Play Hrot

Play Hrot.

Attached: Hrot.webm (1280x720, 3.89M)

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Leftie DUSK ripoff

That's crazy

looks like every other 'boomer shooter' but with a shade of brown

>Play shit quakefor what purpose?

No, I hate boomer shooters.

>touted as "romeric shooter"Plays like Halflife 1 with standard guns.

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>>637560971how does the game look without the colorblind filter

>>637561121And most of those are good.

>>637561456>filterIt's a game made on a custom 3D engine written in Pascal. It likely simply has a 256 color palette and it uses 256 shades of brown.

>>637560971it got out of early access like a day ago. is it worth it?? I played the demo....but it didn't blow me away.


>>637561759Passion project, I guess?

>>637561759Eastern eu actually looks like this bro

>>637560971More brown than quake. I'll just go play dusk again

>>637560971>a completely impactless shotgun>it's just reskinned and worse Duskno thanks

>>637560971>another "le retro boomer shooter"yawn

>>637560971Looks so fucking bland, like someone's first project in Unity. The way the enemies move and attack you looks silly

>>637560971Too much jumping

>>637560971>kill the penultimate boss by making it trip on stairsI admit it was fucking funny

>>637561029it does look a lot like DUSK but this is not a bad thing, all these games draw inspiration from one another but do different things differently/better

>>637561029>Game criticizing communism>leftie.... what?

>>637560971Literally just finished it.The last episode is a fucking ride, I died on the final boss because of how fucking hard I was laughing.I still feel like I'm missing something. For one, I would really like to fucking know what is the significance of the fucking Newt rave. I know this guy does not do things randomly, but that is a joke or reference I just could not get.Also, has anyone figured out what the fuck is up with the silver key door in the epilogue?>>637561759>whyThe game has a very specific theme and tone, which is rooted in post-socialist pseudo-nostalgia. Everything about the game is deliberately muted.Basically, it is how people born close, but not directly in the regime felt about it.

it's out of EA now?how good is it now?

>>637560971More like Poop ugly ass game made by pajeets


>>637562125not totally unheard ofeveryone hates commies

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>>637561029>Leftiewhat? how?

>>637562270I know the book, it's just the rave part that I don't fucking get.

>dusk but brown and slow

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>>637561029I just want DUSK2Or a game that is very close to it in level design, visual effects, and atmosphereIt's probably one of my favorite games in many years, I was very pleasantly surpirsed even though it was just modernized QuakeI love exploring weird shit in 3D space as well, whether it's a shooter or a walking simulator, and DUSK did really deliver on thatNothing other than Gloomwood seems to scratch that itch right now.

>>637562485DUSK had a sequelbait ending didn't it? I wonder if he will ever get around to it.

>>637562408that's very optimistic. compared to dusk the gunplay in hrot sucks ass cancer

>>637562219"EA" is just shareware for boomershooters, they release the games episodically, just like Doom was.So, the last episode was released 2 days ago, I guess the game's now.. complete?

>>637562485>>637562557Dusk was a passion project for Dave but he realized most of the ideas he had for it (except for craziest ones like fighting inside a tornado) and he didn't want to "force" a sequel, so he switched to 30-40 minute long meme games and contributing to Gloomwood.If he accumulates enough ideas, one day we might see a sequel. Just hope Weyte is still alive.

>>637562219>it's out of EA now?Yes, it came out yesterday.>how good is it now?As good as ever. The last episode is the most insane and most creative one so far, but if you have played or seen the earlier episodes, it's still at core the same thing. It's a decent shooter - nothing amazing but overal solid - with a completely unique and bizzare tone and sense of humor. Fantastic if you are on board with the tone, fairly average if you are not. More stuff brings some new gimmicks but again, the core remains the same through-out. It's fairly short too, each episode is like 2 hours long.

>>637560971Looks worse that Duke3D or quake, that's an achievement for 2023

well damn, I haven't played this since the first episode was finished and just like 1 or 2 levels of episode 2 were put out. I'll have to etch out some time this weekend to play the whole thing.

>>637560971A drunk russian with unreal engine can do

>>637563085Are you 12?

>>637560971>fast paced quake style gameplayIll pass shame because it looked interesting.

>>63756275830-40 horror games are most of his work. Before Dusk he was known for stuff like Fingerbones.

>>637560971nice bullet sponges, I will not play this shit

>>637561029>Fucked up soviet communist nation with monsters and poverty>leftie gameLmao

>>637564571Yeah, I know (thought I didn't play them yet). It really is fascinating. I actually passed on Dusk because the ads didn't appeal to me. They said it was like Quake (which I don't like that much) but with random humor.>you an smoke the cigar and the crosshair is like that meme Swow who caresThen I watched Civvie's video and turns out it's more than ugly Quake rip-off, it's actually very atmospheric and even creepy at times. Fantastic game.>>637564627There's an OP as fuck SSG which kills everything in 1-2 shots and has a wonky reload animation.

They put a gas mask on the horse

>>637560971I did and it sucked.

>>637560971These have to be the most repulsive aesthetics ever put in a game jesus christ.

