Posting mandela effect CERN half life 3 redpill (very closely related to technology because of CERN)

Thought I would give this thread a fair run on Holla Forums. It only seems fair.

CERN created the internet.
or at least that's what the facts are in this timeline.

in my timeline CERN never created the internet.

in my timeline the internet was created in the earlier days of the military to create a new secret more secure form of communication, and the project was used by the earlier hackers who basically found and then began to use the internet for their own needs, and the military did nothing to stop it, but rather sat back and watched. they always wanted others to use it, because look at what it became today. today the internet is the largest worldwide surveilance system where people unknowingly or knowingly give their information to the entire world. However, it is beginning to appear more as though CERN may have hijacked the timeline for their own purposes and made themselves the original creators of the internet. in theory, how much money or power would one person hold if they were to go back in time and become the original creator of google, and never sell it?- let alone the entire internet?

here are some links, some are more conflicting than others- perhaps due to timeline residue. not everything gets changed or erased, similarly to how so many people remember things differently.,2817,2407539,00.asp

Other urls found in this thread: hole hole

There will never be a half life 3 because We are half life 3.
CERN IS black mesa.
The Large Hardron Collider is the Anti-Mass Spectrometer
Black Mesa created the Resonance Cascade
CERN created the Mandela Effect
It's called HALF-life because HALF of us remember half of life being different via the Mandela Effect Resonance Cascade hole hole

I can understand why anons could feel that way, but I posted this because of how I realized how deeply intertwined the events that are taking place are with videogames, specifically with Half-Life, that I know Holla Forums is always talking about and hoping for a sequel (half-life 3) but I came to the realization that We, as in Us in real life, are the sequel. adding to that the direct relation to Steins;gate, this inadvertently yet unavoidably makes videogames and anime real.

imdb. com/title/tt2548396/?ref_=cs_ov_tt
imdb. com/title/tt2697688/?ref_=tt_rec_tti

Steins;Gate predicted the mandela effect. they run around changing things with time travel to make slight differences that result in things about their world being slightly different in new timelines in which only Rintarou Okabe/Hououin Kyouma has any memory of, because Okabe is one of "the unforgotten" who can remember differences in the timeline. cern/sern. Bragg's / Bragg JCpenny / JCpenney fruit loops / froot loops sketchers / skechers coco puffs / cocoa puffs.

notice how in some frames there are only 4 people. residue of the mandela effect. gematria calculator values? Cern we are happy video (employee holds up mandela sign)

I included very few quotes of some other anons and the things that they say they also remember. if those few user's quotes are not accurate, don't whine.

bernstein bears (originally) became berenstein bears, became berenstain bears.
berenstein is what people who can't handle the shock use to say it wasn't berenstain.
it was ALWAYS bernstein bears, ( bern stein )

they are trying to confuse us with a double negative.

mirror mirror on the wall snow white now magic mirror on the wall
luke, I am your father starwars now no, I am your father says "It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood" instead of "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood".
"this" excludes everyone at home, "the" is what he always said and he was including everyone.

Looney Toons now Luney Tunes

Interview with a vampire is now called Interview with the vampire.

sketchers now skechers

mona lisa now smiles

fruit loops is now froot loops

the line "beam me up, scotty" was never uttered in star trek (now)

is now

in the movie "The Wizard of OZ" the scarecrow (who wants to have a brain) NOW HOLDS A GUN.
he never had a gun before.

in the scene from the first pirates of the carribean Jack Sparrow is trying to convince Barbosa to work with him in the first movie and starts bribing him with the offer of a hat, "a really big one", and then he adds "with a feather in it" this really hit me hard, I definitely remember this one as well, I haven't re-watched the movie yet but everyone says that that scene doesn't exist anymore.

many people have begun to experience the resurfacing of very strange old memories of drowning when they were little or memories of being swimming deep underwater somewhere or in a pool when they were little but still being able to be breathing somehow.

Fidel castro is alive again

a huge amount of people remember playing a very old PC game from the 1990's that has a scary singing bathtub in one scene called "grandma and me" where you can find a worm that comes out of an apple and sings "bo Bo Bo Bo bO bo" and upon playing that game again the worm is undiscoverable.

many people remember watching Moonraker (Bond) and noticing that the girl Jaws falls in love with had braces on her teeth and that that was the point of the scene because they both have metal on their teeth but now she has no braces.

Is it just me? Does anyone else remember the girl having braces?

"if you build it they will come" is now "if you build it he will come"

"Forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us"
is now
"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors"

Wineskins is now Wine bottles

coco puffs is now cocoa puffs

chic-fil-a is now chick-fil-a

cheez-itz is now cheez-it

bragg's is now bragg

the word "environment"

jiffy peanut butter and jif peanut butter both used to exist but now only Jif exists

jfk assassination had 4 people in the car, now its 6 and the wife is there and is wearing this insane pink dress and the video quality is astoundingly better than it has ever been
many people remember the wife putting her body over JFK to protect him but now she appears to go near him and put her hand under his head right before his head gets blown to bits and then crawl all over the back of the car

look at the world map. it has changed.

JCpenny is now JCpenney

Fabreeze is now Febreze

Oscar Meyer is now Oscar Mayer

mamas and papas california dreamin "I began to pray" is now "I pretended to pray"

woman named "sally fields" "you like me, you really like me"

is now called "sally field" and now says "you like me, right now you like me"

"we are the champions..... OF THE WORRRRRLLLLD!!!" cuts off now and doesn't say "of the world" anymore.

the word "dilemna" is now "dilemma"

the board game monopoly "ventura avenue" is now "ventnor avenue"

all locations have changed or shifted in size or location or shape.

many people remember chartreuse being a more red type of color, not green or yellow.

do your own research. don't allow yourself to be misguided or disinformed. the shills are among us.

