Paul Ryan Would Sue Trump On Muslim Ban

This guy. This fucking guy. I am done with him at this point now. For the love of god Wisconsin bros, you cannot reelect him. Do whatever you have to do, Paul Ryan cannot win.

He has officially stabbed Trump in the back now. The fact that he had the balls to say this just shows you how much the GOP hates Trump right now

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Mason scum.

If not for the blue eyes, he'd look like the typical turkroach

He is part of the core group of cuckservatives who have been conspiring against Trump. It is obvious that he has just taken the snake in the grass approach up until now and has been holding back on trying to sabotages Trump's campaign up until recently.

I think he needs some intense cultural enrichment in his life to snap himself out of full Cuckservitism.




Paul Ryan would make a great democrat but as a Republican he is an EVEN better democrat.

fuck paul ryan

stalin wasn't a mason

What the fuck have you been waiting for while Obama's been abusing executive orders to flood us with shitskins the past four years?

What a fucking cuck. The GOPe has clearly sent the message that they're siding with Hillary Clinton over their own nominee as chosen by the Republican voters.

So kill him.

Paul Ryan sucks.

This is something that has been driving me crazy. I've seen in the comment sections of news articles having to do with syrian refugees in the united states there is always some leftists faggot smuggly cite the 14th amendment. I don't understand how the fuck the 14th amendment applies to people who haven't even crossed the border.

Why do people even like this motherfucker? His youth and patchy beard?

They can cite whatever they want. There's no violent repercussion for what they do so they'll just make it up as they go along.

I saw this fucking faggot on Bill O'Riley a few nights ago, Bill went into him and started going "All the American People are asking you to do is try, Ryan, that's all. [Try to fight Obama, that is]"

Ryan responded. "Well, we ARE trying, you know that." and then began listing nothingburgers as accomplishments.

Even Bill looked like he wanted to strangle that motherfucker. I damn near threw my remote at the TV.

What -PRECISELY- has this faggot fought Obama on? Has he ever given a speech denouncing Clinton, Sanders, or any major democrat? Yet the snake has the AUDACITY to go on national TV what seems like every week and stab his own party's nominee in the back.

A scandalous shill

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? I hope he gets ousted by that other guy. This is incredibly stupid on his part. Why does he think pandering to the enemy is going to get him anywhere?

washington wasn't connected with any masonic house, he was independent in his deist beliefs. the only founding father who was a mason was franklin

Hello FBI. You're working late, are the perks there good?

he has a shit beard for a taig also, Im blond and probably almost 20 years his younger and my beard is about as thick as that

Okay. Keep doing it your way.

They cucks have been especially mouthy over the past few days. Openly bragging about attempting a convention coup, some saying they'd rather have Clinton in office, making statements about how they won't support Trump.

These fuckers are cancer.

The Koch Brothers are elbow deep in Paul Ryan's ass. When he speaks, it's not his words, but the talking points of the GOP. The shills is worse than just paid for; he's a chump who sold his soul early in his career to get ahead; has been paid millions by big oil and pharmaceutical companies and when he had the opportunity to help keep the GM plant in his own hometown of Janesville, he chose to do nothing.

He let hundreds of people lose their jobs for no other reason than to say "Muh Gubmint Motors" which wasn't even the fucking issue. It was a disagreement over the time frame that GM had to pay its government loan back which if accepted, would've kept the plant running.

Fuck this guy. He'll never get over losing to a nigger and it's salt in the wound to see a 70 year old Alpha take the Conservative Party to task for being a bunch of fucking mealy-mouthed, milquetoast, hand-wringing eunuchs.

Ask them if they're Democrats.

Gee. I wonder how that will work for him.

Libtards and Conservatives hate him. Why are we tolerating this cuck?

There is no debate about it. The constitution allows it. Obongo did it. Quite a number of presidents did it. Where's the suit for Obongo?

Oh that's right. You're king nigger's lapdog.

I read that in Trump's voice

In case anyone's wondering or wants a source on this claim:

Right fucking there!

