The stickies were a mistake.
Remove them and allow the comments to be part of the natural flow of the board.
The stickies were a mistake.
Remove them and allow the comments to be part of the natural flow of the board.
Other urls found in this thread:
If I wanted to browse a shitty imitation of /g/, I'd just go to /g/
If I wanted to browse a dead board I'd browse Holla Forums.
Well, you clearly do want to browse a dead board, hence your comment :^)
In any case, Holla Forums isn't dead because the stickies dissuade dullards. It's dead because witless shit posters (space intentional) were allowed to run amok without consequence, which drove down the S/N ratio below the breaking point for many people. The ones interested in intelligent discussion fled to reddit and those interested in funny shitposting went back to half-chan.
This. The stickies turned out to be so unhelpful…
which is the majority of people using image boards.
There should never be more than one sticky on a board.
The board owner just needs to unsticky the Consumer thread and Help thread, and turn them into cycle threads.
Holla Forums has a cycled, unstickied American Elections thread that does its job perfectly fine. The problem with stickies is that they don't get bumped when a new post is in them, and fewer posts show on the board index.
That would work.
Doesn't help that BO is a stupid faggot that encouraged shitposting while banning people that just anted to browse a technology board.
oh you :^)
They should also be reduced to 300 reply limit.
Go back
The only way to fix this board at this point is to add a rule forbidding off-topic politics posts and 90day ban for the most minor infractions. Drive the shitposters back to where they came from.
Unhelpful how? Ive found help in them.
t. acid
rename the board to /gamergatehq2/ as well.
400 replies is okay. It's the >600 reply stickies that are insane.
That setting applies to all threads, not just cyclicals.
I've made the stickies cyclical. They used to be cyclical, but the static pages stopped getting built, breaking them. That was before Alacrity so it might be better now.
I'm not sure about unsticking them. What do you think about merging them?
I've sent this thread to the board owner.
This is a prime example of the identity politics bullshit that should be banned.
Unsticky them, and get the BO to lower the post limit to 400 at most. 600 posts take too long to load, due to Holla Forums's shitty JS.
They shouldn't be merged, since they are about two pretty distinct topics. Also, consider cycling other threads, like maybe a GPU thread and guts/battlestation thread.
Cycle the cmfys thread too. Can't forget our favorite eternal meta thread
try operate or sudo instead.
I'd personally look forward to the threads being unstickied
Butthurt about your safespace being penetrated? He's offering a perfectly good solution. If you get butthurt, just because he uses leftypol as an example, you can always go back yourself.
polite sage as I'm not contributing to the thread much with this post.
CMFYS threads are a Holla Forums tradition. We can't just move them to sudo or operate. Only epic oldfags will remember the first thread
I think hes butthurt about the other guy being an idiot.
I was here before those threads even started, but I think I've missed the first one.
In any case, I've barely skimmed a few of those threads, but there was nothing really interesting, so I don't read them at all.
Am I special missing out on anything?
Fuck off back to /g/, shithead. We don't want your tech support or consumer recommendations clogging up the catalog.
Why? Just because some fucking retard waltzed in here not knowing that the stickies have been here since the beginning.
As for unstickying them, it'd just make it harder for retards to find them, resulting in more threads than the amount we already get.
So, in short, no.
Yes, we get a lot. I report them all the time, because the poster is a fucking retard asking us to wipe his ass outside of sticky. I'm sure others report too. The mod deletes them.
Stay there, cocksucker.
Aren't you glad we have Captain Sagequeer The Internet Police Force around to ensure those 14 posts per hour are high-quality technical content like >>637060 and :)
How is someone who saw the first CMFYS/HWFYS earlier this year an ebin oldfag?
Aren't you glad that OP made this shit meta thread to complain about the stickies because he didn't get an answer to his dumbfuck question and push an actual technology thread off the index?
If you haven't noticed, there are only 300 regular posters here. Unstickying the help threads will make them more active and responsive. Then all we have to do is report threads that belong in them to get them bump locked.
And most of those 300 are probably VPN/Tor nodes, so the count is probably a lot lower.
and five of those are me and my proxies
You are missing some Codemonkey posts, Jim sperging out and Josh BTFO'ing Jim.
TOR is just one IP, unless you're thinking of outproxies.
But yes, basically user has to be a real fucking moron if they're worried about this board getting flooded.
Yeah, I'm probably a good 20+ of those IPs
All Tor users appear as the same IP address (, so they account for one active user.
All IP addresses of a single subnet appear as a single active user.
No, they should be banned and deleted.
It's not about being 'flooded' it's about fucking retards not being able to fundamentally use the catalog search, or read anything. A sticky will make it much more likely that they'll shit all over the board.
Also, unless you fucking retards are really new, active users doesn't matter. Last year around the same time we also slowed down. It's just a cycle. Winter is really the best time for boards like Holla Forums and /g/.
In the northern hemisphere, anyways.
Holla Forums had 664 active users exactly a year ago.
BO has nothing but his stupid self to blame
Can you elaborate?
Yeah and Holla Forums had exactly 3,525 active users a year ago.
You can either choose to believe that /16 subnets were being inflated or you can choose to believe that /16 subnets are an unreliable count of active users considering it was only around 25 pph at peak times around that period.