>>637560971Looks like a throwaway, half-implemented Quake 2 mod.Feels weird to come full circle that people get excited for shit like this.

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>>637564679Not every lefie is a communist or even likes communism.

>>637565632Ok, but what SPECIFICALLY about the game makes it leftie? Again, all I see in the game is that communism fucking sucked.

>>637565772Well the main and really appaling thing is Nothing I just wanted to bait Holla Forums sorry to waste your time

I wasn't gonna play it until I found out the guy wrote the entire engine by hand and the entire game is less and 500mb so I felt obligated to try purely because of his dedication

>>637560971Project Brutality shits on this so hard

All that excess movement for borderline stationary enemies

>>637566402Dungeons of Kremlin obliterates every videogame in existence

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>>637560971show me gameplay of it instead of quake next time

>this plays like X game>Y game is a lot better>this looks like a Z gameFortunally for us, nobody has to play a single game their whole life and the way you can even establish comparisons in the first place is to try a lot of different things to differentiate them afterwards.I preferred Dusk overall because the movement and the weapons felt a lot better, but the atmosphere and the enemies here are pretty creative and amazing. It captures that semi-mystical post-commie Eastern Europe feel really well.Just the items that give you health and armor being regional food stuff and meme items (like a wifebeater giving you armor or condensed milk giving you health), it's full of tiny usual details like that.It's a fun game and silly at times, get it cheap if you're into boomer shooters.

>>637566402bfg remake came out today in the staging branch. it's kino

>boomer shooter looks worse than the million year old games it tries to copywhy

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>>637560971The environment somehow looks even less detailed than quake

>>637568031play Quake, I mean actual Quake and not mods like ADHrot is 10 times more detailed (not necessarily prettier, though) and100 times more interactive

>DUSK invented low poly 3D shooters

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>>637567301>(like a wifebeater giving you armor or condensed milk giving you healthThat isn't condensed milk, it's just milk. It used to sold like this - in plastic bags rather than in boxes or bottles.>>637568173Yeah, except for the fact that like 50% of Hrots interactive elements have no gameplay role what so ever.Ep.3 features a FULLY FUNCTIONAL RECREATION OF THE PRAGUE ORRERY - pic related - down to the parade of saints, that you only unlock once you finish it, and that has literally absolutely zero purpose other than Spitihnev going "Hey, that is an intricate machine, sounds like a fun challenge to implement it!"Same goes for the musical instruments, the model railway, the to a lesser degree, the Elektronika IM recreation and the Ratcatcher dogs too.The guy makes this game for himself. I don't think he even does it full time, I'm pretty sure he made it entirely in his spare time.

>>637569219Forgot the pic.

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>>637560971>looks worse than quake>plays worse than quake Ah yes yet another indiecrap fps made on unity

i will maybe in a few months or a year, played all of the available levels a couple months ago already without having any idea the release was going to be that soon

>>637568173I… it looks really bad user. It may be technically superior but quake conveys far more detail with its limited design. This looks so bad. It also just doesn’t look fun

>>637560971>metadoom>no metahrot

>>637569468>quake conveys far more detail with its limited designThat is so fascinatingly wrong considering that HROT literally recreates entirely recognisable real-world locations in 95% of it's levels, it makes me wonder if you genuinely saw anything more than just the OP ten-second video. Maybe... spend more than 10 seconds on something before you start spouting brain-dead shit?

>>637569219>The guy makes this game for himselfsounds based as fuck

>>637569219>The guy makes this game for himself.yeah, that's the pointas for effects, the gun that inverts all color on the screen when fired is one of the coolest depictions of energy weapon I've seen>>637569468I won't get into discussion which games looks "better" subjectively, but HROT is 100% more detailed and that's not even up to discussion.

>>637569468>typical example of a moron making up a retarded opinion and sticking to it

>>637569219>That isn't condensed milkI'm talking about the large white tanks that give a lot of health. I swear I picked something and it was called "condensed milk", which I know to be somewhat popular in that region because it was the only way to have and distribute milk for long enough that it didn't went sour.>>637569708Half the thread is knee-jerk reactions and comparisons from people that know next to nothing about the game. There's already someone claiming this was made in Unity.I honestly don't understand why, though.You can always pirate it to form your own opinion, the game is small and fairly short after all and even if it's not as good as other games, it's still a fun time so it won't cost you anything unless you want to.If you haven't tried it and have no interest in it why open this thread and give your opinion? You know that you don't know anything to have any meaningful input so why bother?Do people genuinely have more fun talking about a game they never played than actually playing it?

