Girl Butts
Girl Butts
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why would anyone wanna touch a girl's butt?
that's where cooties come from!
Why would anyone want to touch you? That's were AIDS comes from.
This thread>>>
So much for no fap November!
at least you can still dow Mowember
Not thick enough. Thanks for ruining my boner, I was trying to 30 years with a boner.
Pathetic. Learn to use your willpower. Sure I could fap to and but I want to get over my fap addiction. Why? Because then my test will be strong, my mind will be clear, and I can probably bed one of those ladies with ease. Keep your mind on the long term goal.
Every time I try to convince myself that preteen girls aren't hot, someone like you comes around and pulls me back in.
remove thread DX
I have a funny feeling the police will show up and pull you guys away…
so fucking delicious…
Fucking reported. I hope you die.
let me date your daughter first
we all die
I don't have a daughter, but if I did, I'd embrace your genocide, fucking scum.
I'm not gonna even turn images back on after what the previous guy posted.
you, sir, are A W E S O M E
People want to know why Holla Forums is dying? This right here. I'm out. I'll go shit post somewhere else where shit like this is condemned.
And to all you people supporting this crap: The day of the rope is coming. I hope you all hang.
If God didn't want grown men to fuck little girls, why did he make them so hot?
Christians: 0
Atheists: 1
gtfo moralfag
Because you're fucked in the head. KYS.
Holla Forums died when these type of threads were banned and hebe closed down.
go to 4cuck if you dont want to see any virgin girls ever again. fag.
No it didn't, it got good until these fags came back from whatever shithole site they went to.
Go to hell, degenerate.
shut up and fap to these obviously perfect preteen asses you cunt
No. I'm not a sick fuck like you. Women aren't even hot until their 20s so fuck you sicko.
I bet your boner disagrees
back to normal pls
these r nice butts
I want some sweaty teenage cheerleader to sit on my face and make me inhale her sweet essence.
Can someone post a pic that expresses this feel?
LOL this is an absolute lie. Holy fuck youre in deep denial I bet you end up murdering children and fucking their dead bodies.
Its a fact that the most attractive females are the ones that just started menstruating. Its evolutionary because they can have the most children over their lifetime. They are the most furtile.
He said he had to hide images because he couldnt handle it haha
completely dishonest, even with himself.
Here's some for you, faggot!
exactly. another example of how anti-pedos are often just pedos in denial.
It was OK till the guy started sucking.
I like traps as much as the next guy, but not when the guy is doing the sucking or getting rammed.
the realise the girl with a dick is also a dude, right?
stop blaming pedos for anything, the trapfaggots are the real cancer.
no, sorry - honest mistake.
yes they are, nothing to be sarcastic about
Why? Is it because you are a top and placing yourself in the position of the guy? Don't want to be rammed?
It does sound pretty fucking awful. Honestly, traps are better when they have small dicks as well, because at least if you suck it then it isn't a massive meat rod choking you.
Because I don't want to watch a non-trap or woman gobble on a cock.
Also, nice bit of projection/leading questions there, m80.
This is Holla Forums , lolis and traps should exist side by side when the real cancer are the rulefags that want to turn this board into their echo chamber safespace.
Holla Forums isnt about what you prefer, its about the freedom to post what you want without being silenced.
The real enemy are the mods and rulecucks and if people dont realize that now than it wont be Holla Forums anymore.
You are right, sorry for being such a faggot
“A free man must be able to endure it when his fellow men act and live otherwise than he considers proper. He must free himself from the habit, just as soon as something does not please him, of calling for the police.”
― Ludwig von Mises
Paranoid, much? I was just speculating about why that is. Are you saying you DO want to be rammed?
I used to be turned on by traps but after a nofap experience and being obsessed with a girl i met online for 3-4 months I could no longer be attracted to traps and havent since.
I find it disturbing that I ever did. I think the cure is masturbating to the promise of virgin pussy and fantasizing about breaking hymen like an alpha.
I can relate to this
Female, with a butt
I'd have to perfect nofap for at least a month before I found any of these attractive.
They just look like pst their prime, used goods in boring stock standard poses to me.
But I am a cronic porn addict so I can see how numb I am to normal/healthy levels of attraction.
day 3 so far.
good job. and Alex, Micaela, Kelly, are not past their "prime"
Please user, you must stop that.
It's really not healthy. Good for you for trying, at least.