So no, dipshits. This has nothing to do with the fact that tech support threads aren't allowed to shit all over the place. The rules are the same back then as they were now. We also had much more of a problem with Holla Forums threads and browser shitposting back then compared to now.
It probably has more to do with the fact that most of the userbase left because the owner is a fat kike.
Holla Forums, that is.
I think the BO on Holla Forums is by far one of the least-shitty on 8ch. It's more like a lot of Holla Forums users were fed up with the downtime, the shitty software, and the drama. And is 8ch even open source anymore? However, a few of the policies were overboard catering to autists.
The fact is that stickies kill conversations. The tech support threads were an okay idea, but they didn't work properly.
Here's what corporate cocksucker dudley mcdudderson has to say about it:
They work fine, because it keeps the shit out.
Try unstickying them and if retards can't find the thread then have only two stickies, one with the rules and all of that other bullshit and one with an image/subject that says "take your tech support here" and link to the cyclical threads.
This is an idiotic stance. All you need to make it work is semi-active moderation who bump lock threads that belong in the cycled threads.
so what's the fucking point of even using this site? I mean, it's not like this PHP spaghetti mess wasn't already backdoored by govt. agents, but now it's probably backdoored by the site owner himself.
Why would the software be backdoored when they can just access the server? Accessing the logs and database directly is easier if you want useful information.
We have that. Except they delete them, retard. There's nothing wrong with deleting your shitty thread.
There is none. The only reason anyone still uses this site is that the majority of the user base clings to this site no matter what happens which means the alternatives remain almost completely dead. Some people(like me) have been posting on the alternative sites in hopes that they one day gain traction. The rest choose to go down with the ship because the thought of posting on a site with a small user base is incomprehensible, especially when various boogeymen created by this site run said alternative sites.
For example:
What the board needs is CONTENT and users. Nobody talks about anything that isn't Linux and Poettering
I hate "rulecucks" but there's literally no point in getting windowsfags or similar cancer to come to this board.
there is no point really. Infinity doesn't just have privacy issues, its also just a hacky fork of vichan, which was already pretty old and messy. we already see Holla Forums going down during major events, so how will it survive increases in users and posting? more glue and servers?
the only real alternative sites are 16chan and Endchan as far as i can tell, just runs a slightly better and open source version of Infinity. no point in staying on software that is a struggle to improve and maintain. Endchan's software is permissively licensed, so its basically another "trust us not to make this closed source" deal again. i like 16chan's community better, theres some guy making a GPLv3 HTML5 oekaki program with layers and some people who have made logos, flags, and banners for the website. i have no interest in ggrevolt or some polish board so theres not much for me at Endchan anyway.
I don't fucking mean Windows, I mean ANYTHING that isn't Linux. People that talk about soldering electronics, Ham radio fags, cryptonerds, hell I'll take people talking about fixing air conditioners at this point. The board is so fucking monotonous for such a wide concept such as "technology".
16chan is definitely the way to go. Endchan which uses Lynxchan software is vichan written in node.js because the retarded autistic brazilian that wrote it didn't bother to learn what mistakes were made the first time around and not make them again. Josh did a good job overall with Infinity Next.
Which mistakes did vichan make that Lynxchan makes? I have a lot of problems with it but most of them are about usability, not technical details.
Early this year there was a Holla Forums and /a/ invasion, an extremely blatant one.
BO did nothing to stop it and instead went around banning people telling shitposters to fuck off.
Its build queue
Go back to reddit
Found the retard
Found the redditor that is triggered by image board culture, but still uses image boards so he can post screenshots to /r/Holla Forums and /r/4chan for sweet sweet internet points while circlejerking with normalfags about how much of a true "channer" he is in the comment section by spewing memes he doesn't understand.
#post-form-outer::before { display: block; color: red; font-size: 28px; content: "Check the stickies below before posting tech support threads! Offenders will be banned.";}
I can almost understand crying about Holla Forums but Holla Forums has had animeposters from the earliest day of halfchan /g/.
and we hated them
You must be pretty new here.
Kill yourself leftycuck
The only way to find inner peace is to filter every post containing Holla Forums.
Oh cool, I didn't know Holla Forums had an official spokesperson. What else does Holla Forums as a whole like or dislike, since you're the official word on that and all.
I say unsticky the two threads just so they show more than one reply, that should make questions more visible, and not just to people actively reading the thread.
You're so brain-damaged you literally can't communicate any more; you just make shit up and pretend the other person said it.
You're not worth anyone's time, and neither is your "cause".
As opposed to the retarded faggot advocating for removal of the tech support and consumer recommendation threads.
Stay on /g/, dipshit. No one wants you here. It's been the same thing since the beginning, and the stickies had nothing to do with any percieved drop, otherwise people wouldn't have come here in the first place.
You have to go back.
Big surprise, it's just freech shitposters shitting up the board in an attempt to remove the tech support and consumer recommendation threads.
We are not shitposters, fredditor. We are #channergate. We fight for ethics in image board moderation. Rulecuckery is the greatest threat to image board freedom currently known to man. Join #channergate and help us fight rulecuckery.
How about you actually do something worthwhile and go shitpost on /sudo/, calling Jim and his son Ron kikes for not releasing the source code or call them out for leaking tens of thousands of unencrypted credit card records.