>>637569810>sounds based as fuckIt's even better if you are like me and happen to be exactly on the same wave-lenght as he is. Much of the game is a very specific love-letter to an era, places and experiences that I happened to grow up with too. I cannot fucking explain how fun and cathartic it is to shoot that fucking Grandma statue to bits, for an example. Or how much I laughed when I realized the fucking second Šemík horse is actually hard-programmed to suicide into the river in Ep. 1.>>637570250>I'm talking about the large white tanks that give a lot of health.Large white tanks? If you mean the weird cylindrical objects that give a major boost, those are stackable pots that people used to bring food into work with. Condensed milk was very popular in the region, but it was sold in small metalic tubes, almost identical to how a tooth-paste would look.Or in lager cans occassionally, but the only cans in this game are actually cans of blood and fat, that had to be renamed because people were freaking out about them.Coincidentally, there is one item in the game I GENUINELY don't know what it does. The "Hero of Socialist Work" power-up. I have no clue what it does, but I found it in ep. 1 near the second horse encounter.>>637570250>Do people genuinely have more fun talking about a game they never played than actually playing it?Very obviously, yes. It's pretty fucking depressing, but that is the fucking state this board is in now.

I tried the demo a while back and it was... fine - I just didn't feel like I wanted to play more of it. Like, it's a very basic shooter, you do the shooting for a while and you've done basically all there is to it.Feels similar to when I got back into Doom recently because of myhouse.wad - I downloaded some other wads to try and started Going Down, but after a couple of levels I didn't really feel like I was enjoying the process.

>>637570950>got back into Doom recently because of myhouse.wad>didn't enjoy Going Down

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>> bad, it's not condensed, it's just "skimmed", whatever the fuck that means. The large pickups apparently are soup\main course\cake entire meals. If I didn't knew most of this food is something done for practical reasons in times of need, I'd very much like to try most of it.>The "Hero of Socialist Work" power-up.Same page has the powerups and if you're talking about the Hammer and Sickle one, it says it boosts the damage of the Scythe. It's probably the equivalent to Doom's Berserk.>>637570950Boomer shooters tend to be actually simple games and you kinda need a certain mood to enjoy one. They're great after an entire shift or workout.You should give Hrot another go, the first few levels are kinda normal compared to what you find later.

>>637571347>My bad, it's not condensed, it's just "skimmed", whatever the fuck that means.Skimmed means it has lower than normal volume of fat. Normal (a.k.a. "whole") milk has around 4% of fat in it, skimmed brings that down to less than 1%. If we wanted to be entirely accurate, the milk in the game is actually semi-skimmed (polotučné - literally translates to half-fat milk). Usually, skimmed and half-skimmed used to be the only ones readily available back in the days, as the fat was removed to be re-used usually in production of animal fodder, it was a way to save money for the state. Whole milk was rare, and often had chunks of cream flowing on the top of it. I fucking still remember that shit. God I'm fucking old.>it says it boosts the damage of the ScytheOh. I've tested that and it seems exactly the same, two hits to kill a gas-mask. Also, it does not have a timer, which is weird.

i might play it after i beat ashes, look at this fumo

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>>637560971I can't stand Quake. I don't mind the sequels or contemporaries like Unreal but the first fucking Quake makes me ill. Dusk is also the shittiest game I've played this year.

>>637572838I hate Quake too, and yet I ended up loving both Dusk and HROT. They are less similar than people think.

>>637571061I know, I know, I'm a massive dork. I played The Only Thing You Can't Defeat after myhouse.wad, which was alright but knowing the twist it was a bit underwhelming - still effective in some places though. I guess I was more in the mood for some spookiness or weird levels, not just plowing through hordes of enemies.I feel like I have to be in a specific mindset to enjoy older shooters - like, I played through the whole first ep of Blood a while back and had fun but when I got to the second episode I just lost the will to keep going. I like my shooters more 'bitty/fussy' if that makes sense - I might give Hideous Destructor a go, or try the Citadel demo again.>>637571347>Boomer shooters tend to be actually simple games and you kinda need a certain mood to enjoy one. They're great after an entire shift or workout.>You should give Hrot another go, the first few levels are kinda normal compared to what you find later.I might at some point - like I've not played Dusk yet, either. The kinds of shooters I like are ones like Receiver or System Shock 1, fucky ones. I will give it credit, it runs exactly as well as you'd imagine a game like HROT would run - on my old ass laptop it's as smooth as butter. A lot of old-styled games don't tend to come with appropriate system requirements.

HROT is basically a history lesson about Czechoslovakia in the late 80s. Incredibly soulful to see how accurately HROTdev recreated certain locales, and reading up the history of those places.

>>637572957>>63757283890s FPS is what I grew up with but I have never been able to get into Quake for some reason either. I think the level design in them is fine, but the combat just never did it for me. it always felt clunky and unresponsive to me. and none of the guns ever felt satisfying to use to me either. Doom is way better imo. I do acknowledge Quake's importance in technology and in the larger scale advents of multiplayer and mods though.

>>637573296if eastern europe was nothing but brown shit in the 80s for the love god keep it to yourself

>>637561759Shit brown is a fitting color pallete for a shithole commie country

>>637560971i dont even like quake 1 really. but HROT isnt much better than it.

I actually want more retro shooters that are like the old MOH games. I want that manual aim control thing they have in a newer game.

>>637562125Amerimutts being amerimutts.

>>637562125I mean most lefties claim to not be on board with communism, at least in the context of soviet communism. the only people who are on board with that are cringey ass tankies on twitter who bitch about it when things like the holodomor or soviet war crimes are discussed in their fictional media.

