NORTH IDAHO [cucked]

>Kadel said only about half the applicants pass this first stage of the process.
“It’s a federal program,” Kadel said. “States don’t have a right to say no. A lot of refugee programs in states, like employment programs, are funded through state programs and there are a few states trying to restrict the state money used for those programs. But all states receive refugees.”
“I believe it is a very sad situation that our country, that’s been built on immigrants from around the world, where we wouldn’t be here today if our forefathers hadn’t come to this country, that there is fear amongst some Christian congregations — that a message of fear is being propagated, rather than one of love,” he said. “Within the Christian church, there was a lot of fear back in the civil rights days, there’s a lot of fear of the LGBT community and I think that the Christian churches should be taking charge, driving the bus on this opportunity. We don’t really have a right, when America opened the door to us, to close the door behind us.”

Fucking fuck.

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m-muh NWF

That seems like a lot of money and effort per person. How many millions/billions could we say by saying no to all "refugees"?

Why is a sodomite from Spokane speaking for Christians?

It's like when Jews say, "us white people are the problem".

I've lately been doing a lot of reading on the exploring, conquering, and settling of the American West.

To think we did all that only to turn around and hand it to the Chinese, the Somalis, the Arabs, et al.

Trump can't be memed into office fast enough. Please save us from becoming part of the EU.

America's turning into a shitty place because of fags and foreigners, and this cunt wants more fags and foreigners.

Too many Christians in the US think they're supposed to help complete fucking strangers from the other side of Earth and ignore their own neighborhoods.

Between that and all the shilling for Israel, it's part of why I lost faith in churches in general.


Except helping the needy, regardless of race or their religion, is exactly what Jesus wants you to do. It's like you shape your religion around your beliefs and not the other way around. You're a bad christian.

The Candlelight Church mentioned in the article literally has an Israeli flag flying with the US flag on their stage. They have an Iraqi refugee scammer as a preacher and are (((conservative))). All the Christians/Mormons here are pretty disgusting. As long as there is muh free market, people think they are good little republicans however.

Who is Jesus? Why do you care what "he" says?

Christ Jesus said our neighbor is the one who shows mercy to us. These cucks needs to ask themselves, now that gays have power, do they show mercy? When the Muslims ruled the Mediterranean, did they show mercy? Do they show mercy now to our fellow brothers and sisters in their lands? NO!
They gays punishes the confessing baker that refuses to make a fag cake. The Muslims enslaved the Christians making their sons eunichs and their daughters sex slaves. Even now, they scape goat Christians for their own failings and attack churches with impunity. Their sufferings are the fruits of their labors, may they choke upon their fruits.

I am rather sure Jesus make the world Christian, not that bullshit you are selling. Christ also said he will renounce those who call him Lord but do not know him. Now you might claim, those who refuse to give aid and comfort to those who deny Jesus Christ (and by extension the Holy Spirit, which is unforgivable according to Christ) are the ones he will renounce. But I am sure the Jesus of the Gospel, the one who attacked financial parasites at the temple and denounced general kikery, will be renouncing the kikes because they have put their candle of faith under a basket.

Do you reject any books in the mainstream biblical canons? Do believe that the bible is an unerring source of divine revelation?

How does it help the needy to turn America into a third world nation?

Yes goyim, you must forget about the Muslim who mowed down 50 homos just last week!


What I find most disturbing is how quickly they move from just wanting to be tolerated to being elevated as our new moral standard bearers.

Speak for yourself not all of us are christcucks.

A shitload. We simply don't need them anymore, this isn't a growing nation like it was a long time ago, we're a super power now and have to act like one. Only the best should be admitted in

Only the best regardless of race?

World Relief is an evil organization. Spokanistan has become quite diverse thanks in part to these folks. Mark Kadel a couple months ago told the North Idaho press they were, contrary to rumor, DEFINITELY NOT going to bring refugees to North Idaho. What a liar.


damn, I was going to move there. Idahoans have been fighting this hard and they fucking did it anyway. Same for Missoula, they'll start accepting refugees in August because of one busy-body cunt that got the feels from the baby on the beach pic. We should send her rape porn since that's in her future if she keeps on that track.

It's shocking how vocal and obnoxious the liberals are here. They definitely have something to prove. They berned out by a long margin.

I moved here from a liberal state and was disappoint.

Show me where what I have said is contrary to the patristic interpretation of the Bible.

Where in the constitution does it limit that power from the states or give that power to force on the states to the federal government?

Did I move here at the wrong time?

Eh. There isn't really a good place for a white person to move to on the planet.

Washington or Idaho? yes

I'm not saying it was (nor do I care one way or another whether they were in agreement with it), but I am saying you were referring to what the bible (aka the canonical texts) as authority, so I was wondering if you believe the whole thing and if it is a divine, unquestionable source for you.

Hey, asshole, Obama is a constitutional scholar. Sometimes I think Bush was/acted like such an idiot just to make Obama look like he wasn't a moron. It didn't work.


I can't tell if you're joking, baiting, trolling, or actually a libshit.

How can you possibly take what he says about the colonization of the Americas and interpret it as an endorsement of Christianity? The Spaniards and the Frenchmen were the only settlers actively trying to convert the Injuns, look at their descendants, they're either Spics, Half-Breeds, or faggots. Most of our people in North America are not the descendants of French or Spanish settlers.

I'm totally joking. He's as much a constitutional scholar as I'm a hiphop legend.

Very few French Canadians (who were much better stock than current French) bred out of their people. They probably even kept it too in the family, and got some genetic issues as a result.

They're not needy in the sense that they "need" to be here, and stealing money from my paychecks to bring them here isn't cool either.

If it was a solid idea to move them here, I'd sponsor them and give them a room in my own house…but it's not and it doesn't help anyone long term.

t. someone who's actually done charity and social work as a career, in the US and abroad.

These people aren't refugees you fucking nigger. They never intend to go back, will drop anchor babies and leech off welfare until someone physically rips them off the teet.

That's because these are sick people that seek tolerance from the very society they hate.


Dude, keep it under your hat.

user no.

It's the Fresh Prince doing "Parent's just don't understand", aka totally not worth turning off your VPN.

Every time.


Only the best whites, right?



linking related threads;

Remove the plank from your own eye, faggot. You can't help others if you refuse to help yourself. This cult of nice that faggots seem to have projected onto christ needs to go. He was not a nice guy. He was a fucking asshole. He whipped motherfuckers in the temple. He told people to turn the other check not because they were cowards but it meant because a Roman would have to slap you with the palm of their hand which in that culture meant acknowledging you as an equal. He fucking constantly started shit, talked trash, and called jews satanists.

He was a dickbag, but he was a moral as fuck hard ass real bastard.

Idahofag here

What's happening is something along the lines of this:

What's pissing everyone off here is that people keep voicing concerns about having rapefugees, and yet they are continually being denied their right to safety in their own town. why are the citizens of Twin Falls not granted their right to build, develop, maintain, and live in the town that they want? Why are these people no longer allowed to be entitled to their own safety, if they themselves feel that this is not a safe course of action. If the community doesn't want rapefugees, then why are these groups so incessant on bringing them there? Especially if they are trying to build an environment where these foreigners feel welcome? Why not shack them up in more progressive locations on the West Coast that would be more than welcome to adopt these individuals?

What's fucking hysterical to me is that we knowingly accept refugees from places that have historically proven to be a breeding ground of militant religious doctrine that displays little more than complete contempt towards American society… a society that Idaho communities represent to almost a stereotypical degree.

It's all fucked up.