"totally real people" will take the time and effort to post attempts at highly convincing arguments like:

(notice how they try to admit a little in desperation to placate "the unforgotten" / mandela effect believers)
also know this- I'm jewish, or at least I was. I'm something different now and I want everyone to know the truth.
you have to keep in mind that alot of the jew meme is just spread by some of the more angry Holla Forumsers or Holla Forums jokers, and by some who legitimately believe the jews are at fault for everything- but i discovered a deeper agenda to the whole jew meme. some shills who want that jew meme spread WANT everyone to focus all their attention and frustration for all their problems on a giant generalized group of religious people so that they are distracted and don't give any attention to the true leaders of the global elite cult. the tops of corporations and government.

those leaders also claim to be jewish to further this meme so that everyone looks at them and goes "the jews control my life! fuck them!" but Again, they will do nothing but be upset towards a bunch of random people in the general population. this works for them because Yet still, the global elite cult bosses are left alone. untouched by any responsibility.

when "totally real people" or "TRP's" surface in such numbers... it can only mean we are doing or thinking of something they do not want us to

The only evidence that any of this has, is what currently exists. That which is the conflict that people have with far more people's memories than those who agree with it. I see no reason to disbelieve in the effect and instead cling to some bizarre theory of highly specific mass memory error. There is currently no worthy acceptable explaination for how so many people from so many different places all over the world could possibly remember (exactly) all the same commonly recognizable and well known events, names, locations of continents and other places, and general miscellaneous things all WRONG, in EXACTLY the same ways.

You can not trick us, You can not fool us. You will not make us forget. stop lying to yourself. deny yourself the truth no longer. We are the unforgotten.

I would also like to mention that I hate to be that person who slowly trickles information into my thread. I present all my data up front and straight forward. I know there are those who definitely do jump on this thread and read it start to finish drooling all the way as they go, I know I would If I ever came across a thread like this. I let the information present itself, I let the information draw the reader/ seeker of knowledge in so that by reading it they become more interested. I'm not interested in those who lightly skim and run away in fear and laziness.

a sound possible speculation is that significant (or insignificant) events are changed and through the butterfly effect, these create an unstoppable chain of reactions which result in a lot of small changes like the title of your favorite cartoon manifesting into reality as altered. some people'es memories are altered, and others are spared.

It's just nice to see other people freak out when they absolutely know without a doubt that things they have always known in their everyday life, things that they undoubtably and unshakably remember clearly and sharply, are now obviously and unmistakably altered and noticabley and tangibley different. I and many others have seen Bragg's apple cider vinegar (brand name) suddenly appear forever changed as "bragg" in their pantry. we can all pick up that bottle that we bought as "Bragg's" and touch it, and feel it, and know that it is different than the bottle we got from the store "way back".

if you are one of the people who have noticed the difference I reccomend you call the "bragg" company if you are curious enough and ask them if they remember and how many others have called. I encourage you to be polite and not keep them too long however.

hope this helps someone



The Internet is not the World Wide Web. The Internet is a way to send data around that originated at the US military. The invention of the World Wide Web came decades later, and it was the invention of websites and webpages. E-mail, IRC and Usenet, FTP and Gopher all use the Internet but not the World Wide Web.

nice job saying literally nothing, doesn't change what is said in the OP.

tech related so posted on Holla Forums


The OP literally says "CERN created the internet". It didn't. CERN created the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is not the Internet.

God this is retarded

not sure if trying to downplay this or stupid.

I don't know user, did you give it a read?


This has got to be the dumbest OP I have ever witnessed.

The Internet was DARPAs project.
CERN is to be credited for the world wide web.

The Internet is the world-wide TCP/IP based network. The world wide web is HTTP webpages.

But lets assume you means the world wide web. You say CERN didn't create it in your timeline but you don't state who did?

But I have never come across
Pastors might have recently changed that one. Have you checked all versions of the bible for it? We still use "trespasses" here.

Is this a datamining thread? I noticed only few demographics would be able to point out flaws in certain claimed changes. If I pointed them out for example, a lot of information about me as well as who I am would be exposed to certain adversaries with enough information.

Spooky. Please don't tell me anyone thinks like this.

You should probably have omitted that as it makes your posts look more like disinfo, datamining and/or distraction.

Yet anyone who posts a skeptical comment is a shill?

This is not tech related.


I like the new strategy of including blatant lies ("scarecrow HOLDS A GUN")

Actually a gun would be OK.

Speaking of the wizard of Oz, the author wanted to drop the series. At one point he builds an impassable barrier around Oz, and promises no more stories, but writes another when a girl asks if radio, a new tech, can be used to communicate with Oz. His forwards read like a man pleading with his fans to let him move on. He writes Oz books with entirely new settings and characters and then apologizes in the next forward for neglecting Dorothy.

The first book was also dark, relatively. By the end there was no death at all in Oz. Lions laying with lambs.

You're fucking retarded. Clearly you're using cointelpro tactics and then pretending the other side is using them, thus shifting the blame off of you and onto everyone else to prove what a nutcase you are.

But I don't need proof. You're retarded and possibly insane and I need no more proof than the content in this thread.

Also nice try trying to make people who believe in alternative theories of events look like nutcases, but you'll have to try harder

If you pointed out the cointelpro tactics used in that post, would you mind?

It would be extremely educational.