Why doesn't this RINO piece of fucking dogshit just endorse Hillary while he's at it?

A Roman Catholic doesn't want to ban immigrants when all those Roman Catholic Hispanics are coming right now? Hmm…

Holla Forums is it time to start the fire?


I wonder if we'll ever see Roman Catholic nationalists.


I can do you one better.

no it's just the "dude look how spoopy and powerful i am >:DDD"

There are some, but the poz Pope has driven them to the fringes.

I'm real fucking tired of the "I don't know if I can support Trump" faggots. He's your fucking nominee. You don't want him? Leave the fucking party, you fucking faggots.

What a bunch of traitorous cucks. At this point, if they're not with Trump, they're against him

Nothing wrong with being a freemason. Also he's doing it wrong.

He's been 'presidential' for three months now. Just admit what this is: You wouldn't accept the Gipper himself if he had Trump's immigration positions, and everybody knows that's what it is.

Now that I'm looking closely at him with a full beard, I am suspecting that he is part-kabab.

Don't be surprised when you see some of these thieving globalist homos switch parties "as a matter of conscience".


Treasoun and being a traitor are both punished by death in the US.

Except the President has the powers to restrict immigration from any country as he sees fit for the protection of the US according to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

"Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."

The President has had this power for over 64 years now, and now you have a fucking problem with it? Fuck you, RINO piece of shit nigger.

It's in there. Search for "president" it's the second hit.

It's on page 26 on the link I posted.

Yeah, you're just confirming what I said, what's the point?

Cuckservatives are so used to losing they don't physically know how to win anymore. Thank fuck Paul Ryan is up for reelection so we can kick him out.

Nehlen will win. People hate Ryan.

Anyone worth anything who reads the constitution, would instantly be able to understand that the only rights of non-citizens the government has to enforce is very clearly laid out, basically saying for deportation a non-citizen has a right to a hearing with a language translator to make him understand what is going on, and to show evidence to a judge that they are actually in the country illegally.

Do you even know who Timothy Dolan is? He is only the most important of their clergy in this country.

Nativism rears its big-haired head: Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric is a sad return to a terrible American tradition

(Among other American minorities, it must be said, Catholics like me often drew the ire of nativists.)
I made the point to my students that nativism never really did disappear completely, but was a continual virulent strain in the American psyche, which would probably sadly show up again.
This point my students would not buy. “Father Dolan,” they would say, “there’s no denying that this bigotry was there in our past. But, come on! Who could ever believe now that immigrants are dirty, drunken, irresponsible, dangerous threats to clean, white, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon America! Those days are gone.”

Is it a coincidence that there are two Roman Catholics speaker for the house in a row, Boehner was the last. 25% of the population

This. They get the benefit of the doubt. If they prove they're here legally, they get to stay. If they can't; they're out.

As he complains about those days still being here.

The dissonance is disgusting.

We need to meme him into popularity. Do people even know Ryan's term is up?

Spam Trump on twitter to talk about Nehlen. Hell, throw him a support nod.


If he loves Muslims so much then why doesn't he marry one?


Hitler did it too, doesn't mean he's a mason.

Because we MUST HAVE Muslims, right?! Especially from Somalia! HAVE TO HAVE IT! Cannot possibly go on without them!



Wait. Couldn't this be technically used to ban all non-white immigration if it can be justified as being "detrimental to the interests of the United States" in the form of destroying national unity/cohesion/identity?

Yes, yes it could.

I like what I'm hearing. The law is just vague enough to apply to something like that.


Nigger Freemasons where Just Goyim who worked for the Jews. Communism was literately a Jewish creation. He right hand man was (((Vladimir Lenin))) and he sucked the cock of (((Karl Marx))). Also tied to the Jacobins.

Unfortunately it doesn't apply to American citizens either anymore.

It could be used to ban ANY class of immigrant. So long as they aren't a legal citizen, they can be banned.

this doesn't prove he was a mason.