>>637573553>90s FPS is what I grew up with but I have never been able to get into Quake for some reason either.I have to fundamental problems with Quake. 1) the combination of the more advanced graphics with the entirely abstract level design is massively unimmersive and uncanny to me. NOTHING feels like a real place, and while I'm fine with that in Doom or Heretic because the graphics themselves are also abstracted, in Quake it feels awful. I really don't like the levels. Mechanically they are fine, but they are SUCH a boring, uncanny valley to me, I can't get immersed in it in the slightest.2) boring encounters due to how few enemies the game can render at once. I get the technical limitation behind it, but it's just boring. The battles aren't fun because of this inherent technical limitation - there are too few enemies to make up for memorable encounters, and the game tries to compensate for it by making the enemies more spongy and more obnoxious to fight - which just compounds on the problem.To me, quake is already suffering from Carmack-syndrome. It's just about the tech, it's not actually very well designed as a shooter. Something that would later become true of Doom 3 and Rage as well, BTW.I grew up with Doom and Heretic, later with both Hexens, Duke3D and Blood. Loved all of those. But Quake really, really fucking didn't do it for me. Back then, or now.It's stuck in this really fucking awkward position of not being either immersive enough, or abstracted enough to leave an actual impact of any sort.

>>637560971Wow it's a shitty Quake

Am I the only one or somebody else is kind off...getting tired of this "Boomer Shooter" trend? The "retro-fast paced-invoking the old shooters-with-a-sient protag, graphics looking like those of quake, DukeNukem, Doom"Where weapons are usualy Pistol, Shotgun, Machinegun, Lazer Weapon, Plazma, Hardlyeverused Uber Weapon, etc.

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>>637576383>...>>>/reddit/and no I'm not tired of them yet. I spent way too much of my life dealing with call of duty clones and halo being the only types of FPS games, it will take a lot more retro FPSes for me to get tired of them.

>>637576383>Am I the only one or somebody else is kind off...getting tired of this "Boomer Shooter" trend?No, since nobody is forcing me to play them.What a fucking retarded thing to say. If you don't feel like playing a shooter, play something else. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>>637576383I...don't think you...are...but.......I dont think that......most people in......these....threads.....are getting tired of them.......yet.

>>637560971Meme game, weapons feel empty and weak as shit.

>>637576383I mean they're not for me so if people keep making them that doesn't make a difference. I do wish more shooters that tried something else (like I said above, stuff that copies things like the old MOH, Goldeneye/Perfect Dark systems, System Shock 1, etc) would be great. But for the most part I just ignore 'boomer shooters' because they don't appeal.

>>637560971now make one all jittery like the cyberpunk webm

>>637560971I like Hrot because it's just a solid game that doesn't feel like it's trying too hard to be cool. Reminds me of Quake 2, but designed more like Quake 1.>>637561029The entire first half of Dusk is lame as hell. The game eventually gets good around halfway into ep2, but everything before that was just unimpressive imo.

>>637560971I'm interested, are there any good examples of games like this where the starter weapons or early automatics feel at all satisfying to use?Like, the pistol in Doom sucks and the chaingun isn't much better. The shotgun basically carries the early game in my opinion. I feel like I had a similar issue when I tried the demo for this.

>>637579139>I'm interested, are there any good examples of games like this where the starter weapons or early automatics feel at all satisfying to use?Cultic is very good at making all the weapons feel very good. It takes a page from Blood in the whole "every game feels very powerful" design, even if the guns themselves are less creative than Blood's ones.And of course, Blood.I also have to say I always liked the assault rifle from Dusk in this respect, it was one of the few itterations on a bullet-hose weapon that still felt quite impactful.

>>637577974I see this opinion often and I don't agree.The first chapter was also quite atmopsheric and had many nice secrets and encounters. Yeah it's not as mind-blowing as when shit starts getting crazy, but I was basically hooked in a couple of levels before I had even known what awaited me.

>>637560971>Play Hrot.I tried the demo. I hate fps games where the enemy placement is an afterthought because enemies constantly spawn in mid combat. Is the game still like that?

>>637579689See, I'd argue that the flare gun doesn't feel great for Blood. I ended up enjoying it but only when I used the setting in nblood to enable 1.0x weapon balance so flares will typically always ignite foes.

>>637580389I love the flare gun, because it's interesting to use, and it's far more creative than your standard pistol. Anything that can light up enemies in Blood is fucking great, but the flare is literally my favorite "pistol-archetype" weapon in any FPS. It is unique, requires learning some new tricks, and remains relevant through out the game.Monolith really knows how to make weapons fun, even in fucking Shogo the weapons are mostly pretty fucking great. Coincidentally, the only gun I barely ever used in Cultic was the pistol, which people tend to praise near universally. I wish it had a flare gun instead.

>>637580389(also: playing it a bit again the pitchfork kind of sucks)>>637580908What do you mean when you say it's more creative?

>>637560971>flatscreen shooter

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>>637562125Communism is considered far-right nowadays.

>>637561127So Quake?

