Trump losing ground in long scripted political theater

What are we gonna do about the Illuminati defeatists community that tell me people to give up because the illuminati control everything? Should we redpill their comments exposing illuminati is a Jewish psy op?

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is illuminati. You shouldn't speak out against Hillary

Do you have to ask? Like bee makes the honey.

Hmm should you talk to your friends about the candidate you support?? idk man lemme do some thinking

great thread

Let's start with the videos I posted. Don't forget to upvote anti-Zionist comments

Since when is Trump "losing ground"?

There have been no polls taken exclusively in the days proceeding the Orlando attacks. There have been no polls done after the other 5 separate Muslim terror attacks in other countries.
The polls around my state all show Trump "losing ground" but they're both taken before the attacks happened, and (albeit anecdotally) I have spoken to dozens of people who hated Trump and now believe he was right all along.


Srsly, thats like the basic tier google search


Actually there has and it's Hillary who is losing ground. She took a dip in the polls. I saw a news story about it in passing but she has not fared well.

I haven't seen that one, do you have a link?

I expected as much. It's unprecedented for a candidate tougher on immigration to lose ground after a terrorist attack. All the articles are "Orlando made Trump lose ground!" but they link polls that ended on the day of the attack.

I'm not worried about national polls at this point because all a pollster has to do is sample people more in state like California and it'll drive down Trump numbers. National polls, while generally important in terms of the narrative being spun, aren't what you should be interested in.

According to the state by state polls on RCP Hillary has been losing ground in each and every battleground state except for Ohio, which was Hillary +5 in the last poll while being Trump +4 in the previous. That's Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, Florida and Virginia all heading away from Clinton.

Serious question, is believing in the Illiminati like believing in Satan or one of those Jewish Demins that live in cursed boxes?

I'm serious. The only people I've ever met who honestly believe in the Illuminati are misguided Christian or Agnostics.

People who spout this shit like
are usually always the same kinds of people to be spooked by magic and rituals and weird ancient symbols that they've never seen before.

And notice how they never name the Jew. And notice how they believe that niggers who make rap music can be a part of this elite. And notice how these people are usually clueless when it comes to geopolitics, the economy, history and so forth.

The Illuminati is the label and mechanism of how someone who doesn't understand the JQ comes to realize that there is an entity within our society trying to destroy us. The Illuminati is a kosher label to put on this activity and make connections, especially when those connections lead to scandals, bizarre rituals and symbols surrounding the powerful Jews and their Shabbos-goyim.

t. former Illuminatifag

2nd defeatist shill thread I noticed. Nice try, Cuntllary/Cruzmissile/Bernouts


It's on Breitbart.

So, you don't have a single fact to back that up. Okay.

"The whole concept of the New World Order is a Jewish concept. Which is firmly established in the Hebrew Bible itself. And the Jew's prophesied that there would be vastly destructive wars and that following those wars the Jewish Messiah would enter into a reign of peace. And that all people other than righteous Jews would be judged by the Messiah and exterminated. That means that all Gentiles will be exterminated.

But when they talk about the New World Order and the Rosicrucians and the Illimunati, all this is nearly the means that Jewish leadership has to fulfill this Jewish messianic prophecies by political means.

- And aren't all these terms, globalists or Illimunati, New World Order, isn't that used a lot of times by people to actually mask the identity the true figures behind what's going on?

It is, and it was always intended to be that way. So when you cut through the non-sense and look at what it is that they're actually trying to achieve, what they're trying to achieve is the world government which is prophesied by the Jewish prophets. The Jewish king who will rule that world.

- So people that continually push these words, New World Order, globalists, Illuminati, without specifically identifying who the real origin behind this is, is it deceptive in a way they're masking this true force?

Both deceptive and a form of scapegoating. The plan is to always discredit gentile government. They want to create conflict between people and government so that they can cause the people to do for them what they want done. They want there be revolutions, they want nations to lose their sovereignty, and they try to provoke revolutions and wars so that people become so sick of it that the Jews then can step forward with their power and their media and propose the idea that the only way to end this suffering is to end national sovereignty and have a world government. And just coincidentally, that world government will be run by Jews and fulfill all Jewish messianic prophecy."

I'm voting for Trump because there is no other feasible option.

That said, can you blame skeptics? Politics have seemingly been rigged our entire lives.

reported for retardation

"Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1)."

And just so happened Israel got established after WW2. And that's largely due to Hitler actually, to suggest how big this might be played.

If you look at the polls they're averaging, the ones that show wide swings tend to be weighted towards older people, but the polling itself already favors older people because older people have landlines. I'd consider that double counting - they're biasing the results even further. The polls that don't do that and show hardly an edge are largely being pulled up by the ones that do.