There's literally no evidence that Stalin was a mason as far as I've found. If you have any definitive proof, then please share it.

what a pity all the shitskins already here are immune.

Paul Ryan is a Democrat infiltrator.


This guy thinks that he can get himself as the nominee at the convention but pretty much every Republican has accepted and welcomes Trump as the Nominee
Paul thinks that Trump gone for the start of the convention means he can steal the Nomination, he will be suprised

? What am I D&Cing? Masons are scum who work for Jews.

Trump as Business ties to Jews too and Hitler was suppository financed by Samuel Untermyer and did agree to the Haavara Agreement with the Revisionist Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky. The hidden hand think has something to do with Jewry. I am not one to worry about it too much but it's still worth taking note

Get this kike out of office immediately.

You kidding? The guy is one of the best known masons.

Seriously, only the fucking Punditry doesn't want Trump, read the comment section on every conservative site


How many times has this potatonigger sued O'Bama over illegal executive orders?

Perhaps the Irish illuminati is real after all.

t. potatonigger

except national review…

I'm under the impression that the majority of normalfags have no idea who these people are, and really only follow the candidates of a given party over the people that make up said party.

I usually like to ask what principles of the GOP Trump is going against to justify so much backlash among its party members.

Sounds like he would lose that case faster than you can say "Carter banned Iranians."

individualism over collectivism
limited government
the constitution

i.e. everything the republican party stands for you populist pleb

This shit drives me crazy how is he not a democrat shill

Clarify any of your examples, at your leisure.

Your nose is showing.

Big bulgy eyes, Islam-looking beard, somewhat Semitic node, last name sounds like a first name. You guys sure Paul Ryan is one of you?

Which means precisely nothing in reality.
Said unironically whilst demanding the importation of collectivist groups, then shaming natives for collectivising in response.
Which they've done SO well at containing.
Because Dubya and Obama's abuses were fought tooth and nail, right?

Long, but delivers the message.

tl;dw, totally legal

A brief genealogy of Paul Ryan:

Paul Davis Ryan was born on January 29, 1970 in Janesville, Wisconsin. His father was Paul Murray Ryan, who was born on July 23, 1931, and who died in August of 1986. He was a lawyer. His mother is Elizabeth A. (((Hutter))). (Ashkenazi, incidentally.)

Ryan's half kike. Y…You knew this, r..right /pol?

At this point I just assume everyone in Media/Banking/Government is a Jew until proven otherwise.

It's easier that way.

He's up for re-election in November

Its all buzzwords for not being Jewish enough. You know meaningless Jewy buzzwords like "Liberty, Free Trade and Equality".

Absolute nonsense.

I was thinking more like Manchurian candidate tbh. same for obama


inb4 paul ryan unexpectedly dies

The Manchurian Cuckidate.

underrated post

He looks jewish to me.

The coloration and proportions look about right.

Fuck this guy.

Lets get rid of him.

Praise Kek, may he fail to achieve re-election.

Or perhaps he is (((Paul Ryan))).

He has a nice terrorist beard.

Well, fuck.

As my last post should demonstrate, I'm not surprised AT ALL.

Also, I used to date a woman born the exact same day and year at Ryan. She was so charming and fun and smart, such a total liar and cheat. Always saying one thing and doing another, and couldn't stand being unpopular for one second. Always finding the most important butt in the room and kissing it. Very Ryan-like. The impression of an upstanding person, but very inwardly treacherous. Brrr.

Not that astrology "works", necessarily, but it's kind of a weird coincidence in context.

This kike needs to go away. For good.

Nationalism is against Catholicism. Catholic Church supports democracy (and communism).

fuck off jew

Why wait for an election?

Just shoot the fucker.

Check em.

I've always thought this. My J-dar pings every time I see this faggot. His treacherous and lecherous degenerate ways have to be genetic.

It is, look up the Hybernian Order.

he has the (((judeo-christian))) look

He's a handsome bastard, too bad he's a cuck.

Has Paul "the Shabbos Goy" Ryan adopted a niglet yet? He seems like the type.

