"I'm here for the interview."

"I'm here for the interview."

Your response?

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tits or gtfo

Shame her for being a slut and kick her out of my office.

Alright Leah, great to see you're comitted to this role with that getup.

You're hired!


I interview her. If she's suitable for the job, she gets hired. Where's the issue?


that's the pointiest bitch i've ever seen

What am I interviewing this bitch for? There's celtic crosses and france in the background

She is applying for the position as your new caretaker/handler.


"You can start by sucking my cock and don't forget the sides. Heil Hitler!"

Thats a nice CWU-45/P, are you aircrew or stealing valor?

You are a retard, do you think Ian is claiming to be a German WW1 vet because he wore this helmet?


"I would strongly suggest a wardrobe change on your first day, but other than that, welcome!"

ur hired

14/88 WPWW

You are hired, welcome to the crew

I'd go through with the interview.

However, it's obvious that she'd be pretty thirsty – and she wouldn't hide it. I'd probably give her the job (provided it wasn't too serious) if she gave me a blowwie. Though she looks like the sort who'd take it up the ass and then clean her shit off your cock – and enjoy it. That would work too.

do we ever get to fuck?

Hell no. In this day and age this bitch is a lawsuit eating to happen. Even her facebook account could needlessly implicate me in whatever racist shit she does.

If I'm trying to run a business like a sane person then no. If its some kind of welfare company for poor out of work Holla Forumsacks then yes I would hire her.

On your knees bitch!

What kind of nigger shit is this

Nice band

what interview

why are you on my property


Trips confirm, but just scream anal ass fuck, point your finger to the sky and you will get a comfy home for free.

no nazi trannies, fuck off

You've never owned a business before have you?

Or even graduated highschool?

she could mop the floors and do my ironing, no problem. if she can do something not many others can do in my line of work, that look wouldn't count against her in an office either. by today's standards for loud women, it's fairly mild and to me and most of my colleagues less offensive than a hijab.
also, very much also, a french chic like that with attitude and blue eyes can just sit right down here on my face. s'il te plaît.

You sound like a fucking pussified cuck, man. You’d let some triggered SJW decide how you should run your business? Tell those fuckers to go bitch and moan somewhere else – all PR is good PR, and I highly doubt any of the special snowflake hashtag activists you’d get online, would be bothered to complain for long. Grow some fucking balls.

he does have a point
if the sjws get wind of a business or a person they can ruin for thought-crime, they are really good at ganging up and wiping you out. any business or any personality who triggers the pc activists will only find peace in Guantanamo.
if you have 10 minutes, read this very smart take on the issue.

Cheers for the link.
Imagine the look on these PC people if the boss of this hypothetical company was someone like Gad Saad – he’s practically immune to their spiel, so there would be no way they could attack his business.

Also, Canada is screwed. Abandon ship.

Bend over.
Pull your pants down.
Spread your butt cheeks.
Let me fuck you in the ass.

You've got the job.

Hi, I’m here about the janitor job.

Do you do anal?