Hey, friends. I'm back, and ready to take some requests. Unfulfilled requests from previous threads will NOT take precedent.

Rules are same as before: Interesting and/or funny requests will take precedent.

Requests for political cartoons regarding the present election will be ignored.

Requests for anime characters will not be drawn in their original style- I'm sorry, but manga/anime aesthetic is too unforgiving when using traditional pen and paper.

Everything else is fair-game.

Other urls found in this thread:

mtholyoke.edu/~lillsie/McCarthyism/Who is joe mccarthy.html
suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Shinobi Quest

I did some photoshop on your lain pic to make the hair more accurate.

Can you draw a picture of Jim feeding Hotwheels to a pig?


Oh, does she not have ties on both sides? Sorry, about that.

That line could use some serious cleaning up tho.

If I've got time later I'll make the correction in Photoshop. Tell me/show me what it's meant to look like.

Jim pics for reference (I'm sure you know what Frederick looks like)

I should have put this in the original post- if you want me to draw a specific person, you need to include at least one picture of them.

I don't know who "Jim" is.

Do you mean Jim Sterling?

oh nvm, ignore prior reply

Starting that now, good first request.

No problem. Jim is the current owner of Holla Forums.

HW is… well. HW.

yeah, it's only on one side. her hair is uneven.