>>637580995>What do you mean when you say it's more creative?It's a weapon that is extremely strong but has an interesting trade-off: the enemy death is delayed. It's very powerful - one hit kills all cultists on most difficulties, two can take out a zombie at highest health settings - but you have to account for the delay it has. Which in the context of fast reflexes and high damage hitscan enemies is a very serious consideration.Ammo is also often fairly scarce, so you have to make decisions - will you waste two shot's for a guaranteed kill on zombies and butchers - but risk shortage later, or will you use one and risk for a dive with a pitchfork to finish the deal.It never becomes obsolete, because while delayed, the damage it does is very significant (not to mention the secondary mode is a literal room-cleaner), and it does not fall into the dull stereotype of pistol being just a less reliable stunlock device used for spamming shots at low-level enemies.It's distinct from pistols, revolvers and all similar weapon types, but it's not a gimmick, it's genuinely useful - while still forcing you to learn a new set of skills (e.g. accounting for the delayed death) to use efficiently.To me, this is a peak weapon design in an FPS. Sure - it lacks in one regard. Umpf - it does not feel that satisfying to trigger, but it's not like other weapons in the arsenal fail to provide that service.This is a rare example of trying something different from FPS standards and actually doing it RIGHT.

>>637560971These graphics look like they belong in the 90s. Why are indie devs so shitty these days?

Thinking more on it I think it's just that I'm not really a fan of high TTK in shooters. I don't think it's objectively bad or anything, it just doesn't feel good to have to spray an enemy with bullets, them just standing there not being affected by the gunfire until you hit the magic threshold and they fall over.Shotgun in Doom feels good because up to a good range it will kill most things you face at the start stone dead. This is why whenever I get the urge to play doom I start on ultraviolence because you get the shotgun almost immediately. Plinking away at a zombie or imp with the pistol while they or their friends attack sucks. >>637581723Thanks for the response. Unless I'm wrong the default way the flare gun works is that it only sets enemies on fire if you do enough damage to them, right? I think that's the main difference with the weapon v1.0x setting, the flare itself does more damage. I think that's why I set it to that option.

>>637582648>Unless I'm wrong the default way the flare gun works is that it only sets enemies on fire if you do enough damage to them, right?Yes, exactly. Technically, it just deals continuous damage over time, and if they reach zero, you'll get that immensely satisfying burning man animation.Cultists are always one-hit kills, but it takes a bit before it burns through their hitpoints.Zombies and butchers need two on higher skills (butchers on highest maybe three, I'm not sure).Zombies on high damage settings have just about 10 hp more than the flare deals, meaning if you cause ANY damage to them before you shoot them - or while they are burning, they will burn up. Common strategy is to shoot them with a flare once, then quickly stick them once with pitchfork, it's usually enough to just enjoy the flame show.>>637582648>them just standing there not being affected by the gunfire until you hit the magic thresholdA good shooter, even one with long TTK, can still make it fun just by having good hit response and staggers on enemies.As for the flare gun itself, again, it's a form of strategic concideration. You kill 80% of all enemies in one shot, it's a "fire and forget" weapon essentially, but you have to have a plan for those 5 seconds between firing and them lighting up, because it is enough to fuck you over.I love that. It forces you to think a step or two ahead at any time. It would be annoying if all weapons worked like that, but combined with other super-high lethality weapons (seriously, Blood has some of the most powerful weapons you'll find in a shooter), it's a great part of the arsenal.Everything else is a matter of execution. For an instance: I like the spongier enemies in HROT, because they compensate with having more avoidable projectile, plus you can one-shot them with the handcannon - and they drop one grenade on death, meaning if you can one-hit them, you will recover that ammo. BUT you will not gain any extra. Again, decision making.

>>637581740it's the same phenomenon of how pixel graphics were popular in the 2010s due to 80s nostalgia. now we're a decade on so the craze is the 90s and its low res 3D graphics.

>>637560971Just finished Episode 2 and taking a break

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>>637560971I didn't like the demo

>>637560971Fuck croats

>>637583702Yeah, the more I think about it the more I feel like I'm just not a fan of that kind of gameplay, that kind of decision making flies over my head, and on the rare exceptions that I do end up thinking that way it's not normally in a place where I'm really enjoying myself, because I'm aware I'm having to expend that kind of mental effort to figure things out.I'm too dumb for boomer shooters I think.

Remember when indie retro shooters were about being unique instead of being the same fucking shit every time like modern fps games?

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>>637584779i don't

>>637584759[cont]-which does feel weird to say since I beat the fuck out of System Shock, but I guess it's just a different style of decision making.

>>637584681>Fuck croatsWhat?Did you just confuse Croats and Czechs?

I'm actually a friend of the dev on Steam. Talked to him a few times, not that much but still a very cool and chill dude. He literally does shit like the model train set and putting in the scooter just for fun. Hell, the game itself is a passion project. He said he would probably take a few more months to finish the game but he "speed dev" (SIC) just because he wanted to, not because he needed it for money or whatnot.Bought it only when Episode 1 was out and have loved my purchase the more time goes on. The tongue-in-cheek references and humor, the gameplay is really good. The flat dark earth colour is on porpouse to make Communist Czechoslovakia look horrible (no shit it was).>>637584681Typical Serbian. Go back to Belgrade, ya dickwad.

