How does this make you feel white boi?

How does this make you feel white boi?

Did you know that stingray attacks are incredibly rare?
It's almost impossible to run into a situation where a stingray will actually attack you, unless you're being an absolute asshole.
Not only that, but the venom contained in their stinger can't really kill you, unless it specifically targets vital areas of your body.

So Steve Irwin died because the stingray specifically stung him in the fucking heart, with the precision of a sniper.
I think that can't be a coincidence, i think somehow, it was fated for him to die that day.
He died in one of the most specific, quick and irreversible ways a man can die, after surviving decades handling much more aggressive and dangerous animals his entire life.
For some reason it was decided that he would have to die that day.

Do you ever think about this shit?
That you could live a crazy ass life, or a completely safe life, be outside or stay inside all day, and it doesn't matter because one day it will be your turn, and you'll just die.
Your life will end and there will be nothing you can do to predict when, or how, it could be from the stupidest shit 1000 other people will experience multiple times and it won't kill them, but for a series of circumstances it will end up killing you.

Isn't it really disturbing to think about?
It's almost like we don't really have free will.


Niggas getting all the dolphin pussy…

keep away from dolphin pussy, you fucking niggers
dolphin is too good for you

Those are fuccin stingrays.

dont mind him, he is a genwunner!

It's an actual cute pic.

We be takin' yo stingrays white bois


We on top now

Manta love…nothing more natural. lol

your so rite
everything is so clear now

You just jelly white boi. I'm pullin' stingray pussy all day erryday

Does stingray have pusspuss?

Who the fuck are you people?!?

Its shopped, blacks dont go in water.

Went to a pool party that mah literal nigger was holding and I was the only white person and also the only person who brought togs to swim.
Figured the pool was closed due to aids but everyone I asked said they didn't like water.


that you must be takin that picture where i live, in grand cayman

Pretty sure manrays are one of those animals that disprove God with its existence cause they piss and shit through their skin. They probably smell like the holocaust when you take them out of the water and get so fucking close to them as this dude is.

no they dont' you moron

They shit through their assholes

Like any other fish