I can't see how one man can be so cucked. I think he might even be a bigger faggot than fucking Lindsey Gramham.

Here is the guy who is running against Ryan in the primary in August.

I just worry when Ryan loses because he hasn't done anything to win over his voters that he will do scorched earth technique with the house until he is out. Is there anything to stop that from happening because it means little if the people who get voted out just torch the country before they leave office?

Would such a threat be credible against move to implement a defacto 'Muslim' ban on those entering from countries with a high Muslim population. I'm

Would such a threat be credible against move to implement a defacto 'Muslim' ban on those entering from countries with a high Muslim population?

I saw that also. He said (not a direct wrote but said thus) "If we want to get America back to work go to better gop dot com." The fucker pitched a website in the face of criticism.

That's RINO speak for "get fucked"

I wish Bill would've went "live" on his ass

He's facing a primary fight in the Republican party. His opponent is Paul Nehlen. (I couldn't find evidence that Nehlen is Jewish)

Anybody with a few extra buck should donate to Nehlen. I'm going to.

If you don't have extra bucks, do some memes or Twatter war shit in his behalf.

Ryan needs to go.

Those of you with Twitter should try and trigger Ryan's followers with infographics

Look at those eyes.. those are the eyes of a tired man who was up all night watching his wife with another man, likely a mudslime.

All that matters to them is the mother's line. No wonder they pushed that leg-day skipping faggot on us.

This fucking cuck must go. He must go now.

Remember the Nehlen. Vote out Ryan.

Or kill him, whatever is deemed necessary.

We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world was turning.


That's all that fucking matters. This fucking kike belong on a crucifix.

didn't he endose him a week ago or so?

Cuckservative uprising confirmed.

The 10 Republicans most likely to defect from Donald Trump

The neocohens are losing it. Is this their last stand? Find out on the next episode of

He's a good kid, leave him alone

He's gone from outright hostility to tepid endorsements and then right back to attacking him.

He's another bought and paid for tool who bends like a stalk of wheat in the wind.

Bump for exposure.

Why are Masons always such faggots?

How's it going, Carl the Cuck?

If he's one of the "best known masons" then surely you'll have no problem providing me with evidence

honestly I have no expectation for a mason, knowing enough of computers to find Holla Forums

stop user

Virtue signalling is strong with this one.

muh memes

this tbh

An old man who needs to stop teasing and start really blowing Jews the fuck out, really earn that "antisemite" label they stuck on him.

He's an effeminate cuck.

Yeah, that always goes well.

It's always "meme meme meme" with you faggot kids today, yet you misunderstand how they work.

He didn't make a great argument but it was better than nothing.

As if you really need evidence for this. Jews, commies, freemasons, it's all the same shit.

Go to bed gramps.

Defeatist, self-hating faggots are not welcome.

Don't know about that. Barack Obama had a court declare Anwar al-Awlaki to no longer be a citizen.
Why not do it to other people and deport them?

Stop deflecting everything, you piece of shit. I asked for proof that Stalin as an individual, was a freemason. You failed to provide any and are now just moving the goal post. This has nothing to do with jewish involvement in communism as a movement, it has to do with whether Stalin himself was a mason.

If you can't prove it, then fuck off

Kill yourself faggot.

I've only heard of one of those ten and only because he was a candidate for the GOP nom.

Funny you chose to use that version of the Stalin photo. It's one of the most famous edited photos of all time. The original included Nikolai Yezhov, the NKVD chief during the height of the Great Terror. He was brought in when Iagoda was killed, then was later killed himself and replaced by Lavrentiy Beria, who was himself later killed by Khrushchev.

The photo was edited in true Orwellian fashion after Yezhov was killed, sort of a "Where's Yezhov? Who? Never heard of him" kind of deal. Creepy stuff.

Ryan is the definition of a shabbat goy

JFC that fucking chupacabra is hideous

kek, let me. He'll lose.

Google: 8 US code, section 1182

It's legal shill-ryan. Sue away.