>>637587032Did he say why he put recipes at the end of each episode?

One thing that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread yet is that you can kick enemies and even grenades.Press shift for a kick which can push someone into some hazard or better yet, kick a grenade directly back at the spongy enemies that shoot them. It's an instant-kill plus whatever else is around them and feels very good.>>637582648High TTK for 20% the enemy roster is the thinking man's gameplay. If you can blow someone away before they even have a chance to do anything, there's no point in deepening their mechanics or attacks, they'll be gone before they can make a difference. If you have enemies that take some considerable effort to take down, you have to use different types of weapons, cover, movement or combos to kill them while minimizing damage to you.Of course it's good to have some enemies that are simple and go down fast, compensating with high numbers instead because that's another type of challenge in and of itself and it feels good to clear a dozen enemies very fast. But if that's all the game will throw at you, at some point every health\armor pickup will feel useless and you'll only ever use the weapons that fire the fastest or target the most enemies.

HROT and Arthurian Legends (and maybe Ion Fury) are the only new shooters that you would actually think they were released in the late 90sEverything else is not even close to classic games like Doom, Quake or Duke3D.

Attached: bwains.webm (1920x1080, 3.79M)

>>637584779>indie retro shooters were about being unique>retro>being uniqueDo you people even notice the blatant contradictions you write or is this just a matter of posting for the hell of it and you don't really care?If the idea is to be a "retro shooter", it's obviously going to ape previous concepts because that's what people want to see.Besides, the shitposting is the same if the game is unique, Ultrakill is proof of that. I hope no dev ever takes advice from you faggots, they'd never actually make anything.

>>637588273I mean, I'm not going to argue with you the fact that I'm not really smart. I'm just saying that it doesn't push the good feeling buttons when I'm forced to use a gun that doesn't feel good to use, and often that means weapons which don't blow enemies away.It must be more complicated than that, of course - I'm thinking of games where you do use weaker weapons and I still enjoy them, things like the resident evil games. Some zombies take a bunch of bullets to put down, but I think maybe that it feels more effective because they react properly to being shot in most cases?Like going back to Going Down - I stopped because after like the second level, I was running around shooting zombies and shotgunners with the pistol and it just kind of sucked. It felt bad, and I had run out of shotgun ammo so I couldn't get the nice chemicals from blasting imps and zombies away with that.Thinking about it, this might be why I gave up on finishing Doom 2016. I got through Hell and got back to Mars, and realised I'd be spending more time using the guns that don't feel nice to use, and it soured.

>>637575017I think Quake is fun if you're really into all the movement tech you can do in it. I'm not, so I never loved it either. Sick OST, though.

ultrakill is the only good modern boomer shooter

Play Trepang2. It has a demo.

Attached: trepung.webm (1280x720, 1.8M)

>>637588273>High TTK for 20% the enemy roster is the thinking man's gameplay. If you can blow someone away before they even have a chance to do anything, there's no point in deepening their mechanics or attacks, they'll be gone before they can make a difference. If you have enemies that take some considerable effort to take down, you have to use different types of weapons, cover, movement or combos to kill them while minimizing damage to you.>Of course it's good to have some enemies that are simple and go down fast, compensating with high numbers instead because that's another type of challenge in and of itself and it feels good to clear a dozen enemies very fast. But if that's all the game will throw at you, at some point every health\armor pickup will feel useless and you'll only ever use the weapons that fire the fastest or target the most enemies.Wholly based.>>637589306>why I gave up on finishing Doom 2016. I got through Hell and got back to Mars, and realised I'd be spending more time using the guns that don't feel nice to useDoom 2016 drowns you in ammo. Enemies randomly drop it, crates refill your entire pool, a rune increases enemy drops, chaisnaw kills also give ammo. I barely used anything but Siege Mode, SSG and CG if I wanted to be fancy and PG for Stun Bomb past Kadingir Sanctum.You get a rune which gives you infinite ammo later, too. I shot even imps with Siege Mode, because I could.

I just started playing Quake and Doom (1993) for the first time. I'm not sure if I can handle another boomer shooter at the moment but I'll keep it on a wishlist.

>>637589306You can always play on Easy. Not saying this to mock you, just that if you really just want to play to have fun and don't get it from higher chalenges, there really isn't a reason not to.I sometimes play on Easy just to enlarge the amount of mistakes I can make just to fuck around a lot more, for instance.>it feels more effective because they react properly to being shotI have a theory that a quintessencial property of videogames, especially the good ones, is the game's ability to recognize player agency.It's an interactive medium and gameplay revolves around you doing something and seeing it's consequences. The more ways you have to affect the game and the more changes the game simulates to your inputs, the more responsive it feels to play.That might explain what you feel. You're essentially unloading a lot of ammo but it doesn't feel like anything is changing. You click your mouse button and it feels the same as not clicking.Zombies in RE don't give you the same feeling because they have a far more noticeable recoil and you get that as feedback for your decisions\actions.I'll wager a guess that you probably feel the same way in Left4Dead due to how the enemies react to being shot but likely wouldn't enjoy Vermintide despite them being quite similar games.>>637590158Turbo Overkill is pretty fun too and has it's own gameplay gimmicks that make it distinct from other shooters.There was also Selaco which played closer to FEAR but last I checked there was just a demo available. Really looking forward for that one.You can also just ask for recommendations, user. No need to bait them :D

>>637560971>le whacky fps where you play as the resistance and kill the fascists

>>637591157>There was also Selaco which played closer to FEARIt's nothing like FEAR and I enjoyed the demo a lot.

