Will audio/video guys ever be welcome on Linux? Is any progress being made to address latency issues and lack of competitive software?
Will audio/video guys ever be welcome on Linux...
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I use milkytracker for linux
not sure what your question is about tho
The linux audio stack has always been fukt and will always be fukt. Good luck fucking around your asound.conf and pulse.conf, only to find all kinds of bullshit.
Video will never be competent on GNU/Linux if the userbase expresses the kind of autism you saw in that Sony Vegas thread a little while back by freetards who honest to god think that Blender isn't the biggest hunk of shit on the planet, and no professional company will ever take it seriously.
JACK is just fine
Kdenlive is just fine, if you can live with the constant crashes.
u wot m8?
Due to Linux's open source nature, I thought it was the best option for low latency, as people have worked on making it function as a real time OS. Is this not the case?
My understanding was that you can either configure and compile your own system to lower latency or use a distro already made for the task.
yes. and yes.
op and most of the faggots in this thread are just fucking retards who don't know what they're talking about. there's even pre-packaged distros for audio and video workstations.
Blender is fine, you are just doing it wrong
Found your problem.
Alsa by itself also lacks a lot and is hard to configure just right in some cases.
Movies are actually made on GNU/Linux. With proprietary software.
Not (yet) an audiofag myself but I've read that JACK and a low-latency or realtime kernel is what you would want in audio production.
Do you mean they're rendered on Linux or edited on Linux? There's a big difference between running a render farm on Linux and actually doing the human-interaction work on Linux
I know Disney does their 3D animation on Linux.
I use pulse because I've yet to have to fuck with the config
fuck raw alsa
Generally neither requires any config; it's just in special cases where you might have some weird sound card or multiple, or you want to do anything other than adjusting volume levels, in which case you're pretty fucked.
It's not Blender's fault you're too stupid to figure out how to use it.
those shameless bastards
Frankly Ubuntu Studio works fine for a lot of things, gets a lot of the configuration right off the bat, and includes Ardour without paying the "donation"
I recommend giving it a try.
Is not a bad XFCE based general purpose distro either
Yes, for audio check out AV linux
Low-latency/realtime kernel extensions
For audio, ardour is hugely competitive, as is the fork "Harrison Mixbus" which features crazy-good (but proprietary) analog hardware emulation dsp,
For video, there's Lightworks (proprietary) and Cinelerra for editing and NATRON for compositing
Foundry Nuke Studio.
To be fair, they use Linux because it's a good Unix-like, and 3D animation is traditionally done on Unix, not because it's FOSS.
It doesn't even have EDL or OMF support. I understand for making your youtube videos it may be fine, but it's not able to integrate with a professional production pipeline.
Same problem as before. What do you do when the master mix engineer asks for the standard omf export? When you need to pass it down to another person in the pipeline? Not happening.
But that's not all, VST's are not cross platform. So you're missing out on the majority of tools.
No where near acceptable.
You can use windows VST plugins through wine.
This is a problem if you're collaborating with other people who can't into Blender, sure. But for solo operators and people collaborating with other people who know Blender, this isn't an issue.
Cockos Reaper is coming to Linux too. There's a early version already available to download but I think VSTs don't work
What a buzzword shitfest.
Just say "integrate with people working on EDL or OMF" format, Jesus.
But if he did that he couldn't deep throat proprietary software developers while making other environments sound inferior because of the choices of the developers of proprietary software to not support certain other environments without sounding like he is gobbling cock. I mean shit what fun is it if you can't imply inferiority of other environments by making them sound "unprofessional"? By implying other environments lack "professional production pipeline integration" he can discredit other environments while making himself seem important instead of sounding like the worthless dick sucker he is.
It's important to make the distinction otherwise you have people like this who think the solution is "just have the other guy use blender lol"
Better than having nothing.
Blender is free and works on all three major PC platforms. So yeah, just have the other faggot use it.
Actually, that makes it worse than nothing.
JACK has always outperformed ASIO, and you don't have realtime kernels on windows
Ardour is not competitive in the sense that nobody else comes close to it, I don't know what you're talking about. I get the feeling you don't either.
No, and no.
Confirmed for NEET faggot that has never actually worked a day in his life.
Freetards are worse than cancer.
Same thing happens the other way around.
No, the other way around involves learning a toolset that isn't shit.
Kys tbh fam
user, it's been weeks (going on months now) and you still can't come up with any actual reasons an ordinary user wouldn't get by fine using Blender VSE. You're not even presenting an argument, you just autistically repeating the same forced memes. Then again, that's par for the course these days on Jim's Holla Forums.