Radiohead listening party attacked by Turkish Muslims

Some Turks hold a Radiohead listening party for the bands new album during Ramadan. Muslims object to this and the people at the party stood no change.


Reddit discussion and some words from people present at the time.

Other urls found in this thread:

/mu/ btfo

At least shitskins are not buying it.


so a bunch turkroach liberal hippies got rekt
why should i care?


Putin's plan to bring Christianity back to Istanbul doesn't seem so bad now.


Also this. This is what fags get for being so fucking gay living in these Muslim countries. Faggots are too afraid to fight back which is why Islam keeps spreading every where, because they see you're weak and won't do shit to stop it, you'll just cry about it until it's too late and a bunch of dunecoons come ackbaring into your house at 2am

thats what you get for listening to radiohead

As to the reason this matters, remember (((someone))) wants Turkey in the EU and it's a good reason to vote Brexit. Especially if this video was passed around of how life is in Turkey when you can't even listen to music without trying to be murdered.

You could also say it's the karma police in action, especially as Radiohead supposedly released a song opposing "islamophobia".

So much juicy irony.

Well I'm not a yuro so I don't give a shit about any of that crap. All I'm saying is they get away with it because they see weakness and that weakness ain't gonna do shit to stop them, so they have free reign







m8, what's wrong with a manpurse?

Having a manpurse

Sure thing, saggypockets.

What Radiohead song have you been listening to?

Ok faggot

I didn't imply that's what radiohead lyrics are about.

But either way, every radiohead fan I know was a stoner sucking on their sleeves.

That's an applied memetic tier post.


Some people go further than their own street.

Wonder how Radiocuck will parse Muslims attacking their fans while simultaneously defending Islam.

Turks beating other Turks. Fine by me.

besides what the fuck do you need. shit I carry with me on a daily basis:

I know Radiohead tends to attract a lot of hipster trash, but their music can actually be pretty angry and violent at times.

Just listen to Climbing Up The Walls, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Dude needs to lift. Good on him to keep a positive out look.


Just call them Muslims

Just call them Muslims.

Your loss, man.

I always thought that song was about subconscious violent urges, and Freudian psychology, doesn't mean they're in favor of violence.


cell+wallet+keys is pocket stuff

glasses/sunglasses, cigarettes, tablet, gums and shit like that go in manpurse for sticking outside for longer

There's no guns here, but I suppose you don't carry that in your pocket.

They're having their first real red button problem, the real question is will the guys from the party take the redpill, or slide further into cuckdom.

We should place bets.

okay so need to accessorize like a woman and thus the purse. gotcha.

Were they Turks or whites studying in Istanbul?
If they're Turks they're just fucking retarded for not realizing that this would happen in Istanbul and will take the Koranpill before taking the redpill.
If they're whites studying in Istanbul they're retarded for studying in Istanbul and will probably cuck for the Prophet anyway.

I bet you're getting boners when you see buffed men, so you're avoiding faggy colors too, huh.

Radiohead lyrics are usually somewhat ambiguous, but saying that they promote "peace and love" is pretty uninformed. OK Computer, for example, is a pretty violent record when you think about it.

Just a sample of lyrics from that record:

Just because it's somber, doesn't mean it's weak, fam.

Look like turks to me, no idea if they a subspecies or something though. The reddit thread very quickly had (((people))) who were white and "visting" mysteriously posting how for the 3 days they've been in Turkey all Muslims have been nicer than Jesus too them…

Color Revolution soon?

Nah bro, you need good cargo pants. 'sepecially for your pistol.

I agree, spinning plates also speaks of their hate for politicians. 8 simple lines. Pretty strong imagery.

What they need is a bit of SODA War though. Don't care if they are cucks that song is mint.

I think it's great that lefties songs get misinterpreted and used as battle cries.


suck on less fags and you won't need to carry so many ciggy pack and all the gum euro nu-male

Sure thing, manchild.

Clearly this happened because they were evil racists.

don't believe the lie of 'turkish secularism'
i used to live in a neighbourhood full of them and when there would be a football match they would start chimping out in the streets yelling allah,

I was honestly hoping that guy would allah akbar that place and just shoot those fucking fags dead with an AK when he got really mad. We got a bunch more shitskins immigrating here now. Gee thanks.

considering the video is in istanbul. I agree with you. Evil self hating turk are truly a problem.

Yup, sounds like Turkey alright.

I used to live there, the population is made up of a majority traditionalist muslims and a large minority of seculars. On Ramadan most people fast (or at least appear to) and if they catch you blatantly not fasting (eating at midday, alcohol, dancing, kissing, porn) they go ballistic. The fast is something that every person is supposed to choose to do themselves, to train their willpower against temptation. But in Turkey, people act as if everyone has to obey the fast, even if non muslim or non observant. I used to get harassed by people for eating a sandwich or a chocolate bar. I remember relogious-conservative columnists throw hissy fits about liberal politician who drink water during speeches.