>>637560971I already played Quake in 1996.

>>637562485Duskdev announced Dusk 2 not that long ago

>>637560971Should I get this , Battlefield 2042 or Skyrim anniversary? Same price


>>637560971>enemies legit brain afk doing nothingwhat's the appeal

>>637592375When you beat an episode you unlock a recipe

>>637561029What's lefty about it?I'll delete my torrent if you post a halfway convincing proof that the game or the devs are lefties.

>>637590624I kept running out of shotgun shells when I was playing it. I was on either the normal or ultraviolence (?) difficulty. It only lets you hold so many and I'm not that good at aiming well, so I'd have to switch to guns I wasn't fond of using like the machinegun (very few games have nice feeling machineguns, to be fair).>>637591157It's too late, I've been indoctrinated by this board and if I play a game like Doom on easy the two girls from touhou will appear and go EEEHHH MAJI EASY MODO KIMOIMore seriously though it kind of feels like giving up. It feels bad, but then playing on hard mode feels bad when I keep dying as well.>I'll wager a guess that you probably feel the same way in Left4Dead due to how the enemies react to being shot but likely wouldn't enjoy Vermintide despite them being quite similar games.I've not played VT, and I've not played L4D in years but you're probably right, the way the zombies reacted to getting shot in that game was great.

Why does it have to ape Quake so closely?I'm happy we finally got a retro shooter that isn't 2.5D trash but based on my 5 minutes of playing it just feels like a Quake map pack.Everyhting apes Quake, the enemies, the menus, the fonts, the terminology.

>>637562485Check out Lunacid

>>637560971Just did. The third level was fun but the secret level sucked and the game still needs a crouch button.

Attached: Eggs in Aspic.png (1920x1080, 345.36K)

>>637560971Quake but USSR flavor looks okay but I already own Quake

>>637594572>Everyhting apes Quake, the enemies, the menus, the fonts, the terminology.The guy who made it likes Quake. That said, there is quite a lot that makes it stand apart, especially in level design and encounter design, which are both pretty damn important elements.

>>637560971Please tell me this is a Quake mod and indie devs aren't actually this soulless and uncreative.

>>637594572I'd say it looks more like Chasm: The Rift than Quake

>>637588273>High TTK for 20% the enemy roster is the thinking man's gameplay. If you can blow someone away before they even have a chance to do anything, there's no point in deepening their mechanics or attacks, they'll be gone before they can make a difference. If you have enemies that take some considerable effort to take down, you have to use different types of weapons, cover, movement or combos to kill them while minimizing damage to you.Well said, although I'd go even further than you and say the more high TTK enemies, the better. It's astonishing how much people put "satisfying gunplay" on this giant pedestal at the expense of much more important things. I'm so tired of reading good FPS games get put down for "bullet sponges" or "weak feeling weapons".>...what, you hate satisfying gunplay? FAGGOT!You know what's satisfying? Good gameplay that encourages strategy and focus. If every braindead enemy can be taken down before their attack pattern plays out, what is even the point? It's like everyone just wants to fight braindead easy imps from Doom the entire game with built-in attack-cancelling stagger on every shot along with low TTK. It's utterly maddening. I want challenge from enemies in my FPS, damn it. When I play Quake 3 multiplayer or Team Fortress 2, each enemy has a relatively high TTK, and my attacks don't cancel out theirs. I could be whittling someone down with a machinegun, but they can still fire back at me while doing so. Yes, singleplayer and multiplayer are different and it doesn't make sense to have hitstun mechanics in a PvP multiplayer game, but my entire point is that while I'm playing these games, I'm completely locked in and having fun despite none of the enemies having pain chances and often taking multiple seconds of attacks to take down at full health. Why are singleplayer FPS games shit on when they have those same design decisions for the sake of balance and interesting combat mechanics?

>>637560971proper shitter-tier aim placement by not holding crosshair at head level at all times

>>637560971I will thank you, I've been looking for something to paly

>>637588060Literally just for fun and to troll people.

