If all modern consumer hardware has been compromised...

If all modern consumer hardware has been compromised, and in the cases of Intel/AMD you wouldn't even be able to detect hijacks because no one knows what is in their bullshit firmware, then what the fuck is the point? Why even bother anonymising at all?

Other urls found in this thread:


If bolt cutters, lockpicks, and crowbars exist then why bother putting locks on anything?

You can still buy a 8320.

You gotta solder your own cpu now.

He's a kid. Maybe he meant "solder(ed) a cpu (to something?)"
Maybe he meant a uC
But taking an exploitable quote like that and plastering it around is just pathetic

get fucked, Ahmed

So he's a stupid kid who wanted to pretend he's an engineer. I did the same shit in Year 6 when I would trace anime and pretend I drew it, or in high school when I'd draw AND gates from NOR and pretend it was originally thought up. I genuinely think the kid was just trying to show off and ended up in lucky drama.

Not everything has to be a conspiracy, you dunce

It would be more accurate to say why put a lock on the door if you know someone's inside the house.

Nah man it's da jooz

of course this retard watches anime

Smh fam

because it's all about threat models, faggot. Unless you're in some top list of person of interests, no one would ever use an hardware-embedded backdoor on you both because it's still an attack that requires an high level of sophistication and because they want the public to know as less as possible about this kind of backdoor

Nice Reddit blog, Ahmed. Wanna bring it to the White House?

This. However, with the caveat that intel agencies are actually pretty leaky ships. Look how Stingray devices went from some kind of top-secret high-level drug bust technology, to being used fucking everywhere by everyone. The fact is that these people are on a power trip and they don't actually give a fuck.

Yeah but this time he got 15 million for it
Also it probably wasn't even him, his parents probably race baited the school so they could sue it to get campaign money for the presidency in whatever place his dad goes to.



It's like I'm really on cuckchan's /g/.

but user, post-Jim Holla Forums is also cucked

If there's a backdoor, it will be found and exploited by someone. It doesn't even have to be the feds.
Look at how super obscure shit like the memory sinkhole bug were found. Kaspesrky also noticed some malware using hard disk firmware area to hide itself, so that even if you wipe and reinstall the OS, it can just inject itself back in.
I have no trust for any of this overcomplicated and often buggy modern hardware. Maybe a microcontroller that I program can be safe, but otherwise there's too many potential for exploits and too much sketchy shit going on.
And the worst part, I don't get any benefit from this overcomplicated shit hardware. Never needed anything newer than Amiga 500 or Atari ST. It's only because they don't sell such old and beautifully simple machines that I don't have one. And it's only because I need to use the Internet for a couple critical administrative tasks that I even have a laptop that can run the shit modern web browsers full of javascript so there can be more surface attacks and tracking shits. Otherwise I'd just have a simple old school system, with just a dialup account and basic stuff like Lynx, Pine, and ircII. That was good enough for me in the 90's, but the fucking corporate jews keep fucking everything up. It just keeps getting worse every passing year.

Why make it easier for them?
Why shouldn't we have every other factor of privacy set up while we wait for the messiah? That's like finding you have no pasta, sending your room mate to get some and not chopping the vegetables while you wait.

kys smdh tbh fam

You aren't making it harder for them, you are just making your own life more difficult. Security theater for your own benefit.

i'm at ep18 now, shit's cash.

But you are making their lives difficult too. Just look what happened with stingrays. If they used stingrays only to locate high value targets stingrays would probably still be secret, but they overused them and now stingrays are common knowledge. Similarly, by forcing them to use their secret exploits they will eventually reveal what those are and security people would be able to come up with some sort of protection against those.