Ay mayn gud luck. J-just started day 0 an hour ago.
black skin kills my dick.
once I dreamt I was having sex and the girls skin suddenly started turning darker and i became limp the darker it got. Its like gorilla skin.
Young fair skin maidens have always been most desirable. Virgins of course.
This guy helped me get back on track with nofap.
Realizing its an arousal addiction gave me what I needed to combat it before it takes root.
I understand, but they need love too, bro
they have their own kind to love them….
another no fap video. this one really goes in depth of how porn turns you into a low energy beta male.
1 more
all women need love, bro. otherwise would be inhumane/hitler-ish
Hitler was the greatest hero of the past 100 years. He fought for Europeans even though they were used against him by the international jewish conspiracy.
I know this will make you shake your head but just watch this video of his final speech and see what he was really about without being told by anti white media/school/hollywood.
The winners write history.
He killed 1000s of girls……… I can't ….
If he eridicated JUST men…. it'd be okay…. but he killed girls…. -7yo girls man…. I can't sign up with that.
He didnt kill girls retard what are you talking about?
The german military was by far the most noble in ww2 and every country they occupied only had found memories of them.
The british bombed german civilians by night. The soviets were the worst. They had real death camps and massacred millions of white russians and ukrainians under bolshivik communism.
You learn to restudy ww2 on your own. School and hollywood gave the jewish view of history which is a total lie.
Girls were sent to the gulags to perish in russia. You have no idea. Please watch adolf hitler: the greatest story never told.
Pick one.
Theres the problem there. You actually believe the Jews are telling the truth. The holocaust has been proven to be a lie. If you question it in many European counrties, especially germany you go to prison for 5 years.
"the truth fears no investigation"
you fucking idiot they DNA tested that lampshade and it was made of goatskin. The soap has also been admitted to be made up to justify the demonization of Germans.
Unbelievable people like you can still remain ignorant in the information age.
BTW famous German 500 years ago Martin Luther, first man to translate the bible so anyone could read it, also wrote a book called "the jews and their lies" because while he was translating the bible he studied the jewish talmud and tora and was horrorfied at what he found the jews see us as their cattle and think its gods work to kill and rob us.
"germany" , was imprisoned in a lie…. check your facts bro
user, I was quite obviously being sarcastic…
Bringing up absurdities like lampshades and soap is a good way to get people to actually research the subject though. It's like a reverse-psychological red-pill
Not to mention after the war millions of german women and children were butchered for several years by occupying forces, mostly the bolshiviks (jewish led communists).
Trains full of german civilians were told they were being sent west but were tricked and sent east deep into Russia to be executed by the millions if not sent to the gulags to labour till they die.
You have no fucking idea. Brainwahsed by mainstream jewish controlled history. WAKE UP!
If I were you I would reflect. You don't come off as a crazy, just fucking stupid.
If I was told that other people were trying to kill ,me….. I'd do the same thing…… I dont see your logic.
Youre so fucking brainwashed. Start researching now you sorry cunt.
LMAO @ the neo-nutzie fuckwits who are crazy anough to believe the Jewish holocaust never happened and similar insane delusions. Too funny.
I don't really care if """Jews""" were responsible for holding back Germany. Anyone who advocates genocide is evil in my book.
nigger detected……….
The jews are genociding the germans you fucking idiot.
who do you think is behind diversity and multiculturalism, open boarders etc? a group of jews.
you ever been to Holla Forums faggot?
I imagine actual neonazis/whathaveyou would curb stomp you chicken-tendies faggots
It's hilarious that you fucking degenerates sit in your mom's basement crying on the interbuttz about "shades of human I don't like" while being genetic dead ends
Normally I'd be mad, but since were a few days away from the day of the rope the prospect of faggots like you dying makes me smile.
So what's the proof that the Holocaust didn't happen? Tryna get redpilled.
Fucking pedos.
I'm fine with people posting shit I don't like in the name of free speech and all that. I'm not fine with getting v& because I have CP thumbnails in my browser cache and passing through my ISP.
Which Holocaust? There have been many of them.
Got any soapy butts?
would Holla Forums want smut wallpapers?
Thanks guys, these are great for artfag reference
if I click [Go to bottom] in this thread, will it take me to the first post?
a little more
says the user with no pic
Says the faggot who is posting pictures he found on Google in a useless thread that starts no conversation.