>>637560971Czechoslovakia is my alltime favorite country

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>>637595267I'd argue there's some satisfaction in taking down an enemy, so effortlessly blowing away 20 feels nice, therefore why I mentioned high TTK for 20% of the enemy roster. The rest can be cannon fodder and still interesting depending on how you use it.For instance, hit scanners far away that die in a single shot once you get near them. Getting near them is the challenge, they are just the motivation.I'm also reminded of Roboquest where you have several enemies that are just small robots that die pretty fast. They still manage to contribute to the fight by keeping the area saturated with projectiles while you try to deal with the sentries and the larger bots.Multiplayer PvP might be the best case to explain why high TTK matters. Getting killed because someone saw you first and it takes half a second to delete you is shit. You fucked up positioning of course, and that should be punished. But if the punishment is actually losing, than there's never any chance to use any other gameplay mechanic in that fight and we're reducing the game to positioning above all else.An example of a game that solved this was Gigantic, a MOBA that was specifically designed so that actually killing someone took a lot of effort and your opponent being stubborn.He could always retreat easily if he wanted but since the game revolved around controlling points, he'd either give you the point or a kill. Fights felt more about analyzing what's happening than pulling off your rotation of skills and hoping for the best while the game itself felt more like a strategy game than a deathmatch with glorified RTS elements tucked in.Shame what Microsoft did to them, could have been a fine game.

>>637596382>Czechoslovakia is my alltime favorite countryCzechoslovakia hasn't existed for 30 years.

>>637581287do you get your political understanding from fucking infrared or some shit

>>637596463false muttoid propaganda

>>637596769Czechens are cool dudes,Rebellious Northern Hungary was never a part of Czechia nor is it a real country in any sense of the word.

>>637590319That looks unsayisfying as fuck. Why foesn't the enemy fucking react to a full shotgun blast to the face at point blanc?

>>637596454>Multiplayer PvP might be the best case to explain why high TTK matters. Getting killed because someone saw you first and it takes half a second to delete you is shit. You fucked up positioning of course, and that should be punished. But if the punishment is actually losing, than there's never any chance to use any other gameplay mechanic in that fight and we're reducing the game to positioning above all else.Yeah, dying before you're able to use your movement (strafing, switching directions intelligently, cover usage) then puts your initial positioning at the initial encounter basically the only thing that matters. With that said, I do like FPS games of all kinds, but I definitely prefer high TTK, especially in combination with fluid movement mechanics. COD Warzone has fast movement and high TTK, but it's still consolized and punishes your accuracy for moving, so it's kind of a weird combination. Not necessarily bad, but not ideal for my tastes. I think the more dynamic an encounter can be from the initial contact point, the better.

>>637591561The influences to FEAR are very obvious, but I dont think the developers are aiming for SELACO to be a FEAR clone

>>637593270>It only lets you hold so manyYou can upgrade your capacity, I usually go health -> ammo -> armor (but I don't play on Ultra-Nightmare, only regular Nightmare). I don't know, I can't imagine running out of ammo even if you neglect half of your arsenal in 2016 (sometimes I would just remember randomly in that game "oh, I have a rocket launcher" and then spend the next arena rocketing every imp.You can also kill pretty much any heavy or superheavy enemy with 1-3 Siege mode blasts. Aim for the head.

almost finished with episode 1 but just like dusk it's starting to get boring after less than 2 hours

>>637560971Based commie killing simulator

>>637560971>nostalgiaslopThere are old games that people haven't played or even heard of out there, and every nostalgia addict insists on playing modern shitclones of them.>>637562125Welcome to 2023 4chan, where the first reply to the thread is always retarded bait fishing for replies. Way to bite the bait, retard.

>>637560971I already have, it was great, I played the first release on the hardest difficulty and had no ammo for the gorilla boss so I had to kill him on the bike, it was the most retardedly broken shit I've done in a game in a long time but it was very fun 10/10 literally perfect gamealso kissing the soviet czech chairman when you interact with the photo is a nice touch

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>>637560971>Play Hrot.Only if it works with 2gb of ram.

these lil niggas are BASED

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>>637603312I gotta admit, finding them waiting for you at the epilogue was fucking adorable.With that said:WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE FUCKING ALUMINIUM KEY IN THE EPILOGUE?!It's driving me nuts.

>>637603312When the level first released these were bugged and stuck in an animation frame and also played their yip sound several times a second like a fucking machinegun, it was utter earrape

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Looks like literally any boomer shooter released in the last 5 years, what makes this one different?

>>637560971>what if Quake but even browner?

>>637576383People are enthusiastic about the revitalization of the genre. Remember it was all about Halo and CoD for a decade and a half or so

>>637604348>Looks like literally any boomer shooter released in the last 5 years,Not really. I looks like Quake and Dusk, but absolutely nothing like say, Hedon, Ashes, Cultic, Ultrakill, Wrath, Dread Templar etc...With that said, gameplay-wise it's a fairly basic shooter. What makes it unique is the settings, atmosphere, the levels being almost all based on real-world locations, the insane amount of jokes, references and homages to stuff the author loves, the very unique tone and atmosphere based on mixture of nostalgia and anxiety/dread of the old socialist regime, and all the crazy, pointless but often charming little details.Most of that shit however can easily get stuck in translation. It's a game very much entirely rooted in the experience of being born close to the fall of Czechoslovakian socialist regime. And also playing a lot of old shooters. And also there is a lot of shit that clearly is just the dev implementing things purely for the sake of the challenge of figuring out how to make them work (the music instruments, the orrery etc...). TLDR: it's one guy's crazy personal passion project, full of stuff he likes, with little regard for whenever others are going to enjoy it or not. A fever dream of post-socialist czech kid.