Their reasons are usually "you're tempting us and making the fast too hard" (even though the whole point of the fast is to be hard) and "you're a heretic/sinner" (even though otherwise Turks are tolerant of non-Muslims). Ramadan seems to be some kind of "let's force everyone to obey our customs, or else" month to them.

Can't really feel bad for the victims though. These sorts of people in Turkey are usually SJW faggots - see how they meekly accept the abuse instead of fighting back.

Nah secular/liberal Turks usually just slide take progressively more bluepill, they associate Islam with traditional values instead of tolerance. Most think Americans are backwards idiots outside NYC and Ca, and dream of going to Europe where they overdose on the bluepill.

Yes they're not exactly the same as fascists, but they're similar in their violent and authoritarian actions.

Really? I hope someone brings this video to their attention, it'd be hilarious to see them rationalize this bullshit.

This is real Islam. It's not just Jihad and violence. They do not tolerate anything other than Islam.

Haha, take that turkroaches. Islam being based af once again.

Radio head is still around?

As they shouldn't. Tolerance is retarded.

Damn,I was hoping Radiohead got ramadaned.


The only acceptable carrying pouch for a man is a fanny pack. Manpurses are verboten. Learn from legendary Gawker-slaying hero Hulk Hogan.

That's racist. You have to immediately identify them with a negatively viewed movement associated with white men, or you're a disgusting patriarchal right-wing cishet misogynist

Wow this guy means business.

>>>Holla Forums

As much as I hate muslims, I love seeing lefties btfo. When will catholics grow some balls like them?

Radiohead isn't even that degenerate. Yeah, the lead singer is a leftist pussy but their lyrics and music tend to be breddy gud. No glorification of whoring around or doing drugs, for example.


Most of these people are just normal people who like music.

Fuck off back to your shithole country if you want sharia law, Ahmed

They seemed pretty hipster to me, and I'm just a bigot that assumes all hipsters are lefties.

I can see why they were angry.

Most secular people in Turkey are lefties.

I was legit laughing my ass off thinking they were freaking out over the music.

Radiohead isn't music.

I want Christian law, which is basically the same thing. These degenerates would be killed and radiohead would be banned for being secular filth.

No, sorry faggot, we're not going to curtail our behavior for a bunch of shitskin goatfuckers.

Jesus will fight beside the muds in Israel.

Christians and Redpilled whites will be blamed for this


It was probably a little of that, too. Even 'moderates' within Islam abide by and enforce consumption of certain media.

It's called a backpack

What a fag. He even has boobs.

Backpacks are for boy scouts. Fanny pack, dude.


Having a nice tall beer just for ramadan now. Glad to know its so easy and enjoyable to piss all over your shitty mud religion holiday. This one's for you muhammad!

Based kebabs

Music that one can listen to more than once and isn't just religious singing gets them pissed. But sure, the beer was probably a bigger problem.

In any case, if the west insists on importing islamists, it won't take long until islamists join the ranks of the atheist marxists. Their sons will be homos and everyone will become an hedonist drunk having bacon for breakfast.


They are t*rkish SJWs. They hate mudslimes not because of White interests, but because they're commies rebelling against tradition (or what they call tradition back there). They're still anti-White cucks no matter what they experience.

Clarification: they here means the one calling them fascists.


Why not try to make this get big? It was a group of them attacking others, they can't just blame it on a radical, christian, or whatever flavor of the month they are trying to use.

You blatantly have a group of them attacking people for listening to music. They would have a hard time covering this.

go lubricate your dick with bacon and fuck your toaster

*drinking alcohol

Don't they consider music haram as well?

Either or, they attacked these people for minding their own business in the name of Islam. It would be pretty hard to shoot down… actually… scratch that. Liberals will find a way.

Well shit yeah if I saw someone listening to Radiohead I would want to beat the fuck out of them too.

Roaches love their shitty pop music. Alcohol is much higher on their haram scale than music.

Stop Islam

Stop being so base

I want to hate you

You fucking race mixers, I do hate you,…

So stop being more hilarious than Christians and kill niggerspics via Alah Gay BAr

Yeah… you're on Holla Forums now. So take that Papist shit back to your boyfriend in the $5000 holy dress

No we don't find music haram only those with heavy percussion instruments use dance music,arabian pagan ooga booga b.s. and all and all shitty taste pop music
Yes we're /mu/sical fanatics.

Your subversion tactics are failing, Chaim. Gas yourself.

Fuck off

Other way around faggot Leftist delusional loser

No sympathy for the turkshits.

good. radiohead are leftist faggots

Turkey: No surprises as police clash with protesting Radiohead fans

naw, they're faggots

Another band i can add to the list of hatred

radiohead is a pleb magnet.


Daily reminder to remove kebab.

Genocide of turk best day of my life.

This is the type of discourse I'd expect to see from 4pol.

Everybody's a fucking fascist these days.