White bitches getting lucky

ITT: White "men" getting their share of Genetically superior Negro Dick!


Is not like the Inferior ones have any choice, what are they going to do? buy sex dolls with their MINIMUM WAGES?

So much for white """"""""""""""""""""""Privilege"""""""""""""""""""""""""""


Why are you into this? My fetish is just mentally destroying a person, regardless of what form it takes. Denying your basic nature and permanently damaging your body via hormones and/or surgery is pretty high on that list.

Because it is just like Pedophilia but legal, a Bigger, taller and far stronger person abuses a little person and does what he wants with "it" yet this one, is legal.


You do know that there is not a single genetic disease that attacks white's only right?

Sage for a shit and b8 thread

Dunno, extreme sodomitery and cuckoldry generally seem to be more often expressed in whites. How does is feel to be such a disappointment to your ancestors?

Propaganda does amazing things to the mind, user.


Nein. People are all fucking racist. Bunch of dumb white niggers all got collectively cucked and decided they needed some dick in their ass to "atone" for shit that isn't their fault.


remember you can always hide shit bait threads




I'd almost agree with you if blacks didn't create AIDS/HIV.

Can't fault a nigger for plowing a monkey. Dey sexay
