
>>637600148so, let me get this straight:they can create one powerful Fleshless (you) out of nothing, because your original body is deadthey can create regular Fleshless like Tealor and Taranor, also out of nothingthey can cause worldwide mass psychosis like the Red Madnessbut they can't build a machine a few meters tall?okay, broif you don't realize how stupid this sounds, I got some bad news for you
>>637600369there's no need to be upset, my SureAI intern friendI'm sure your next game won't have such shitty writing
>>637600506>but they can't build a machine a few meters tall?Yeah. They don't really physically exist on your "plane". Watch last quest where you need to summon the memory of the High One just to reach him. Think about PC servers or something. Those 3 Emissaries are limit of their powers in context of game. And the still don't really have direct control over them.
>>637601140explain why it's easier for them to create 3 full copies of humans out of thin air than make a machine that medieval level technology culture can makeI'll wait
>>637599108Everyone of those plots was inspired by something else until you get back to Hinduism
>>637601346>Hinduismyou mean Atlantis
>>637590615The story is literally "Mass Effect at home" tier.
>>637601330it's literally explained in gamei honestly thought the game was gonna be shit because of what people said and was honestly surprised about how high effort it was but it was also a pretty simple concept to understand
>>637601568okay, so you don't want to actually answer the questiongot it
What was his problem?
>>637588607It's good but I'm not a magefag but it feels wrong to not use magic because it's basically making you use magic anyway so eehhhhm
>>637601782He refused to have sex
>>637601782an incel equating transactions to loveif you think love if someone wanting to fuck you because you're wealthy or good looking then you're too emotionally immature for true love
>>637601883being a magiclet in fantasy is like being a nigger in a developed countryyou're a second class citizen at best
>>637602036>>637602152Yes I generally don't like fantasy settings where everyone could be a mage. It's stupid for there to even be pure warriors but that's what I want to be. So fuck TES, fuck Enderal and fuck NIGGERS.
I've only ever played until I got to the big city. Want to replay it, but it had>lots of crashes>very flakey performance>way too much grass
>>637601330Play the game. And read "Fleshless" quest.Also google translate word "Fleshless". Check dictonary.Also read how magic works in the world of Enderal.Another hint: in game you can meet cannibal schizo. He has special dialogue before fight.
>>637602368>where everyone could be a magebut they can'tonly (you) can because (you)'re the Chosen Oneā¢
>>637602415I accept your concession.Better luck next time, champ.
>>637602415>Also google translate word "Fleshless". Check dictonary.Not the op, but can you do that for me? I don't speak nazi and i dont want to bother
>>637602368The TES games just fail to show how difficult it is to learn magic. It's like actual rocket science
>>637602920>The TES games just fail to show how difficult it is to learn magic. It's like actual rocket science> fail to show how difficult it is to learn magicName one (1) video gayme that doesn't fail at that
>>637603159Gothic as pure mage
>>637588607better than skyrim.Play it right now.
>>637603298>better than skyrimthat's not a high bar
>>637602760You're projection. (You) don't have flesh. (You)'re immortal ghost with physical colliders turned on and transparency turned off.
>>637603425So, in your mind it's easier to create an immortal projection of a human that can interact with the world the same way a normal human can than creating a machine that is a projection that can do what a regular machine could. Sounds plausible.
>>637601565ME didn't have the switchers present in Enderal the part where the hubris riddled hero tries to stop them by building a weapon which only initiates their demise and the prophecy is self fulfilling. ME is just a straight invasion story. You could argue the citadel does this but it is not the same. I really like this element of Enderals story.
>>637601565with the exception that the ending has a payoff
>>637603721Machine isn't alive so yeah I guess. Everything about High Ones is related to humans or animals. They're like collective unconscious type of evil from sf/fantasy. Plus you need Black Stones and only 3 exist per circle as you can see. Black Stone can rise dead and warp reality. And you don't really build machine from 0. You're repairing the old one. You don't know how it was made.
I'm surprised to see a bunch of people talking about plot and whatnot.I want to know if/how I should play these alongside the main games. In other words: Morrowind->Arktwend->(modded) Oblivion->Nehrim->(modded) Skyrim->Enderal or (skip Arktwend)->Morrowind->Nehrim->(heavily modded) Oblivion->Enderal->(heavily modded) Skyrim or something else?
>>637601782He's literally me!
>>637593989>Are you talking about Jespar's takes? They do have a meaning in their world while sound fedorish for player.I actually really liked Jespar as a cahracter. Sure, some of his speeches (e.g. religion) were cringe, but others (about society and stupid people ruining everything) were not. Actually felt like a breath of fresh air in the sea of derivatives that are characters in contemporary AA/AAA video gamesdoes that make me a pseud?p.s. i'm straight btw
>>637601782not enough beatings to improve the morale
>>637605225Elder Scrolls is shit not worth playing them. Morrowind only wins on being the most overrated one. Arktwend is not canon anymore. Nehrim is half canon, but it's not as good as Enderal.
>>637605225Doesn't really matter. Play TES first.
>>637605541opinion discarded
>>637605225Enderal games are separate from the TES lore storywise so not sure why you would wanna play them in that order. I would treat all as separate games. Also Oblivion and Skyrim are largerly shit so I wouldn't bother with them, they are huge timesinks and there are better games in the genre anyway. Arktwend and Nehrim I have heard are also not very good but i haven't played them.Play Enderal or Morrowind (the latter with openmw and an ai texture upscaler/some grass mods). Play skyrim only if you've really enjoyed Enderal and wanted to play another similar but much worse game
>>637605447Is there a term like waifu but for a bro and strictly non sexual? Because that's how I felt about Jespar
This thread goes to show the absolute brainrot on Holla Forums. You have turbonerds making their SLURRRP greentext doomer posts, Holla Forumstier morons who think every character is supposed to be "right". And perhaps worst of all, you. yes (You)
>>637605949Dude that brainrot has been going on for decades now. If you're still complaining then you're the retard
>>637605858This is 100% facts
>>637605949there hasn't been a single greentext in this thread, user
>>637605949>And perhaps worst of all, you. yes (You)t.
>>637605697>>637605858I guess the distinction is whether a total conversion that is mechanically vanilla will feel like shit after playing the original game with mods. And whether the total conversions are better played back to back separate from the originals rather than in sequence for much the same reason - older engine feels like shit after the newer one.To be clear, I have played TES before. Oblivion unmodded at release in full, Skyrim unmodded at release until magic became non-functional, and a little Morrowind before I realized I would need some basic mods.
Enderal takes risks, it's what makes it endearing. The reason most AAA slop doesn't take risks is the very reactions in this thread by psueds who think anything trying is "cringe"
>>637606447I'm still baffled by how the mod devs managed to nonchalantly sneak in like 10 different bard songs in 3 different languages some of which are also sung by two different singers (male and female). I mean what other game would do that nowadays? also, the prophet's theme was kino, I just wish they used it more than on like two occasions of the final boss and Calia's rape scene
>>637607243forgot the hotlink
>>637607346>tfw The Winter Sky
This is pretty much the only RPG I know where you can actually have a tomboy paladin GF. It's honestly the only reason worth playing it once.
>>637607516\>calia red.jpgOkay, you've got my attentionDo sex mods work with enderal?
>>637590585Elder scrolls has had no roleplay elements since morrowind.
>>637607616Sexlab does with some headache involved, if I recall. But Calia is not for lewd user.You get to romantically pop her cherry at the end of her romance.