So to be clear, inorder to get v& by the FCC for operating a radio without a license, you have to be broadcasting consistently for weeks while a team of low initiative government employees hunt you down with directional antennas, correct? If I just shout into my UV-5R that these ham radio nerds are faggots every once in a while, there's no risk, right?
So to be clear, inorder to get v& by the FCC for operating a radio without a license...
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Until a militant ham radio operator-as-fuck hunts you down.
No one cares about ham radio complaints, faggot.
uuuuhh, english, please?
A gang of truckers will triangulate your position and beat you to a pulp and rape the pulp.
Is there any way to fake your ham radio position?
No. The FCC takes intentional interference, especially to critical communications, very seriously. If you do it for long enough for somebody to notice it, you've done it long enough for somebody to track you down, and it won't just be the FCC knocking on the door.
What are the odds that some autist with nothing better to do decides to locate you on behalf of the FCC and feed them with your name and location? The FCC loves complaints where all the footwork is already done for them.
No. Physics is physics.
Broadcast from a drone.
OP you should do this and set up an internet deadhand switch so the rest of us can know the answer.
Best way to do it would be to physically broadcast from different locations with weeks in between so it seems like different people.
Depends on what you're broadcasting.
Governments have overseen the airwaves since at least WWII and Cold War to catch foreign agents, gather intelligence, and protect from radio-targeted and radio-controlled weapons. They have vast military radio centers collecting every signal and pinpointing its location. Parts of the system are shared with civil bureaus, so they only need to record your transmission in person to have a legal proof. If you read between the lines of official documents, you can guess what is considered allowed (detectable, regulated) transmitters, and what is only given to military and secret services.
It's way more complex and precise than you think. Read on Soviet planetary-scale radars, or US massively stealing SIM encryption keys to decrypt mobile phone transmissions it catches.
nah you're fine OP, the government is grossly incompetent and doesn't use radio for anything at all
Interesting. Explain.
ham radio guys will track you down. You don't know they exist until you fuck with them and then they're all over you. It's like a secret society. If you instead fuck with private bands you're much less likely to have anything happen unless you're trying your hardest to be a dick.
Design an antenna that radiates in an irregular pattern and have it rotate by a random amount every so often. Of course anyone with that knowledge would just get the license.
The real answer is reflecting the signal off a mountain. But if they cross the path of your transmission, you're fucked.
Sure, just gather enough matter together in a small enough volume to create a mini black hole to distort the direction of the radio waves. Easy.
so literally all you need to do is take a drive while you call them faggots?
How good even is passive triangulation? 500 yards? It's not like you have an antenna outside your home, it's a brick sized radio, easy enough to conceal.
And how the hell are you going to power a radio from your car!?
it's got a 3800mAh battery.
Doesn't real and nevar will.
Do you even know how radar works? It doesn't obey the laws of gravity. It's not like it's going to be able to curve around the surface of the planet, it's just going to shoot off into space.
It won't be able to go through the planet either because of our big-ass metal core.
a radio?!? in a car? how absurd would that be?
that's just a receiver you retard
ever hear of a C fuckin B cunt?
that's not a CB that you posted.
ever hear of a cb?
Mini Nuclear Breeder Reactor.