If this shit passes, it's the death of free animu, imageboards, etc.
I don't care. If Hollywood wants to protect their IP's, let them. It's how they make money. Piracy is destroying the economy.
That sounds like a good thing to me.
This. Think of all the money that could be going to support Israel
How is making a copy of something "destroying the economy"?
Protip: Everyone who planned on voting against is dead.
It's costing jobs. There are still places that sell music and movies. Every time someone downloads music or movie illegally, it hurts the economy. Which is why many businesses that rely on selling movies and music goes out of business. It may not be a big deal to you, but it is a big deal to people who work at places like Best Buy, Wal-mart, Barnes and Noble, FYE, basically anywhere that sells movies and games. Without that money, it hurts those businesses.
I do see your point when it comes to Barnes and Nobel, though.
I know Wal-mart doesn't rely on music or movies, but they do sell them. Not that anyone wants any of the censored CD's they sell. LOL And I know they're not going out of business any time soon, I was just using them as an example of stores that do sell movies and music.
Jobs? Nobody pays for digital content. The only jobs that will be lost, will be just like NAFTA. Only on a larger scale.
What about the 24 chapters of the TPP that don't invole trade? Shit's fucked
Tell that to Apple and Google. Everybody pays for digital content these days. Heck I get digital copies of movies on vudu every time I buy a new movie on Blu-Ray. I get a free digital album every time I buy an album on CD from Amazon.com
This is too much to not be bait
Thank God Democrats have been the ones to keep blocking TPP from passing while Republicans have continued to try to pass it.
TPP is bad for internet freedom mostly because it supports take down requests with no proof an infringement ever took place.
Don't like a YouTube vid, just file a DCMA and they'll have to pull it while they investigate. Guilty until proven innocent isn't how it's supposed to work.
Don't even get me started on what it's going to do to the DNS systems.
If Trump wins, we get republicans that want TPP in congress. And if Clinton wins, we get another Obama administration.
9/11 election
Actually if Trump wins, there will be another 9/11 attack, plus a race war, plus a world war 3. If Clinton wins, we're screwed too.
stay cucked
That's some sound logic there, faggot.
This has to be a joke christ
lmao xDD
old news, never happened
*TPPs fedora*
Its bad for the country's sovereignty too because of the trade court.